Belkin 5000HQ User Manual

User Manual
8820-00058 F1DP101C
*OmniV iew is a registere d trademark of Be lkin Inte rnatio nal, Inc.
Table of Con tents
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1.1 Key features ............................................1
1.2 System components .....................................2
1.3 Terminology ............................................2
1.4 System diagram.........................................2
2 Pre-Installation Guidelines................................3
2.1 Access Se rvices details ..................................4
2.1.1 Adding user-defined Access Services ......................4
3 Underst anding the System – An Overview ..................5
3.1 Creating users ..........................................5
3.2 Forming users into groups ................................6
3.3 Creating targets.........................................6
3.4 Forming targets into sets .................................7
3.5 Associating a user group with a target set ...................7
3.6 Access Services ........................................8
4 Set ting Up the System ..................................10
4.1 Connecting the OmniView IP 500 0HQ Manager ..............11
4.2 OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager’s default IP addres s ..........11
4.2.1 Changing the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager
network parameters........................................11
5 Displaying the OmniView IP 5 000HQ Web Interface .........12
5.1 Menu section ..........................................13
6 Creating Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
6.1 General tab ...........................................15
6.2 User Group tab ........................................16
6.2.1 Removing users from a group ...........................16
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6.3 Access Permissions tab .................................17
6.4 Saving a use r..........................................18
6.4.1 Deleting a user .......................................18
6.5 Creating a user group ...................................19
6.5.1 Access Permissions tab................................20
6.5.2 Allowed Services tab ..................................20
6.5.3 Saving the new group .................................21
6.5.4 Deleting a user group..................................21
7 Configuring Targets .....................................22
7.1 Access Services tab ....................................23
7.1.1 Default Access Service .................................23
7.1.2 Belkin OmniView K VM Switch ...........................24
7.2 PDU tab ..............................................26
7.3 Target Sets tab ........................................28
7.4 Access Permissions tab .................................28
7.5 Saving the target .......................................29
7.6 Deleting targets ........................................29
7.7 Creating a target set ....................................29
7.7.1 Access Permissions tab ................................30
7.7.2 Saving the target set...................................30
7.7.3 Deleting a target set ...................................31
8 Management ...........................................32
8.1 Devices...............................................32
8.2 Other Devices .........................................33
8.2.1 Other Devices – PDU ..................................33
8.2.2 O ther Devices – Console Ser ver .........................35
8.3 Set ting each OmniView K VM-over-IP Switch to be OmniView IP
5000HQ-enabled ..........................................36
8.4 Configuring the K VM IP devices in the OmniView IP 5000HQ ...37
8.4.1 The Advanced button ..................................37
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8.4.2 Performance .........................................38
8.4.3 Mouse ..............................................38
8.5 KVM Ports tab .........................................39
8.6 Targets ...............................................40
8.7 Network Tab ..........................................40
8.8 Saving the K VM-over-IP device configuration changes ........41
8.9 Deleting K VM-over-IP devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
8.10 Device discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
9 Set tings – Applications ..................................42
9.1 Access Services .......................................42
9.1.1 Belkin OmniView IP KVM ...............................43
9.2 Account policy.........................................44
9.2.1 Password policy ......................................45
9.2.2 External authentication (LDAP) ..........................46
9.3 Global settings ........................................49
9.3.1 OmniView IP 500 0HQ session idle time-out................50
10 Set tings – At tach ed Devices ............................51
10.1 PDU ................................................51
10.1.1 Uploading a new PDU model ...........................51
10.2 KVM switche s ........................................52
10.2.1 Uploading a new KVM switch ..........................53
10.3 Console ser ver .......................................53
10.3.1 Uploading a new serial console model ...................54
11 Configuring Access Servi ces – Introduction ...............55
11.1 Access Services default values...........................55
11.1.1 General note about application paths ....................55
11.1.2 Belkin Serial Console Server ...........................56
11.1.3 Web ...............................................57
11.1.4 ILO ................................................57
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11.1.5 RD P ...............................................59
11.1.6 SSH ...............................................60
11.1.7 V NC ...............................................61
11.1.8 Telnet ..............................................63
11.1.9 VMware Server ......................................64
