In order to ensure a norm a l ope r atio n of your refrigerating applian c e, whi c h uses a com pletely environmentally f rien dl y
refrigerant th e R600a (fla mmable only un der c e rta in conditions) yo u m ust obser ve th e f ollowi ng r ul es:
Do not hinder the free circul atio n of th e air a roun d th e appliance.
Do not use mecha nica l devices in order to acc ele rat e the defrost ing , oth ers th an t he ones recomme nded by the
Do not destroy the re f riger at ing circ ui t.
Do not use electric appliance s inside t he food keep ing co m partm ent , other than thos e that might have been
recommended by the m anu f actu rer.
Ihr Gerät v erwendet ein um w e ltverträgli ches Käl te m itt el, R600a (nur unter bestimm te n Um s tänden bre nnb ar ). U m
einen einwandfr eie n Bet rieb I hres Gerätes sicherzust el le n, beac h te n S ie bitte f olg ende Vorsc hri fte n:
Die Luftzirku la tion um das Gerä t d arf nicht behinder t s ei n.
Verwenden Sie a uße r der vom Herste ll er em pfohlenen, kei ne m ec ha nischen Hilfs m itt el , um de n A bt aup roz ess zu
Der Kältemitt el k rei slau f darf nich t be sc häd igt w er den.
Verwenden Sie i m Lebensm ittela uf bewahru ngsbereich I hres G erät es k ei ne e lekt ri sc hen Geräte , es sei den n, sie
sind v om Herstelle r empf ohl en.
Pour assurer u n f onct io nnem ent normal de votre appareil qui utili se un agent frig or ifi que éc olo giq ue, R60 0a
(infammable seul em en t sou s cert ain es c ond itions) v ous d evez resp ec ter le s règl es suivantes:
N’empêch ez pas l a libre c i rc ula tion de l’ air aut our de l’a ppareil.
N’ utilisez pa s des di spos i tifs mé cani ques pour accélérer le d égiv rage, aut res que ce ux réc om m en dés pa r le
Ne détruissez pas le c ircui t frigori f iqu e.
N’utilisez p as des ap par e il s élect i que s à l’intérieur du c om partiment pour co nser ver les aliments, hor m is cel les qu i
sont é ventuellem ent réc om m en dés pa r le fabriquant .
U moet de v olgende r egel s in acht nemen om de normal e werk i ng van uw koe lkas t, die het volledig m il ie uvriendeli jke
koelmid del R600a geb ruikt, t e verzeke ren:
Hinder de vrije luchtcirculatie rond het toest el niet.
Gebruik geen and ere m ec h anische toest el le n om het ontdooien t e versnellen dan de toestelle n di e door de
fabrikant wo rden aangerad en.
Vernietig het koel c ircu it ni et .
Gebruik geen and ere el ek t rische toestel le n in de bew a ar l ade voor etenswaren dan de toest ellen di e eventueel door
de fabrikant worde n aan ger a den.
