BEAMEX MC6 User Manual

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Applies to firmware version 3.10
Dear user, We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this man-
ual. Should any errors be detected, we would greatly appreciate to receive sug­gestions to improve the quality of the contents of this manual.
For more detailed technical data about Beamex MC6 Workstation, please con­tact the manufacturer.
8860500 / MC6WSuEng / Version 3.1
© Beamex 2015 - 2018 BEAMEX OY AB Ristisuonraitti 10 FIN-68600 Pietarsaari FINLAND Tel +358 - 10 – 5505000 Fax +358 - 10 – 5505404 E-mail: Internet:
MC6 Workstation, User Manual - Contents i
Part 1, Introduction
General 2
About This Manual .................................................................. 2
Where Am I? .................................................................... 2
Typographical Conventions ............................................. 3
Unpacking and Inspection ...................................................... 3
About MC6 Workstation 4
Starting MC6 Workstation ....................................................... 4
Firmware ................................................................................ 5
Hardware ................................................................................ 7
General ............................................................................ 7
Pressure Modules ............................................................ 8
Front Panel Connection Details ....................................... 9
Connectors at the Back of MC6 Workstation .................... 9
Memory ......................................................................... 10
Display ........................................................................... 10
Batteries ........................................................................ 11
PC Communication / Calibration Software ............................ 12
USB Communication Driver ........................................... 12
MC6 Workstation Related Tools Available for PC .......... 12
Options 13
Software Options .................................................................. 13
Hardware Modules/Options and Accessories ....................... 14
Related Products .................................................................. 14
Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections
General 16 Measurements 17
Pressure Measurement ........................................................ 17
Connecting and Disconnecting External Pressure
Modules ........................................................................ 17
Zeroing a Pressure Module ........................................... 17
Current Measurement .......................................................... 18
Voltage Measurement .......................................................... 18
Temperature Measurement (Thermocouple) ........................ 19
Temperature Measurement (RTD) ....................................... 19
Resistance Measurement .................................................... 20
Frequency Measurement ..................................................... 20
Pulse Counting..................................................................... 21
Switch Sensing .................................................................... 21
Generations/Simulations 22
Changing the Generated/Simulated Value ........................... 22
Using the Soft Numeric Keypad .................................... 22
Spinning ........................................................................ 23
Current Generation (Source or Sink) .................................... 24
Voltage Generation .............................................................. 24
Thermocouple Simulation .................................................... 25
RTD Sensor Simulation ........................................................ 25
Resistance Simulation .......................................................... 26
Frequency Generation ......................................................... 26
Pulse Generation ................................................................. 27
Thermocouple Connections 28
Part 3, Meter
About Meter 30
ii MC6 Workstation, User Manual - Contents
Part 4, Calibrator
About Calibrator 32 Tools 33
General ................................................................................ 33
Part 5, Documenting Calibrator
General 36
Calibration Software ............................................................. 36
Calibrating Instruments 37
Generating/Simulating the Input Value .......................... 37
Instrument List ..................................................................... 38
Instruments ................................................................... 38
Plant Structure Levels ................................................... 39
Instrument List Window Menu ....................................... 39
Instrument Overview Window ............................................... 40
Calibrating an Instrument Using MC6 Workstation ............... 40
Changing the Pressure Module During Calibration ........ 42
About Fieldbus and HART Device Specifics .................. 43
Group Calibration 44
Collecting Instruments/Functions for Group Calibration ........ 44
Editing a Group ............................................................. 45
Calibrating a Group .............................................................. 45
Group Settings .............................................................. 46
Performing the Calibration ............................................. 46
Calibration Results 47
Deleting Calibration Results ................................................. 47
Digital Communication and MC6 Workstation 48
Getting and Editing Mapped Data ........................................ 48
Preparations .................................................................. 48
Getting Default Mappings .............................................. 49
Customizing the Mappings ............................................ 49
Part 6, Data Logger
General 52 Doing a Data Log 53
Configuring ........................................................................... 53
Saving and Opening Configurations .............................. 53
Starting the Data Log ............................................................ 54
Viewing and Saving or Deleting the Results ......................... 55
Viewing Saved Data Log Results .......................................... 55
Transferring Data Log Results to a Personal
