addendum to the instructions
for the use of the 2008 's

The model in your possession has undergone certain improvements,
to make its use even more practical than before.
Here are the chief differences by comparison with the model described
in the instructions for use.
master switch
Now only has three positions: "Auto ", "Manual" (ex -"semi"), and
"Test" (ex-"Control"). These correspond to the following uses:
To be used if the cine-camera is equipped with a Reglomatic-type lens.
so, the switch should be left in this position in practically all cases.
To be used when it is desired to cut out the automatic action. Most
oseful when a scene includes zones in which the lighting, being too
highly contrasted, is liable to interfere with cell reactions and thus to
give false exposure values for the subject to be filmed (carefully read
the tips on p. 13). With the Reflex-Control model, you can film as you
please either in the" Auto" or the" Manual" position.
For checking battery charge (see paragraph IV below).

use of the pistol grip
The new pistol grip has a three-position switch in the heel of the butt:
The switch plunger is free; at the moment of filming, it must be
depressed with the palm of the hand, thus establishing electric contact.
Then, on pressing the trip button, the camera starts filming (when the
switch is set to "Auto" or "Manual "). To stop shooting, first lift the
finger from the push-button trip; then release the pressure exerted
on the plunger; this breaks the electric circuit.
N.B. -
releasing the plunger, or the electric circuit will be broken no matter
what the shutter's position. On the contrary, by first r.eleasing the
push-button trip, the camera stops with the shutter closed. thus
avoiding any risk of fogging. The plunger can then be released.
This is useful during travel or when the camera is carried by hand.
The plunger being in position A, pull it out slightly (without reaching
the red dot) until the metal pin appears: Press on the broad end of
the pin: this will lock the plunger. To release, press on the smaller
end of the pin.
For remote-control filming - or for filming oneself. Pull the plunger
out until the red dot appears. Release; permanent electric contact is
In no case must the camera's action be stopped by first