4. VOI P Sta tus L ED
Whe n you r ADSL c onnectio n is being us ed to ma ke VoIP c alls
from o ne of the han dsets co nnect ed this light wi ll be on to a ssist
you in k nowing w hat kind of t raffic your network work ing unde r.
On - VoIP ac tivit y
Off - No VoIP a ctivi ty
5. LAN Statu s L ED 1- 4
Whe n a c omputer is properly conn ected to the LAN port on the rea r
of the m odem, th e associ ated LED will light. A sol id light means
a c omput er or a network- enabl ed devic e is con necte d. When
inf ormat ion is b eing sen t ove r the po rt, the LED b links ra pidly.
Off - Your compu ter is n ot co nnected
On - Bli nking co nnected and t ransmitt ing or rece iving data
On - Your com puter is conn ected
6. WLA N Sta tus L ED
The WLAN status LED show s you when a computer is c onnected
wirele ssly to the V OIP Rout er is connect ed. When the LED is
OFF, t he VOIP Route r is NOT connect ed to any com puter. When
the LED is solid light, the V OIP Rout er is co nnect ed to a wireless
com puter. When the LED is blink ing, the VOIP Router is
neg otiat ing with a wireless comp uter.
On - Wirele ss conne ction
On - Fla shing, a wireless c onnec tion has been ma de an d data i s
tr ansmi tting/recei ving
Off - No wi rel ess conn ection
The ADSL Online LED show s you when th e Modem is co nnected
to the I ntern et. When the LED is O FF, the Mod em is NO T
con necte d to the Internet. When th e LED is soli d light, the
Mod em is connect ed to th e Int ernet . When t he LE D is bli nking,
the Mode m is tra nsmittin g or rec eiving d ata from th e Int ernet .
Off - Not c onnected to Inte rn et
On - Bli nking co nnected and t ransmitt ing or rece iving data
On - Con nected t o Internet
The Mode m is des igned to be p laced on a deskt op. A ll of th e cables
exi t from t he rear of the Mode m for better org anizatio n and ut ility. The
LED indi cators a re easily v isibl e on the front of t he Mo dem to p rov ide
you with informa tion abo ut ne twork ac tivity a nd st atus.
Fro nt Pa nel
Broadband Voice Modem/Router - 1 Port Part # F1PI210ENau
Broadband Voice Modem/Router - 4 Port Part # F1PI241ENau
Broadband Voice Modem with Wireless Router - 4 port Part # F1PI241EGau
1. PSTN F ailov er St atus LE D
The P STN Failov er Status LED is desig ned to let you k now when
the s ystem succ essfu lly d etect s that an addi tional bac k up ph one
lin e is install ed and runni ng correctly. This li ne is then use d
to route your p hone calls i n times when y our ADSL ser vice is
inc apabl e of ma king calls .
On - PST N Line i s in use
Off - PSTN Line not in use
2-3 . Ph one S tat us LE D 1-2
Whe never you mak e a phon e cal l on one of the hands ets atta ched
to the VoIP rou ter t he light s will i nform you of the current stat us of
tha t pho ne call.
On - VoIP ac tivit y, i.e. phon e is in use
On - Fla shing, i ncoming call, i.e. ph one is r ingin g
Off - No VoIP a ctivi ty