Beko PKG181XBS3N User Manual

Refrigerator-Freezer Type I
Instruction of use
Kühl-Gefrier-Typ I
Chladnička-Mrazák Typu I
Pokyny pro používání
Chladnička-Mraznička Typu I
Návod na použitie
Safety first /1 Electrical requirements /2 Transportation instructio ns /2 Installation instructions /2 G Suggested arrangement of food in Temperature control and adjustment / Before operating Freezing fresh food /3 Making ice cubes Repl Cleaning and care /4 Repositioning the door Ene Infor Troubleshooti
Wichtige Elektrischer Aufstellung des Gerätes Allgeme Temperatur Bevor der Inbetriebnahm Lagern von Einfriere Abtauen des Gerätes /10 Wechseln des türanschlags /10 Wechsel der Glühlampe W Hinweise Energiev Vibrationen, Mas
EN Index
DE Inhalt
Nepoužívajte elektrické spotrebiče vo vnútri pípacieho priestoru potravín, iné ako tie, ktoré odporúčal výrobca.
Bezpečnost především /13
Elektrické požadavky /
Pokyny pro přepravu /
Pokyny pro instalaci / Seznámení s
Doporučené rozložení potravin ve spotřebiči /
Kontrola a nastavení tepl
Před zahájením provozu/1
Skladování zmražených potravin /1
Mražení čerstvých potravin /1
Tvorba ledových kostek; Odmrazování /1
Výměna vnitřní žárovky; Čištění a péče /1 Změna pozice dvířek Spotřeba energie /1
Odstraňování potíží /1
Bezpečnosť nadovšetko /1
Elektrické požiadavky /1
Prepravné pokyny; Inštalačné pokyny /1 Poznávanie spotrebiča
potravín v Riadenie a nastavenie teploty / P Skladovanie zmrazených potravín /
Mrazenie čerstvých potravín / Tvorba kociek ľadu; Rozmrazovanie /
Výmena žiarovky vnútorného svetla /
Čistenie a Čo sa má a čo sa nesmie robiť /
Spo Informácie o prevádzkovom hluku / Riešenie problémov /
CZ Obsah
SK Obsah
In order to ensure a nor mal o per ation o f your refr iger ating appl iance , w hich u ses a co mplet ely e nv ironment ally fri endly refrigerant the R600a (flammabl e o nly unde r cer tain condit ions) y ou must o bserv e t he fo llowing ru les:
Do not hinder the free circula tion of t he air aro und th e appl ianc e. Do not use mechanical devices in ord er t o ac celerat e t he defr osti ng, others than t he ones r ecom mended by th e man ufact urer. Do not destroy the refrigerating circuit. Do not use electric appliance s in side t he foo d keep ing c ompar tment, oth er t han th ose t hat mi ght have b een reco mmend ed by the
Ihr Gerät verwende t ein umw eltv erträgli ches Kälte mittel , R60 0a ( nur u nter best immten U ms tände n brenn bar). Um einen einwandfreien Betri eb Ihres G er ätes s icherz uste llen, beach ten S ie b itte f olgend e Vo rschr ifte n:
Die Luftzirkulation um das G erät darf nicht behin dert sein. Verwenden Sie außer der vom Herst eller empfoh lenen, kei ne mechanis chen Hilfsm ittel, um den Abtau prozess zu beschleunig en. Der Kältemittelkreislauf darf nich t besc hädig t w erden. Verwenden Sie im Lebensmitte laufb ewahr ungs bereic h Ihre s Ge räte s keine elektr isch en Ge räte , es sei d enn, sie sind vom
Hersteller empfohlen.
Aby byl zajištěn normální provoz vaší chladničky, která používá pro životní prostředí zcela neškodné chladicí médium R600a (vznětlivé pouze za určitých podmínek), musíte dodržet následující pravidla:
 Nebraňte ve volné cirkulaci vzduchu kolem přístroje. Nepoužívejte mechanická zařízení pro zrychlení odmražení kromě těch, která jsou doporučená výrobcem.  Nelikvidujte chladicí okruh.  Nepoužívejte elektrické spotřebiče uvnitř prostoru pro potraviny kromě těch, která by mohl doporučit výrobce.
