Main Features
- Interface: CANopen (DS406)
CANopen Lift (DSP417)
- Housing: 36 mm
- Solid shaft: 6 or 10mm
- Blind hollow shaft: 6mm
- Max. 4096 steps per revolution (12 Bit)
- Max. 65536 revolutions (16 Bit)
- Code: Binary
- Velocity and Acceleration Output
- LSS services
Mechanical Structure
- Nickel-plated steel housing
Stainless steel shaft
Precision ball bearings
Compact and heavy-duty industrial design
Aluminium flange and housing
Programmable Parameters
Direction of rotation (complement)
- Resolution per revolution
- Total resolution
- Preset value
- Two limit switches and eight cams
- Baud rate and CAN-identifier
- Transmission mode: Polled mode, cyclic
mode, sync mode
Electrical Features
Highly integrated circuit in SMD-
- Polarity inversion protection
- Over-voltage-peak protection
- Galvanic Isolation
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Table of Contents
Main Features..........................................................1
Mechanical Structure...............................................1
Programmable Parameters .....................................1
Electrical Features...................................................1
Table of Contents..................................................2
General Security Advise.......................................4
About this Manual............................................. ....4
1. Introduction........................................................5
1.1 General CANopen Information..........................5
2. Installation..........................................................7
2.1 Electrical Connection ........................................7
3. Technical Data...................................................9
Electrical Data .........................................................9
Sensor data .............................................................9
Tab. 3 Sensor data .....................................................9
Synchro (S)............................................................10
Blind hollow shaft (B).............................................10
Clamp (C) ..............................................................10
Minimum Mechanical Lifetime...............................10
Cable .....................................................................10
4. Configuration...................................................11
4.1 Operating Modes.............................................11
4.1.1 General.........................................................11
4.1.2 Mode: Preoperational...................................11
4.1.3 Mode: Start - Operational.............................11
4.1.4 Mode: Stopped .............................................11
4.1.2 Reinitialization of the Encoder .....................12
4.2 Normal Operating ............................................12
4.3 Storing Parameter ...........................................13
4.3.1 List of storable Parameter ............................13
4.3.1 Storing Procedure ........................................13
4.4 Restoring Parameters .....................................14
4.5 Usage of Layer Setting Services (LSS) ..........14
5. Programmable Parameters ............................15
5.1 Programming example: Preset Value .............16
5.1.1 Set Encoder Preset Value............................16
5.2 Communication Profile DS301 specific
objects from 1000h - 1FFFh..................................17
5.3 Manufacturer specific objects 2000h –
5FFFh ....................................................................18
5.4 Application specific objects 6000h – 67FEh .. 18
5.5 Object Descriptions ........................................ 19
Object 1000h: Device Type ..................................19
Object 1001h: Error Register ................................ 20
Object 1003h: Pre-Defined Error Field ................. 20
Object 1005h: COB-ID Sync................................. 21
Object 1008h: Manufacturer Device Name .......... 21
Object 1009h: Manufacturer Hardware Version... 21
Object 100Ah: Manufacturer Software Version.... 21
Object 100Ch: Guard Time................................... 22
Object 100Dh: Life Time Factor ........................... 22
Object 1010h: Store Parameters .......................... 22
Object 1011h: Restore Parameters ...................... 23
Object 1012h: COB-ID Time Stamp Object ......... 23
Object 1013h: High Resolution Time Stamp ........ 23
Object 1014h: COB-ID Emergency Object........... 24
Object 1016h: Consumer Heartbeat Time ........... 24
Object 1017h: Producer Heartbeat Time ............. 24
Object 1018h: Identity Object ............................... 25
Object 1020h: Verify configuration ....................... 25
Object 1029h: Error behaviour ............................. 25
Object 1800h: 1st Transmit PDO Communication
Parameter ............................................................. 26
Object 1801h: 2nd Transmit PDO Communication
Parameter ............................................................. 26
Event Timer........................................................... 27
Object 1A00h: 1st Transmit PDO Mapping
Parameter ............................................................. 27
Object 1A01h: 2nd Transmit PDO Mapping
Parameter ............................................................. 28
Object 1F50h: Download Program Area .............. 28
Object 1F51h: Program Control ........................... 28
Object 2000h: Position Value ............................... 29
Object 2100h: Operating Parameters................... 29
Object 2101h: Resolution per Revolution............. 30
Object 2102h: Total Resolution ............................ 30
Object 2103h: Preset Value.................................. 31
Object 2104h: Limit Switch, min. ..........................31
Object 2105h: Limit Switch, max. .........................32
Object 2160h: Customer storage ......................... 32
Object 2200h: Cyclic Timer PDO ......................... 33
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Object 2300h: Save Parameter with Reset...........33
Object 3000h: Node Number ................................33
Object 3001h: Baudrate ........................................34
