BEI Sensors MHK5 User Manual


Main Features

- Compact and heavy-duty industrial design
- Interface: CANopen / CAN
- Housing: 58 mm
- Solid/hollow shaft: 6 or 10mm / 15mm
- Max. 16384 revolutions (14 Bit)
- Code: Binary
- Velocity and Acceleration Output

Mechanical Structure

- Aluminium flange and housing
- Stainless steel shaft
- Precision ball bearings with sealing or
cover rings
- Code disc made of unbreakable and
durable plastic

Programmable Parameters

- Direction of rotation (complement)
- Resolution per revolution
- Total resolution
- Preset value
- Two limit switches and eight cams
- Baud rate and CAN-identifier
- Transmission mode: Polled mode, cyclic
mode, sync mode
- Layer Setting Services

Electrical Features

- Temperature insensitive IR-opto-receiver
asic with integrated signal conditioning
- Connection cap: Status indication with
two LEDs
- Polarity inversion protection
- Over-voltage-peak protection
Version 07/10 BEI Sensors CANopen Manual serie M 1
Table of Contents
General Security Advise......................................4
About this Manual................................................4
1. Introduction......................................................5
1.1 General CANopen Information.........................5
2. Installation........................................................7
2.1 Connection via Connection Cap.......................7
2.1.1 Signal Assignment ........................................7
2.1.2 Bus Termination in Connection Cap .............8
2.1.3 Setting Node Number in Connection Cap ..... 9
2.1.4 Setting Baudrate in Connection Cap...........10
2.1.5 Status of the connection cap LEDs ............. 10
2.2 Installation of Connector and Cable
encoders .............................................................. 12
2.2.1 Signal Assignment ......................................12
2.2.2 Setting Node Number .................................13
2.2.3 Setting Baud Rate.......................................13
2.2.4 Switching the integrated Bus Terminal
Resistor................................................................ 14
Object 3002h: Terminal Resistor..........................14
3. Technical Data................................................15
Electrical Data...................................................... 15
Mechanical Data .................................................. 15
Minimum Mechanical Lifetime.............................. 16
Environmental Conditions .................................... 16
4. Configuration .................................................17
4.1 Operating Modes ...........................................17
4.1.1 General ....................................................... 17
4.1.2 Mode: Preoperational.................................. 17
4.1.3 Mode: Start - Operational............................ 17
4.1.4 Mode: Stopped............................................ 18
4.1.2 Reinitialization of the Encoder..................... 18
4.2 Normal Operating........................................... 18
4.3 Storing Parameter..........................................19
4.3.1 List of storable Parameter ...........................19
4.3.1 Storing Procedure ....................................... 20
4.4 Restoring Parameters .................................... 20
4.5 Usage of Layer Setting Services (LSS).......... 20
5. Programmable Parameters ...........................22
5.1 Programming example: Preset Value ............23
5.1.1 Set Encoder Preset Value........................... 23
5.2 Communication Profile DS301 specific
objects from 1000h - 1FFFh ................................ 25
5.3 Manufacturer specific objects 2000h –
5FFFh.................................................................. 26
5.4 Application specific objects 6000h – 67FEh .. 26
5.5 Object Descriptions ....................................... 27
Object 1000h: Device Type ................................. 27
Object 1001h: Error Register ............................... 28
Object 1003h: Pre-Defined Error Field ................ 28
Object 1005h: COB-ID Sync................................ 28
Object 1008h: Manufacturer Device Name.......... 29
Object 1009h: Manufacturer Hardware Version... 29
Object 100Ah: Manufacturer Software Version.... 29
Object 100Ch: Guard Time.................................. 29
Object 100Dh: Life Time Factor........................... 30
Object 1010h: Store Parameters ......................... 30
Object 1011h: Restore Parameters ..................... 30
Object 1012h: COB-ID Time Stamp Object ......... 31
Object 1013h: High Resolution Time Stamp........ 31
Object 1014h: COB-ID Emergency Object .......... 31
Object 1016h: Consumer Heartbeat Time ........... 32
Object 1017h: Producer Heartbeat Time ............. 32
Object 1018h: Identity Object .............................. 32
Object 1020h: Verify configuration....................... 33
Object 1029h: Error behaviour............................. 33
Object 1800h:
1st-TPDO-Communication-Parameter.................. 33
Object 1801h: 2nd TPDO Communication
Parameter............................................................ 33
Object 1A00h: 1st TPDO Mapping Parameter...... 35
Object 1A01h: 2nd TPDO Mapping Parameter..... 35
Object 1F50h: Download Program Area.............. 35
Object 1F51h: Program Control........................... 36
Object 2000h: Position Value .............................. 36
Object 2100h: Operating Parameters .................. 36
Object 2101h: Resolution per Revolution ............ 37
Object 2102h: Total Resolution ........................... 37
Object 2103h: Preset Value................................. 38
Object 2104h: Limit Switch, min. ......................... 39
Object 2105h: Limit Switch, max. ........................ 39
Object 2160h: Customer storage......................... 40
Version 07/10 BEI Sensors CANopen Manual serie M 2
+ 4 hidden pages