Becker MEXICO PRO 7932, MEXICO PRO 7930, MEXICO PRO 7935, MEXICO PRO 7933 User Manual

Safety instructions 53 Information regarding general
road safety 54 Arrangement of controls 55
Anti-theft device 56
Entering the code number 56 Removing the portable panel 57 Attaching the portable panel 57
General Operation 58
Switching on/off 58 Setting the volume 58
Activating the tone menu 58
Setting the bass 58 Setting the treble 58 Fader 59 Setting the balance 59 Linear adjustment 59 Adjusting the volume of the subwoofer or centre speaker 59 Switching loudness on / off 59
Radio mode 60
Switching on FM mode 60
Switching on FM menu mode 60 Selecting the FM waveband 60 Settings for station selection 60
Dynamic autostore (FM-DAS) 60 Station search FM-DAS 61 Scan search 61
Programme filtering for FM-DAS 61 Programme type selection (PTY) 62
Turning PTY display on / off 62
Calling up / storing FM stations 62
Manual FM tuning 63 Regionalisation 63
Switching regionalisation on / off 64
Turning frequency display on / off 64
Switching radio text on / off 64 Traffic programme (TP) 65
Activating / quitting the TP menu 65 Switching TP on / off 65 Selecting automatic tracking 66 Selecting / cancelling direct programming 66 Switching mute on/off 67 Interrupting TP announcements 67 TP announcement volume 67
Telephone muting 67 Switching on AM mode 68
Switching on AM menu mode 68 Selecting the AM waveband 68 Setting options for station selection 68
Station search MW, LW, SW 68 Scan search 68
Calling up/storing MW, LW, SW stations 69 Autostore MW, LW 69 Manual MW, LW, SW tuning 69
CD mode 70
Notes on compact discs (CD) 70
Inserting / ejecting CDs 70
Forward / backward track skipping 71 Scan search 71
Fast forward / reverse 71 Track repeat 71
Random play 72 CD settings menu 72
Displaying number of tracks 72 Switching between Track/CD Text display 72
Temperature protection circuit 73 Notes on CD-R and CD-RWs 73 Notes on copy-protected CDs 73
MP3 mode 74
General notes on MP3 74 Creating an MP3/WMA storage medium 74
Creating a playlist 75
Inserting /ejecting MP3 CDs 76 Switching between folder/playlist 77
Forward / backward track skipping 77
Changing folder/playlist 77
Scan search 77
Fast forward / reverse 78
Random Play 78 Track repeat 78
MP3 settings menu 78
Number of folders/playlists/tracks 78 Displaying name of folder/playlist 79 Switching between track/ID3 tag display 79
CD changer mode 80
Operational readiness of CD changer 80
Loading / ejecting the CD magazine 80
Selecting CD changer mode 80 Changing/selecting CDs 80 CDC settings menu 81
Displaying track information 81 Displaying number of tracks and total playing time 81 Naming a CD 82
CD filter function 83
User settings 84
Opening / quitting User Settings menu 84
Setting the GAL (Gal) 84 Telephone mute function (Tel) 84 Display brightness (Lum) 85 LED setting 85 Setting reception optimisation (M/S) 85 AUX input (Aux) 86 Signal tone volume (BeV) 86
Service menu 87
Calling up / exiting service menu 87
CD Changer reset 87
Unit reset 87
Explanation 91
DAS Seek Qual. level 91
DAS Seek Name level 91
RDS Stations level 91
Stations Fix level 91
PTY (programme type) 91
Technical terminology glossary 93
Index 95
Technical data 98

Safety instructions

Operation of the unit is permitted only if traffic conditions are suitable and you are absolutely sure that you, your pas­sengers or other motorists are not endangered, obstructed or inconvenienced.
The unit may only be used for its intended purpose. The volume of the radio should be adjusted so that external noise is still audible.
In the case of a malfunction (i.e. smoke or other noticeable odours) the unit is to be turned off immediately.
For safety reasons, the unit may only be opened by a trained technician. Please refer to your dealer for repair.

