EX11 Series— Miniature Incremental
tical Encoder
BEI Sensors
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions: See Figure 1
Weight: 2.0 oz. (Approx.)
Shaft Diameter: 0.1247 +0.0000/-0.0003
Shaft Load: axial 2 lbs., Radial 1 lb.
Torque, starting: less than 0.4 oz. in.
running: less than 0.2 oz. in.
Inertia: 3.0 x 10
Motor Interface
Servo Mounting Holes: 4 places #2-56 @
90° on 0.75”B.C.
Servo Mount: designed to accommodate
motor mount cleat “PIC type” L2-2
Flange Mounting Holes: 4 places .100
dia. through holes
Shaft Coupling: must be flexible (do not
hard mount
oz. in./sec
The EX11 Series was developed to provide a high precision, low cost enclosed shaft
encoder for light duty applications. The EX11 offers be nefits of the Opto-ASIC design
with 1024 line counts in a 1.1 inch diameter size.
d in a glass filled polycarbonate housing with 1/8" stainless steel shaft and
precision bearings, the EX11 provides sup erior performance at a lower cost.
The EX11 Series is capable of operating over a temperature range of 0°C to +70°C
without degradation of signals.
Proven de
sign and Duncan Electronics' experience makes the EX11 perfectly suited
for high volume OEM applications, including: robotics, process control and
Electrical Specifications
Code: incremental
Pulses per Revolution: see “Ordering
Supply Voltage: +5 volts ± 5% @ 80mA
Output Format: dual channel Quadrature
and index with complements (no index on
Output Type:
-EX116- Line driver 26LS31 or equivalent
should be terminated into a line receiver
-EX112/EX113- Buffer driver 74F365 and
74F368 or equivalent. (not open collector)
Rise Time: 1.0µsec. max.
Frequency Response: see graph: Fig 3
Environmental Specifications
Operating: 0°C to +°70C
Storage: -25°C to +90°C
Termination Type: 28 AWG flat ribbon
cable with 10 position connector FXI-Berg
P/N 6690-310 or equivalent
Mates with FCI-Berg P/N 65863-165 or
equivalent (mating connector not provided)
EX11 Incremental Ordering Options for assistance, call 800.350.27 7 2
Use this diagram, working from left to right to construct your model number (example: EX113-500-2)
200, 256, 500, 512, 1000,
2 = Quadrature w/ complements
3 = Quadrature w/ index
6 = Quadrature w/ Index & com
1 = Servo mount
2 = Flange mount
Tel:805-968-0782 / 800-350-2727 | Fax: 805-968-3154 / 800-960-2726
7230 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 | www.beisensors.com
Specification No. 02118-001 Rev. 06/11

EX11 Series— Miniature Incremental
tical Encoder
BEI Sensors
Output Wave Form
Frequency Response
Pin Out
Tel:805-968-0782 / 800-350-2727 | Fax: 805-968-3154 / 800-960-2726
7230 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 | www.beisensors.com
Specification No. 02118-001 Rev. 06/11
These commodities, technology or software if exported from the United States must be in accordance with the
Bureau of Industry, and Security, Export Administration regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S law is prohibited.