Object 3010h: Speed Control................................34
Object 3011h: Speed Value ..................................34
Object 3020h: Acceleration Control ......................35
Object 3021h: Acceleration Value.........................35
Object 4000h: Bootloader Control.........................35
Object 6000h: Operating parameters....................36
Object 6001h: Measuring units per revolution ......37
Object 6002h: Total measuring range in
measuring units .....................................................37
Object 6003h: Preset value ...................................37
Object 6004h: Position value ................................37
Object 6030h: Speed Value ..................................38
Object 6040h: Acceleration Value.........................38
Object 6200h: Cyclic timer ....................................38
Object 6300h: Cam state register .........................39
Object 6301h: Cam enable register ......................39
Object 6302h: Cam polarity register .....................39
Object 6400h: Area state register .........................42
Object 6401h: Work area low limit ........................43
Object 6402h: Work area high limit ...................... 43
Object 6500h: Operating status............................ 43
Object 6501h: Single-turn resolution .................... 44
Object 6502h: Number of distinguishable
revolutions............................................................. 44
Object 6503h: Alarms ........................................... 44
Object 6504h: Supported alarms.......................... 45
Object 6505h: Warnings ....................................... 45
Object 6506h: Supported warnings ...................... 46
Object 6507h: Profile and software version ......... 46
Object 6508h: Operating time............................... 46
Object 6509h: Offset value ................................... 47
Object 650Ah: Module identification..................... 47
Object 650Bh: Serial number ...............................47
6. Diagnosis.........................................................48
6.2 Troubleshooting .............................................. 48
7. Mechanical Drawings.....................................49
Appendix A: History...........................................53
Appendix B: Glossary........................................54
Appendix C: List of tables .................................57
Appendix D: Document history......................... 57
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General Security Advise
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully, and look at the
equipment to become familiar with the device
before trying to install, operate, or maintain it.
The following special messages may appear
throughout this documentation or on the
equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call
attention to information that clarifies or simplifies
a procedure.
The addition of this symbol to a
Danger or Warning safety label
indicates that an electrical hazard
exists, which will result in personal injury if the
instructions are not followed.
About this Manual
This user manual describes how to install and
configure an absolute rotary encoder with
CANopen interface.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is
used to alert you to potential
personal injury hazards. Obey all
safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.
Please Note
Electrical equipment should be serviced only by
qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed
by BEI Sensors for any consequences arising
out of the use of this material. This document is
not intended as an instruction manual for
untrained people.
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1. Introduction
This manual explains how to install and
configure the MAGNETOCODE absolute rotary
encoder with CANopen interface applicable for
both military and industrial applications with
CANopen interface. The products are fully
compliant with standard DS406.
Measuring System
Magnetic rotary encoder determine
positions using the Hall effect sensor
technology developed for the automotive
mass market. A permanent magnet fixed to
the shaft generates a magnetic field that is
sampled by the Hall sensor, which
translates the measured value into a unique
absolute position value.
To register revolutions even when no
voltage is applied, energy from the turning
of the shaft must suffice for proper
operation. An innovative, patented
technology makes this feasible even at low
rotational speeds and through long
standstill periods – a Wiegand wire ensures
that the magnetic field can only follow the
turning of the shaft in discrete steps. A coil
wound on the Wiegand wire receives only
brief, strong voltage spikes, which prompt
the reliable recognition of each revolution.
Typical Applications:
• Packing Machines
• Mobile Machines
• Wind Mills
• Medical Equipment
1.1 General CANopen Information
The CANop
applications. It is a multiple access system
(maximum: 127 participants), which means that
all devices can access the bus. In simple terms,
each device checks whether the bus is free, and
if it is the device is able to send messages. If two
devices try to access the bus at the same time,
the device with the higher priority level (lowest
ID number) has permission to send its message.
Devices with the lowest priority level must delay
their data transfer and wait before retrying to
send their message. Data communication is
carried out via messages. These messages
consist of 1 COB-ID followed by a maximum of 8
bytes of data. The COB-ID, which determines
the priority of the message, consists of a
function code and a node number. The node
number corresponds to the network address of
the device. It is unique on a bus. The function
code varies according to the type of message
being sent:
The absolute rotary encoder supports the
following operating modes:
en system is used in industrial
Management messages (LMT, NMT)
Messaging and service (SDOs)
Data exchange (PDOs)
Layer Setting Services (LSS)
Predefined messages (synchronization,
emergency messages)
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