11.1.10 New Access Ser vices ................................65
12 Configuring Access Services for Individual Targets ........67
12.1 Default Access Service .................................67
12.1.1 Single Port Console Server ............................68
12.1.2 Web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
12 .1.3 I LO ................................................69
12 .1.4 RD P ...............................................71
12 .1.5 S SH ...............................................72
12 .1.6 VN C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
12.1.7 Telnet ..............................................75
12.1.8 VMware Server ......................................76
13 Accessing Targets – Adminis trator.......................77
13.1 Access page columns ..................................77
13.1.1 Power management column............................77
13.1.2 Name column .......................................77
13.1.3 Status column .......................................78
13.1.4 More Access Services column..........................78
13.2 Accessing a target via K VM-over-IP remote session .........78
13.2.1 Taking over a busy remote session ......................79
13.2.2 The toolbar .........................................79
13.2.3 Switching to a different server..........................79
13.3 Acces sing a target through other Access Services ..........79
13.4 Exiting the OmniView IP 500 0HQ system ..................80
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14 Acces sing the S yste m as a User .........................81
14.1 Power column ........................................81
14.2 Status column ........................................80
14.3 Connecting to a target .................................82
14.3.1 Connecting to a KVM-over-IP device target ...............82
14.3.2 Connecting to a non-KVM -over-IP device target ...........82
14.3.3 Changing the password ...............................83
15 Accessing an K VM over IP Device Directly ................84
16 Maintena nce of the System .............................85
16.1 Backup & Restore .....................................85
16.1.1 The backup elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
16.1.2 Restoring database backup ............................86
16.2 Restore Set tings ......................................87
16.2.1 Restoring OmniView IP 50 00HQ to factory default settings . .87
16.2.2 Resetting OmniView IP 5000HQ configuration.............87
16.3 Firmware upgrade .....................................88
16.3.1 Upgrading the the KVM-over-IP device firmware ...........88
16.4 Replication ...........................................89
16.4.1 Connecting the secondar y unit to the network.............89
16.4.2 Configuring the se condary unit .........................89
16.4.3 Configuring the primary unit ...........................90
16.4.4 Promoting a secondary unit to a standalone unit...........90
16.4.5 Reconfiguring the primar y and secondary units ...........90
16.4.6 Primary unit and secondary unit troubleshooting ..........92
16.4.7 Checking the secondary unit...........................92
16.4.8 Redoing the secondary and primary unit configuration......92
16.5 Event log ............................................93
16.5.1 Drop-down search menus .............................94
16.5.2 Access, System, or Configuration tabs ..................94
16.5.3 Advanced button ....................................94
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17 Unit Maintenance ......................................95
17.1 Date & T ime tab .......................................95
17.2 Network tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
17.3 Power Control tab .....................................96
18 About ................................................97
19 General Troubleshoot ing ...............................98
20 Technical Specific atio ns ..............................100
20.1 WEEE compliance ....................................101
21 Information ..........................................102
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About this User Manual
This User Manual provides installation and operation instructions for the OmniView IP 500 0 HQ system produced by Belkin International, Inc. It is intended for system administrators and network managers, and assumes that readers have general understanding of networks, LDAP, hardware, and software.
All information in this User Manual is subject to change without prior notice.
OmniView IP 50 00HQ is a robust central management appliance that provides reliable and secure management of IP devices.
OmniView IP 50 00HQ integrates with Belkin IP devices and serial console server devices to facilitate an intuitively manageable, centralized out-of-band access por tal—designed to maintain all IT assets. OmniView IP 5000HQ centralizes all user account information relevant for IP device administration without interfering in the standalone survivabilit y of each device.
OmniView IP 50 00HQ is Web-based, and is managed using XML over HTTPS, which allows for secure, yet highly adaptable, administration.
Designed to work across LAN or WAN, OmniView IP 5000HQ monitors and auto-configures KVM IP devices, whether residing on the local enterprise network or in re mote branches.
OmniView IP 50 00HQ delivers the most advanced solution for enterprise IT management and remote control. It supports multiple servers in different locations in an environment that is completely configurable by the net work administrator.
1.1 Key features
IT Managem ent - OmniView IP 50 00HQ centralizes the management
of all devices, authentication, and global operation from a web browser. The local administrator can monitor, control, and manage the various devices, user accounts, and authorization from one web interface.
Autom atic Discovery - Belkin IP devices are discovered automatically by the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager.