Computer ............................................................................. 56
Part 7, Communicator
General 58
Warnings .............................................................................. 59
Connections 60 Selecting the Instrument 61
List of Found Devices ........................................................... 61
About Instrument Parameters 62
Instrument Parameters in General ........................................ 62
Calibrating or Data Logging HART instruments .................... 63
Calibrating or Data Logging Fieldbus Instruments ................ 63
Editing Parameters ............................................................... 64
Trimming a Fieldbus instrument ............................................ 65
Trimming a HART instrument ............................................... 66
HART Device Description Specifics 67
General ................................................................................ 67
Basic View ..................................................................... 68
MC6 Workstation, User Manual - Contents iii
Managing Smart Transmitter Configurations 69
General ................................................................................ 69
Tools in MC6 workstation ..................................................... 69
Saving Configurations .................................................... 69
Viewing/Managing Configurations .................................. 70
Beamex MC6 Workstation Fieldbus Configuration
Viewer .................................................................................. 70
Uploading Configurations............................................... 70
Linking Configurations to CMX....................................... 70
Part 8, Settings
Settings 72 Optional Security Tool 73
General ................................................................................ 73
Applied Restrictrions ...................................................... 73
Supervisor Window ........................................................ 74
Part 9, Additional Information
Additional Information 76
User Defined Pressure Units ................................................ 77
User Defined PRT / RTD Sensors ........................................ 78
General .......................................................................... 78
Callendar van Dusen Formula for PRTs ........................ 79
ITS-90 PRT Sensor ....................................................... 79
Factor ............................................................................ 81
Check Sensor Conversion ............................................. 81
User Defined Transfer Functions .......................................... 82
User Defined Steps / Calibration Points ................................ 83
Controller Communication .................................................... 84
What Can be Done With Controller
Communication .............................................................. 84
Configuring Controller Communication .......................... 85
Changing Controller During Calibration .......................... 85
Safety 88
Approvals ............................................................................. 88
Symbols Used ...................................................................... 88
Safety Precautions and Warnings ........................................ 89
Operating Conditions .................................................... 89
General Warnings ......................................................... 89
Warnings Concerning the Lithium Polymer
Battery Pack .................................................................. 90
Warnings Concerning Electrical Measurement
and Generation ............................................................. 92
General Warnings Concerning Pressure
Measurement ................................................................ 92
Warnings Concerning High Pressure ............................ 93
Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment 94
Beamex and WEEE ............................................................. 94
Disposal of Battery Pack ............................................... 94
Service 95
Cleaning MC6 Workstation................................................... 95
The Battery Charger ............................................................ 95
Sending MC6 Workstation for Service .................................. 95
Firmware Update ................................................................. 96
Resetting MC6 Workstation.................................................. 96
Recalibrating MC6 Workstation ............................................ 97
Uninstalling/installing Modules to/from MCS200 ................... 97
MC6 Workstation's Battery Pack and Charger ..................... 98
Statements 99
Disclaimer ............................................................................ 99
CE ........................................................................................ 99
Intellectual Property Rights ................................................ 100
Copyright..................................................................... 100
Trademarks ................................................................. 100
Index 101
iv MC6 Workstation, User Manual - Contents
MC6 Workstation User Manual - Feedback v
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vi MC6 Workstation User Manual - Feedback
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Things discussed in this part:
About this manual
Briefly about MC6 Workstation's hardware and firm-
Available software and hardware options
Part 1
2 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
Thank you for buying Beamex MC6 Workstation. Because of its versatile fea­tures, it really is "more than a calibrator".
MC6 Workstation is one device with five different operational modes: Meter, Calibrator, Documenting Calibrator, Data Logger and Fieldbus Communicator.
Attention! Before taking MC6 Workstation into use, please read the warnings available in Appendix.
MC6 Workstation's User Manual is divided into several parts as follows:
Part 1, Introduction discusses general matters.  Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections. Whatever you measure,
generate or simulate, here's how to make the necessary connections.
Part 3, Meter introduces the metering tool, which is handy for making
quick measurements. One measurement at a time.
Part 4, Calibrator. A more versatile tool which allows you to meas-
ure/generate/simulate two things simultaneously etc.