Information regarding general road safety

This car radio device is intended and approved for installation and operation in passenger cars, commercial vehicles and buses (vehicle classes M, N and O) whose electric system has a rated voltage of 12V.
Installation and maintenance should only be carried out by specialists. Faulty installation or maintenance can result in the malfunctioning of the motor vehicle’s electronic systems. The vehicle manufacturer’s safety instructions must be ob­served.
The vehicle’s electronics (e.g. speedometer signal) may only be worked on by an authorised service garage. We assume no liability for any impairment of the vehicle’s electronics.
This device is only intended for installation in the area provided for this purpose by the vehicle manufacturer.
The method of attachment used must ensure that the device will remain properly attached, should the vehicle be involved in a crash.
The power supply must be properly fused.
Using mobile phones without an external antenna in the proximity of the radio unit may cause interference.
Familiarise yourself with the device and how it works before embarking on your journey. Whilst on the move, only oper­ate the device in appropriate traffic conditions. The volume of the device should be set at a level that enables external noises (e.g. police sirens) to be easily heard.

Arrangement of controls

Arrangement of controls
1 Left rotary control (INFO)
2 On / off switch ( )
3 Tone button ( )
4 Road traffic announcement button ( ) 5LED
6 Select CD mode ( )
7 8
7 FM selection ( )
8 AM selection ( )
9 CD eject button ( ) 10 Right rotary control
11 Multifunction buttons 12 Display

Anti-theft device

Anti-theft device

Entering the code number

If the car radio is disconnected from the electrical supply source, the anti-theft device prevents it from being reconnect­ed. After turning on the unit via the button, the prompt
X Use the multifunction keys -
is displayed.
to enter the five-digit code
Code number 15372 (the code number can be found on the enclosed CODE CARD).
The unit automatically switches on when the fifth digit is entered and all other digits were entered correctly.
Enter Code
It is important to store the CODE CARD in a safe place outside of the ve­hicle. This will prevent unauthorised use. The window stickers provided should be attached to the windscreen/ windows inside your vehicle.
In an incorrect code number is entered, the prompt
Enter Code Number
will be displayed once again. If an incor­rect code number is entered three times in a row, the unit will display
Wait, and
it will be blocked for approximately 60 minutes.
Three further incorrect entries block the unit for another 60 minutes.
The waiting time elapses only when the ignition and unit are switched on.
Anti-theft device

Removing the portable panel

As an effective anti-theft device, the portable panel (A) may be removed from the unit.
X Press button briefly (storage me-
dium remains in the unit).
The display folds forwards.
X Detach the portable panel.
The volume is limited to a maximum level after the display has been folded down. After 20 seconds, an audible sig­nal indicates that the control component is folded down. The unit then switches itself off.
Accident hazard
For safety reasons, the portable panel may not be left open while driving.
Please insert the portable panel in the accompanying protective cover after re­moval. Do not touch the metal contacts on the portable panel or on the radio.

Attaching the portable panel

X Insert the portable panel into the lower
left catch and then engage it in the lower right catch. Then fold up the portable panel and engage it in the up­per catches. The portable panel can also be placed flat against the unit and pushed into place.
To ensure correct function, be sure that the portable panel is completely seated in all four catches.

General operation

General Operation

Switching on/off

X Press .
The unit can also be switched on/off via the vehicle ignition. To switch the unit on via the ignition, the unit must have previously been turned off via the ignition. After switching off the ignition, the unit can be prevented from switching off by pressing the button within 3 sec­onds.
The unit can also be switched on with the ignition switched off via the button, but it will switch off automati­cally after 1 hour.

Setting the volume

Turn the left-hand rotary control . The volume increases or decreases.

Activating the tone menu

Press . The tone menu is activated. The following functions can be called up:
Bas (Bass), Trb (Treble), Fad
(Fader), Bal (Balance), Flt (Linear adjustment), (Loudness).
Settings for bass and treble, for the FM, AM (MW, LW, SW) wavebands, for road traffic announcements, telephone mode, CD, MP3/WMA and CDC/AUX mode are stored separately.
Sub (Subwoofer) and Ldn

Setting the bass

X Press the button and then the
multifunction button.
X Set the desired bass level using the
right-hand rotary control .

