B&B Electronics ZZ-ND-485, ZZNA-485, ZZ-4AI, ZZ-4AO, ZZ-2AI2AO Owner's Manual

Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
ZZlliinnxx 448855
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IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss
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Revision – Original – April 2008
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Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
About this Manual ...................................................................................................... 2
Support ....................................................................................................................... 2
Zlinx Product Family .................................................................................................. 2
Features ...................................................................................................................... 3
Package Checklist ...................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2: Hardware .................................................................................................... 3
Zlinx 485 Modules ...................................................................................................... 3
Indicators, Connectors and Accessories ................................................................. 6
I/O Options and Characteristics .............................................................................. 11
Zlinx 485 Modes of Operation ................................................................................. 18
Connecting the Hardware ........................................................................................ 19
Chapter 3: Getting Started .......................................................................................... 21
Zlinx 485 Installation ................................................................................................ 21
Computer System Requirements ............................................................................ 21
Installing Zlinx 485 Software ................................................................................... 21
Connecting Zlinx 485 to a PC .................................................................................. 22
Starting Zlinx 485 Manager ...................................................................................... 22
Chapter 4: Configuration & Operation ...................................................................... 26
Configuring Zlinx 485 ............................................................................................... 26
Peer-to-Peer Mode Settings .................................................................................... 28
Updating Zlinx 485 Firmware .................................................................................. 33
Chapter 5: Modbus Help ............................................................................................ 35
Modbus ASCII/RTU Basics ...................................................................................... 35
Hints and Tips .......................................................................................................... 36
Appendix A: Product Specifications ........................................................................ 37
Appendix B: Dimensional Diagrams ......................................................................... 40
Appendix C: Serial Connections ............................................................................... 41
Appendix D: Modbus I/O Assignments .................................................................... 44
Appendix E: Zlinx 485 Models and Features ........................................................... 47
Appendix F: Zlinx 485 Troubleshooting .................................................................... 48
Appendix G: Terms and Definitions .......................................................................... 49
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
CChhaapptteerr 11:: IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Thank you for purchasing a Zlinx 485 product! This product has been manufactured
to the highest standards of quality and performance to ensure your complete satisfaction.
About this Manual
This manual has been created to assist you in installing, configuring and using your Zlinx 485 Base module. Please read it carefully and follow the instructions to achieve best results.
For additional information on this and other B&B products, and for technical support, call
815.433.5100 option 3, or access the B&B Electronics website at www.bb-elec.com.
Zlinx Product Family
Zlinx 485 Base modules provide easy-to-use, cost-effective peer-to-peer or Modbus
Figure 1. A Zlinx ZZ-NX485 Module
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
The Zlinx 485 family of products features a selection of operational modes, communications modes, Modbus and I/O combinations. The system is scalable making it easy to start with a few I/O points and build a system with the required I/O-Modbus mix.
Choice of number and type of digital and analog I/O
Supports RS-232 and RS-422/485 lines
Sourcing or sinking digital outputs available
Configurable NPN (Sinking) and PNP (Sourcing) digital inputs
Flexible and scalable by adding expansion modules
MODBUS and Peer-to-Peer communications modes
Small, economical and configurable
Tolerates a wide operating temperature range
Choice of a range of DC power sources
Power, Data and Bus LED’s
Removable screw terminal blocks for power supply and I/O-Modbus connections
Zlinx 485 Manager configuration software
DIN rail mountable
Package Checklist
Zlinx 485 Base modules are shipped with the following items included:
9 Zlinx 485 Base module 9 A printed version of the Zlinx 485 Quick Start guide 9 CD-ROM disc with
-Zlinx 485 Manager configuration software
-Zlinx 485 Firmware Updater
-This manual in PDF format
-A quick start guide in PDF format
9 6 foot RJ45 male to serial (DB9 female) adapter cable Expansion modules are shipped with the following items included:
9 Zlinx 485 Expansion module 9 A printed version of the Zlinx 485 Quick Start guide
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Zlinx 485 encompasses a growing family of products including Modbus, Peer-to-Peer,
base modules, expansion modules, configuration software and accessories. All modules are built into similar enclosures featuring male local bus plugs and female local bus receptacles on the sides, which allow modules to connect together. Modules are DIN rail mountable and feature removable screw terminal blocks.