Part 5, Documenting Calibrator concentrates on instrument calibration
using the full featured documenting calibrator.
Part 6, Data Logger. Collecting and reviewing
data and transferring logged data to a PC.
Part 7, Communicator. Invoking digital com-
munication with modern instruments.
Part 8, Settings. How to customize MC6
Workstation and what the About window con­tains.
Part 9, Additional Information. About ad-
vanced tools for, e.g. adding custom pressure units, connecting external devices etc.
The header of each spread in MC6 Workstation's User Manual informs you of where you are: The even page shows the part you are in and the odd page shows the main topic you are currently viewing.
Example of even page header: 2 MC6 Workstation User Manual – Part 1… Example of odd page header: General - About This Manual 3
General - Unpacking and Inspection 3
The following typographical conventions apply to MC6 Workstation's User Man­ual:
Bold text is used in following situations:
References to User Manual topics and parts, MC6 Workstation keywords, i.e. terms shown in the User Interface and other keywords, e.g. the names of fieldbus parameters.
Notes are shown in Narrow text with a border above and to the left of the note text. Notes typically inform you of something useful concerning the current topic.
Warnings are shown in Narrow and Bold. They also have a shaded background and are surrounded by a border line. Whenever you see a warning, read it carefully and take it seriously. By not observing warnings, you may - at worst ­damage the calibrator and/or even risk your life.
At the factory each new MC6 Workstation passes a careful inspection. It should be free of scrapes and scratches and in proper operation order upon receipt. The receiver should, however, inspect the unit for any damage that may have occurred during transit. If there are signs of obvious mechanical damage, pack­age contents are incomplete, or MC6 Workstation does not operate according to specifications, contact the purchasing sales office as soon as possible.
If you have to return the instrument to the factory for any reason, use the origi­nal packing whenever possible. Include a detailed description of the reason for the return. Read also chapter Sending MC6 Workstation for Service in Ap- pendix.
For a description of available options, see Options on page 13.
Standard accessories:
Accredited calibration certificate, this User Manual, Warranty Card, a CD-ROM with product information, USB
Driver, other MC6 Workstation related soft­ware tools etc.,
pre-installed internal rechargeable Lithium
Polymer (LiPo) batteries,
battery charger/eliminator, test leads and clips, If certain internal pressure modules have been
purchased, a pressure T-hose and
USB cable.
4 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
To start MC6 Workstation, switch the MCS200 Module Rack on and then press MC6 Workstation's Power button for a few seconds. The startup procedure ends in Home View (see picture on the right). From MC6 Workstation's Home View you may advance to any of the available main functions. This manual con­tains detailed information of main functions as follows:
Meter in Part 3,  Calibrator in Part 4,  Documenting Calibrator in Part 5,  Data Logger in Part 6,  Communicator in Part 7 and  Settings in Part 8.
With the Home button (see picture on the right) you can always return to Home View from wherever you are.
When MC6 Workstation is already running, pressing the Power button briefly opens a dialog with the following options:
Power Off to shut down MC6 in Backup Mode, i.e. minimum power
consumption and full startup procedure.
Standby to set MC6 Workstation in Standby Mode allowing faster
startup when the Power button is pressed again.
Backlight Off to temporarily set the backlight off.
The button on the right side of the dialog:
Power Management to define Backlight Brightness and other power
management related settings. More in Part 8, Settings.
Power button (left) and Home button (right).
Home View
Note. Certain main functions are options. They may not be available in your MC6 Workstation. More of this in chapter Options on page 13.
About MC6 Workstation - Firmware 5
You can interact with MC6 Workstation by tapping on available buttons/controls displayed on the touch screen. Optionally: use the hardware arrow keys to move between the available buttons/controls. The first time you push a hard­ware arrow key the Hardware Focus Indicator is displayed (a blue border around the active button/control). When using the hardware arrow keys, use the hardware Enter key to select ("tap") a button/control.
