Belinea 2080 S2 - Operating Instructions - 1
This manual will familiarize you with the installation
and use of your Belinea monitor. Please take the time
to look through these instructions even if you are familiar with monitors.
We have taken all possible care to ensure that this
manual contains correct and accurate information.
However the manufacturer cannot assume liability for
any possible errors. In addition, the manufacturer can
not guarantee that the hardware will meet the purpose you require. We would appreciate reports of any
errors, suggestions or criticism.
© Copyright 2006, MAXDATA Systeme
GmbH, 45768 Marl, Deutschland,
Editing, DTP and translation by Linguagem, www.Linguagem.de.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, processed or distributed in any form (print,
photocopy, microfilm or any other process) or processed, duplicated or distributed by an electronic system without prior written permission from the
We reserve the right to make changes according to
the technical progress. Belinea is an internationally
registered trademark. Other brand names may be reg
istered trademarks and must be treated as such.
Environment protection
We are all responsible for the environment: As many
of our customers are already familiar with monitors
we have not printed this manual in order to save paper
and by this protect our environment. Help to protect
the environment and only print the pages you need.
INTRODUCTION...................................................... 1
IMPORTANT INFORMATION................................... 2
UNPACKING ............................................................. 2
MOUNTING .............................................................. 3
CONNECTING........................................................... 3
STARTUP.................................................................. 4
ERGONOMICS ......................................................... 4
CONFIGURATION..................................................... 4
SETTINGS................................................................. 5
CARING FOR YOUR MONITOR ............................... 7
TROUBLESHOOTING............................................... 8
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS................................. 9
MAXDATA WARRANTY ........................................... 9
Guide to symbols
The symbols below are used in this manual to indicate
where there is risk of injury or damaging devices or to
indicate specially useful information.
DANGER! Indicates risk of injury. When not
following the instructions, severe injury or
death may result.
ATTENTION! Indicates possible damage to devices. When not following instructions, devices may be heavily damaged.
IMPORTANT! Indicates hints on operation and
other useful information.