BEA WebLogic Server User Manual

WebLogic Server
Internationalization Guide
Release 7.0 Document Revised: August 20, 2002
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Internationalization Guide
Part Number Document Revised Software Version
N/A August 20, 2002 BEA WebLogic Server
Version 7.0
About This Document
Audience............................................................................................................ viii
e-docs Web Site................................................................................................. viii
How to Print the Document............................................................................... viii
Related Information..............................................................................................ix
Contact Us!...........................................................................................................ix
Documentation Conventions.................................................................................x
1. Overview of Internationalization for WebLogic Server
About Internationalization and Localization Standards .................................... 1-1
Understanding Localization for WebLogic Server ........................................... 1-2
Understanding Message Catalogs ..................................................................... 1-3
Understanding Java Interfaces for Internationalization .................................... 1-4
Main Steps for Creating an Internationalized Message .................................... 1-4
2. Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server
Overview of Message Catalogs......................................................................... 2-1
Message Catalog Hierarchy .............................................................................. 2-2
Choosing Names for Message Catalogs............................................................ 2-3
Using Message Arguments................................................................................ 2-4
Message Catalog Formats ................................................................................. 2-5
Elements of a Log Message Catalog.......................................................... 2-5
message_catalog ................................................................................. 2-6
log_message........................................................................................ 2-7
Other log_message Catalog Elements ................................................ 2-8
Log Message Catalog Example .......................................................... 2-9
Elements of a Simple Text Message Catalog........................................... 2-10
Hybrid Templates for FrameMaker 5.5 -iii
message_catalog................................................................................ 2-11
message ............................................................................................. 2-11
messagebody ..................................................................................... 2-12
Simple Text Catalog Example .......................................................... 2-13
Elements of a Locale-Specific Catalog .................................................... 2-14
locale_message_catalog.................................................................... 2-14
Other locale_message_catalog Elements.......................................... 2-14
Locale Message Catalog Syntax ....................................................... 2-15
3. Using the BEA WebLogic Server Message Editor
About the Message Editor ................................................................................. 3-1
Starting the Message Editor............................................................................... 3-3
Working with Catalogs......................................................................................3-4
Browsing to an Existing Catalog................................................................ 3-5
Creating a New Catalog .............................................................................3-7
Adding Messages to Catalogs ........................................................................... 3-9
Entering a New Log Message .................................................................... 3-9
Entering a New Simple Text Message..................................................... 3-11
Finding Messages ............................................................................................ 3-12
Finding a Log Message ............................................................................ 3-12
Finding a Simple Text Message...............................................................3-13
Using the Message Viewer.............................................................................. 3-14
Viewing All Messages in a Catalog.........................................................3-14
Viewing All Messages in Several Catalogs .............................................3-15
Choosing a Message to Edit from the Message Viewer...........................3-15
Editing an Existing Message ........................................................................... 3-16
4. Using the BEA WebLogic Server Internationalization Utilities
About the WebLogic Server Internationalization Utilities................................ 4-1
About the WebLogic Server Internationalization and Localization Interfaces. 4-2
18ngen Utility.................................................................................................... 4-4
Syntax.................................................................................................. 4-4
Options................................................................................................ 4-4
l10ngen Utility................................................................................................... 4-5
-iv Hybrid Templates for FrameMaker 5.5
Syntax ................................................................................................. 4-5
Options................................................................................................ 4-6
CatInfo Utility ................................................................................................... 4-6
Syntax ................................................................................................. 4-6
Options................................................................................................ 4-7
A. Localizer Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server
About Localizer Classes....................................................................................A-1
Localizer Methods.............................................................................................A-2
Localizer Lookup Class.....................................................................................A-3
B. Logger Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server
About Logger Classes .......................................................................................B-1
Example of a Generated Logger Class..............................................................B-2
C. Loggable Object Reference for BEA WebLogic Server
About Loggable Objects....................................................................................C-1
How Loggable Objects Are Used......................................................................C-2
D. TextFormatter Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server
About TextFormatter Classes............................................................................D-1
Example of an Application Using a TextFormatter Class.................................D-2
Hybrid Templates for FrameMaker 5.5 -v
-vi Hybrid Templates for FrameMaker 5.5

