2.1. CANopen Data Transmission..............................................................................................................8
Data Transmission - COB-ID
2.2. Service data communication ............................................................................................................9
Request for parameter – Parameter to the encoder - Index / Sub-index - SDO examples:
Request of a value by the master from the slave
Writing of a value by the master into the slave
2.3 Process data communication........................................................................................................... 11
Synchronous- Cyclical (asynchronous) - Response to an RTR message -Transmission of the c urrent
Init - Pre-operational mode - Operational m ode - Stopped mode - Reset of the absolute rotary
4.Communication objects 1000h to 1FFFh (DS 301)..............................................................................14
Object 1010h: Store parameters
Object 1011h: Restore Default parameters
Object 1800h: 1st Transmit PDO communication Parameter
Transmission mode
COB-ID Structure
Inhibit Time (Sub-index 3)
Event Timer (Sub-index 5)
Object 1801h: 2nd Transmit PDO communication Parameter
5. Manufacturer-specific Objects 2000h to 5FFFh.................................................................................20
Object 2002h: Speed
Object 2005h: PDO type
Object 2100h: Transmission Rate
Object 2101h: Node Number
6. Encoder-specific objects 6000h to 9FFFh (DS 406)............................................................................ 22
Object 6000h: Operating Parameters
Object 6001h: Measuring Units per revolution
Object 6002h: Total measuring range in measuring units
Object 6003h: Preset Value
Object 6004h: Position Value
Object 6200h: Cyclic Timer
Object 6500h: Operating Status
Object 6501h: Singleturn Resolution (Rotary)
Object 6502h: Number of Distinguishable Revolutions
Object 6503h: Alarms
Object 6504h: Supported Alarms
Object 6505h: Warnings
Object 6506h: Supported Warnings
Object 6507h: Profile and Software Version
Object 650Ah: Module identification
Object 650Bh: Serial Number
Appendix: Compatibility with with the old encoders SHM5/SHU9/CHU9/MHM5.............................. 31
Page 2 Version 1.02
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
This manual describes the implementing and confi guration of an absolute rotary encoder with
CANopen interface. The device fullfills the requirements of a CANopen device regarding the
device specification DS406 of the CANopen user group.
1.1 Absolute rotary encoder
The basic principle of an absolute rotary encoder is the optical sampling of a transparent code
disc which is fixed with the driving shaft.
The absolute rotary encoder has a maximum resolution of 8192 steps per revolution (13 Bit). The
Multi-Turn version can detect up to 65536 revolutions (16Bit). Therefore the largest resulting
resolution is 29 Bit = 2
standard Multi-Turn version 29 Bit.
Open functions. The following modes can be programmed and ena bled or disabled:
- RTR Message (Polled mode)
- Cyclic Mode
- Sync Mode
The protocol supports the programming of the following addi tional functions:
- Code sequence (Complement)
- Resolution per revolution
- Total revolutions
- Preset value
- Two limit switches
- Baudrate
- Node number
The general use of absolute rotary encoders with CAN-Bus interface using the CAN Open
protocol is guaranteed.
1.2 CANopen technology
CAN stands for Controller Area Network and was developed by the company Bosch for
applications within the automobile are a. In the meantime CAN has become i ncreasi ngl y used for
industrial applications. CAN is a multi-masterable system, i.e. all users can access the bus at any
time as long as it is free. CAN doesn’t operate with addresses but with mess age identifiers. Access
to the bus is performed according to the CSMA /CA principle (carrier sense multipl e access with
collision avoidance), i.e. each user liste ns if the bus i s free, and i f so, is allowed to send messa ges.
If two users attempt to access the bus simultaneously, the one with the highest priority (lowest
identifier) receives the permi ssi on to send. Us ers with l ower pri ority interrupt their data tr ansfer and
will access the bus when it is free again. Messages can be received by every participant.
Controlled by an acceptance filter the participant accepts only messages that are intended for
= 536.870.912 steps. The standard Single-Turn version has 13 Bit, the
Version 1.02 Page 3
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
Transmission Technology: Two-core cable
Baud rates: 10 kBaud up to 1 MBaud
Participants: maximum 127
Cable Length: 30 m for 1 MBaud
1000 m for 20 kBaud
The data communication is done via message telegram s. In general, telegrams can be spli t in a
COB-Identifier and up to 8 foll o wing byte s. Th e C OB-Identifier, which determines the priority of the
message, is made from the function code and the node number.