Buttons often open a pop-up window for entering data, e.g. a unit button with the text "mmH2O" opens a pop-up window of available units. Certain buttons do have special functionality, like "Accept" and "Close" buttons. They close a pop­up window and either accept or reject the changes. There are other buttons, e.g. for going to the next/previous page pages, scrolling through a wide table of data, removing a number in a numeric field (backspace), clearing a numeric field, etc. Most of them are familiar since they look similar as in personal com­puter software.
One important button is the Menu button which is available in the upper left corner of almost any window. Tap on it to open a context-sensitive menu with, among other things, a software version of the Home button presented on previ­ous page.
Check Boxes are special buttons that are either "checked" or "unchecked". See picture below. Again, the functionality is familiar from personal computers.
Check Boxes, both a checked
and an unchecked one.
Button without and with a Hardware Focus Indicator.
Accept button. Close button.
Menu button to the left.
Example of an opened menu.
6 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
MC6 Workstation also has some "flat" buttons. They are used in, e.g lists. The color of the flat buttons may vary depending on the context.
The following editable fields are available:
Text Fields,  Numeric Fields, in certain cases including Spinning and  Date/Time Fields.
The letters/numbers on all editable fields are blue to indicate that they are ed­itable. Black texts are descriptive user interface texts that are not editable. An example of a Text Field and the Text Edit Window is at the bottom right of this page.
Use of Numeric Fields and Spinning is described in Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections and Part 5, Documenting Calibrator.
Date Fields are actually special cases of Numeric Fields. Entering the date is just like entering any numeric value.
Setting MC6 Workstation's time is a special case of the Spinning functionality. See picture below. The "Left" and "Right" arrow buttons move the highlight to another digit. The "Up" and "Down" arrow buttons change the value of the high­lighted digit.
Time Setting window
Example of a list with flat buttons.
Text Field
Text Edit window
About MC6 Workstation - Hardware 7
MC6 Workstation, front view.
1. Thermocouple connector (TC1) with release but- tons. For cables and standard TC plugs.
2. Thermocouple connector (TC2). For TC plugs with flat contacts.
3. RTD and Resistor connector (R1). An R2 connector is on the top of MC6 Workstation. More of R2 con- nector on page 9.
4. Voltage, Current and Frequency output (OUT).
5. Voltage, Frequency and Switch input (IN ).
6. Current Measurement, Loop Supply, HART® and Fieldbus connection (IN).
7. Connector for External Pressure Modules (PX).
8. Enter button for selecting the item surrounded with the Hardware Focus Indicator.
9. Arrow buttons. First press displays the Hardware Focus Indicator. Further presses move the indicator on the touch screen.
10. Home button. Press this button to return to Home View.
11. R2 connector. A possibility to connect an external RTD sensor to MC6 Workstation. See also Hard- ware Modules/Options and Accessories on page
12. Power button. More in chapter Starting MC6 on page 4.
13. Two USB-A connectors for connecting USB devices to MC6 Workstation. See also chapter Firmware Update in the Appendix.
8 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
MC6 Workstation supports up to nine pressure modules plus a barometric module connected to it via a daisy chain communication cable inside MCS200. The amount of modules varies depending on the system at hand. MC6 Work­station's User Interface refers to Pressure Modules as PX: P1C.
Where: X is the ID address of a pressure module (0 to 9) P1C etc. are the pressure module types.
The recommended pressure medium for pressure modules is clean air. Clean non-corrosive liquids may optionally be used in modules with a measuring range of 20 bar/300 psi or more. Avoid spilling liquid on MC6 Workstation when connecting/disconnecting pressure hoses to/from pressure modules.
To avoid damaging the module, use hand tightening only when connecting the pressure measurement hoses (max. torque 5 Nm, approx. 3.6 lbf ft). If the use of tools is required to secure the connection (typically pressure modules with a pressure range higher than 20 bar), apply the counterforce by placing a 14 mm (approx. 9/16”) A/F spanner on the flats found in the module’s connector. The overpressure protection of the internal pressure modules vents to the inside of the module rack.
Barometric Module
Barometric Modules are shown as PB: PB in the MC6 Workstation's User Inter­face. The connection in front of a Barometric Module is meant for calibration use. The thread is M5. To ensure valid barometric pressure measurements, do not use the connection unless calibrating the module.
See Appendix for information on installing and uninstalling Pressure Modules.