Aby sa zabezpečila normálna prevádzka vašej chladničky, ktorá používa úplne ekologicky nezávadné chladivo R 600a (horľavé len pri určitých podmienkach), musíte dodržiavať nasledujúce pravidlá:
Nebráňte voľnej cirkulácii vzduchu okolo spotrebiča. Nepoužívajte mechanické prístroje na urýchľovanie rozmrazovacieho procesu, iné ako odporúča výrobca.  Neporušujte chladiaci okruh.
etting to know your appliance /2
; Storing frozen food /3
; Defrosting /4
acing the interior light bulb /4
rgy consumption /5
mation about operating noises /6
ng /6
Hinweise für Ihre Sicherheit /7
Anschluss; Transporthinweise /8
ine Einlagerungsempfehlun gen /9
regelung. Einstellung der Temperatur /9
tiefgefrorenen Lebensmitteln /9
n von frischen Lebensmitteln /10
as Sie tun sollten und was auf keinen fall-einige
erbrauch; Hinweise zu Geräuschen und
die im Betrieb auftreten können /12
snahmen bei Betriebstőrunger /12
the appliance /3
; Do’s and don’ts /5
; Geräteübersicht /8
e /9
; Reinigung und Pflege /10
vaším spotřebičem /14
mace o provozních hlucích /17
spotrebiči /19
red uvedením do prevádzky /20
údržba; Zmena otvárania dverí /21
treba energie /22
oty /15
; Co dělat a co nedělat /16
; Navrhnuté rozmiestnenie
your product. If the subject parts are not included in the product you other models.
abweichen. Falls Teile nicht zum Lieferumfang des erworbenen Gerätes zählen, gelten sie für andere Modelle.
Sestava uvedená v tomto manuálu k použití je pouze schematická a nemusí přesně odpovídat Vašemu
produktu. Pokud produkt, který jste nakoupil nezahrnuje určité součásti, ty platí pro jiné modely.
Ak produkt, ktorý ste si zakúpili, nedisponuje uvádzanými časťami, potom sa to týka iných modelov.
Figures that take place in this instruction manual are schematic and may not correspond exactly with
Abbildungen und Angaben in dieser Anleitung sind schematisch und können etwas von Ihrem Produkt
Obrázky v tejto príručke k obsluhe sú schematické a nemusia sa presne zhodovať s vaším produktom.
have purchased, then it is valid for
5 6 7 8 9
EN Instruction for use
This appliance is not intended for use by person with reduced physical, sensory or mental
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Congratulations on your choice of a Beko Quality Appliance, designed to give you many years of service.
Safety first!
Do not connect your appliance to the electricity supply until all packing and transit protectors have been removed.
• Leave to stand for at least 4 hours before switching on, to allow compressor oil to settle, if transported horizontally.
• If you are discarding an old appliance with a lock or latch fitted to the door, ensure that it is left in a safe condition to prevent the entrapment of children.
• This appliance must only be used for its intended purpose.
• Do not dispose of the appliance on a fire. Your appliance contains non CFC substances in the insulation which are flammable. We suggest you contact your local authority for information on disposal and available facilities .
• We do not recommend use of this appliance in an unheated, cold room. (e.g. garage, conservatory, annex, shed, out-house etc.) To obtain the best possible performance and tr oubl e free operation from your appliance it is very important to read these instructions carefully. Failure to observe these instructions may invalidate your right to free service during the guarantee period. Please keep these instructions in a safe place for easy reference.
Original Spare parts will be provided for 10 years, following the product purchasing date.
capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
EN Instruction for use
Electrical requirements
o touch the bottom of the condenser
• Do not attempt to sit or stand on top of your
ovided around
Before ins erting the plug into the wall socket make sure th at th e vol ta ge an d th e freq u ency shown in the rating plate inside the appliance correspon ds t o y our el ec trici ty s upply . We recommend that this appliance is connected to the mains supply via a suitably switched and fused socket in a readily accessible position.