About This Document

This document defines internationalization and localization, and explains how to use the templates and tools provided with WebLogic Server to create or edit message catalogs that are locale-specific.
The document is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Overview of Internationalization for WebLogic Server,” summarizes
the processes required for internationalization and localization.
Chapter 2, “Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
message catalog types, message definitions, elements, and arguments.
Chapter 3, “Using the BEA WebLogic Server Message Editor,” explains how to
use the Message Editor that is included with WebLogic Server.
Chapter 4, “Using the BEA WebLogic Server Internationalization Utilities,”
explains how to use the internationalization utilities included with WebLogic Server.
Appendix A, “Localizer Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
Localizer classes, Localizer methods, key values for Localizers, and
lookup properties for
Appendix B, “Logger Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
Logger classes and provides an example of a message catalog and its
Appendix C, “Loggable Object Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,” describes
loggable objects and how they are used.
Appendix D, “TextFormatter Class Reference for BEA WebLogic Server,”
provides and example of an application that uses a
Logger class.
TextFormatter class.
Internationalization Guide vii


This document is written for application developers who must internationalize or localize the message catalogs included in the WebLogic Server distribution for locale-specific administration and management. It is assumed that readers are familiar with the WebLogic Server Platform and know Web technologies, object-oriented programming techniques, and the Java programming language.

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How to Print the Document

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viii Internationalization Guide
Print option on your Web browser.

Related Information

For more information in general about internationalization and localization, refer to the following sources:
The Java Developer Connection™ at
The Internationalization section of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web
Site at

Contact Us!

Your feedback on BEA documentation is important to us. Send us e-mail at if you have questions or comments. Your comments will be
reviewed directly by the BEA professionals who create and update the documentation.
In your e-mail message, please indicate the software name and version you are using, as well as the title and document date of your documentation. If you have any questions about this version of BEA WebLogic Server, or if you have problems installing and running BEA WebLogic Server, contact BEA Customer Support through BEA WebSupport at You can also contact Customer Support by using the contact information provided on the Customer Support Card, which is included in the product package.
When contacting Customer Support, be prepared to provide the following information:
Your name, e-mail address, phone number, and fax number
Your company name and company address
Your machine type and authorization codes
The name and version of the product you are using
A description of the problem and the content of pertinent error messages
Internationalization Guide ix

Documentation Conventions

The following documentation conventions are used throughout this document.
Convention Usage
Ctrl+Tab Keys you press simultaneously.
italics Emphasis and book titles.
monospace text
monospace italic text
{ }
[ ]
Code samples, commands and their options, Java classes, data types, directories, and file names and their extensions. Monospace text also indicates text that you enter from the keyboard.
import java.util.Enumeration; chmod u+w * config/examples/applications .java config.xml float
Variables in code. Example:
String CustomerName;
Device names, environment variables, and logical operators. Examples: LPT1 BEA_HOME OR
A set of choices in a syntax line.
Optional items in a syntax line. Example:
x Internationalization Guide
java utils.MulticastTest -n name -a address
[-p portnumber] [-t timeout] [-s send]
Convention Usage
Separates mutually exclusive choices in a syntax line. Example:
java weblogic.deploy [list|deploy|undeploy|update] password {application} {source}
Indicates one of the following in a command line:
An argument can be repeated several times in the command line.The statement omits additional optional arguments.You can enter additional parameters, values, or other information
Internationalization Guide xi
xii Internationalization Guide
1 Overview of
Internationalization for WebLogic Server
The following sections provide an overview of localization and internationalization:
About Internationalization and Localization Standards
Understanding Localization for WebLogic Server
Understanding Message Catalogs
Understanding Java Interfaces for Internationalization
Main Steps for Creating an Internationalized Message

About Internationalization and Localization Standards

BEA has adopted the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) recommendations for standard formats and protocols that are usable worldwide in all languages and in all writing systems. These standards are part of the Java internationalization Application Program Interfaces (APIs) that are used by WebLogic Server. Internationalization
Internationalization Guide 1-1
1 Overview of Internationalization for WebLogic Server
(I18N) refers to the preparation of software so that it behaves properly in multiple locations. Localization (L10N) is the use of locale-specific language and constructs at run time.
Internationalization of textual data in WebLogic Server is provided through message catalogs. WebLogic Server supports message catalogs for log messages as well as simple text. Log messages contain data that is written to the log file. This data is predominantly dynamic and contains information that is specific to the current state of the application and system. When merged with text in a localized log message catalog, this data results in well-formatted, localized messages that describe the error condition in the language of the user. The output sent to the console is simple text. As with log messages, simple text can be merged with dynamic data.
The information covered in this guide addresses only the internationalization of textual data.