Example of a set of Pressure Modules
in MCS200.
Remember to be cautious when working with pressure and pressure modules. See also Appendix, chapters Safety and Safety Precautions and Warnings.
About MC6 Workstation - Hardware 9
If you use other pressure hoses than the one delivered by Beamex, remove the connector meant for Beamex's pres­sure hoses and replace them with your own connectors. The thread available in a Pressure Module's body is 1/8" BSP.
R2 connector's pin order:
Outside view of the female connector in MC6 Workstation.
1 Excitation current + 2 Sense + 4 Sense ­5 Excitation current -
Note. Leave pins 3, 6 and 7 unconnected in the male connector meant for MC6 Workstation's R2 connector.
The rear end of MC6 Workstation (inside MCS200) includes the same connect­ors as in a portable MC6. There's also a Pressure Module connector for con­necting Pressure modules in MCS200. See picture below.
USB Ports
The need for USB connectors in MC6 Workstation may be more than is availa­ble in a portable MC6. There may be several pressure controllers etc. in MCS200 that requires communication with MC6 Workstation. That is why there are two hubs included with MC6 Workstation inside MCS200. Two of the isolat­ed hub's ports are connected to the USB-A ports in MC6 Workstation's front panel allowing communication with, e.g. Dry Blocks.
A USB-B connector in MC6 Workstation is connected to the rear of MCS200. It is meant for PC communication. Another USB-A connector is available via the isolated hub. See rightmost picture.
Rear view of MC6 Workstation (inside MCS200).
Default connections inside MCS200.
Top view of MC6 Workstation.
Note. All USB connectors are USB 2.0 Full Speed ports
10 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
MC6 Workstation maintains data very much like personal computers. Data is saved on a solid state memory that does not need any power to maintain its state. Solid state memory is shock-proof so the data is not lost when the cali­brator is transported. Also, you can safely save a large amount of instruments, calibration results and data log results.
Available memory can be used for anything that requires it (e.g. instrument da­ta, calibration results etc.).
MC6 Workstation has a backlit 640 × 480 pixel 5.7" TFT touch screen display. Use the touch screen with your fingers, gloves on or off. Optionally, use a stylus meant for touch screen use.
See also brightness settings in Part 8, Settings.
Warning! Using sharp tools such as a screwdriver on the touch screen may damage it. More warnings in Appendix.
About MC6 Workstation - Hardware 11
MC6 Workstation has internal rechargeable Lithium Polymer (LiPo) batteries for powering the internal clock when MCS200 is shut off. The charger is connected to MCS200's power supply so the battery is automatically charged when MCS200 is on. LiPo batteries do not suffer from the memory effect, so they may be charged at any time. However, there are some serious safety issues con­cerning them, so read Warnings Concerning the Lithium Polymer Battery Pack in Appendix.
A picture of a battery (or a plug, when charging or running on AC power) is shown on many of MC6 Workstation's views. The "content" of the battery corre­sponds to the approximated charge level of MC6 Workstation's rechargeable batteries. The maximum operating time of the batteries without recharging var­ies depending on the usage of the display back light. The usage of the 24 V transmitter supply also affects the maximum operating time. Even with constant maximum load, the standard rechargeable batteries should last for 10 hours. A good average operating time is 16 hours.
The capacity of all batteries deteriorate with time. If MC6 Workstation's internal clock is reset, it is time to replace the battery pack with a new one. See Appen- dix for information on how to replace the Battery Pack.
Full battery Empty Battery
Notes. A time approximate (hh:mm) is shown on the battery symbol. During charging it is the charging time left, otherwise it is re­maining usage time. MC6 Workstation's internal clock/calendar uses a small amount of power even when MCS200/MC6 Workstation is switched off. Remember to check the capacity of the batteries from time to time when MC6 Workstation is not in use. Re­charge if needed. Tap the battery icon to open a window displaying detailed bat­tery/charging information.
12 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
Beamex CMX Calibration Software supports MC6 Workstation from version V2, revision 2.8 and onwards and also in Beamex LOGiCAL, a cloud based tool for handling calibration results.
MC6 uses Windows' generic USB driver (WinUSB) provided by Microsoft. Sup­ported operating systems: Windows® 7 … Windows® 10. Starting from Windows 8, the driver installation is self-contained, older versions may require Windows Update connection.