Warning! T hi s app lian ce m ust b e e arthed .
Repairs to el ectr ical equ ipme nt sho uld only be performed by a qualified technician. Incorrect repairs carr ied o ut by an unq uali fied per son ar e carry risks that may have critical consequences for the user of the ap plianc e.
This appli ance ope rates with R6 00a whic h is an environmental friendly but flammable gas. During the transportation and fixing of the product, care must be taken not to damage the cooling system. If the cooling system is damaged and there is a gas leakage from the system, keep the product away from open flame sources and ventilate the room for a whil e. WARNING - Do not use mechani cal dev ices or other mean s to accel erat e the defr osti ng proc ess, others than those recommend ed by th e manufacturer.
WARNING - Do not damage the refrigerant circuit. WARNING - Do not use electrical appliances
inside the food storage compartments of the applianc e, unle ss they ar e of the type recommended by the manufacturer. WARNING - If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or si milarly quali fied per sons in order t o avoid a hazar d.
Transportation instructions
1. The appli ance sh ould be transp orted o nly in a n upright position. The packing as supplied must be intact duri ng tra nsport ation .
2. If during the transport the appliance, has been positioned horizontally, it must not be operated for at least 4 hours, to allow the system to settle.
3. Failure to comply with the above instructions could result in da mage to t he ap pli ance, for whi ch the manufacturer will not be held liable.
4. The appli ance mus t be pr otect ed agains t rai n, moisture and other atmospheric influences.
• Care must be take n whil e cleani ng/carr ying th e appliance not t metal wires at the b ack of the appl iance, as this could cause injur y to finger s and hands.
applianc e as i t i s not designed for such use. You could injur e yours elf or d amage t he appli ance.
• Make sur e t hat t he mains cabl e i s no t ca ught under the ap plianc e duri ng and af ter mov ing, a s this could damage the cable.
• Do not allow children to play with the appliance or tamper with the controls.
Installation instructions
1. Do not kee p you r ap plia nce i n a roo m wher e the temperature is likely to fall below 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) at night and/or especially in winter, as it is desi gned t o opera te in am bient temperatures between +10 and +32 degrees C (50 and 89 degrees F). At lower temperatures the applianc e may not operate , resul ting i n a reduction in the storage life of the food.
2. Do not place the appliance near cookers or radiators or i n di rec t su nlig ht, as t his w ill cause extra strain on the appliance's functions. If installed next to a source of heat or freezer, maintain th e foll owing mi nimu m side cl earanc es: From Cookers 30 mm From Radiators 300 mm From Freez ers 25 mm
3. Make sure that sufficient roo m is pr the appliance to e nsure free air c irculation (Item 2).
• Put the back airing lid to the back of your refriger ator to s et the di stan ce betw een the refrigerator and the wall (Item 3).
4. The appli ance sh ould be positi oned on a smooth surface. The two front feet can be adjusted as requir ed. To ensure that your applianc e is stand ing upr ight adjust t he two fr ont feet by t urning cl ock wise or anti-clockwise, until firm contact is secured with the floor. Correct adjustment of feet prevents excessive vibration and noise (Item 4).
5. Refer to "Cleaning and Care" section to prepare your appliance for use.
Getting to know your appliance (Item 1)
1 - Thermostat and lamp housing 2 - Adjustable cabinet shelves 3 - Bottle holder 4 - Water collector 5 - Crisper cover 6 - Crisper 7 - Compartment for quickly freezing 8 - Ice tray suppor t & ice tr ay
9 - Compartments for frozen foods keeping 10 - Adjustable foot 11 - Shelf for jars 12 - Shel f for bot tles
EN Instruction for use
Suggested arrangement of food in the
shelves s houl d no t b e cov ered w it h pap er or ot her
Keep the foo d packe d, wr apped or covere d. Allow
Some sections of the fridge may be cooler or
eck the temperature per iodical ly wi th a
has been inserted i nto the w all sock et
Guidelines for obtaining optimum storage and hygiene:
1. The fri dge co mpart ment is for the sh ort-term storage of fresh food and drinks.
2. The fre ezer co mpart ment is rated and suitabl e for th e freez ing and storag e of pre-
frozen food. The recommendation for storage as stated on the food packaging should be observed at all times.
