Temperature measurement system TLOG20 connections RS232, RS485, USB
Characteristic features
• Up to 20 temperature measurement points measuring range –55…+125 °C
• Use of temperature probe DALLAS-Sensors type 18B20, 18S20
• Three wire, parallel connection of sensors
• More than 60 meter lead length
• 0.06 °C resolution
Automatic conguration
• Inclusive simple Windows™ software
Areas of application
• Monitoring of cold storage or stock rooms, in food industry
• Quality assurance
• Temperature measurement in buildings,
0567 0002 (RS232-Interface) The variants with other inter­faces look slightly different
air conditioning, heating control, solar plants
Dallas connection adapter for customer specic software on Win­dows or Linux platform
Technical Data
Temperature measurement
Number of channels congurable, 1 to 20
Measurement range -55...125 °C Typical accuracy for sensor DS18B20:
for sensor DS18S20:
Dimensions modul
Operating temperature Micro controller circuit
Operating voltage DC
Operating current approx. 40 mA
CE-Conformance EMV-noise emission: EMV-noise withstanding:
Accessories See ordering numbers on page 5
Article number Interface
0567 0002
0567 0003 RS485
0567 0004 USB 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 compatible
conform wirh the used sensor ±0,5 °C (-10...+55 °C) ±2 °C (-55...-10 °C, +85...+125 °C) ±0,5 °C (0...+70 °C) (see curve on page 2)
L785 x W40 x D21 mm
-10...+55 °C
9 V-15 V DC (mains plug)
4800 Baud, 8 Data bits, No parity, One Stop bit
2004/108/EG EN 61000-6-3:2011 EN 61000-6-2:2007
Windows Software
• Display of current temperature values
• Tabular representation of measured values
• Storing of data on hard disk
• Graphics Software as accessories
The product offers an efcient measurement and indication system for a
maximum of 20 temperature channels. DALLAS sensors of type 1820, 18B20 are used as temperature sensors and these are connected in paral­lel with a three wire lead. By using suitable cables, it is possible to achieve larger lead lengths up to a few hundred meters. The integrating member between PC and sensor network is a micro cont­roller module which is inserted at the serial COM-Port and makes the DAL­LAS-Touch-Bus ready through a six pole RJ12 plug connector. Suitable connection cable or measurement sensor can be easily made or can be readily procured from us. The micro controller controls the dallas touch bus, manages the serial num­bers and picks up the temperatures of all connected sensors in a cyclic manner. The currently measured values are sent as ASCII string to the con­nected PC. The display and graphical representation of measured values (option) appears on the PC. An easy to use Windows software for display of measured values and data representation is included in the scope of supply. More such modules can be operated with a PC, provided more free COM­ports are available at our disposal.If the program RECORDER is used, only one module per PC can be read.
Technical changes reserved 0141 0316-155 18.08.2015
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH | Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 4 | D-78166 Donaueschingen Fon +49 771 83160 | Fax +49 771 831650 | info@bb-sensors.com | bb-sensors.com
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Temperature measurement system TLOG20 connections RS232, RS485, USB
With the help of this program the measured values can be re­ceived through the interfaces and recorded on the PC. The recorded data is compatible with any desired spread sheet program, with which it is possible to further process the mea­sured values for statistical evaluation and interpretation.
Installation: The program should be rst installed under Windows 98,
Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 system. Place the attached CD in your drive and run the program “setup.exe” either by selecting “Run“ from the START menu or through the windows explorer. Then follow the instructions of the installation program. The setup program creates a new program group “HYG­ROSENS INSTRUMENTS” in the folder “programs”. After successful installation, the software can be accessed and executed through the START menu. First time operation: Connect the temperature logger to a free serial port on the PC. If the software runs for the rst time in the menu op­tion “settings” , select device type as “20Ch. Thermometer Templog 4800Bd” and also the serial interface used ( for example, COM1) under “interface”. The remaining settings (Data rate, Parity, Start and Stop bit) are automatically selected and need not be changed. In case the connection hangs, refer to data communication in the terminal window. Then select “OK” the current settings will be stored.
Please note that still micro controller adapter has to be congured as
per the connected sensors, before displaying the measurement values. Data communication: The maximum allowable distance (between PC and interface converters) depends on the model of the interface ad­apter. USB-Interface: For USB-Interface the max. allowable length is restric­ted: As per standard, only 5 m are allowed. Due to high frequently signals, this value should not be exceeded with the use of passive connection cables. Only special USB cables may be used. For further routes, special repeater-cables are available, which extend the allo­wable radius by 15 m in each case. Max. 5 such repeaters can be cascaded. (No extend of delivery) RS232-version: As per standard, the allowable cable length is 15 m. In actual practice much longer routes, for example up to several 100 m, can also be realised with low baud rates. RS485-version: For very large distances between PC and sensor con­nection adapter, the RS485-version can be used. With this the connec­tion length up to 1200 m can be realised. On the PC side a RS485­interface adapter is required.
Data recording: First activate all the measurement channels for recor­ding by checking the channels. In ‘Text 1’, ‘Text 2’ and ‚Text 3‘, you can
enter a description as header of the data le. The selected separator
appears between the individual data elements. Enter the recording in-
terval in seconds in the Field “Every”. The data is recorded in the le
which is entered as path in the ‘Settings’ button. The recording begins by pushing the ‘Start’ button. EXCEL™: If you want to use EXCEL for evaluation, then operate the control button EXCEL before start of recording, so that suitable decimal
separation characters and eld separators are inserted. The created le is compatible with CSV-Format. In order to display the measured
data, you can use graphic tools, for example, the diagramassistant in EXCEL™. However, other software can also be used to evaluate the measured data.
Connection of Sensors
The Dallas temperature sensors of type 1820 has an internal coding (serial-number) and can be operated along with several other sensors on a three wire bus. The sensors are calibrated by the manufacturer. For short connection lengths, there are no special requirements in re­spect of the connecting cable to be used. It is also recommended to connect a ceramic capacitor of 100 nF from pin +5 V to pin GND at each sensor. The lead length with unshielded cables can go up to 60 m. To increase the
approach length, an additional Pullup-resistor of 1.5k to 10 k-Ω (from Pin
“DALLAS” to pin “+5 V”) can be added. With this, it is possible to increa­se the cable length up to 150 m or more, but with slightly lower accuracy of measurement due to the increased temperature rise of the sensors.
If you are not able to make any data communication between PC and
the measuring device or the measuring adapter, then rst please check
the power supply and also cable connection to the PC.
Technical changes reserved 0141 0316-155 18.08.2015
B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH | Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 4 | D-78166 Donaueschingen Fon +49 771 83160 | Fax +49 771 831650 | info@bb-sensors.com | bb-sensors.com
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