The following tools are available for download at Beamex's web site: Look for Download Center and Software tools
for MC6 family.
Beamex MC6 Data Log Viewer, for transferring Data Log results to a
PC and viewing them on the PC.
Beamex MC6 Device Description Installer, for installing new Device
Descriptions of smart transmitters from a PC to MC6.
Beamex MC6 Fieldbus Configuration Viewer, for downloading smart
transmitter configurations read into MC6 to a PC.
Beamex MC6 Remote Controller, for controlling MC6 Workstation via
a PC.
Options - Software Options 13
The following software options are available:
Documenting Calibrator including computer communication with sup-
ported calibration software presented in chapter PC Communication / Calibration Software on page 12,
Mobile Security Plus. This option requires that you have the Docu-
menting Calibrator option in MC6 and CMX Calibration Software ver-
sion V2, revision 2.11 or later.
 Multi channel Data Logger,  Communicator, HART®,  *)Communicator, FOUNDATION Fieldbustm,  *)Communicator, PROFIBUS PAtm,  +)Drivers for External Controllers (Pressure and Temperature) and  Special Temperature Sensors.
*) Requires that communicating hardware is installed into MC6. Please con-
tact Beamex.
When necessary, a connection cable is shipped when the software option
is bought.
The software options available in the MC6 at hand can be found in MC6's Settings main function. Select About option and browse to page 3.
Whether the communication hardware needed for fieldbus communication is installed or not, can be found in MC6's Set- tings main function. Select About option and see page 1.
14 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 1, Introduction
Pressure Modules. Up to nine gauge and/or differential pressure mod-
ules may be installed in MCS200's Module Rack and additionally a bar­ometric module.
Communicating hardware for MC6's Communicator software options.
See also Software Options on page 13.
Adapter cables for R2 connector. The R2 connector supports Beamex
Smart Reference Probe.
Cable for Pressure and Temperature Controllers.  Spare Battery Pack.
Pressure Hose Sets to be used together with internal and external
Pressure Modules.
Note. The Pressure Modules internally connected to the MC6 Work­station at hand can be found in MC6's Settings main function. Select About option and browse to page 2.
There are an increasing number of devices that can be used together with MC6 Workstation. The following list includes devices that are already available (valid when this manual was printed):
External Pressure Modules (EXT), Calibration hand pumps:
- PGV vacuum pump,
- PGL low pressure calibration pump,
- PGC pressure/vacuum pump,
- PGM high pressure pump,
- PGPH high pressure pneumatic pump and
- PGXH extra high pressure pump.
Beamex POC8 Automatic Pressure Controller, Beamex Field Temperature Block (FB Series), Beamex Metrology Temperature Block (MB
Beamex CMX Calibration Software and Beamex LOGiCAL, a cloud based tool for
handling calibration results.
Things discussed in this part:
A presentation of measurements MC6 Workstation is
capable of performing. For all measurements, the ac­tive terminals together with useful additional infor­mation for that particular measurement are presented.
Similarly, a presentation of generations and simula-
tions MC6 Workstation is capable of performing.
For generations/simulations, there is also information
on how to change the generated/simulated value.
Part 2
16 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections
This section of MC6 Workstation's User Manual presents all measurements and generations/simulations that MC6 Workstation is capable of performing. No matter which of the available main functions you use in MC6 Workstation, the connections presented here apply.
Settings in Meter and Calibrator are saved, so the next time you measure, generate or simulate something, the previous settings are available as de­faults.(*
In Calibrator also the additional information row settings for all measure­ments/generations/simulations are saved for future needs. However damping, resolution and alarms are active for the current session only.
*) When you use Documenting Calibrator and select an instrument for cali-
bration, the instrument's settings (Quantity, Port etc.) are inherited to the Calibrator.
Respectively, when creating a new instrument in Documenting Calibrator,
the settings in Calibrator's sub-windows are used as default settings for the new instrument's input and output.
Notes. For HART and Fieldbus instrument specifics, see Part 7, Communicator. For information on External Devices (Pressure and Tempera­ture Controllers) used together with Calibrator and Document­ing Calibrator, see Part 9, Additional Information.