3. Dairy pr oduc ts shoul d be stor ed in th e speci al compartment provided in the door liner.
4. Cooked dishes should be stored in airtight containers.
5. Fres h wrapped produce can be kept on the shelf. Fre sh frui t and veg etabl es shoul d be cleaned and stored in the crispers.
6. Bottles can be kept in the door section.
7. To stor e raw mea t, wrap in poly thene b ags and place on the lowest shelf. Do not allow to come into cont act w it h coo ked food , t o av oid contamination. For safety, only store raw meat for two to thr ee days .
8. For maxi mum e fficie ncy, the remov able materials to allow free circulation of cool air.
9. Do not ke ep vege table oi l on door shelv es. hot food and beverages to cool before
refrigerating. Leftover canned food should not be stored in the can.
10. Fizzy drinks should not be frozen and products such as flav our ed w ater ices sho uld not be consumed too cold.
11. Some fruit and vegetables suffer damage if kept at tem peratur es near 0°C. T herefor e wrap pineapples, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes and similar produce in polythene bags.
12. High-proof al cohol m ust b e st ored uprig ht i n tightly cl os ed co ntai ners . Nev er st ore pr oduc ts that contai n an inf lamma ble prop ella nt gas (e.g . cream dis pens ers , spr ay c ans, etc .) or exp losi ve substances. These are an explosion hazard.
13. To take out the baskets from the freezer compartment please proceed as in Item 9.
Temperature control and adjustment
Operating temper atur es are co ntroll ed by th e thermostat knob (Item 5) and may be set at any position between 1 and 5 (the coldest position). The aver age t emper atur e ins id e the fri dge sho uld be around +5°C (+41°F). Therefore adjust the thermosta t to obt ain the desir ed temp eratur e.
warmer (such as sal ad crisper and top part o f the cabinet) which is q uite normal. We recomme nd that you ch thermometer to ensure t hat the c abinet is kept to this temperature. Freq uent door opening s cause internal temperatures to ri se, so it is advisabl e to close the door as soon a s possibl e after use.
Before operating
Final Check
Before you start using the applianc e check t hat:
1. The feet have been a djusted for per fect levelling.
2. The interior is dry and air can circ ulate freely at the rear.
3. The interior is c lean as r ecommended u nder "Cleaning and care.”
4. The plug and the electricity is switc hed on. When the door is open the interior l ight wi ll come on.
And note that:
5. You will hear a noise as the co mpressor star ts up. The liquid and gas es sealed w ithin the refrigeration sys tem may al so make some (noise), whether the c ompressor is running or not. This is quite norm al.
6. Slight undulation o f the top of the cabin et is quite normal due to the manufactur ing proces s used; it is not a de fect.
7. We recommend settin g the therm ostat knob midway and monitor the temperat ure to ensur e the appliance maintains desired storag e temperatures (See sect ion Temperat ure Contr ol and Adjustment).
8. Do not load the appli ance im mediately it is switched on. Wait unti l the corr ect storag e temperature h as been r eached. We recomme nd checking the temperat ure wi th an accurate thermometer (see; Tem perature Contr ol and Adjustment).
Storing frozen food
Your freezer is sui table for the long-term storage of commercially froz en foods and al so can b e used to freeze and store fresh food. If there is a power failure, do n ot open t he door. Frozen food should not be affected i f the f ailure lasts for less than 16 hr s. I f the failure i s longer , then the food should b e checked a nd either eaten immediately or cooked and then re-frozen.
Freezing fresh food
Please observe the followi ng instr uctions to obtain the best results . Do not freeze too large a quantity at any one ti me.
EN Instruction for use
The quality of the food is best preserved when it is
your applia nce in 2 4 h. Pl acing war m food into th e
quantities of food up to 1/2 kg. (1 lb) can be frozen
such as kn iv es or for ks to rem ove t he f ro st.
