5. Secure Connections, VPNs, and AOL
Secure connections t ypically require a user name and passwo rd, and
are used where security is important. Secure connections include:
• Virtual Pr ivate Network (VPN) c on nections, often
used to connect remotely to an office network
• The “B ring Your Ow n Access ” prog ra m from America
Online (AO L), which lets you use AOL through broadband
provided by another cable or DSL service
• Most online banking websites
• Many commercial web site s that require a us er
name and password to access your account
Secure connections can be inter rupted by a c om pute r’s power
management setting, which causes it to “go to sl eep.” The simplest
solution to avoid this is to simply reconnect by re-running the
VPN or AOL software, or by re-logging into the secure website.
A sec ond al tern at ive is to c ha nge your computer’s power
management settings so it does not go to s le ep; however,
this may not be ap pr op riate for port able c ompute rs. To
change your power management setting in Windows,
see the “Power Options” item in the Control Panel.
If you continue to h ave d ifficul ty with Se cure C on nections,
VPNs, and AOL, please review steps 1– 4 in the prev ious
pages to be sure you have addressed these issues.
These guidelines should allow you to cover the maximum possible
are a with your wireles s router. Sh ou ld you need to cover an even wider
area, we suggest the Belkin Wireless Range Extender/Access Point.
For more information regarding o ur net wo rking products,
visit our website at www.belkin.com/networking
or call Belkin Technical Support.