Setting Up Security on a Local HomePlug Device .............. 10
Setting Up Security on a Network HomePlug Device .......... 11
4. Information .......................................................................
Thank you fo r pu rc hasing the Powerline Tu rb o Ethernet Adapter (t he
Adapter). Mo st p eo ple don’t enjoy buyin g lo ng and expensive Ethe rn et
cables or pull in g th e cables from one pla ce t o an other, but the Adapte r
offers one o f th e easiest ways to enjoy h om e or small-business
networking. Us er s can now experience a to ta l network solution wi th
the Adapter. T he P owerline Turbo Ethern et A da pter operates on th e
to 85Mbps* b an dw id th over home AC wirin g. S in ce the home power
lines are th e mo st pervasive medium in ho us eh olds with multiple
outlets in e ve ry r oom, the Adapter allo ws m ul tiple home desktop an d
notebook com pu te rs to be networked to s ha re a n Internet connecti on ,
printers, an d fi le s, and play games wit ho ut a ny additional wirin g.
The installa ti on o f the Adapter only re qu ir es that a 10/100Mbps
network adap te r is installed on the com pu te rs . This makes the
Powerline Tu rb o Et hernet Adapter compat ib le w ith any device,
including Ma c, W in dows, and UNIX machin es .
For security , al l HomePlug devices are eq ui pp ed with 56-bit DES
encryption. Th e pr ivate home power grid p lu s encryption makes
HomePlug sig ni fi ca ntly more secure than c om pe ting technologies.
The Powerlin e Tu rb o Ethernet Adapter pr ov id es the best solution fo r
no-new-wires h om e networking. With easy p lu g- and-play installati on ,
and the reli ab il it y of HomePlug Etherne t’ s pr oducts, the Powerli ne
Turbo Ethern et A da pter is the best solu ti on f or high-speed netwo rk in g.
Powerline S pe ci fi cation 1.0 Turbo stan da rd , providing up
sect ion
• Up to 85 Mb ps * ban dw id th over standard home power li nes
• Estimated range of 30 0m in wall power li ne s
• HomePlug signal easily passes th ro ugh c ir cu it brea ke r
• 56-bit DES e nc ryption e nsures da ta secu ri ty
• Encryption completed by hardware, without s ac rifice to bandwi dt h
Operating Te mp er at ure: 32–104 degrees F ( 0– 40 degrees C)
Storage Temp er at ur e: -4–176 degrees F ( -2 0– 80 degrees C)
Humidity: Ma x. 5 %– 90% (non-condensing)
Typical Oper at in g Range: Up to 300m in wa ll p ower lines
* The standard tr an sm is sion rate—85Mbps—is t he p hysical data rate.
Actual data th ro ug hput will be lower.
Powerline Link LED
On Another Home Pl ug® unit detect ed
Blinking Powerline network act iv it y
Ethernet Link LED
On Connected to E th er net
Blinking Ethernet network acti vi ty
sect ion
System Requirements
• At least 2 H om eP lu g devices
• Available Et he rn et port on each compute r or n etwork
• Available po we r ou tlet
• Standard hom e po we rline wiring
• CD-ROM drive
Package Contents
• Two Powerlin e Tu rb o Ethernet Adapters
• HomePlug Qui ck I ns tallation Guide
• HomePlug Use r Ma nu al (on CD)
• Installation C D
• Limited Warr an ty C ard
• Two Power Ca bl es
• Two CAT5/RJ4 5 Et he rnet Cables
• Two Wall Plu g Ad ap ters
Installing and Setting Up the Adapters
Installation o f th e Powerline Turbo Eth er ne t Adapter takes only mi nu te s
and does not r eq ui re setting up long wi re s th roughout the house. S im pl y
install the in cl ud ed software CD and af te r in stallation, physica ll y pl ug
the unit int o th e computer and the wall o ut le t. Users have the o pt io n to
adjust secur it y fu nctions and the netwo rk p la tform once installa ti on i s
Running the InstallShield Wizard
1. Ins er t th e CD into your CD-ROM d ri ve and wait for the s et up s creen
to appear. I f th e CD-ROM does not autom at ic al ly run the CD, clic k
on “Start” i n th e bottom left corner of y ou r screen (for most Mi cr os of t
Windows oper at in g systems) and go to “R un ”. T ype in: “(CD Drive
Letter):\eth \s et up .exe” and click “OK”.
2. Once the software loads, the following dialog box will appear:
Installing and Setting Up the Adapters
3. Click “Next” to continue the installation:
4. Please enter the user name and organization information. The “Install this
application for” option is applicable to circumstances in which multiple
logins are applied. For example, if you only want to allow yourself access to
that particular account, then select “Only for me”. If you don’t have multiple
accounts or you want to allow all users to access the utility, choose “Anyone
who uses this computer (all users)”. Then, click “Next” to continue.
sect ion
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