Beijing Spirit Technology Development SP L52BTDM User Manual

Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
User Manual
VER 1.00
Beijing S pirit Technology Development Co.,lt d
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
NOTICE ........................................................................................... 1
Notice of Safety .......................................................................... 1
Notice of Using ........................................................................... 2
Notice of Storing ......................................................................... 3
Chapter 1 Outer Appearan ce ........................................................ 4
Chapter 2 Characterist ic Specificat ion ......................................... 5
2.1 Printing Specificat ion ........................................................... 5
2.2 Physical Parameters ............................................................ 6
2.3 Environment Parameter s .................................................... 6
2.4 Other Specification ............................................................... 7
Chapter 3 Operation Met hod ........................................................ 8
3.1 Using Pr eparation ................................................................ 8
3.1.1 Battery Installatio n ......................................................... 8
3.1.2 Paper Roll Install ation ................................................... 9
3.2 Basic function usage ............................................................ 9
3.2.1 Switch On .................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Switch Off ..................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Self-Test ....................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Paper Feeding (M anual Feeding) ............................. 11
3.2.5 Hexadecimal Pr inting .................................................. 11
3.2.6 Printer Parameters Setting ......................................... 12
3.2.7 Battery Charging ......................................................... 13
3.2.8 Set Into Upgrading M ode ........................................... 14
3.3 Printer Parameters Setting ................................................ 14
3.4 Printer Interface Con nection and Pr inting ........................ 15
3.4.1 Serial Port Connect ion ................................................ 15
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
3.4.2 USB Connection ......................................................... 16
3.4.3 Bluetooth Connect ion ................................................. 17
3.5 Buzzer ................................................................................. 19
3.6 LCD indication .................................................................... 19
Chapter 4 Other Infor mation ....................................................... 21
4.1 Command Progra mming Manual ................................... 21
4.2 Description of pre-printed Black Mark ............................ 21
Appendix A .................................................................................... 23
Appendix B .................................................................................... 26
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd


Please read this manual care fully be fore usi ng the printer!

Notice of Saf ety

Be sure to use th e speci fied battery and pow er supply provided by our c ompany. Ot herwise i t may cause fire, explosion or damag e print er, mea nwhil e, the bat tery also may be damaged.
Don’t put batter y into t he fire , don’t disasse mble or heat the battery , don’t be short circ uit, it may c ause fire, explosion or damage pri nter; meanwhi le, the battery also may be damaged.
If the printer w ould not be use d for a l ong ti me, b e sure to take off t he bat tery , otherw ise the b attery may leak liquid which is corrosive liquid,
If improp er oper ation ca uses batt ery leak liq uid, and it paste in the s kin or c lothes, pleas e rinse it by cl ean water, if paste i n the ey es, pl ease ri nse th em thor oughly by clean water a nd see a doc tor.
Please do not ope n the paper case cover when i t is printing or just when pri nting is fini shed, do not touch the printer head w ith hand or body , over heat may cause
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd

Notice of Using

Please do not prin t the r eceipt wit h over 1m le ngth. Otherwise, it may cause the damage of printi ng mechanism.
Water or other liq uid s hould not be spi lled in to the printer, also t he pri nter s hould not be a ppeared in t he rain, or else may caus e printe r damag e.
Please do not open the paper cas e cov er when it is printing, otherw ise the pri nter may work improperl y.
If printer is using USB connec tion to wor k, should not unplug the U SB cabl e, or el se some pr inti ng data may be lost. When print er is usi ng USB c onnecti on to work, the distanc e of co mmunica tion sho uld be wi thin 10 meters, otherw ise the pr inter d oesn’ t print or pri nts rubbish codes.
Too high45 )or too low(5 ) environment temperature and t oo hig h (85%) or too low (20%) environment hu midity bo th effect the pr inting quali ty.
The printer pap er roll w ith poor quality or stor ed for too long time als o may reduce t he pri nting q uality even damage the printer.
Under the black mark detecti ng mode, the pri nter requires that the pre-printed black mark is accordant w ith the printing rule of black mar k (please re fer to details in
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
Chapter 4.2), o therwi se the bl ack mar k can not be detected correctl y.
Be sure to use u p the po wer of the batt ery be fore charge up it, as it can ensure the us ing li fe of the batter y.