Safety fir st /1
Veiligheid eerst /21
E lektriciteitsvereisten /
Transport instr uct ies /
Uw toest el leren kennen /
Voorst el v
het toestel /
Opm eting en regeli ng van de tem perat uur /
Alvorens de i n werks telli ng /
Di epvriesprod ucte n be waren /
Verse ete ns waren i nvr iezen /
I Jsblokjes m aken /
Ontdooien /
Het bi nnenlichtje vervan gen /
Schoonmaak en onderho ud /
De deur verplaats e n /
Wel en ni et /
I nformatie over de func tie gelu iden /
P roblem en oplossen /
E lectrical requirem ent s /2
Transport atio n instru cti on s /2
I nstallation instructi on s /2
Getting to k now yo ur appl iance /3
Suggested arrang em ent of food in the
appliance /3
Tem perature co ntrol and adj u stm ent /3
Before opera ting /3
Storing froz en food /4
Freezing fresh food /4
M aking i ce cubes /4
Defrosti ng /4
Repl acing the interior li ght bulb /5
Cl eaning and care /5
Repositioni ng the door /5
Do’ s and don’ts /5
Troubleshoo ting /6
Sicherheit an erster Stell e /7
Voraussetzu nge n für den elektroanschluss /8
Transportvorschriften /8
Hi nweise zur I nstal lation und zu m
Aufstellungsort /8
Kennenlernen des gerä ts /9
Vorschlä ge für das einor dn en von
Lebensmitteln /9
E instellung und R egelung der Tem peratu r /9
Inbetriebnahme; Lage rung v on Tiefk ühl ware /10
E infrieren von frische n Lebe ns m itteln /10
Lebensmittel sym bol e und Gefri erk alen der /10
Herstellung von eiswürfeln; Abtauen /10
Auswechs eln der Glühl am pe für die
Innenbeleuchtung; R ei nigung und P flege /11
Wechseln des Türanschlags /12
Was Sie tun sollten und was au f kei nen fallhinw eise /12
Mas snahmen bei Betriebstőrunger /13
Hi nweise zu Bet rie bsger a uschen /13
La sécurité d’ abord /14
Condi tions électriqu es /15
I nstruction s de tran spor t /15
I nstruction s d’ instal latio n /15
Apprendre à connaî tre votre appar eil /16
Suggestion d’ag ence m ent des denr ée s dans
l’appareil /16
Com m ande de température et régla ge /16
Avant l’utilisation /17
Conserva tion des den ré es su rgelée s /17
Congél ation des produit s frais /17
Fabrication de glaçon s /17
Dégivrage; R em placer l'am poul e i ntéri eure /18
Repositionnement de la por te /18
Nettoyage et entretie n /18
À faire / À éviter /19
Di agnostic /20
-instructies /22
o or de schik king v an de ete ns waren in
av ez acheté,
Figures that take place in this instruction manual are schematic and may not correspon d exactly with your
product. If the subject par ts are not included in the product you hav e purchased, then it is v alid for other models.
C Abbildungen und Angaben in dieser Anleitung sind schematisch und können etwas v on I hrem Produkt
abweichen. Falls Teile nicht zum Lieferumfang des erworbenen Gerätes zählen, gelte n sie für andere Modelle.
C Les illustrations présentées dans cette notice d’utilisation sont schéma tiques et peuv ent ne pas correspondre
exactement à v otre produit. Si des pièces présentées ne sont pas comprises dans le produit que v ous
elles sont valables pour d’autres modèles.
C De af beeldingen in deze gebruiksaanwijzing zijn schem atisch en hoev en niet exact met uw product overeen te
komen. Wanneer onderdelen niet tot het product behoren dat u hebt gekocht, gelden deze v oor andere modellen.
2 3 4
EN Instr uct ion f or use
This applia nc e i s not int en d ed for us e by per so n wi th red uced phy s ical, s ens or y or men ta l
Children sho uld be super vis ed to ensu r e that they do not play with the app lian c e.
Congr atulations on your c hoic e of a Beko Quality
Appliance, des igned to give you m any years of servic e.
Safety first!
Do not connec t your applianc e to the elec tric i ty s upply
until all pac king and tr ans it protec t ors have been
• Leave to s tand for at least 4 hours before switching
on, to allow c om pres s or oil to s et tle, if transported
• If you are dis c ar ding an old applianc e w ith a lock or
latc h fitted t o the door, ens ur e that it is left in a s afe
c ondition to pr event the entr apm ent of c hildr en.
• This appliance must only be used for its intended
• Do not dis pos e of the appliance on a fire. Your
appliance contains non CFC substances in the
ins ulation whic h are flam m able. W e sugges t you
c ontac t your loc al author ity for inform ation on dispos al
and available f ac ilities .
• We do not recommend use of this applianc e in an
unheated, c old room (e.g. garage, cons ervatory, annex,
s hed, out-hous e etc.).