Acces s Ser vices - Connect to a variety of both hardware and software external resources such as: ILO, RDP, SSH, VNC, and web pages, etc., from the OmniView IP 5000HQ inter face.
Security - OmniView IP 5000HQ provides an extra security layer in addition to the existing authentication and encryption policy—ensuring that only authorized users can access server s.
Availability - Maximizes uptime by centralizing management and allowing immediate and effec tive maintenance.
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1.2 System components
The OmniView IP 5000HQ system comes with the following:
• OmniView IP 50 00HQ Manager appliance
• IEC 10A–125V Power Cord
• Rack-Mounting Kit
1.3 Terminology
Below are some terms and their meanings used in this manual.
Term Meaning
Compute rs/ser vers and other devices, e.g.,
printers, firewalls, PDUs, etc., that are accessed remotely via the OmniView IP 5000HQ
Client computer
The PC running a remote OmniView IP 5000HQ session
The process of accessing and controlling
Remote session
targets connected to a KVM-over-IP device from a client computer
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1.4 System diagram
The diagram below gives a brief outline of the OmniView IP 5000HQ system setup. The “Unde rstanding the System” section on page 5 explains the system setup in more detail.
Figure 1
System diagram
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Prepare a list of all OmniView IP 5000HQ system components. You will need this information to configure the system.
Appendix A (a separate file on this CD) contains three lists of the details you need to prepare for Belkin OmniView K VM-over-IP devices, power distribution units (PDUs), and Serial Console Servers. Photocopy or print out Appendix A. For other Access Services, see the “Access Services details” section on the next page.
The lists should include the IP device name and MAC address, KVM switch, and the target details.
For each target, list:
• A unique and clearly identifiable name
• The operating system
• Non-default mouse settings. Default mouse settings do not ne ed to
be listed.
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Note! For Windows
XP, 2003 Server, Vista®, and 20 08 Ser ver
For Windows XP, 2003 Server, Vista, and 2008 Server, deactivate “Enhanced pointer precision”. To do so:
From the “Control Panel” select “Printers and Other Hardware”. Click the “Mouse” icon. The “Mouse Proper ties” box appears. See Figure 2. Select the “Pointer Options” tab.
Figure 2 Pointer tab
The “Motion” section slider bar must be in the center, and the “Enhanced pointer precision” check box must be unchecked. Click “OK” to save changes.
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2.1 Access Services details
Besides the Belkin OmniView KVM-over-IP devices mentioned above, you can connect to targets via the following Access Ser vices through OmniView IP 50 00HQ:
• Belkin Serial Console Ser ver
• Web
• ILO
• RDP
• SSH
• VNC
• Tel net
• VMware Server
These services are elaborated on in the “Access Services” section.
All service applications must be installed on the local (client) computers.
See the “Configuring Access Services” section on page 55, which sets out the details required for each of the above Access Services.
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2.1.1 Adding user-defined Access Services
You can also add your own Access Services, explained on page 65.
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The figure below shows a typical OmniView IP 5000HQ application. 3.1 Creating users
An administrator can create users with two different possible permission types:
• Administrator
• User
A user can be a full user or just view only. These permission types are explained fully in the “Account policy” section. In the example below, four users are created with various permission types.
Figure 3 OmniView IP 50 00HQ typica l application
The system works as follows:
Data centers in locations throughout the world are connected to Belkin IP devices and to other third-part y Access Services. The Belkin IP
Once an administrator creates targets or sets of targets (explained below) in the system, users can be assigned access to individual targets
or sets of targets. devices are HQ-enabled, allowing the OmniView IP 5000HQ to access/ control the targets connected to all IP devices via IP.
Users access the OmniView IP 500 0HQ web inter face and, depending on their level of access permissions, can access and control the targets.
Figure 4 Users with di fferent permissions
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3.2 Forming users into groups
You can form user s into groups. In the example below, three users are formed into the Finance group. Note! Groups can contain users with different levels of user permissions.
Figure 5 Forming user s into gro ups
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3.3 Creating targets
An administrator creates targets corresponding to the physical servers
connected to the IP devices, explained in the “Configuring Targets”
section, and also to targets corresponding to printers, firewalls, PDUs,
etc., accessed via Access Services (see page 8). In the example below,
four ta rgets are created and given identif ying names. They can be
named by location, server t ype, or operating system, or any other unique
feature associated with that particular server.
