Belkin F5D5005 User Manual

Make sure you have the following:
Software CD
System Requirements
PC-compatible desktop computer with one available PCI slot and a CD-ROM drive. Windows® 98SE, 2000, Me, XP
Quick Setup
Gigabit Desktop
Network PCI Card
Ethernet Cable
(not included)
1. Install
Important Note: Install the software before inserting the Card.
1.1 Inse rt the CD i nto your CD -ROM driv e.
1.2 The Bel ki n Setup U tility screen will
automat ic ally appe ar.
1.3 In the “Menu ” window, d ra g your mo use
over th e “Install” button, th en click on the words “Click h ere” lo ca ted to th e right sid e of the “I nstall” b utton to st art the s of tware install at ion pro gram.
Click here
The ins ta ller will now start.
After t he installa tion is com plete, cl ic k
“Yes” t o shut down your compu ter.
2. Connect
Insert the Card into the Computer
Remove th e screw s behind your comput er case th at secure the comp uter cover and rem ov e cover.
and dis co nnect you r power cord before openi ng up your c omputer.
Touch a ny metal pa rt of the c ase to
Locate an e mpty PCI expansion s lot. It i s
Be sure to po we r off y our compu ter
discharge st at ic electr icity, w hich coul d damage yo ur prod uct or yo ur computer.
usually w hite in c olor.
Remove the metal port cover from
the back of th e co mp uter that corre sponds to the PC I sl ot you selecte d. If there is a screw, p la ce it in a safe place , as you will be using it to at tach t he C ard to t he compute r late r.
Push the Card firm ly i nto the
PCI slot that you have chosen . Apply pre ssure as need ed unt il the connect or i s fu ll y se ated.
Now secure the Card wi th
the screw that you prev iously placed in a sa fe p la ce.
Replace the compute r’s cover. Now
that the Card is installe d, you can rec on nect t he p ower c ord, and turn it back on.
Make sure you have the following 1
If the Setup Utility screen does not appear within 20 seconds, open up your CD-ROM drive by double-clicking on the “My Computer” icon. Then, double-click on the folder named “Files”. Next, double-click on the icon named “Setup.exe”.
Confirm that the Card will fit into the slot
you have chosen.
Connect 4Install 3Install 2
Connect 5
Gigabit Desktop
Gigabit Ethernet
Gigabit Desktop
3. Con gure
Let Windows Finish the Installation
3.1 Af ter po wering on your c omputer, you
3.2 De pending on t he v ersion of Wi ndows you
Specific screens differ depending upon which version of the Windows OS you are using.
will see a “ Fo und Ne w Ha rdware Wi zard” scree n. S el ect “Install the software automat ic ally (Recommend ed)” a nd click “Next”.
are using , you migh t also see a scree n similar to this one. This DOES NOT mean there is a proble m as the drivers hav e been fully tested and are compa tible with this Windows oper at ing sy stem. Select “Contin ue Any way” a nd f ol low the on-screen i nstructio ns.
Continue Anyway
Con gure
Network PCI Card
3.3 Wi ndows will a sk y ou w he re the d rivers
are locat ed . Ma ke n o chan ge s an d cl ic k “Next” until you see the screen tha t asks you to c lick “ Finish” to complete the installat ion.
Now that the n etwork card is instal le d, y ou need to plug o ne e nd of your Ether net cabl e into the RJ45 port o f yo ur n et work c ard. The other end of t he E th er net ca rd should be plugged into a rout er, switch , or any other availab le net working outlet.
Installation is now complete!
Specific screens differ depending upon which version of the Windows OS you are using.
Con gure
Need help? For further information regarding the installation of this product, visit: or call our free technical support. Technical support contact
Start Here
information can be found on the back page of this Quick Installation Guide.
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310.898.1100 ext. 2263 Europe: 00 800 223 55 460 Australia: 1800 666 040
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P7452 0
Network PCI Card