To obtain the bes t poss ible per form anc e and t rouble
free operation from your appliance it is very important to
read thes e ins tr uc tions c aref ully. Failur e to obs erve
thes e ins truc t ions m ay invalidate your right t o free
s ervic e during t he guarantee per iod.
Pleas e keep thes e ins tr uc tions in a safe place for eas y
Or iginal Spar e parts w ill be provided f or 10 years ,
following the pr oduc t purc hasing dat e.
capabilities or lack of exper ien ce an d knowledge un les s th ey have been given super vis ion or
instruction concer n i ng us e of t he app l ia nce by a pers on respo ns i b le for t hei r sa f ety.
EN Instr uct ion f or use
Electrical requi reme nts
We recommend that this appliance is connecte d
system, keep the product away from open flame
If during the transport the appliance, has been
appliance, as this could cause injury to fingers
wher e the tem perat ure is likely to fall below 10
operate in ambient temperatures between +10
operate, r es ulting in a reduct ion in the s tor age
Before inserting the plug into the wall socket
make sure that the voltage and the frequency
shown in the rating plate inside the appliance
corresponds to your electricity supply.
to the mains supply via a suitably switched and
fused socket in a readily accessible position.
Warning! This appliance must be earthed.
Repairs to electrical equipment should only be
performed by a qualified technician. Incorrect
repairs carried out by an unqualified person are
carry risks that may have critical consequences
for the user of the appliance.
This appliance operates with R600a which is an
environmental friendly but flammable gas.
During the transportation and fixing of the
product, care must be taken not to damage the
cooling system. If the cooling system is
damaged and there is a gas leakage from the
• C are m us t be taken w hile c leaning/c ar rying
the applianc e not to t ouc h the bottom of t he
c ondens er m etal w ires at the back of the
and hands .
• D o not attempt t o s it or stand on top of your
appliance as it is not designed for such use.
You c ould injure your s elf or dam age the
• Make s ure that the m ains c able is not
c aught under t he applianc e during and af ter
moving, as this could damage the c able.
• D o not allow c hildren to play w ith the
applianc e or tam per wit h the c ontrols .
Installation instructions
1. Do not keep your applianc e in a room
degrees C (50 degrees F ) at night and/or
especially in w inter , as it is designed to
sources and ventilate the room for a while.
WARNING - Do not use mechanical devices or
other means to accelerate the defrosting
process, others than those recommended by
the manufacturer.
WARNING - Do not damage the refrigerant
WARNING - Do not use electrical appliances
inside the food storage compartments of the
appliance, unless they are of the type
recommended by the manufacturer.
WARNING - I f the supply cord is damaged, it
must be replaced by the manufacturer, its
service agent or similarly qualified persons in
order to avoid a hazard.
Transportat ion instr ucti ons
1. The appliance should be transported only in
an upright position. The packing as supplied
must be intact during transportation.
positioned horizontally, it must not be operated
for at least 4 hours, to allow the system to settle.
3. Failure to comply with the above instructions
could result in damage to the appliance, for
which the manufacturer will not be held liable.
4. The appliance must be protected against
rain, moisture and other atmospheric influences.
and +38 degr ees C (50 and 100 degrees F) .
At lower tem per atures t he applianc e m ay not
life of the food.
2. Do not place t he appliance near c ookers or
radiators or in direct sunlight, as this will
cause extra strain on the appliance's
func tions . If ins talled next to a sour c e of heat
or fr eez er, m aintain t he following m inim um
s ide c learanc es :
From Cookers 30 mm
From Radiators 300 m m
From Freezers 25 mm
3. Make s ur e that suff ic ient room is provided
around the applianc e t o ens ure fr ee air
circulation (Item 2).
• Put the bac k air ing lid to the bac k of your
refrigerator to set the distance between the
refr igerator and the wall (Ite m 3).