Figure 6 Created targe ts
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3.4 Forming targets into sets
Targets can be formed into sets. For example, you can create a set of all financial servers. In the example below, three targets are formed into target set – Finance.
Figure 7 Forming targe ts into sets
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3.5 Associating a user group with a target set
You can then associate the user group with the target set, thus giving
access rights to all the targets in the set to all members of the group.
Figure 8 User group - t arget se t association
In the example above, the Finance group is associated with the target
set – Finance.
This means that:
• The Finance group has access rights to target set – Finance.
• Any user added to the Finance group will automatically have
access rights to target set – Finance.
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Note! Although users are members of the same group, they can have
different access permissions to targets. For example, some could be users allowing them to control the targets, and some could be view only, letting them see the ser ver screens, but without being able to take control. Also, users can be members of many different groups. In the example below, Sam belongs to the Finance group and also to the Marketing group.
Figure 9 Same user in d ifferent gro ups
The Marketing group could be associated with targets or target sets that the Finance group is not. Sam, being a member of both groups, has access to targets to which both groups are as sociated. Phil only has access to targets associated with the Marketing group. Dave and Jon only have access to targets associated with the Finance group.
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3.6 Access Services
The Access Services feature supports a wide range of remote access
technologies. This enables the assignment of multiple services to a
single target, so you have the option of in-band or out-of-band access
to the same device.
KVM over IP is a hardware method of accessing and controlling a target.
The other Access Services encompass gaining remote access and
control of a target through the Internet or LAN network via Belkin Serial
Console Server or third-party software. Both hardware and soft ware
methods of access are managed by OmniView IP 5000HQ.
OmniView IP 50 00HQ also enables you to ef fortlessly integrate any new
remote access technology into the remote access portal.
Besides the Belkin K VM-over-IP devices, you can connect to targets via
the following Access Services through OmniView IP 500 0HQ:
• Belkin Serial Console Ser ver is a 16-por t RS232 device serve r.
• Web browser-based web service
• ILO - HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO). HP ILO gives seamless
access to HP servers.
• RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol. RDP is a multi-channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services.
• SSH - Secure Shell. SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two computers. An SSH client program is typically used for establishing connections to an SSH daemon.
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• VNC - V irtual Network Computing. VNC is a graphical desktop sharing system that uses the RFB protocol. VNC is platform­independent—a VNC viewer on any operating system usually connects to a VNC server on any other ope rating system. There are clients and servers for almost all GUI operating systems.
• Telnet - TELecommunication NETwork. Telnet is a network protocol used on the Internet or L AN connections.
• VMware Server - VMware Ser ver is a free virtualization product for Windows and Linux It enables companies to par tition a physical server into multiple
ser vers with enterprise-class support.
virtual machines and to start experiencing the benefits of virtualization. VMware Ser ver give s seamless access to virtual machines.
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Set up the Belkin KVM-over-IP systems according to their user manuals’ instructions. In order to be managed by OmniView IP 5000HQ, all Belkin KVM- over-IP devices must be configured to be OmniView IP HQ-enabled. This is done from the “Network Configuration” page of each K VM-over-IP device.
Figure 10 E nabling HQ for Om niView I P 5XX XG series
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Also in the OmniView IP HQ section in Figure 10, specify how the OmniView IP 50 00HQ server detects the IP device. This can be done either by:
Manager Au to Discover y – When checked, OmniView IP 5000HQ automatically detects the IP device if it resides on the same network segment.
Manager IP – If the IP device resides on a different segment, type the static IP address of the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager. (We advise typing the static IP addres s of the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager even if the IP device resides on the same network segment as the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager.)
Install third-part y Access Service s according to their own installation and configuration instructions. See the “Configuring Access Services” section on page 55 for details required for the integration of the Access Services into the OmniView IP 500 0HQ system.
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4.1 Connecting the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager
1. Connect the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager to the network as follows:
On the rear panel, connect an Ethernet cable to LAN 1. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the network switch.
2. Connect the OmniView IP 50 00HQ Manager to a power supply outlet.
4.2 OmniView IP 5000 HQ Manager’s default IP address
Each OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager unit comes with the following default values:
IP address -
Subnet mask -
G ate wa y - 19 2.16 8. 2.1
If these values are not suitable for your network, follow the steps in the section below to display the OmniView IP 5000HQ interface. You can then change the IP address of the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager in the “Network” tab under “Settings/Unit Maintenance”; see the “Network tab” section on page 95.