Note. In this manual, when presenting each measurement/gener­ation/simulation there is a picture with highlighted active termi­nals. The highlight for possible optional connections is lighter. Connections to instruments are included if it requires special attention. See, e.g. Current Generation (Source or Sink) on page 24.
Next… Measurements on page 17
Generations/Simulations on page 22 Meter in part 3 Calibrator in part 4 Documenting Calibrator in part 5 Data Logger in part 6 Communicator in part 7 Additional Information in part 9
Measurements - Pressure Measurement 17
MC6 Workstation supports the use of both pressure modules in MCS200, if installed, and the use of supported external pressure modules, when they are connected to MC6 Workstation.
Note that pressure measurement requires knowledge of pressure types (abso­lute pressure, gauge pressure and differential pressure). Measuring pressure with inadequate knowledge of pressure types and the dangers of pressure de­vices may result in false measurement results and/or serious accidents. Please read the warnings in Appendix.
When an external pressure measurement module is connected and when appli­cable, MC6 Workstation opens a dialog. Among other information, the dialog includes a possibility to choose where to use the connected external pressure module.
An external pressure module may be disconnected at any time. MC6 Work­station indicates that an external pressure module was removed. If the module was used for a measurement, the measurement stops.
If the selected pressure module does not display zero gauge pressure when the applied pressure is zero, the module has to be zeroed. To do it, apply zero gauge pressure and tap the zero button:
Example of pressure module connectors in MCS200.
PX, Connector for external pres­sure measurement modules in MC6 Workstation (right).
Note. The amount of pressure modules in MCS200 on your particular MC6 Workstation may differ from the picture presented above.
Warning! Select a pressure module that has a suitable measurement range for your pressure signal. Too low/high measurement range on the pressure module results in faulty modules, imprecise readings or even accidents.
18 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections
When measuring electric current, an important thing is selecting whether MC6 Workstation provides the 24 volt loop supply voltage or not. If not, an external device should provide the loop supply voltage.
Connection depends on the loop supply setting. See pictures to the right. See also: Current Generation (Source or Sink) on page 24.
Current measurement terminals. Internal supply
Range -101 +101 mA
Current measurement terminals. External supply.
MC6 Workstation's voltage measurement terminals are listed below (top to bot­tom) as they are shown in the adjacent picture (left to right):
TC1, measurement range: -1.01 to +1.01 VDC.  TC2, measurement range: -1.01 to +1.01 VDC.  IN, measurement range: -1.01 to +60.6 VDC.
Note that you may measure non-supported thermocouple signals using either TC1 or TC2 port. The reading is in (milli)volts, so you need a data table to con­vert the signal to temperatures. Calibrator‘s and Documenting Calibrator's Scaling utility may be used for converting millivolts to temperatures.
See also: Voltage Generation on page 24 and Temperature Measurement (Thermocouple) on page 19.
Voltage measurement terminals.
For ranges, see chapter to the left.
Warning! Do not apply hazardous voltages to MC6 Workstation's terminals.
Power Supply
Measurements - Temperature Measurement (Thermocouple) 19
MC6 Workstation has two thermocouple connectors. TC1 is for cables and standard TC plugs. TC2 is for TC plugs with flat contacts.
Check the Sensor Type. Your measurement results are unreliable unless you select the same sensor type as is connected to MC6 Workstation. Select also a suitable Reference Junction compensation method. Wrong settings yield use­less measurement results.
See also: Thermocouple Simulation on page 25 and Voltage Measurement on page 18.
Warning! When using another thermocouple or an RTD sensor connected to MC6 Workstation to measure the external reference junction temperature: Keep in mind that there is no iso­lation between the thermocouple to be calibrated and the sensor measuring the refer­ence temperature.
Thermocouple measurement terminals.
Range depends on sensor type
Note. Thermocouple measurements are error prone. There may be faulty connections, wrong (extension) cables and settings in MC6 Workstation. If unsure, see chapter Thermocouple Con- nections on page 28 and study thermocouple literature.
Check the sensor type. Make sure you select the same sensor type as is con­nected to MC6 Workstation. Otherwise your measurement results are unrelia­ble.