Never u se hai r dryer s, elec tric al heat ers or ot her
frozen right through to the core as quickly as possible. Do not exceed the freezing capacity of
freezer compartment causes the refrigeration machine to operate continously until the food is frozen s olid. Thi s c an te mpor arily le ad to excessive cooling of the refrigeration compartment. When freezing fresh food, keep the thermostat knob at medium position. Small
without adjusting the temperature control knob. Take specia l care n ot to mix alrea dy frozen food and fresh food.
Making ice cubes
Fill the ice - cube tray 3/4 full with water and place it in the freezer. Loosen frozen trays with a spoon handle or a si milar implem ent; nev er use s harp­edged obje cts suc h as kniv es or for ks.
A) Fridge compartment
The fridge compartment defrosts automatically. The defrost water runs to the drain tube via a collecti on cont ainer at the back of the a pplianc e (Item 6). Duri ng defr osti ng, wat er dropl ets may form at the back of the fridge compartment where a concealed evapor ator is locat ed. So me dropl ets may remain on the liner and refreeze when defrosting is co mpleted . Do not use poin ted or sharp-edged objects such as knives or forks to remove the droplets which have refrozen. If, at any ti me, the d efros t water do es no t dr ain from the collection channel, check that no food particles have bl ocked t he drai n tube. The dr ain tube can be cleared with a pipe-cleaner or si milar implement. Check that the tube is permanently placed w ith i ts e nd i n the coll ect ing tray on the compress or to prev ent the water spilli ng on the electric installation or on the floor (Item 7).
B) Freezer compartment
Defrosting is very straightforward and without mess, thanks to a special defrost collection basin. Defrost tw ice a y ear or w hen a frost layer of around 7 (1/4") mm has formed. To start the defrosting proce dure, s witc h off th e applia nce at the socket outlet and pull out the mains plug. All food s houl d b e wra pp ed in sever al lay ers o f newspaper and stored in a cool place (e.g. fridge or larder ). C ont ainers o f w arm wa ter may b e placed car efully in the fr eezer t o speed up the defrosting.
Do not use pointed or sharp-edged objects,
such electrical appliances for defrosting. Sponge out the defrost water collected in the bottom of the freezer compartment. After defrosting, dry the interior thoroughly (Item 8). Insert the plug int o the wall soc ket and sw it ch on the electricity supply.
Replacing the interior ligh t bulb
To change the Bulb/LED used for illumination of your refrigerator, call your Authorised Service. The lamp(s) used in this appliance is not suitable for household room illumination. The intended purpose of this lamp is to assist the user to place foodstuffs in the refrigerator/freezer in a safe and comfortable way. The lamps used in this appliance have to withstand extreme physical conditions such as temperatures below -20°C.
Cleaning and care
1. We recommend that you switch off the appliance at the socket outlet and pull out the mains plug before cleaning.
2. N ever use a ny s har p ins tr ume nts or abr asiv e substances, soap, household cleaner, detergent or wax polish for cleaning.
3. Us e luke warm water to clean the cabinet of the appliance and wipe it dry.
4. Use a damp cloth wrung out in a solution of one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to one pint of water to clean the interior and wipe it dry.
5. Make sure that no water enters the temperature control box.
6. If the appliance is not going to be used for a long period of time, switch it off, remove all food, clean it and leave the door ajar.
7. We recommend that you polish the metal parts of the product (i.e. door exterior, cabinet sides) with a silicone wax (car polish) to protect the high quality paint finish.
8. Any dust that gathers on the condenser, which is located at the back of the appliance, should be removed once a year with a vacuum cleaner.
9. Check door seals regularly to ensure they are clean and free from food particles.
10. Never:
• Clean the appliance with unsuitable material; eg petroleum based products.
• Subj ec t i t to hig h te mpe r at ur es i n any w ay ,
• Scour, rub etc., with abrasive material.
11. Removal of dairy cover and door tray:
• To remove the dairy cover, first lift the cover up by about an inch and pull it off from the side where there is an opening on the cover.
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