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4.2.1 Changing the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager network parameters
1. Open your web browser (Internet Explorer
version 6.0 or higher).
2. Type in the IP address of the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager (default IP address and press “Enter”. (Change your computer network settings, if necessary.) The login page appears.
3. Type the login name “admin” and password “SMBremote”.
4. Navigate to the “Network” tab under “Settings/Unit Maintenance” and change the net work parameters to suit your network configuration.
5. Press “Save” and restart the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager.
6. Wait for the system to restart and log in with the new IP address.
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To display the web interface:
1. Open your web browser (Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher).
Windows Vista Note! To log in to the web configuration interface with Windows Vista, run Internet Explorer as Administrator. To do this, right-click the Internet Explorer icon and select “Run as administrator”. See figure below.
Figure 11 Run ning IE in Vist a
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2. Type in the IP address of the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager (default IP address and press “Enter”.
Note! The IP address must begin with https:// and not http://. The login page appears. Bookmark it for easy reference.
3. Type the login name and password. Default user name is “admin” and password is “SMBremote”.
4. Press “Enter”. The web interface appears; see Figure 12.
Figure 12 D evices page
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Note! On the first connection, the OmniView IP 5000HQ GUI prompts you
to install the OmniView IP 5000HQ client software; see Figure 13. Click “Install”.
Figure 13 A ctiveX co ntrol ins tallation
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5.1 Menu section
The menu section is on the left; see that Figure 12 is sub-divided into three sections:
Management, which includes the configuration pages for IP devices, targets, and users /groups.
Access, which contains acces s pages to all allowed targets and target groups.
Settings, which contains t wo configuration sections: Application and Maintenance.
This guide explains the menu sections from the point of view of first setting up the system and then operating it.
The guide explains in the following order how to:
• CreateUsers
• ConfigureTargets
• ConfigureDevices
• ConfigureSettings
• ConfigureAccessServices
• AccesstheSystem
• ConfigureAdvancedSettings
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There are two possible methods of inputting users into the system. When using local authentication (see page 44), users and groups are created in the OmniView IP 5000HQ GUI. When using an LDAP authentication server (see page 46), users and groups are imported from a Windows Active Directory. With both authentication methods, an administrator can grant users different access permissions as follows:
Administrator – An administrator can view, modify, manage, and control all OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager configuration settings, including creating new users.
User – A user cannot access or change any of the OmniView IP 5000HQ Manager configuration settings. When a user logs in, only the targets to which the user has permission to access appear.
View Only – This user can only view permitted target screens without keyboard and mouse control. A “view only” indicator appears on the viewer’s local mouse pointer. View only has no effec t on Access Services.
With local authentication, once you have created users you can form them into groups. This makes management changes easier by, for example, adding or deleting permitted targets per group rather than per individual user. Creating groups is explained in the “Creating a user group” section on page 19.
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In LDAP mode, go to the “General tab” section below.
To create a new user (in local authentication mode):
1. From the “Management” menu, select “Users”. The “Users” page appears showing the default administrator (admin) at the top of the list; see Figure 14.
Figure 14 Us ers page
The columns show the following:
• Name – User’s login name. You can search for a user by typing the login name in the “Search a user” field and clicking . You can sort the names in alphabetical order A –Z or Z–A by clicking the top of the “Name” column.
• Member of – Groups in which the user is a member.
• Permission Level – Administrator or user. You can sort the users
in permission-level order—administrators then users, or users then administrators—by clicking the top of the “Permission Level” column.
• Description – Optional description.
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2. Click . The following appears.
Figure 15 C reating a New Use r – Gene ral Tab
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6.1 General tab
Fill in the following details:
User Name – Type a login name. A user name cannot be identical to any other existing User name. It can contain uppercase or lowercase characters except for the following:
: ; ? & < > ”
A user name cannot include spaces.
Full Name – Type the user’s real name
Password/Retype Password – Type a password.
E-mail address/Phone Number/Description – These are optional fields.
Block Account – To prevent a user from entering the system, select
the “Block Account” check box. To re-enable the account, deselect the check box.
Permission – Select the account type as outlined above on page 14.
