Wireless Keyboard & Mouse Kit
User’s Guide
Version 1.0

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Copyright © 2001. All rights reserved
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................1
What's in this package ...............................................................................1
2 System Requirements ................................................................................ 2
3 Hardware Installation..................................................................................2
4 Software Installation ................................................................................... 6
4.1 Keyboard Driver Installation ...............................................................6
4.2 Mouse Driver Installation .................................................................... 6
5 Using Keyboard and Mouse .......................................................................7
5.1 Using the Keyboard ............................................................................7
5.2 Using the Mouse Driver ......................................................................8
6 Troubleshooting........................................................................................ 11

1 Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the 2001ARF wireless keyboard and
mouse kit! This keyboard and mouse kit will finally free you of the constraints of
your desktop by providing a wireless connection between the keyboard or
mouse and your PC. Pass around the keyboard or mouse during meetings
without having to bother about a cable blocking your way or write e-mails and
surf the Internet from the comfort of your living room couch!
The 2001ARF keyboard and mouse kit consists of a keyboard, a mouse and a
receiver. The receiver is connected to your PC through a cable with both a
keyboard and mouse connector. The keyboard and mouse can operate freely
within a radius of at least 1.5 meters from the receiver, which itself has a
maximum range from your PC of around 1.5 meters. Because the 2001ARF kit
uses radio frequencies to transmit the wireless signal it has no constrictions on
viewing angles such as with infrared devices like your TV’s remote control, etc.
Besides providing unprecedented freedom of movement when operating the
keyboard or mouse, the 2001ARF kit also offers even more extra functionality
by introducing 7 dedicated buttons for often used Internet browser functions as
well as a Sleep button. (Please note: The Internet keys work only under
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later version!). And last but not least, this
package also provides a special driver that provides unique shortcut functions.
In order to enjoy your 2001ARF kit to the fullest it is recommended that you first
read this manual carefully before installation of the 2001ARF keyboard and
mouse kit.
What's in this package
A wireless keyboard with palmrest
A wireless mouse
A receiver
A driver disc
A user's guide
Batteries (2 pcs of AA; 2 pcs of AAA)

2 System Requirements
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows
ME, Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system
CD-ROM drive or DVD drive
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later version (for the Internet keys)
The system supporting ACPI or APM II (for power management buttons)
ATX mother board and ATX power supply (for power management buttons)
Available PS/2 keyboard port and mouse port.
IBM PC or its compatibles
Please refer to below table for the other system requirements for the 2001ARF’s
various features.
Operating System
Function Description
Windows NT 4.0 /
Windows 95 /
Windows 98
Windows ME /
Windows 2000 /
Windows XP
Keyboard Extra
Internet Buttons
Keyboard Extra ACPI
Mouse Driver
Shortcut Function
Keyboard Battery
Low Function
Keyboard LED Light
Available immediately
after hardware
Requires installation of
keyboard driver (see
driver CD for details)
Requires enabling of
system ACPI (Power
Management) function
Requires installation of
mouse driver (see driver
CD for details)
Requires installation of
keyboard driver (see
driver CD for details)
Requires installation of
keyboard driver (see
driver CD for details)
Available immediately
after hardware installation
Available immediately
after hardware installation
Available immediately
after hardware installation
Requires installation of
mouse driver (see driver
CD for details)
Requires installation of
keyboard driver (see
driver CD for details)
Requires installation of
keyboard driver (see
driver CD for details)