Setting the treble

X Press the button and then the
multifunction button.
X Set the desired treble level using the
right-hand rotary control .
General operation


X Press the button and then the
multifunction button.
X Use the right-hand rotary control
to achieve the desired fader setting.

Setting the balance

X Press the button and then the
multifunction button.
X Set the desired balance level using the
right-hand rotary control .

Linear adjustment

The tone adjustments for the current sig­nal source (i.e. FM) can be reset to a mid-level.
X Briefly press the button. Then
press multifunction button briefly -
X Press the multifunction button
Tone reset will appear.

Adjusting the volume of the subwoofer or centre speaker

X Press the button and then the
multifunction button.

Switching loudness on / off

X Press the button and then the
multifunction button.
X With multifunction button you
can select either Loudness on ( Loudness off (
Loudness is switched off in MW, LW and SW wavebands.
ON) or
X Use the right-hand rotary control
to achieve the desired subwoofer vol­ume setting.

Radio mode

Radio mode

Switching on FM mode

X Press .
The last selected station and level are displayed.

Dynamic autostore (FM-DAS)

X Request FM menu mode.
The FM waveband will start up with the memory level and frequency that was last selected.

Switching on FM menu mode

X Press in radio mode.
The radio menu mode is activated and displayed. The unit switches back to radio mode if no button is pressed within the next 8 seconds.

Selecting the FM waveband

X Request radio menu mode.
X Press the multifunction button.
By pressing repeatedly, you can choose between the levels
Seek Name, Stations RDS and Stations Fix.
Seek Quality (see also page 91)
Seek Name (see also page 91)
Seek Quality,
Stations RDS (see also page 91)
Stations Fix (see also page 91)

Settings for station selection

The desired station can be selected via dynamic autostore, station search, scan search, manual tuning, and station but­tons.
X Press the multifunction button
repeatedly until
Seek Name is displayed.
Seek Quality or
In the FM-DAS mode, the receivable stations are displayed via the multifunc­tion buttons depending on the settings.
Set the desired station by pressing the button directly below the abbreviated station designation. If the selected sta­tion broadcasts several programmes/re­gional programmes, a submenu is automatically displayed to select the de­sired programme.
Radio mode
If a programme has previously been selected that belongs to the particular station programming chain, the last stored programme entry will be automatically selected. Multifunction button indicates that, by pushing this button, other stations can be displayed and selected. If station names are being misused to send advertisements or messages, this station is indicated with
L-1... L-Z (L =
Local) instead of the abbreviated station name. This prevents the lower display line from constantly changing. When a station is selected, it is identified by a star (i.e.
The first time the unit is operated, or af­ter the electrical supply has been inter­rupted, it may take the radio some time to evaluate the station signals. The dis­play will appear incrementally as the evaluation progresses.

Station search FM-DAS

X Turn the right-hand rotary control
to the left or right.
The radio displays the receivable and identified stations in descending/ascend­ing order.

Scan search

X Press the right-hand rotary control .
appears on the display.
An automatic station search will be initi­ated. The first run is performed on an in­sensitive plane, all further runs on a sensitive plane. Receivable stations will remain audible for 8 seconds. If you wish to store one, press the right-hand rotary control .
Seek Quality and Seek
, Scan Search is conducted in al-
phabetical order.
Programme filtering for FM­DAS
You have the option of filtering various stations from the FM-DAS station list.
X Request FM menu mode.
X Press the multifunction button. X The individual programmes can be se-
lected using the right-hand rotary control . By pressing the right-hand rotary control , you can choose be­tween
Play (programme unfiltered)
Skip (programme filtered out).
Press the multifunction button re­peatedly to turn the filter function on (
Fil on) or off (No Fil).
Radio mode

Programme type selection (PTY)

X Request FM menu mode.
X Press the multifunction button. X Then select the desired PTY (see also
page 91) using multifunction button
Only the currently available PTYs can be selected. Once a PTY has been selected, only those stations can be selected in FM­DAS mode that are provided with this PTY. By selecting DAS mode, all stations will once again be displayed.
NO PTY whilst in FM-

