Beko CGM 7241 B, CGM 6241 W User manual [EN,MK,SQ,SR]

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Beko CGM 7241 B, CGM 6241 W User manual

Contact Grill

User Manual

CGM 7241 B

CGM 6241 W




Please read this user manual first!

Dear Customer,

Thank you for prefering a Beko product. We hope that you get the best results from your product which has been manufactured with high quality and state- of-the-art technology. Therefore, please read this entire user manual and all other accompanying documents carefully before using the product and keep it as a reference for future use. If you handover the product to someone else, give the user manual as well. Follow all warnings and information in the user manual.

Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models. Differences between models will be identified in the manual.

Explanation of symbols

Throughout this user manual the following symbols are used:

C Important information or useful hints about usage.

A Warning for hazardous situations with regard to life and property.

B Warning for electric shock.

Warning for hot surfaces.

This product has been produced in environmentally friendly, modern facilities.

Complies with the WEEE

Does not contain PCB.


Made in Turkey





СРПСКИ 36-48






Contact Grill / User Manual


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1Importantinstructionsfor safetyandenvironment

1.1 General safety

When you start to use your appliance for the first time, slightly oil the cooking plates with cotton wool, set the thermostat to position 3 and warm for 10 minutes. A light odor may arise, which is quite normal.

When you want to operate your appliance, first open it by pushing the locking latch backwards () which joins the upper and lower cooking groups.

When you want to gather your appliance, you may pull back the same locking latch forward to locking position () and lift it up.

Never use metal objects such as knife or fork while cleaning the cooking plates. You may damage the PTFE coating.

Always unplug the appliance when attaching and removing the cooking plates or while cleaning.

Never immerse the appliance in water.

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Contact Grill / User Manual



1Importantinstructionsfor safetyandenvironment

As the lower plate measures the thermostat heat, put the foods on to this cooking plate first when in barbeque position and use the other plate when the lower plate is full.

Use your appliance by installing it on a stable place which has adequate clearance around it.

Turn off the upper cooking group when you start warming your appliance and turn it on when you leave it to cool off.

Always use your appliance with grounded sockets. In cases where you need an extension cable, use grounded cables with a cross section of at least 1 mm2.

Keep the power cord of the appliance away from heat sources such as a burning oven in the kitchen and pay attention that it does not hang down from the appliance.

When the power cable is damaged, it must always be replaced by the authorized technical service. Otherwise, guarantee of your appliance may be void.

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1Importantinstructionsfor safetyandenvironment

Handheld parts of your appliance will be very hot while operating.

When attaching and removing the cooking plates and changing the positions thereof, make sure that the grill is not hot.

Your appliance must not be used by persons (including children) with reduced physical (aural or visual), sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision by a person responsible for their safety.

Children must be supervised when they are using the appliance and they should not be allowed to play with it.

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Contact Grill / User Manual



1Importantinstructionsfor safetyandenvironment

1.2CompliancewithWEEEregulationand disposalofthewasteproduct

This product does not contain harmful and forbidden materials described in the “Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment” (EEE) issued by the T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. Complies with the WEEE Directive.

This product has been manufactured with high quality parts and materials which can be reused and are suitable for recycling.Therefore, do not dispose of the product with normal domestic waste at the end of its service life. Take it to a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Please consult your local authorities to learn the nearest collection point. Help protect the environment and natural resources by recycling used products. For children’s safety, cut the power cable and break the locking mechanism of the loading door so that it will be nonfunctional before disposing of the product.


Packaging materials of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations. Do not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes. Take them to the packaging

material collection points designated by the local authorities.

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Thermostat adjustment knob


Cooking plates





2. Cooking plate fitting hook


Discharge of oil









On/Off switch and







Locking (Open / Closed )


thermostat control led







latch/ level adjustment latch

10. Cleaning comb





5.Upper plate locking latch

6.Cable winding storage under the product

All declared values on the product and on the printed leaflets are picked up after laboratory measurements performed according to related standarts. These values may differ upon usage and ambient conditions.

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2 Yourtoastgrill


Voltage:220-240 V~

Power:2000 - 2400 W



230 x 310 mm


Technical and design modifications reserved.

Contact Grill / User Manual

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3 Cookingpositionsandadjustments

You may use Toast Grill as a multipurpose appliance by changing the distances and positions of cooking plates. Thermostat adjustment will also be helpful to you in this subject.

3.1Closedcooking position

In this position the food is placed between the lower and the upper plates.

Cooking time will be very short as both surfaces will touch the food simultaneously. Grill, toast, eggplant roasting is possible in this position. Foods between the cooking plates will not slide thanks to the special handle design. Weight of the upper cooking group has been designed to be adequate for touching, as pressing with the upper group while cooking will affect the flavor of the food adversely.

You may use thermostat adjustment level 1 to thaw frozen foods. Frozen foods may also be thawed wrapped in aluminum folio as you may prefer.

3.2 Barbeque position

The upper cooking group of your appliance has been designed to stand in upright position. Thus, you will not have to hold the upper cooking group while placing the foods to be cooked on the lower cooking plate.

When switching the appliance to barbeque position, it will be sufficient to apply a slight force backwards on the upper cooking group which is standing in upright position.

