BBPOS CHC2XNAA00 User Manual Custom er Servic e at 877.387.5640
Welcome to PayAnywhere.
In the box
• PayAnyw here credit c ard reader
• USB powe r cable
• PayAnywhere lanyard
Getting started
1. Apply for a P ayAnywhere a ccount.
2. Downl oad the free ap p.
3. Star t accepting c redit cards u pon account approval.
1. Plug the PayA nywhere cr edit card read er into
the audi o headset por t of your mobil e device.
To power the ca rd reader, you mus t maximize the volu me on your phon e. If your phone i s not on maxim um volume, th e encrypte d card reader will not wo rk.
3. Laun ch the PayAnyw here app on your d evice.
4. Follo w the on-scree n instructi ons to begin
processing transactions.
© 2015 PayAnywhe re, LLC. All righ ts reserved. P ayAnywhere (“PA”) i s a registered IS O of Wells Fargo Bank , N.A., Walnu t Creek, CA. Am erican Expr ess may require se parate approv al. PA is current ly available on ly in the Unite d States. Req uires downlo ad of free PA app, ap proved mercha nt account , acceptanc e of terms and co nditions, c ompatible de vice, and wire less servi ce. Visit PayAny /faq for a list of co mpatible devi ces and promot ional detail s. Funds usually de posited into you r account withi n 1 business day. App le, the Apple lo go, iPhone and iP ad are trademark s of Apple Inc., re gistered in the U.S . and other cou ntries. App le Pay and Touch ID are t rademarks of A pple Inc. Oth er designate d trademark s and brands are t he proper ty of their res pective owne rs. Designed in the USA. Manufactured in China.
Power instructio ns
Operating (green light flashing)
Low batt ery (red light f lashing) Chargi ng (red light on) Fully ch arged (gree n light on)
Limited warranty
Your PayAny where card rea der has a 12-month limite d warranty. By us ing the reade r on your mobile device, you reaffirm your acceptance of PayAny where’s terms , condition s, and disclaimers.
FCC Dec laration of Co nformance
This dev ice complie s with Part 15 of the FC C Rules.
Swiping tips
Maxim ize your device vo lume when you l aunch the app a nd insert th e card reader. Ens ure that speake rphone is tur ned off. If your d evice has a case o r protective s leeve, make sur e it is not prevent ing the card r eader from be ing fully plu gged in.
Magnetic stripe transactions
Make sure t he magnetic s tripe is turne d towards the larg e end of the card rea der, so that the ma gnetic strip e and indicato r lights are facing towards you.
EMV transactions
Make sure t he electron ic chip is turn ed towards the lar ge end of the car d reader and ins erted downwar ds, so that the e lectronic chip and indicator lights are facing towards yo u.
EMV capability coming soon.
Contactless NFC transactions
Hold an NF C-enabled d evice or credit c ard so that it tou ches the large en d of the PayAnyw here card reader. H olding a devic e too far may resul t in a failed con nection.
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