Auto/Air Power Adapter for Dell Inspiron Mini 9
User Manual
Thank you for purchasing t he Belkin Auto/Air Power Adapte r for D ell. This Ada pter al lows you
to power Dell I nspiro n™ Mini 9 laptop s from a car or air plane. It’s easy to con nect t he Adapter
to the c igarette lig hter as sembl y (CL A) in m ost au tomobiles as well as many c ommercial
aircraft (an Empowe r® plug is prov ided for use in airc raft that fe ature Empower port s).
Product Registration and Warranty
For ter ms and condi tions, to acti vate your warranty, and to reg ister your
Auto/Air Power Ada pter fo r Dell, please visi t ww gistration.
Important Safety Information
Before us e, ple ase r ead t he fo llowi ng im por tant safe ty i nfor mati on.
Following thes e simp le guid eline s will e nsure troubl e-fre e oper ation a nd optimal
perf orman ce of the Auto/Ai r Power A dapter for De ll and compatible e lectronic devices.
1. Avoid pulling on the cords and cables. A lways gr ip plu gs fir mly when unpl ugging
from p ower source and when disco nnect ing ca bles. Never fo rce th e tip in to an
elect ronic d evice.
2. Before use, c ompletely review this guide.
3. For indoor u se onl y. Avoid exp osure to external heat sources; direct, prol onged sunlig ht;
dust; c orros ive che mical s; and m oisture.
4. It is normal for p ower ad apters to bec ome wa rm dur ing us e.
Avoid tou ching the devi ce dur ing us e. Avoid placin g in dir ect sunlight or near heatsensi tive materials.
Important Safety Information
5. Do not drop or subject the Adap ter to u ndue shock.
6. Do n ot plac e any thing o n top of the Ada pter.
7. Always us e the s upplie d cabl es and conne ctors as shown. Use of cab les, c onnec tors,
or acc essor ies no t supp lied with this produ ct constitutes mis use an d may re sult i n injur y
or dam age.
8. Do not attempt to service or disass emble. The unit is n ot use r-serv iceab le. Attemptin g
to disa ssemb le or s ervi ce the unit c an res ult in electrical hazard, including death from
exposu re to hi gh volt age. If you exp erien ce pro blems with th e unit, disco ntinue use an d
contact Belk in for assis tance . Attem pting to open or ser vice the uni t voids all wa rranties,
expres s or im plied.
Using the Belkin Auto/Air Power Adapter for Dell
Simply inser t the CLA in the s ocket p rovide d onbo ard the aircr aft o r in you r vehic le.
If the a ircra ft features Empower outle ts, remove the cigare tte li ghter a ssemb ly to ex pose
the Emp ower plug and inser t the Empower plug i nto soc ket. Power will n ow be su pplie d
to your laptop.