Notice of Storing

The printer shoul d be pl aced i n such an envi ronment that the temperat ure is betw een-20 and 60 relative humidit y is betw een 10% and 9 0%.
If the printer w ill be s tored for a lo ng time, ple ase be sure to take out the bat tery , otherw ise may da mage th e battery and printer.
Declaration It is A class product, which may cause radio interference in the living environment. In this situation, users need to
take feasible and effect ive meas ures.
纸 仓盖 Pri nter c over
US B接 口 Inter fac e con necto r
控 制面板 C on tr ol pan el 充 电接口 Po we r co n nec to r
打 印机芯 Pr i nt ing hea d
调 节纸宽 拨轮 Pa per widt h ad just wh ee l
纸 卷挡板 Pape r rol l baffle
主 体 Main body
开 门按键 O pencas e button
10 胶 辊 Rubb er ro ller
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd

Chapter 1 Outer Appearance

1.1 Outer A ppeara nce
SP-L51 ther mal pri nter
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
1.2 Model Number
SP-L52 Support USB and Blu etooth Inter face as
Model No. Interface SP-L52US USB+Serial port SP-L52BTMM Bluetooth (Androi d and IOS )+USB SP-L52BTDM Bluetooth (Androi d and IOS )+USB SP-L52i IOS 2.0 Bluetooth + USB SP-L52U USB

Chapter 2 Characteristic Specification

2.1 Printing Specification
Printing Method: T hermal line Paper Width: 112mm±0.5mm;
79.5mm±0.5mm; 58mm±0.5mm;
Effective Printing Width: 104mm; 100mm;72mm;
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
48mm; Resolution: 8dots/ mm(203dpi
Dots in each line: 112mm: 832dots /line; 104mm: 800dots/line; 78mm: 576dots/line;
58mm: 384 dots/line;
Printing Speed: M ax 80mm/s
Paper Thickness: 60140μm
Printable Conten t:
Character set: G B18030 (Chinese)
BIG5(traditional Chinese), GB12345(traditional Chinese), Shift+JIS(Japanese), ASCII, Custom Charest, figure
Bar code:
2D: PDF417,QR CODE,DATA Matrix
2.2 Physical P ara meters
Dimension (W×L×H): 69 (L) X 150.3(W) X70 (H) m m
Physical Weight: 624g (excluding roll paper)
Paper Roll Diamet er: Max 58.0mm
Interface: USB, Bluetoo th ,Serial port
2.3 Environment Parameters
Operating Temp: 0 ℃~50℃
Operating Humidity : 10 %~80%
Beijing Spirit Technology Development Co.,Ltd
Storage Temp: -20 ℃~ 60℃
Storage Humidity : 10%~ 90%
2.4 Other S peci fic ation
● Paper Loading Method: drop-in easy paper loading ( please refer to details in 3.1.2 Paper Roll Installation).
● Black Mark Location: available(details please see
4.2 pre-printed black ma rk manual).
● Printing Control Command: ESC/POS compatible
command set/CPC L comman d set
(Refer to<Portable Printer Command Program
Manual >).
● Power Supply: 7.4VDC/2300mAh rechargeable
polymer lithium batter y.
● Power Alarm: when the battery is low, the battery
indicator on LCD blinks
● Battery Charging: quick charging, it will be charged
full about 2 hours;
● Auto Sleep: printer will auto sleep when it hav e no t received printing data or key operation in 5 seconds, press FEED butto n/MOD E butto n/Pow er swit ch or pr inter receive any printing data in auto-sleep period wi ll wake up the printer.
● Battery Duration: under25% printing density, at
least 200 meters, t he standby time is over 6 days. These parameters are just for reference; long term usage will cause the capacity decline, and cannot ensure the time
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