4. The applianc e s hould be pos itioned on a
smooth surface. The two front feet can be
adjusted as required. To ens ur e that your
appliance is s tanding upright adjus t the tw o
front f eet by turning c loc kw is e or antic loc kwis e, until f irm contac t is secured with
the floor. Cor rec t adjustm ent of feet pr events
exces s ive vibrat ion and nois e (Item 4).
5. Ref er to "Cleaning and Car e" s ec tion to
prepare your appliance for use.
EN Instr uct ion f or use
Getting to know your appliance (Item 1)
Suggested arran geme nt of food in th e
3. Dairy products should be stored in the special
10. Fiz z y drinks s hould not be fr oz en and
therm om eter to ens ure t hat the c abinet is kept
Guidelines for obtaining optimum storage and
1. The fridge compartment is for the short-term
storage of fresh food and drinks.
2. The freezer compartment is
and suitable for the freezing and storage of prefrozen food. The recommendation for
storage as stated on the food packaging should
be observed at all times.
compartment provided in the door liner.
In order to freeze fresh food it is recommended
to pack the products in aluminium or plastic
sheet, cool them in the fresh food compartment
and store them on the freezer compartment
It is preferable that the shelf be fixed in the
upper side of the freezer compartment.
4. Cooked dishes should be stored in airtight
5. Fresh wrapped produce can be kept on the
shelf. Fresh fruit and vegetables should be
cleaned and stored in the crispers.
6. Bottles can be kept in the door section.
7. To store raw meat, wrap in polythene bags
and place on the lowest shelf. Do not allow to
come into contact with cooked food, to avoid
contamination. For safety, only store raw meat
for two to three days.
8. For maximum efficiency, the removable
shelves should not be covered with paper or
other materials to allow free circulation of cool
9. Do not keep vegetable oil on door shelves.
Keep the food packed, wrapped or covered.
Allow hot food and beverages to cool before
refrigerating. Leftover canned food should not
be stored in the can.
products such as flavoured water ices should
not be c ons um ed too c old.
11. Som e fruit and vegetables s uff er dam age
if kept at tem per atures near 0°C . Therefore
wrap pineapples, melons, cucumbers,
tom atoes and s im ilar pr oduc e in polythene
12. High-proof alcohol must be stored upright
in tightly c los ed c ontainer s . Never s tore
produc ts that c ontain an inflam m able
propellant gas (e.g. cream dispensers, spray
cans, etc.) or explosive substances. These
are an explos ion haz ard.
Temperature control and adjustment
Oper ating temperatures are controlled by the
therm os tat knob and m ay be s et at any
pos ition betw een 1 and 5 (the coldes t
If the ther m os tat knob is in position "0" the
appliance is off. In this c as e neither t he lam p
for ins ide lighting w ill light.
The average tem perature ins ide the fridge
s hould be around + 5°C (+41°F) .
Therefor e adjus t the t herm os tat t o obtain the
desired temperature. Some sections of the
fridge m ay be cooler or war m er (suc h as
s alad c ris per and top part of the c abinet )
which is quite normal. We recommend that
you chec k the t em peratur e periodic ally w ith a
to this temperat ure. F requent door openings
cause internal temperatures to rise, so it is
advisable to close the door as soon as
pos s ible after us e.
Before operating
Final Check
Befor e you s tart using the applianc e c hec k
1. The feet have been adjus t ed for per fec t
2. The inter ior is dry, and air c an cir c ulate
freely at the rear .
3. The inter ior is clean as recom m ended
under "Cleaning and c are.”
4. The plug has been ins ert ed into the w all
s oc ket and the elec tric it y is sw itc hed on.
W hen the door is open the interior light w ill
come on.
And note that:
5. You w ill hear a noise as the com pres s or
starts up.
EN Instr uct ion f or use
The liquid and gas es s ealed w ithin the
7. W e rec om m end s et ting the ther m os tat knob
s torage of c om m er c ially froz en foods and als o
door. Fr oz en food s hould not be af fec ted if the
Making ice cubes
Check that the tube is permanently placed with
its end in the collecting tray on the compressor
the plug into the w all s oc ket and s w itc h on the
refrigeration system may also make some
(nois e), whether the c om pr es s or is running or
not. This is quite norm al.