Understanding Localization for WebLogic Server

Localization covers not only language, but collation, date and time formats, monetary formats, and character encoding. Messages that are logged to the WebLogic Server error log can be localized to meet your particular requirements.
WebLogic Server internationalization supports localization of two types of data:
Log messages—Log messages are informational messages that are written to the
server log, and may also contain error messages if the appropriate message arguments are included in the message definition.
Simple text—Simple text is any text other than log messages and exceptions
that the server must display, such as the output from a utility. Examples of simple text include usage messages, graphical user interface (GUI) labels, and error messages.
1-2 Internationalization Guide

Understanding Message Catalogs

Understanding Message Catalogs
All internationalized text is defined in message catalogs, each of which defines a collection of log messages or simple text. To create an internationalized message, you externalize all message strings in a message catalog so that the strings can be easily converted to multiple locales without changing or recompiling the code. The application code supplies run-time values to the logging methods. The logging methods merge the code with the message string in the catalog per the current locale. And the application code then prints a localized message in the log files.
There are three types of message catalogs:
Log message catalogs—Collections of log messages.
Simple text catalogs—Collections of simple text messages.
Locale message catalogs—Collections of locale-specific messages
corresponding to a top-level log message or simple text catalog.
Message IDs in log message catalogs or locale message catalogs are unique across all log message or locale message catalogs. Within the message catalog file, each localized version of the message is assigned a unique message ID and message text specific to the error. Ideally, a message is logged from only one location within the system so that a support team can easily find it. Message IDs in simple text catalogs are unique within each simple text catalog.
Refer to “Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server” on page 2-1 for more detailed information about message catalogs.
Internationalization Guide 1-3
1 Overview of Internationalization for WebLogic Server

Understanding Java Interfaces for Internationalization

WebLogic Server uses the Java internationalization interfaces for providing internationalization and localization. In addition to understanding how WebLogic Server handles internationalization, users should be familiar with the Java internationalization interfaces and the following classes included in the Java Development Kit (JDK):
Class Description
Represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region.
Provides containers for locale-specific objects.
Produces concatenated messages in a language-neutral way.

Main Steps for Creating an Internationalized Message

The following steps describe how you create an internationalized message for use with WebLogic Server:
1. Create or edit a top-level log catalog or simple text catalog by defining the messages in the catalog. For details, see “Using the BEA WebLogic Server
Message Editor” on page 3-1.
In addition to message text, include information about the type and placement of any run-time values that the message contains.
1-4 Internationalization Guide
Main Steps for Creating an Internationalized Message
2. Run i18ngen to validate the catalog you created or edited in Step 1 and generate runtime classes.
The generated classes contain a method for each message. The method is defined according to information specified in the message catalog entry. The methods include For details, see “18ngen Utility” on page 4-4.
3. Create locale-specific catalogs as required for the message catalog you created in Step 1.
Logger or TextFormatter methods, depending on the type of catalog.
4. Run
5. Instrument the application to use the
l10ngen to process the locale-specific catalogs.
Logger or TextFormatter methods you
generated in Step 2. When the application logs or returns a message, the message is written using the localized version of the text according to the
TextFormatter methods used.
Logger or
These steps are described in detail in the following topics. For more detailed information, including an overview of the logging subsystem and a description of log message parts, see “Using Log Messages to Manage WebLogic Servers” in the WebLogic Server Administration Guide.
Internationalization Guide 1-5
1 Overview of Internationalization for WebLogic Server
1-6 Internationalization Guide
2 Using Message
Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server
The following sections describe message catalogs and how to use them:
Overview of Message Catalogs
Message Catalog Hierarchy
Choosing Names for Message Catalogs
Using Message Arguments
Message Catalog Formats

Overview of Message Catalogs

Message catalogs are XML files that contain a description of a collection of text messages, each indexed by a unique idenifier. You compile these XML files into classes during the
4-4 for more information). The methods of the resulting classes are the objects used to
log messages at runtime.
i18ngen utility build process. (Refer to “18ngen Utility” on page
Internationalization Guide 2-1
2 Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server
Message catalogs support multiple locales or languages. For a specific message catalog there is exactly one default version, known as the top-level catalog. Then there are corresponding locale-specific catalogs, one for each additional supported locale. The top-level catalog includes all the information necessary to define the message. The locale-specific catalogs contain only the message ID, the date changed, and the translation of the message for the specific locale.
The message catalog files are defined by an XML document type definition (DTD). The DTDs are stored in the may vary, depending upon where you installed WebLogic Server. If you used the default installation path, the under
Two DTDs are included in the WebLogic Server distribution:
msgcat.dtd—Describes the syntax of top-level, default catalogs.
l10n_msgcat.dtd—Describes the syntax of locale-specific catalogs.
msgcat directory also contains templates that you can use to create top-level and
The locale-specific message catalogs.
Users may choose to create a single log message catalog for all their logging requirements, or create smaller catalogs based on a subsystem or Java package. We recommend using multiple subsystems because you can focus on specific portions of the log during viewing.
msgcat directory. The location of the msgcat directory
msgcat directory is located in the BEA_HOME directory
For simple text catalogs, the recommended approach is to create a single catalog for each utility being internationalized. Developers can create site-specific message catalogs using the Message Editor as described in “Using the BEA WebLogic Server
Message Editor” on page 3-1.

