BEI Sensors Intrinsic Safety Barrier User Manual

This Intrinsic Safety Barrier has certications
to be used as an associated apparatus for intrinsically safe encoders installed in the following hazardous locations:
US Class I, Group A,B,C,D; Class II, Groups E,F,G; Class III
Canadian Class I, Zone 0, Group IIC
II 3 (1) G Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc
Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc
EN 55011 and 61000-6-2
Intrinsic Safety Barrier
This Intrinsic Safety Barrier Module is the perfect complement to BEI’s Intrinsically Safe Encoders and, when used together, constitutes a completely engineered solution for encoder operation in Class I and Class II, Division 1 (Zone 0) Hazardous Environments. This single barrier provides both power and signal isolation for an incremental encoder with differential quadrature outputs and an index. This all-in-one approach saves the cost, inconvenience and system design time needed when using separate power and signal barriers. This barrier is galvanically isolated which eliminates the added cost of maintaining a high integrity earth ground. With differential line driver outputs, this barrier can be used to carry signals reliably up to 500 feet with a bandwidth of up to 250 kHz. It is designed around a standard DIN Rail mounting (Type EN 50022, 35 mm X 7.5 mm) for easy installation in standard enclosures. A length of DIN rail is supplied with each module. The module simply snaps directly to the DIN rail and is ready to use.
The Intrinsic Safety Barrier Module is certied to be installed in
Class I, Div. 2 (Zone 2) areas.
When properly connected, differential data signals have an inherent immunity to noise since it is rejected as common mode. However if a connection between the encoder and the barrier is broken or improperly terminated it can act as an antenna and still create a signal. An open wire detection (ISD) option is available on BEI’s Intrinsically Safe Barriers (28V/V and 28V/5 only). In the event that the data line is cut or not properly connected the ISD option can detect a change in the impedance of the connection and cause the output data on both legs of the differential signal to go low. This creates an erroneous logic state that can be used by the operator to halt or modify a process.
Intrinsic Safety Barrier Ordering Options for assistance, call 800.350.2727
Use this diagram, working from left to right to construct your model number (example: EM-DR1-IS-5-RTB-28V/V)
EM = Electronic Module, DIN Rail mount
7230 Hollister Avenue | Goleta, CA | 93117 Tel: 805.968.0782 / 800.960.2726
DR1 = 114.5 mm x 99mm x
22.5 mm
These c ommodities, te chnology or software i f exported fro m the United State s must be in accord ance with the B ureau of Industr y, and Security, Export Administration regulations. D iversion cont rary to U.S. law is prohibited.
IS= Intrinsically Safe ISD = Intrinsically Safe with Open Wire Detection (available with 28V/V or 28V/5 supply voltage/output)
5=5 VDC
RTB = RemoveTerminal Block
28V/V = 12-28 VDC, Vout = Vin 28V/5 = 12-28 VDC, Vout = 5 volts 28V/OC = 12-28 VDC, Vout = Open Coll.
Specication No.: 02125-004
Rev 2-20-14
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Intrinsic Safety Barrier
Part Number Barrier Supply: Vs ±5% Output logic to Non-hazardous Area Apparatus
Line Driver
60004-003 Vout = Vin
60004-005 Vout = 5V
60004-006 Vout = Vin
Barrier Output
12-28 VDC
Caution: Operation above or below barrier supply voltage (Vs) range noted will cause permanent damage to barrier
Class I, Gp D
Class II, Gps E,F,G
Group IIA
Voc (Uo) Isc (Io) Ca (Co) La (Lo) L/R Ratio Ca (Co) La (Lo) L/R Ratio Ca (Co) La (Lo) L/R Ratio
Vout = 5V
Class I, Gps C,D
Class II, Gps E,F,G
up to 100 mA source/sink
(TTL & RS422 compatible)
Line Driver
up to 100 mA source/sink
up to 80 mA sink
Line Driver
up to 100 mA source/sink
Open wire detect option
Line Driver
up to 100 mA source/sink
Open wire detect option
Group IIB
Class I, Gps A,B,C,D
Class II, Gps E,F,G
Group IIC
870 mW 9.48 VDC 367 mA 255 uF 2.1 mH 327 uH/Ω 27 uF 1.05 mH 160 uH/Ω 3.7 uF 0.26 mH 40.8 uH/Ω
Signals A, B, Z, A/, B/, Z/ differential or A,B,Z single-ended
Input Signal Impedance 500 Ω nominal (A to A/, B to B/, Z to Z/)
Input Signal level 4 VDC minimum, 6 VDC maximum
General Wiring Diagram (See BEI Sensors drawing 08067-003 for important details)
7230 Hollister Avenue | Goleta, CA | 93117 Tel: 805.968.0782 / 800.960.2726
These c ommodities, te chnology or software i f exported fro m the United State s must be in accord ance with the B ureau of Industr y, and Security, Export Administration regulations. D iversion cont rary to U.S. law is prohibited.
Specication No.: 02125-004
Rev 2-20-14
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