Turning PTY display on / off

X Select FM menu mode.
X With the multifunction button,
select either
Frequency (PTY display off).
PTY (PTY display on) or

Calling up / storing FM stations

X In the FM menu mode, select the
Stations RDS or Stations
level using the multifunc-
tion button.
Stations RDS (see also page 91)
Stations Fix (see also page 91)
Storing: 12 frequencies or programmes can be stored per waveband.
X Find desired station.
X To store the desired station or pro-
gramme, press multifunction button
- or - until you
hear a signal tone.
To reach presets 10 – 12, press the
multifunction button.
Calling up a preset:
X Press multifunction button -
or - and the stored
station will be called up.
Radio mode

Manual FM tuning

X Select FM menu mode. X Using the multifunction button
select the
X Press the multifunction button
X Next, turn the right-hand rotary
control .
100 kHz tuning steps are performed. The display will show that manual tun­ing is currently active with right-hand rotary control is not turned after a short time, pear from the display and manual tuning is turned off.
Stations Fix level.
MAN. If the
MAN will disap-


The RDS diversity function is independ­ent of region. As a result, the RDS diver­sity function can lead to the radio switching between various regional pro­grammes which may vary in terms of broadcasting content. In such a case, the special regional programming must be selected directly. If several regional programmes are transmitted by one station, this can only be seen when the station is selected. Stations with additional regional trans­mitters are indicated with a star (i.e.
Upon selection of one of these stations
4*), all receivable regional sub-
(e.g. programmes for this station will be dis­played.
X Then select the desired regional sub-
programme (i.e. ).
If the signal quality of a regional alter­native drifts despite the RDS diversity function, it may mean that regional al­ternatives are only transmitted on a few frequencies. Therefore, there are fewer frequencies with strong signals availa­ble for the unit to switch to.
Radio mode

Switching regionalisation on / off

X Select FM menu mode.
X Use the multifunction button to
turn regionalisation on ( (
on) or off

Turning frequency display on / off

X Select FM menu mode.
X Use the multifunction button to
select either display on) or off).
Frequency (frequency
PTY (frequency display

Switching radio text on / off

Accident hazard
Since information transmitted via radio text is constantly changing, we recom­mend displaying the radio text only when the vehicle is stationary to avoid unnecessary distraction for the driver. This is a necessary precaution for acci­dent prevention.
X Press the left-hand rotary control .
The car radio filters data transmitted by the radio station and displays it in the form of radio text.
Radio text cannot be displayed unless the selected station transmits radio text. Poor reception or interference may dis­tort the radio text or completely prevent it from being displayed.
X In order to quit the radio text level,
press the button or the left-hand rotary control .
Radio mode

Traffic programme (TP)

If an RDS diversity station broadcasts TP announcements, it is possible to in­terrupt CD, CDC/AUX, MW, LW, SW mode or the mute mode and switch the broadcast TP announcements through. Moreover, you can listen to one FM sta­tion while receiving TP announcements transmitted by another FM station.
There are two ways to select a TP sta­tion:
- Automatic tracking
- Direct programming Automatic tracking transmits TP bulle-
tins over the FM station currently being received. If the selected FM station has poor signal quality or is not a TP station, the unit applies specified criteria to search for a new TP station.
Direct programming enables a TP sta­tion to be programmed that is not the FM station being received. This means, for example, that a particular FM station can be listened to whilst TP announcements are received from another one. If the programmed TP station’s recep­tion is poor, the unit switches to auto­matic tracking until the programmed TP station can be restored.
If the unit detects a TP station, this is in­dicated on the display by
appears on the display to indicate
that the traffic programme is active.

Activating / quitting the TP menu

X Press the button (traffic an-
nouncements cannot be transmitted).
X Press the multifunction button.
X Press the button; otherwise the TP
menu will automatically disappear af­ter 8 seconds if no further operations are performed.

Switching TP on / off

In all modes and wavebands, TP can be turned on or off by pressing and holding the button for more than 2 seconds.
TP can also be switched on or off whilst in the TP menu:
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