To have the both cooking plates at the same level and parallel to the floor, it will be easier if you hold and support the locking latch of the upper cooking plate while switching into barbeque position. If this does not help to make them parallel, we recommend you to slightly push upwards from the bottom of the upper cooking plate at a point closest to the joints after the upper cooking plate is opened completely.

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3 Cookingpositionsandadjustments

In this position, as both cooking plates are opened side by side, surface is widened. Barbeques such as sirloin steak, chopsteak, meatballs or crepe, egg, cheesecake, as preferred, may be cooked in a short time.

3.2.1Removing/ attachingthecooking plates

Removing and Attaching the Cooking Plates

When you want to remove the cooking plates, pull the fitting hook in the front towards yourself and take out the released cooking plate.

When you want to reattach it, first place it at the back side of the bottom and lock by pressing the front side where the fitting hook is located.

Before carrying out this process, make sure that the plates and the appliance are not hot and check if these plates are properly attached after the process.

3.3 Thermostat


Heat of the cooking plates of your Toast Grill is being controlled by the thermostat knob located in the front part of the lower cooking group.

I-Slightly Hot: Mostly used for warming purposes.

II-Hot: Crépe, sausage, chicken, liver, etc. can be cooked.

III-Very Hot: Recommended for red meats, fish, toast, etc.

These recommendations may vary according to the thickness, quantity, whether frozen or not, and the degree of cooking of the food.

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4 Howtousethetoastgrill


1.First check if the cooking plates are attached properly or not. Wash the cooking plates and then oil the cooking surfaces very slightly by means of a cleaning tissue or cotton wool.

2.Plug the power cord when the appliance is in off position. After taking the thermostat adjustment knob to the desired position, press on/off switch. The appliance will start warming up and the thermostat above the switch will light up. This light will turn off as soon as the adjusted level of heat is reached.

3.Your appliance will be ready for cooking after the thermostat light turn off.

4.If you want to store the appliance after cooking, lock it by using the locking mechanism at the right side of the handle after making the necessary cleaning. You may safely carry your appliance in this way and store it in an upright position.

5.Do not operate the product without the cooking plates attached on it, otherwise, the thermal fuse of the appliance may break down.

4.2Handlingand transportation

During handling and transportation, carry the appliance in its original packaging. The packaging of the appliance protects it against physical damages.

Do not place heavy loads on the appliance or the packaging. The appliance may be damaged.

Dropping the appliance will render it non-operational or cause permanent damage.

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5 Cleaning andmaintenance


1.Unplug the power cord after cooking is finished and leave it to cool off in open position.

2.Remove the cooking plates and wash them in the dishwasher or by hand. Never immerse other parts of the appliance in water.

3.As the cooking plates are coated with PTFE, do not clean them with steel wool or scratching materials to prevent scratching.

4.You may use the specially designed cleaning comb to clean the cooking plates. Do not press the cleaning comb hard enough to scratch the plates and never use it on hot surfaces. You may wash the comb in the dishwasher after using it.

5.A very tiny scratch that may occur on the surfaces can cause the foods to stick on the surfaces. In such a case, try to clean it up by dropping several drops of oil.

6.Do not clean the outer surfaces of your appliance with scratching and hard cleansing agents.

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Прво прочитајте го упатството!

Почитуван клиенту,

ВиблагодаримештоизбравтепроизводнаBeko.Сенадевамедекаќеги добиетенајдобритерезултатисонашиотпроизвод,којштоепроизведен совисококвалитетнаиврвнатехнологија.Затоа,внимателнопрочитајте го целото упатство и целата друга придружна документација пред да го користите производот и зачувајте го за идна потреба. Ако го предадете производот на други, дајте им го и упатството. Следете ги сите предупредувања и информации во упатството.

Имајте предвид дека истото упатство се доставува и со неколку други модели. Разликите во моделите се посочени во него.

Објаснување на симболите

Следните симболи се користат низ ова упатство за корисникот:

C Важни информации или корисни совети за употребата.

A Предупредување за опасни состојби во однос на животот и имотот.

B Предупредување за електричен удар.

Предупредување за врели површини.

Овој производ е произведен во еколошка и технолошки врвна постројка.

Усогласен е со Регулативата за отпадна електрична и електронска опрема WEEE.

Не содржи полихлориран бифенил - PCB. Направено во Турција

1Важни информации за безбедноста и животната средина

1.1 Општа безбедност

Кога ќе почнете да го користите уредот првпат, нанесете малку од маслото на плочите за готвење со памук, поставете го термостатот на позиција 3 и оставете да се затопли 10 минути. Може да се појави слаба миризба, нешто што е сосема нормално.

• Кога сакате да го употребувате уредот, прво отворете го резето за заклучување со притискање наназад ( ) со што се поврзуваат горната и долната група за готвење.

Когасакатедагособеретеуредот,можетедаго повлечете истото резе нанапред во позиција за заклучување () и подигнете го.

Никогаш не употребувајте метални објекти како нож или вилушка за чистење на плочите за готвење. Може да се оштети слојот PTFE.

Секогаш исклучувајте го уредот од струја кога ги поставувате или отстранувате плочите за готвење или кога го чистите.

Грил тостер / Прирачник за употреба

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