Index Description Quantity
1 Leg 2
2 Top Connecting Panel 1
3 Front Shelf Brackets 1R + 1L
4 Wheel Bracket 1R + 1L
5 Cylinder Hook 1
Silicone Feet 4
7 Wire Shelf 1
8 Wheel 2
9 Shaft 2
10 Hub Caps 2
11 Cylinder Shield 1
A Screw , 16mm (black) 20
A1 Screw , 25mm (stainless Steel) 4
Spring Washer 24
C Screw, 8mm 6
D Circlip 2
E Plastic Washer 6
F Alan Key 1

1. Assemble Front leg:
[ 4 x A, 4 x B ]
Place the Leg (1) on a padded flat, level surface and assemble the two Front Shelf Brackets (3).
Insert two Silicone Feet (6) to the bottom hole, and pull until rest against bottom of leg.
2. Assemble Back leg:
[ 8 x A, 8 x B ]
Place other Leg (1) on a padded flat, level surface and assemble the Wheel Brackets (4) and Cylinder Hook (5).
Insert two Silicone Feet (6) to the bottom hole, and pull until rest against bottom of leg.
Note: at this stage each Wheel Bracket is only attached by 2 lower screws!