Message Catalog Hierarchy

All messages and exceptions must be defined in the default, top-level catalog. The WebLogic Server distribution includes a collection of sample catalogs in the
WL_HOME\samples\server\src\examples\i18n\msgcat directory.
2-2 Internationalization Guide

Choosing Names for Message Catalogs

Note: This directory path may vary, depending on where you chose to install
WebLogic Server.
Catalogs that provide different localizations of the base catalogs are defined in subdirectories named for the locale (for example, might have a top-level catalog named called
..\de\mycat.xml. Typically the top-level catalog is English, but English is
mycat.xml, and a German translation of it
msgcat\de for Germany). You
not required for any catalogs except the installed WebLogic Server catalogs.
Locale designations (for example,
java.util.Locale documentation. A locale can include a language, country, and
de) also have a hierarchy as defined in the
variant. Language is the most common locale designation. Language can be extended with a country code. For instance, the associated catalog is
..\en\US\mycat.xml. Variants are vendor or
en\US, indicates American English. The name of
browser-specific and are used to introduce minor differences (for example, collation sequences) between two or more locales defined by either language or country.
Choosing Names for Message Catalogs
Because the name of a message catalog file (without the .xml extension) is used to generate runtime class and property names, you should choose the name carefully.
Follow these guidelines for naming message catalogs:
Do not choose a message catalog name that conflicts with any names of existing
classes in the target package.
The message catalog name should only contain characters that are allowed in
class names.
Follow class naming standards.
For example, the resulting class names for a catalog named
XyzLogLocalizer and XyzLogger.
Xyz.xml are
The following considerations also apply to message catalog files:
Message IDs are generally six-character strings with leading zeros. Some
interfaces also support integer representations.
Internationalization Guide 2-3
2 Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server
Java allows you to group classes into a collection called a package. A package
name should be consistent with the name of the subsystem in which a particular catalog resides.
The log Localizer “classes” are actually ResourceBundle property files.

Using Message Arguments

The message body, message detail, cause, and action sections of a log message can include message arguments, as described by message body section in a simple message can include arguments. Arguments are values that can be dynamically set at runtime. These values are passed to routines, such as printing out a message. A message can support up to 10 arguments, numbered 0-9. You can include any subset of these arguments in any text section of the message definition, although the message body should include all of the arguments. You insert message arguments into a message definition during development, and these arguments are replaced by the appropriate message content at runtime when the message is logged.
java.text.MessageFormat. Only the
The following excerpt from an XML log message definition shows how you can use message arguments. The argument number must correspond to one of the arguments specified in the the second, and so on.

Listing 2-1 Example of Message Arguments

<messagebody>Unable to open file, {0}.</messagebody> <messagedetail> File, {0} does not exist. The server will restore the file contents from {1}, resulting in the use of default values for all future requests. </messagedetail> <cause>The file was deleted</cause> <action> If this error repeats then investigate unauthorized access to the file system. </action>
2-4 Internationalization Guide
method attribute. Specifically, {0} with the first argument, {1} with
An example of a method attribute for the above message is as follows:
-method=“logNoFile(String name, String path)”
The message expects two arguments, {0} and {1}:
{0} is used in the message body.
Both are used in the message detail.
Neither is used in the <cause> or <action> section.
In addition, the arguments are expected to be strings, or representable as strings. Numeric data is represented as must assign a severity level for log messages. Log messages are generated through the generated
Logger methods, as defined by the method attribute.
{n,number}. Dates are supported as {n,date}. You

Message Catalog Formats

The catalog format for top-level and locale-specific catalog files is slightly different. The top-level catalogs define the textual messages for the base locale. Locale-specific catalogs only provide translations of text defined in the top-level version. Log message catalogs are defined differently from simple text catalogs.
Message Catalog Formats
Elements of each of these types of catalogs are described in the following sections:
Elements of a Log Message Catalog
Elements of a Simple Text Message Catalog
Elements of a Locale-Specific Catalog

