8 January 2009 BD Duramax 6.6L X-Tuner # 1054861/1054862 3
Thank you for choosing BD Power’s Ultra X-Tuner. The Ultra X-Tuner is set up
specifically for your Duramax Diesel. The Ultra X-Tuner houses specialized databases
that contain optimally calibrated, individual vehicle application, performance programs
which tune both the engine & transmission (automatic only). Selectable tire height (for
correcting speedometer & shift points) is also available for use.
The Ultra X-Tuner includes the following features:
Internet Updateable – Supports web updates via BD’s update site
Built-In DTC Definitions – No lookup manual needed
Built-In Help Screens – Reduces need for manual look-up
USB Communications – Connects to any PC (Windows XP/2000 or higher) with USB
Customs Application Upgradeable – Download Custom performance programs
Multiple Tuning Levels – User Selectable Tuning Types
Increased User Options – Allows users more control
Ergonomically Designed Case – Fits well in the hand
Large, soft key Buttons – For easy operation
Permanently mounted cable – No assembly required
Backlight Screen – Easy to view day or night.
There are three power programs available for this tuner:
TOW – Optimum performance tuning for towing. You can safely tow up to the OEM’s
listed maximum towing limit.
PERFORMANCE – Selects optimum tuning for your transmission. DO NOT TOW/HAUL
STOCK – Restores the stock engine and transmission program.
Performance 80hp 120 lbs-ft
Tow 35hp 55 lbs-ft
Stock 0 0
Trucks with the 1054862 Exhaust Brake kit may experience slightly lower performance values.
Periodically your dealer may flash your truck’s computer if there is an issue with
your truck when it is in for servicing (or even if there isn’t a problem). Therefore,
you should always revert your truck back to stock before bringing it back to the
dealer for ANY work, because if your dealer flashes a new program over the
modified “tuned” program from the Ultra X-Tuner, then your tuner will have to be
reflashed at our factory.
BD Engine Brake Inc
A10 – 33733 King Rd, Abbotsford, BC, Canada V2S 7M9
Ship: #88 – 446 Harrison St, Sumas, WA 98295 Mail: PO Box 231, Sumas, WA 98295
8 January 2009 BD Duramax 6.6L X-Tuner # 1054861/1054862 4
Module Layout
The layout of the BD Ultra X-Power tuner is pretty straightforward. The module consists
of a graphical LCD display, 3 selection buttons (notice the relation to the placement on
the screen) and an OBD-II communications cable, hardwired into the module.
BD Engine Brake Inc
A10 – 33733 King Rd, Abbotsford, BC, Canada V2S 7M9
Ship: #88 – 446 Harrison St, Sumas, WA 98295 Mail: PO Box 231, Sumas, WA 98295