The node number is uniquely assi gned to each user. The function code vari es according to the
type of message transmitted:
PDOs (Process Data Objects) are needed for real time data exchange. Since this messages
possess a high priority, the function code and therefore the identi fier are low. SDOs (service data
objects) are necessary for the bus node configuration (e.g. transfer of device parameters).
Because these message telegrams are tranferred acyclicly (usually only while powering up the
network), the priority is low.
BEI IDEACOD rotary encoders with CANopen interface support all CANopen functions. The
following operating modes can be programmed:
- Response to a RTR message (Polled mode):
The position value is only given upon request
- Cyclic Mode:
The position value is written cyclicall y (interval adjustable) to the bus
- Sync mode:
After receiving a sync message by the host, the encoder answers with the current
process value. If a node is not requi red to ans wer after each sy nc message , a par ameter
sync counter can be programmed to skip a certain number of sync messages before
answering again
Further functions (direction of rotation, resolution,etc..) can be parameterized. BEI IDEACOD
rotary encoders correspond with the class 2 profile for encoder (
whereby the characteristics of rotary encoders with CANopen interface are defined. For
configuration and parameterization various sof tware tools are available from different prov iders.
With the help of the provided EDS file (electronic data shee t) si mpl e line-up and program mi ng ar e
DS 301 V4.0.2, DS 406 V3.1),
Page 4 Version 1.02
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
The communication concept can be descri bed similar to the ISO-OSI Reference Model:
Device A Device B Device C Device X
ISO/OSI Layer 7: CAL
ISO/OSI Layer 2: Data Link Layer
ISO/OSI Layer 1: Physical Layer
The communication model* supports s ynchronous and asynchronous messages. With respect to
the functionality four different message objects are provided:
Administrational Messages (LMT, NMT)
Service Data Messages (SDO)
Process Data Messages (PDO)
Pre-defined Messages (Synchronisation and Emergency Messages)
Further information is available at:
CAN in Automation (CiA) International Users and Manufac turers Group e.V.
Am Weichselgarten 26
D-91058 Erlangen
(*) Reference: CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications
CiA Draft Standard 201 ... 207, Version 1.1
CAL-based Communication Profile for Industrial Systems
CiA Draft Standard 301
Version 1.02 Page 5
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
CAN Controller Area Network
CAL CAN Application Layer
CMS CAN Message Specification.
One of the service elements of the application layer in the CAN Reference Model.
COB Communication Object. (CAN message) A unit of transportation in a CAN Network.
Data must be sent across a Network inside a COB.
COB-ID COB-Identfier. Identifies a COB uniquely in a Network. The i dentifier determines the
priority of that COB.
LMTLayer Management. One of the service elements of the application layer in the CAN Reference Model. It serves to configure parameters of each layer in the CAN
Reference Model.
NMTNetwork Management. One of the service elements of the application layer in the CAN Reference Model. It performs initialisation, configuration and error handling in a CAN
SDO Service Data Object. A data object with low pri ority to configure a CAN node.
PDO Process Data Object. A data object with high priority to transmit data in synchron ous and
asynchronous modes.
Additionally, following abbreviations are used in the manual:
APV Absolute Position Value
CW Clockwise. Turning direction as seen on shaft.
CCW Counterclockwise. Turning direction as seen on shaft.
FC Function code. It determines the kind of message, which i s sent across the CAN
NN Node number. It determines uniquely the CAN device.
PV Preset value
PCV Process value
Page 6 Version 1.02
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
Malfunction of the position value during transmission
During the transmission of the position value occasional malfunctions occurs.
Possible solution:
Check, if the last bus node has switched on the terminal resistor.
Too much ERROR-Frames
The bus load is too high in case of too much error frames.
Possible solution:
Check if all bus node has the same baudrate. I f one node has another baudrate error frames
are produced automatically.
Installation hints
Both the cable shielding and the metal housi ngs of encoders and subse que nt el ectroni cs hav e a
shielding function. The housing must have the same potential and be connected to the main
signal ground over the machine chassi s or by means of a separate potenti al compensating line.
Potential compensating lines should have a minimum cross section of 6 mm2.
Do not lay signal cable in the di rect vicinity of interference sources (air clearance > 100 m m (4
A minimum spacing of 200 mm (8 in.) to inductors is usually required, for example in switch-mode
power supplies.
Configure the signal lines for minimum l ength and avoid the use of intermediate terminals.
In metal cable ducts, sufficient decoupling of signal lines from interference signal transmitting
cable can usually be achieved with a grounded partition.