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6.2 User Group tab
Once you have created users, you can put them into existing groups. This gives users the access rights of that user group. The “Creating a user group” section on page 19 explains how to create a user group.
To add a user to an existing user group or groups:
1. Press the “Users Group” tab; Figure 16 appears. All existing groups
appear in the “All User Groups” list.
Figure 16 N ew User Group t ab
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2. Select the groups of which the new user will be a member. The groups appear in the “Member of” list.
6.2.1 Removing users from a group
To remove use rs from a group:
In the “All User Groups” section, deselect the group’s check box. The group is removed from the “Member of ” list.
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6.3 Access Permissions tab
You can choose which targets and target sets the user has permission to access.
• Ausercanhaveaccesstoatargetasanindividualuserorasa
group member.
• Auserorgroupofuserscanbeassociatedwithseveraltargetsets.
• WhenauserlogsintotheOmniViewIP5000HQwebinterface,
he sees only targets and target sets to which he has been associated. See the “Accessing the System as a User” section on page 81.
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To choose which targets/target sets the user will have access to:
1. Press the “Access Permissions” tab. The following appears.
Figure 17 Ne w User Ac cess Permiss ions tab
The “All Targets” and “All Target Sets” lists show the targets and all target sets in the system.
2. Select the check boxes of the desired targets/target sets. They appear in the “Targets and Target Sets:” list.
To disassociate a user/group from a target:
Deselect the targets/target sets check box from the relevant list.
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6.4 Saving a user
Click . The user’s details are now in the system.
Repeat this process to add more users. When finished, click . All users appear on the “Users” page. The number of users appears in brackets after “Users” in the menu; see Figure 18. User groups appear as a sub-folder in the menu. Creating user groups is explained below.
Figure 18 L ist of users i n the system
By clicking a user name, an administrator can access the “General”, “User Group”, and “Access Permissions” tabs of this user and change any of the parameters.
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6.4.1 Deleting a user
Deleting a user instantly removes the user’s authorization from the OmniView IP 50 00HQ system and all IP devices.
To delete a user:
1. On the “Users” page select the check boxes of the users to be deleted.
2. Select or deselect all check boxes with one click.
Figure 19 D eleting a user
Click . The user’s details are now in the system.
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6.5 Creating a user group
Once you have created users, you can form them into groups. You then give the same access permissions to the entire group without having to go through the process for each individual user.
To create a user group:
1. From the menu, click “Users” or “User Groups”. On either of these pages,
click . The “New User Group” page appears; see Figure 20.
Figure 2 0 Creatin g a New User Gr oup – Mem bers tab
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2. Name: Type a unique name for the group. You can add a description.
3. Select the check boxes of the users to be part of the group. They appear in the “Group member s” list.
You can access the “User Properties” page by clicking a user name in the “Group members” list.
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6.5.1 Access Permissions tab
Click the “Access Permissions” tab; Figure 20 appears.
Figure 21 Creating New Us ers – Access Permissions t ab
From the “All Targets” and “All Target Sets” lists, select the check boxes of those to which the new user group will have permission to access. When selected, the target/set appears in the “Targets and Target Sets” list.
To remove targets/sets, deselect the che ck boxes.
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6.5.2 Allowed Services tab
Click the “Allowed Services” tab. The following appears.
Figure 2 2 Creati ng a New U ser Grou p – Allowed Ser vices tab
Here you can assign Access Services to group member s. If a group member has permission to access a target, but there are no assigned Access Services for the group, then the group member will not be able to access the target.
Select the check boxes of all Access Services allowed to this group.
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6.5.3 Saving the new group
Click . The group’s details are now in the system.
Repeat this process to add more groups. When finished, click . All groups appear on the “User Groups” page; see Figure 23.
Tip! The allowed services appear as icons. To see which ser vice the icon represents, hold the mouse over the icon and a tool tip appears with the name of the service.
You can create different access profiles. You can give permission to targets and define different access rights through the “Allowed Services”.
Figure 2 3 User G roups pag e
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6.5.4 Deleting a user group
To delete a group:
1. On the “Users Group” page, select the check boxes of the groups to be deleted.
Figure 24 Deleting a user group
2. Press . The groups are removed.
Note: Deleting a group will not delete the individual user s.
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You must input the details of all the targets physically connected to the system’s IP devices/KVM switches. This includes giving each target a unique name and other relevant details.
