Encoder Signal Broadcaster
The BROADCASTER accepts standard incremental encoder inputs, (two channels in quadrature plus an
index and complements) and can broadcast up to four encoder signals to four independent devices. Each
of the broadcast signals is optically isolated eliminating ground loops. This compact package also allows
for signal processing options, such as anti-dither filter, integer countdown or pulse and direction outputs, to
be incorporated into each of the four broadcast signals independently. The broadcaster is ideal for driving
multiple receivers from a single encoder in applications like electronic line shafting or synchronization of
multiple devices to a single operation.
The module accepts signals of 5, 12-15 and 24 VDC and provides three output options: V
V or NPN open collector. The compact package mounts to standard EN 50 022 35mm X 7.5mm DIN rail
and is 142mm wide, 78mm deep and 45mm above the DIN rail. A 155mm section of DIN rail is included.
BROADCASTER ORDERING OPTIONS For assistance, call 800-350-2727 (ASAP)
Use this diagram to construct your model number.
le: BX-5-IC/V-IC/V-P2/5-P2/5
5 IC/V
Function for
Channel 1
Output Voltage from Encoder:
5, 15, 24
Broadcasts signals from a single encoder to
four independent receivers
Signal processing modules (pulse converter,
integer countdown, anti-dither) can be added
to each output for additional capabilities
Accepts all standard input voltages and
types: single ended, differential and open
Signals are optically isolated for high noise
Compact package saves installation costs
Function for
Channel 2
Function for
Channel 3
= Vin, V
Function for
Channel 4
= 5
Choose one for each channel:
DB = Divide By, selectable integer value 1-256
AD= Anti-Dither
Px = Pulse Up/Down where x = multiple, either 1, 2, or 4
PxD = Pulse Direction where x = multiple, either 1, 2, or 4
IC = Isolation Circuit (Standard)
Output Voltage/Type:
/V = Multivoltage 5-28 Volts in, V
/5 = Multivoltage 5-28 Volts in, V
/OC = Multivoltage 5-28 Volts in, Vout = Open Collector
out = Vin
out = 5V regulated