Dual Encoder USB Converter
SSI and Quadrature Versions Available
Supply Voltage: 5 V ± 5% (powered by USB port)
Supply Current: 100 mA Max
Input Devices: 2 SSI Absolute or 2 Incremental Encoders
Output Format: USB 2.0
Note: Encoders powered separately by external supply.
erating Temperature: 0o to 70o C
The Dual Encoder to USB Converter translates
encoder position to industry standard USB 2.0 format
that can be read by a computer. Each module can
handle signals from two encoders. Modules are
available for SSI absolute encoders, as well as
quadrature incremental encoders.
The module can be programmed through the USB
interface for number of bits with absolute encoders. For
incremental encoders, count mode (X1, X2, X4), reset,
preset, and preset/reset on index are programmable
through the USB input. Incremental encoder counter
register length is programmable, up to 32 bits. The
Encoder to USB Converter is ideal for system setup and
debugging, data acquisition and PC based control
applications. 3-meter USB cable included.
*Optional programmable data sample function allows
module to automatically capture readings on an accurate
time clock. See -S in Ordering Options below.
SSI Absolute Encoder
Input Format: Serial Synchronous Interface (SSI)
Clock/Data Signal Levels: Differential TTL (RS-422/485)
Clock Speed: 100 kHz
# of bits: 8 to 32 (programmable)
Incremental Encoder
Input Format: A/B Quadrature with Index
Signal Levels: 5V, 12-15V, 24V (select in model number)
Signal Input Current: 10 mA nom.
Input Frequency Response: 1.0 MHz Max
# of bits: 8 to 32 (programmable)
Package dimensions are 114.4 mm high by 99 mm wide by 22.5
mm thick. The package mounts to a DIN rail type EN 50 022
(35mm X 7.5mm). A length of DIN rail is supplied with each
module. The module simply snaps directly to the DIN rail and is
ready to use.
22.5 mm
(0.89 inches)
Front View
Front View
114.5 mm
(4.51 inches)
4.45 inches
99 mm
ENCODER USB CONVERTER ORDERING OPTIONS For assistance, call 800-350-2727(ASAP)
Use this diagram to construct your model number (example: EM-DR1-SS-S3-TB-USB).
EM = Electronic Module,
DIN Rail Mount
Package Style:
DR1 = 114.5 mm x 99 mm x 22.5 mm
SS = Serial-Serial (SSI to
QS = Quadrature-Serial
(Quadrature to USB)
Output Voltage from Encoder:
S3 = SSI (used with SS function only)
5 = 5 VDC
15 = 12-15 VDC
24 = 24 VDC
Output Termination:
TB = Standard Terminal Block
Special Features:
S = Special Features
specified on purchase
order (consult factory)
*For data sample, add
-S to model and specify
this function on purchase
Output Interface Format:
USB = USB 2.0