Important Information
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For Windows® 7 , Windows Vista® & Windows® XP you can use the mouse immediately after plugging the dongle
receiver into your PC USB port.
Mouse Button Function
Please refer to the mouse drawing picture :
1. Left button 2. Right button 3. Scroll /middle button/battery
4. Backward 5. Forward 6. CPI button
Hardware Installation
1. Plug the receiver into your available USB port on PC.
2. Make sure the batteries of the mouse are installed correctly, please follow the
polarity signs in the battery compartment.
3. Please make sure the slide switch on the back of the mouse is switched to “on”
before using the mouse. When not in use, you can either slide the power switch to
“off” for power saving or store the receiver inside the mouse to turn the power off.
Please hold the mouse close to the receiver within 30 cm and press any key to pair
ID, and then you can use the wireless mouse immediately.
Receiver Storage: You could have the receiver housed inside the receiver storage slot.
By releasing the battery cover at the bottom of the mouse, and insert the receiver into
the receiver storage slot between the batteries to store the receiver.
Pairing Procedure
Please follow the hardware installation procedure mentioned above to install the
wireless mouse, and you can use the mouse immediately. If it can’t work, please press
right button and scroll wheel/middle button at the same time until LED flashing to
re-pairing. Or you can visit our website at http://www.emprex.com/
install the “Pairing Tool.”
1. You don’t have to pair ID again after changing batteries. If it can’t work, please
ollow the steps above to complete ID pairing.
2. The mouse can operate freely up to 10 meter from the receiver.
3. Mouse battery life is up to 4 months. It depends on the intensity of usage.
Mouse Sensitive (Resolution) Adjustment
The resolution can be adjusted by pressing the CPI button of the mouse.
800 DPI
→ 1200 DPI → 1600 DPI (Default is 800 dpi) 1600 DPI → 1200 DPI→ 800 DPI
Press the CPI button, the LED indicator will light about 1
second. The default will change from 800 dpi to 1200 dpi, if
you press CPI button again will change from 1200 dpi to
1600 dpi as sequence
¾ Change the cursor pointer speed
You can modify the mouse pointer speed settings in the control panel.
1. Open the Start Menu by clicking “Start” at the lower-left corner on the screen
2. Then click on Settings / Control Panel / Mouse
3. In the Mouse Properties window that appears, click the Motion tab
4. Move the slide bar toward either the faster end or the slower end
5. Click OK to exit and make the change effective
System Requirements
Available USB port
Microsoft® Windows® 7, Windows® XP and Windows Vista® operating system
Press the CPI button, the LED indicator will li
second. The default will change from 1600 dpi to 1200
dpi, if you press CPI button a
dpi as sequence
low indicator
to download and
Power Switch
Pairing ID & battery low
indicator (blue LED)
CPI button to change dpi
ain will change from 800
storage slot
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