For R1 terminals:
The two leftmost terminals are used in 2-wire systems. MC6 Workstation auto­matically checks the connection and displays the found wiring system.
For R2 terminal:
Beamex offers, as an option, an adapter for the R2 terminal. Please contact Beamex for details. R2 terminal always uses 4-wire measurement.
See also: RTD Sensor Simulation on page 25,
Resistance Measurement on page 20 and Resistance Simulation on page 26.
RTD measurement terminals.
Range depends on sensor type
Note. If you get "+OVER" or -OVER” error messages, check the connections. If necessary, use 2-wire ohm measurement to check the wiring.
20 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections
For R1 terminals:
The two leftmost terminals are used in 2-wire systems. MC6 Workstation auto­matically checks the connection and displays the found wiring system (2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire).
For R2 terminal:
Beamex offers, as an option, an adapter for the R2 terminal. Please contact Beamex for details. R2 terminal always uses 4-wire measurement.
See also: Resistance Simulation on page 26 and Temperature Measurement (RTD) on page 19.
Resistance measurement terminals.
Range -1 … 4040 ohm
Note. If you get "+OVER" or “-OVER” error messages, check the connections. If necessary, use 2-wire ohm measurement to check the wiring.
In frequency measurement, be sure you select a suitable trigger level setting. To do it, tap on the button with the arrow pointing on a rising ramp and the cur­rent trigger level voltage. From the opened pop-up window: Select a suitable trigger level.
See also: Frequency Generation on page 26,
Pulse Counting on page 21 and Switch Sensing on page 21
Frequency measurement terminals.
Range 0.0027 … 51000 Hz
Note. There is a trigger level choice for (dry) contacts with no exter­nal potential. 24V supply may also be used. Connect as light blue line shows in picture above.
Measurements - Pulse Counting 21
Pulse counting has three settings that should be checked before (re)starting a pulse count:
Trigger level. Select a level that suits your signal.  Trigger edge. Select either rising or falling edge.  Zeroing. A possibility to zero the pulse count.
See also: Pulse Generation on page 27, Frequency Generation on page 26 and Frequency Measurement on page 20.
Pulse counting terminals.
Range 0 9 999 999 pulses
Note. There is a trigger level choice for (dry) contacts with no exter­nal potential. 24V supply may also be used. Connect as light blue line shows in picture above.
Switch Sensing has three settings:
 A possibility to invert switch's open/close state indication.  Trigger level. Select a level that suits your switch. See note to the right.  Sound setting. Define whether MC6 Workstation emits a sound when
the switch's state change and if yes, when it is emitted.
See also: Pulse Counting on page 21 and Pulse Generation on page 27,
You can also use Switch Sensing for binary signal detection. For normal switch state detection: an open switch equals 1 / True and a closed switch 0 / False.
Switch sensing terminals.
Note. There is a trigger level choice for (dry) contacts with no exter­nal potential. 24V supply may also be used. Connect as light blue line shows in picture above.
22 MC6 Workstation, User Manual – Part 2, Active Terminals and Connections
Generations and simulations are supported in Calibrator, Documenting Cali­brator and Data Logger.
Note. The Meter is not capable of performing generations and simu­lations.
There are several ways of changing the generated/simulated value. The follow­ing subchapters present the available utilities.
This utility is useful when a generated/simulated value (or any numeric field in MC6 Workstation) is either empty (displaying dashes) or when a new and dif­ferent value is needed. The soft numeric keypad opens when you tap on the generated/simulated value (see picture to the right).Tap on numbers to enter a value. Additional functions:
Use the "C" key on the right to clear the entered value. Use the "Left Arrow" key to delete the number to the left of the cursor.
The entered value is taken into use when you close the window using the "Ac­cept" button. Note that MC6 Workstation may use the entered value as a
source for the value's resolution. Enter trailing zeros to ensure useful resolution. When applicable, the minimum and maximum limit of the entered value is shown
above the entered number. If you enter a value above/below the limits, and try to accept it, MC6 Workstation stays in the soft numeric keypad window and replaces the entered value with appropriate limit value and highlights the replaced value.
Soft Numeric Keypad.
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