Thank you for purchasing this BECKER AVIONICS product. We are confident that our GT6201 VHF-Ground-Transceiver will meet your expectations.
GT6201 VHF Ground-Transceivers are a modern family of communication equipment that have
comprehensive capabilities and significantly extend the typical aeronautical transceivers. All
GT6201 VHF Ground-Transceivers variants are not approved for flight!
For airborne use the BECKER AR6201 series perfectly corresponds to the GT6201.
Despite its small size and weight GT6201 include inter alia:
• A sensitive receiver which meets the most recent requirements of ETSI EN 300 676.
• A receiver that includes SCAN (dual watch) mode which allows simultaneous monitoring of
two different VHF frequency channels without interrupting communication on the active
•A high efficiency transmitter which delivers more than 10W modulated or un-modulated RF
output power at 28V supply voltage or 6W at 12V supply voltage. The general low power
consumption of the unit allows longer operation time from a back-up battery.
•Non-volatile frequency (channel) memory:
o 99 VHF frequencies, stored in dedicated channels, can manually be labeled with up to
10 characters for easy identification which service is related to the currently selected
channel. (“TWR”, “ATIS”, “APPROACH”, etc.)
o 9 recently selected VHF channels are automatically stored.
This manual describes the operation and installation of the GT6201 VHF Transceiver Family. The
ID label on your device shows the part number for identification purposes.
Before starting to operate the unit(s), please read this manual carefully with particular attention to
the description referring to your device. This manual also contains several optional elements of the
system (second controller for example), that may not be contained in your delivery package and in
that case are not applicable.
The manuals DV 17001.03 I&O (“Installation and Operation”) and DV 17001.04 M&R
aintenance and Repair”) contain the following sections:
DV 14307.03
1 General X X
2 Installation X X
3 Operation X X
4 Theory of Operation N/A X
5 Maintenance and Repair N/A X
6 Illustrated Parts List N/A X
7 Modification and Changes N/A X
8 Circuit Diagrams N/A X
DV 14307.04
1.2 Purpose of Equipment
The GT6201 enables voice communication between ground and airborne station, using the very
high frequency band between 118.000 and 136.9916 MHz respectively 136.9750 with a selectable
channel spacing of 8.33 kHz or 25 kHz. The GT6201 VHF Ground-Transceiver is ground-based
The GT6201 Transceiver can operate using ground power when installed in desk-cabinets or
19 inch racks, but is also dedicated to applications where low power consumption is required.
GT6201 is capable to operate from standard 14V DC and 28V DC installations and from 12V DC or
24V DC batteries.
1.3 General Notes
On the following pages the GT6201 transceiver is named in two different senses. The common
model name GT6201 is used in such cases a description applies for all variants of the GT6201,
otherwise the applicable models are typed with its complete model name
In this document the word “frequency” is also used in the sense of “channel name”, as defined in
ICAO Annex 10, Volume II.
In this document the word “memory channel” or “channel” means a memory place identified by a
channel number, where a frequency may be stored for later use.
1.3.1 GT6201 Single Block Transceiver
Air traffic services require efficient, secure, modern and user friendly communication equipment.
Becker´s radio systems offer well-proportioned solutions for small to medium-sized airports,
airfields or airline operations stations.
Assembled with quality-proven components, engineered with state-of-the-art technology and
driven with a customer focused philosophy, our radio-communications solutions provide high
flexibility and scalability.
In continuation of the very successful portable/mobile VHF transceiver BECKER AR4201, the
new VHF Transceiver GT6201 for ground applications offers latest standards and is ideally suited
for vehicle installations and constitutes the basis element for a variety of other products like the
GK61X portable system or the TG660 (19 inch) series.
Designed for operations at airfields and airports in a very demanding environment, the GT6201
offers latest technology and comfortable operation on all frequency channels in the aeronautical
VHF frequency band, adjustable in 25 kHz steps as well as in 8.33 kHz steps. The user friendly
operator menu and the extensive setup possibilities allow a very personal setup for the user. The
large, clear and dazzle-free LC display shows the active frequency and either the standby
frequency or memory channel.
With an output power of 6W or 10W, the transmitter is strong enough for medium range
communications, ensuring a low cost of ownership for the customer.
Derived from its airborne counterpart AR6201, the GT6201 is the robust, reliable and flexible
solution for your ground operations.
A liquid crystal display (LCD) provides the frequency indication. The required operating frequency
is set by means of the rotary knob. The relation between the real operating frequency and the
displayed frequency is according to standard (ICAO Annex 10, Volume II). For an overview, refer to
the table below.