Version 1.02 Page 7
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
Data is transmitted in a CANopen network in the form of messages. These messages basically
consist of a COB-ID and 8 data bytes.
COB-ID The 11-bit COB-ID is made up as follows:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function code Node number
X X X X X X X X X X X X free, to be selected
The COB-ID only determines the messag e object. It consists of a function code, which identi fies
the message class and the node number, which is the absolute encoder address. The node
number is fixed using the CAN interface.
The following function codes are avail abl e (rx and tx as viewed by the master):
The service data objects correspond to the standards of the CiA. It is possible to access an objec t
via index and subindex. The data can be requested or where appli cabl e written into the object.
COB-ID Command Index Sub Index Service Data (Parameters)
11 bit Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4
Byte 5 Byte 6
Byte 7
An SDO-COB ID is composed as follows:
Master -> Encoder : 600h + Node ID
Encoder -> Master : 580h + Node ID
Data is transmitted solely usi ng objects referenc ed by index. The o bjects are simpl e or composed
type. In this case, the index associated to the comp osed object will be subdivided into several
sub-index.The number of sub-index is specified into subindex 0, it can be from 1 to 254. Each
object is described into a object dictionary.
The organization of a standard object dictionary is shown in the following table:
Index (hex) Object
0000 Not used
0001-001F Static data types
0020-003F Complex data types
0040-005F Manufacturer specific data types
0060-0FFF Reserved
1000-1FFF Communication area (see Communication profile objects 1000h to 1FFFh (DS301)
2000-5FFF Manufacturer specific area (see Manufacturer-specific Zone Objects 2000h to 5FFFh)
6000-9FFF Device profile specific area (see Hardware Profile objects 6000h to 0FFFh (DS406)
A000-FFFF Reserved
SDO examples
Request of a value by the master from the slave
A frequent request will be a request for position Object 6004h
COB-ID Command Index Sub Index Service Data (Parameters)
600h+node ID 40h 04h 60h 00h X X X X
Response by the slave to the request for a value
The position is 4 bytes long, the precise values can be found under object 6004h.
COB-ID Command Index Sub Index Service Data (Parameters)
580h+node ID 43h 04h 60h 00h Pos0 Pos1 Pos2 Pos3
Writing of a value by the master into the slave
Position setting can be performed with preset. Object 6003h
COB-ID Command Index Sub Index Service Data (Parameters)
600h+node ID 22h 03h 60h 00h Pre0 Pre1 Pre2 Pre3
Slave’s response to the writing of a value
COB-ID Command Index Sub Index Service Data (Parameters)
580h+node ID 60h 03h 60h 00h 0 0 0 0
Page 10 Version 1.02
Espace Européen de l’Entreprise
9, rue de Copenhague
B.P. 70044 Schiltigheim
F 67013 Strasbourg Cedex
Process data objects are used for real time data exchange for process data :position. PDOs can
be transmitted synchronously or cyclically (asynchronously). The encoder supports the PDO1
and the PDO2. Both PDOs supply the current position of the encoder and are defined in the
objects 1800h,1801h, 1A00h, 1A01.
In order to transmit the process data synchronously, a value bet ween 1 and F0h (=240) must be
written into the object 1800h / 1801h Subindex 2. If the value i s 3, the PDO is transmitted on ev ery
third sync telegram (if the value 1 is entered, transmission takes place on every sync tel egram)
In synchronous operation, the PDO is requested by the m aster via the Sync telegram (COB-ID =
Cyclical (asynchronous)
If you wish the PDOs to b e transmitted cyclically, the value FEh must be written i nto the object
1800h / 1801h Subindex 2. In addition, the cycle time in milliseconds must be entered in the same
object subindex 5. The entered time is rounded off to 1 ms. If the v al ue is stored for 0 ms, th e PDOs
are not transmitted. The function is switched off.
Response to an RTR message
by means of the remote frame = recessive RTR bit, precisely the message with the transferred
identifier will be requested
Transmission of the current position
The process value is sent on the CAN network with the following message:
COB-ID Process value
11 bits Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
27 to 20 215 to 28 223 to 216 231 to 224
The COB-ID contains the node number and the correspondi ng PDO(tx). By default, the sended
process value use the COB-ID 0180h+Node-ID and, in response to the SYNC message, use the
COB-ID 0280h+Node ID.
The PDO COB-ID are defined in the object 1800h/1801h subindex 1.
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