6. Slight undulat ion of the top of the c abinet is
quite norm al due t o the m anufac tur ing
process used; it is not a defect.
m idway and m onitor the tem perat ure to
ens ure the applianc e m aint ains desired
s torage tem per atures ( See s ec tion
Tem perature Contr ol and Adjustm ent).
8. Do not load the applianc e im m ediately it is
s witc hed on. W ait until the cor rec t stor age
tem perature has been reached. W e
rec om m end chec king the tem per ature w ith an
accurate therm om et er (s ee; Tem peratur e
Contr ol and Adjustm ent ).
Storing frozen food
Your freezer is suitable for the long-term
c an be us ed t o freez e and s tor e fresh f ood.
If there is a power failure, do not open the
failure las t s for les s than 16 hrs . If the failur e
is longer, t hen the food s hould be c hec ked
and either eaten im mediately or c ooked and
then re-frozen.
Freezing fresh food
Pleas e obs erve t he following ins t ruc tions t o
obtain the bes t r es ults .
Do not freez e too large a quantity at any one
tim e. The quality of the food is best pres er ved
when it is froz en right t hrough to t he c ore as
quickly as possible.
Do not exceed the f reez ing c apac ity of your
applianc e in 24 h.
Plac ing w arm food into t he freez er
c om partm ent c aus es the r efriger ation
m ac hine to operate c ont inous ly until the food
is froz en s olid. T his c an tem porar ily lead to
exces s ive c ooling of the refr igeration
W hen freezing fr esh food, keep the
therm os tat knob at medium pos ition. S m all
quantities of f ood up to 1/2 kg. (1 lb) can be
froz en w ithout adjus t ing the tem per ature
c ontrol knob.
Take s pec ial care not to mix already f roz en
food and fresh food.
Fill the ic e - c ube tray 3/4 full w ith w ater and
plac e it in the fr eez er. Loos en fr oz en trays
with a spoon handle or a similar implement;
never use sharp-edged objects such as
knives or forks.
A) Fridge compartment
The fridge compartment defrosts
autom atic ally. The defr os t w ater r uns to the
drain tube via a c ollec tion c ont ainer at t he
bac k of the applianc e (Ite m 5).
During defrosting, water droplets may form at
the bac k of the fr idge c om partm ent w here a
concealed evaporator is located. Som e
droplets m ay remain on t he liner and r efreez e
when defrosting is completed. Do not use
pointed or s har p-edged objects such as
knives or forks to r em ove the droplets w hic h
have refroz en.
If, at any tim e, the defros t water does not
drain fr om the collec tion c hannel, c hec k that
no food partic les have bloc ked t he drain tube.
The drain t ube c an be c l eared w ith a pipec leaner or s im ilar implem ent.
to prevent the water spilling on the electric
installation or on the floor (I tem 6).
B) Freezer compartment
Defr osting is very straightfor ward and without
m es s , thanks to a spec ial defros t c ollec tion
Defrost twice a year or when a frost layer of
around 7 (1/4") mm has formed. To start the
defrosting proc edur e, s w itc h off the appliance
at the s oc ket outlet and pull out the m ains
plug. All f ood s hould be wr apped in s everal
layers of new s paper and s tor ed in a cool
plac e (e.g. f ridge or larder) .
Containers of warm water may be placed
c arefully in the f reez er t o s peed up the
Do not use pointed or s harp-edged objec ts,
such as knives or forks to remove the frost.
Never us e hair dryers , elec tric al heaters or
other s uc h electr ic al applianc es for def ros ting.
Sponge out the def ros t w ater c ollec ted in the
bottom of the f reez er c om par tm ent. After
defros ting, dry the inter ior t horoughly. Insert
electric ity supply.
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