Elements of a Log Message Catalog

This section provides reference information for the following elements of a log message catalog:
Internationalization Guide 2-5
2 Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server
Other log_message Catalog Elements
The following table describes the attributes that you can define for the
message_catalog element.
Attribute Default Required/
i18n_package weblogic.i18n
l10n_package weblogic.i18n
None Required An acronym identifying the subsystem associated
None Required Specifies the version of the msgcat.dtd being
WebLogic Server catalogs
500000 for
user-defined catalogs
Optional Java package containing generated Logger classes
Optional Java package containing generated
Optional Specifies the lowest message ID used in this
for this catalog. The classes are named after the catalog file name. For example, for a catalog using
mycat.xml, a generated logger class called i18n_package.mycatLogger.class.
LogLocalizer properties for this catalog.
Classes are named after the catalog file name. For example, for a catalog called properties file called
l10n_package.mycatLogLocalizer. properties
with this catalog. The name of the subsystem is included in the error log and is used for message isolation purposes.
used. The format is
version=”1.0”. Must be at least “1.0”.
catalog. The syntax is one to six decimal units.
is generated.
n.n, for example,
mycat.xml a
2-6 Internationalization Guide
Message Catalog Formats
Attribute Default Required/
WebLogic Server catalogs
999999 for
user-defined catalogs
Optional Specifies the highest message ID used in this
The following table describes the attributes that you can define for the log_message element.
Attribute Default Required/
None Required Unique identifier for this log message. Uniqueness
None Optional Date/time stamp used for managing modifications
catalog. The syntax is one to six decimal units.
should extend across all catalogs. Value must be in range defined by baseid and endid attributes. This is a child element of
to this message. The date is supplied by utilities that run on the catalogs. The syntax is:
Long.toString(new Date().getTime());
stacktrace true
None Required Indicates the severity of the log message. Must be
one of the following:
notice, error, critical, alert, or emergency. User catalogs may only use debug, info, warning, and error.
Optional Indicates whether to generate a stack trace for
Throwable arguments. Possible values are
false. When the value is true a trace is
generated. The syntax is:
debug, info, warning,
true or
Internationalization Guide 2-7
2 Using Message Catalogs with BEA WebLogic Server
Attribute Default Required/
loggables False
None Required Method signature for logging this message. Two
Optional Indicates whether to generate methods to return
methods are actually provided: the one specified here and a similar one with an additional Throwable argument.
The syntax is the standard Java method signature, without the qualifiers, semicolon, and extensions. Argument types can be any Java primitive or class. Classes must be fully qualified if not in
java.lang. Classes must also conform to java.text.MessageFormat conventions. In
general, class arguments should have a useful
toString() method.
Arguments can be any valid name, but should follow the convention of argn where n is 0 thru 9. There can be no more than ten (10) arguments. For
argn there should be at least one
each corresponding placeholder in the text elements described in “Other log_message Catalog
Elements” on page 2-8. Placeholders are of the form
{n}, {n,number} or {n,date}.
Loggable objects for each message. The syntax is:
Refer to “Loggable Object Reference for BEA
WebLogic Server” on page C-1
Other log_message Catalog Elements
The following table describes the child elements of the log_message element.
2-8 Internationalization Guide
Message Catalog Formats
Element Parent
messagebody log_message
messagedetail log_message
cause log_message
action log_message
Required A string containing a short description for this
message. This element may contain zero or more placeholders, appropriate argument when the log message is localized.
Required A string containing a detailed description of the
event. This element may contain zero or more placeholders, appropriate argument when the log message is localized.
Required A string describing the root cause of the problem.
This element may contain zero or more placeholders, {n} that are replaced by the appropriate argument when the log message is localized.
Required A string describing the recommended resolution.
This element may contain zero or more placeholders, {n} that are replaced by the appropriate argument when the log message is localized.
{n} that are replaced by the
{n} that are replaced by the
Log Message Catalog Example
The following example shows a log message catalog, MyUtilLog.xml, with one log message.
Listing 2-2 Example of a Log Message Catalog
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE message_catalog PUBLIC "weblogic-message-catalog-dtd" "">
<message_catalog l10n_package="programs.utils" i18n_package="programs.utils" subsystem="MYUTIL"
Internationalization Guide 2-9
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