As mentioned in the pre-installation guidelines, Appendix A (separate file on this CD) contains three lists of all the details you need to prepare ( you may not need all three).
To configure a target:
1. From the “Management” menu, select “Targets”. The “Targets”
page appears; see Figure 25.
Figure 25 List of existin g targets in th e system
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The columns display the following information:
• Name – Name of target. You can search for a target by typing the target name in the “Find a Target” field and clicking . You can sort the names in alphabetical order A–Z or Z–A by clicking the top of the “Name” column. You can also select which targets to display from the “Show by Service” drop-down list. You can show all targets or just show targets with a particular Access Service; to do so, choose the desired service from the “Show by Service” drop-down list.
• KVM over IP Devic e – The type of Belkin OmniView K VM-over-IP device to which the target is connected.
• Acces s Ser vices – Icons of Access Services available to acce ss the target. To see which ser vice the icon represents, hold the mouse over the icon and a tool tip appears with the name of the service.
• Target S ets – The target sets to which this target is a member.
• Description – Optional description of the target.
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2. From the toolbar, click . The “New Target” page appears;
see Figure 26.
Name – Type a unique name for each server in the system.
Figure 2 6 Creatin g a New Target – Acc ess Servic es tab
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7.1 Access Services tab
Here you select and configure all Access Services relevant to this target.
All Services/Active Services: From the “All Services” list, select the check box of all Access Services relevant to this target. Once selected, the service appears in the “Active Services” list.
Note! Below discusses how to configure Belkin IP devices. Configuring other Access Services is discussed in the “Configuring Access Services for Individual Targets” section on page 67.
The pre-installation guidelines on page 3 explained what information you need to configure each target.
7.1.1 Default Access Service
You can set any of the Access Services to be the default service. This means that the service will be used to access the target by default when selecting the target by clicking its name. To access the target via a different service, the service must be selected. To set a service as the default, display the service as explained below and select the “Set as Default Service” check box, circled in Figure 26.
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7.1.2 Belkin OmniView KVM Switch
KVM/IP Device/Port Number: Assign the IP device and KVM switch port
number (where relevant) to which this target is physically connected.
On the “New Target” page, click .
Figure 27 Assigning K VM por t to a tar get
The “Assign Device” window appears; see Figure 28.
Figure 28 Assign Devic e window
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3. From the list, expand the device type to which the target is connected
and select the actual device the target is connected to; see Figure 29.
Figure 2 9 Assig ning tar gets to de vices
4. Double-click the port number row to which the target is connected.
The name of the target appears in that row.
5. Click “Save”. The changes are saved and the “New Target” page
reappears, showing the assigned IP device and port number; see Figure 30.
Figure 3 0 KVM-over-IP D evice / Port n umber
To remove an assigned target from an IP device/KVM switch port, click .
Figure 31 Removing current KVM port assign ment
The assignment is removed.
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Other OmniView KVM-over-IP elements are as follows:
Description – Type a description for the target, e.g., backup server.
Operating System – Select the operating system of the target from
the drop-down list. The mouse parameter options adjust to match the operating system.
Acceleration/Threshold – When the target’s mouse settings are not default, select the appropriate values. Match the values to those of the server’s mouse.
Note! For Windows XP, 2003 Server, Vista, and 2008 Server, go to the mouse settings on the target and uncheck “Enhance pointer precision”.
USB Converter – When an IP device connects to a server via a USB-to­PS/2 adapter, ROC/RICC USB, or X RICC USB or Specter USB, select the “USB Converter” check box. The USB conversion affects the mouse emulation and the “USB Conver ter” helps to synchronize the mouse.
Also, when an IP device is connected to a Linux Converter” check box.
server, select the “USB
Absolute Mouse – Select the “Absolute Mouse” check box for a target connected to USB, which has a Windows Me or later operating system.
See the “Configuring Access Services for Individual Targets” section on page 67 to configure other Access Services.
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7.2 PDU tab
Here you configure IP PDU to allow power on, power off, or to power-cycle the target.
Figure 3 2 Assig ning power outlet to targ et
Make the selection from the list of all PDUs on the right of the box. The PDU will appear in the “Connected PDUs” list. Next, you have to assign the outlet number. Click and assign the outlet by double-clicking on the appropriate outlet row.
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