118.0000 8.33 118.005 N/A
118.0250 25 118.025 118.02
Audio Outputs
The GT6201 VHF Transceiver includes four fully configurable outputs:
•Headphone 1 output, rated output power is 300 mW into 75 Ohm, (with floating transformer
Channel Spacing
8.33 / 25 kHz mixed
25 kHz
• Headphone 2 output, rated output power is 200 mW into 75 Ohm, (differential output DC
• Speaker output, rated output power is 4 W into 4 Ohm, (asymmetric AC-coupled output)
• LINE-OUT output intended for ground station use only. (asymmetric AC-coupled output)
Note: Headphone 2 and speaker output cannot be active at the same time
Mike Inputs
GT6201 has an input for dynamic microphone (DYN_MIKE) and an input for standard microphone
The GT6201 VHF Transceiver provides four microphone inputs:
• Standard microphone input 1 (STD_MIKE1),
• Standard microphone input 2 (STD_MIKE2),
• Standard microphone input 3 (STD_MIKE3),
• Dynamic microphone input (DYN_MIKE).
Each input is able to operate with one single microphone or with two microphones of the same type
connected in parallel.
The AF auxiliary input is an interface to connect external audio (e.g. other radio services, musicplayer) to the transceiver. Interconnection of multiple external audio sources on this particular port
requires additional external decupling/isolation resistors. The external audio is audible only when
the transceiver is in the receive mode.
The individual audio volume is set directly at the particular external equipment.
The sidetone is available on the headphone output during transmission. The sidetone volume
automatically adapts to the intercom volume setting.
Squelch Operation
When enabled the squelch (muting) circuit suppresses weak signals. There are two kinds of
squelch methods implemented: carrier squelch and noise squelch. The carrier squelch depends on
received signal strength and is adjustable in the installation setup; the noise squelch depends on
detected signal to noise ratio and is adjustable in the user setup.
Memory Channels
The memory function allows storage of up to 99+9 frequencies. This memory can contain up to 99
user defined frequencies stored manually that can be labeled with channel numbers and assigned
text label.
Generally the last recently used (active) 9 frequencies are stored automatically as “LAST”
channels. If any of the last used frequencies is also stored in the 99 user channels and a text label
is attached, this text will appear on the display too.
Scan Mode
In scan mode a dual watch function is provided. The device is capable of monitoring frequencies on
two channels, active & preset simultaneously. The signal of the active frequency will always be
audible, since it will have priority at all times.
The illumination of LCD and push buttons can be controlled either directly from the front panel via
the users menu or externally via the dimming input lines. If the external dimming is selected, the
illumination curve (brightness to voltage relation) can be adjusted in the installation setup.
LOW BATT Indication
The VHF transceiver monitors power supply voltage. If the supply voltage drops below the
adjustable threshold, the display indicates the message “LOW BATT”. If the power supply voltage
drops further, emergency operation mode is entered.
Emergency Operation
If the power supply voltage drops below 10.25 V, the VHF transceiver continues operation with
degraded performance. In case the power supply drops below 9.0V the unit is automatically
switched off.
Built-in Tests PBIT and CBIT
After power-up, the unit performs a self-test (power-up built-in test / PBIT). During PBIT the
transceiver displays “WAIT” and the corresponding software versions of both, the control head and
chassis module.
If faults are detected during PBIT, the error message “FAILURE, press any key” is displayed. If no
faults are detected the transceiver automatically activates the mode set before last power-off.
During normal operation a continuous built-in test (CBIT) permanently verifies the correct operation
of the unit. If a problem is detected during CBIT, an error message will be displayed.
Via the installation setup the configuration of the installation parameters, such as mike sensitivity,
mike type selection, speaker enable/disable plus other parameters is available.
Service Mode
The service mode is a special configuration mode accessible via RS422 interface with a proprietary
serial data communication protocol. This mode is for use by authorized maintenance personnel
1.5 Technical Data
1.5.1 Power Supply Data
For GT6201 units the following data applies:
Nominal supply voltage range ....................... 11.0 … 30.3 V
Extended supply voltage range ..................... 10.25 V … 32.2V
Emergency operation .................................... 9.0 V to 10.25 V
Dimming control ............................................ 0…14 V or 0…28 V
Typical Power Consumption
Nominal supply voltage range 11.0 … 30.3 V DC 11 … 30.3 V DC
Extended supply voltage range 10.25 … 32.2 V DC
Emergency operation 9.0 V 9.0 V
Dimming control
Typical current consumptions
Power off state @ 12 VDC ≤ 0.10 mA --
Power off state @ 24 VDC ≤ 0.10 mA ≤ 0.10 mA
6 Watt
0…14 V DC or
10.25 … 32.2 V
0…14 V DC or
Reception stand-by mode @ 12 VDC, panel backlight off ≤ 140 mA ≤ 140 mA
Reception stand-by mode @ 24 VDC, panel backlight off ≤ 80 mA ≤ 80 mA
Available accessories for GT6201 can be purchased with the following Article Numbers. The
connector kit or mounting kit as required for equipment installation is normally included in the
delivery of your purchased Transceiver. The following information is needed for spare part order.