Zlinx 485 Modules
Zlinx 485 systems consist of base modules and expansion modules. Expansion modules are configured using a base module, which also has programming capabilities. The base module is connected to a PC that is running the Zlinx 485 Manager software. Zlinx 485 systems can operate in Modbus or Peer-to-Peer modes. In Modbus mode a Zlinx 485 system exchanges Modbus messages with a Modbus capable base module. In Peer-to­peer mode two Zlinx 485 systems are linked in a slave-master connection to provide dependable, direct serial communications.
CChhaapptteerr 22:: HHaarrddwwaarree
Figure 2. Front View of Zlinx 485 Base and Expansion Modules
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Base Modules
Each Zlinx 485 system is built around a base module. Base modules provide Modbus,
digital and/or analog I/O and communicate with other Zlinx nodes.
Figure 3. A Typical Base Module
Several different combinations of digital inputs (DI), digital outputs (DO), analog inputs (AI) and analog outputs (AO) are available. For example, the ZZ-NA-485 Base module features a combination of two AI’s, two AO’s, two DI’s and two DO’s in a package.
Expansion Modules
Up to six expansion modules can be plugged into the base module to add more I/O
capabilities in any combination needed. For example, the ZZ-8DO-T Expansion module provides eight additional digital outputs; the ZZ-2AI2AO provides two analog inputs and two analog outputs.
Refer to Appendix E for a list of Zlinx 485 models and features.
Expansion modules connect to base modules by plugging the modules together, engaging the local bus connectors located on the sides of the boxes. Male plugs on expansion modules plug into female connectors on the side of the base module or other expansion modules, resulting in a horizontal “stack” with the base module on the left and expansion modules extending to the right.
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 4. Base and Expansion Modules Connected Together
Programming the Base Module using the RS232 connector
The base module has a programming feature that can be used to configure that base module as well as expansion modules. The base module connects to the PC for configuration. Connect a PC through the serial port (COM1 to 16) using the provided RJ45 male to serial (DB9 female) cable.
Note: A standard RJ45 to serial (DB9) cable will not work, use only the one supplied
Figure 5. Connecting a PC and Base
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Indicators, Connectors and Accessories
LED Indicators
Zlinx 485 Base modules have three LED indicators: a Power LED, a Data LED and a
Local Bus Data LED.
Expansion modules have two LED’s: a Power LED and a Local Bus Data LED
Power LED
The Power LED illuminates (red) immediately on power up indicating that DC power is
present on the power supply terminals.
Data LED
The Data LED blinks (green) when data is being transmitted or received, either to an
expansion module or another base module. When the LED is off no data is being transmitted or received.
The Bus LED blinks (green) when data is being transmitted or received on the local bus
connection. When the LED is off no data is being transmitted or received.
Note: If communications is not established within a preset number of retries (default is 10) the Data and Bus LED’s blink alternately to indicate a loss of communications.
Zlinx 485 Base and Expansion modules feature connectors for connecting field I/O wiring and plugging together Zlinx 485 modules (local bus). In addition, Zlinx 485 Base modules include connectors for connecting a power supply and an RJ45 connecter to connect to the PC using the supplied RJ45 to serial cable.
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 6. Power Supply Connector
The Power Supply connector (base modules only) is a two-position removable terminal
block located on the top of the unit. Terminal spacing is 3.5 mm. The terminal block
accepts solid and stranded wires from 28 AWG to 16 AWG. Please check polarity marking in Figure 8.
Refer to the following section for information on Power Supply Requirements.
Expansion modules receive power from the base module via the local bus connector.
Local Bus Connectors
Local Bus connectors are included on all base and expansion modules. These connectors
are dual row, 14 pin (2 mm spacing) connectors. Base modules have only a female connector. Expansion modules have male connectors on one side and female connectors on the other. Modules are plugged together to supply power and facilitate communication between modules.
When adding an Expansion module to a Base module the male connector on the expansion module plugs into the female connector on the base module. The second expansion module plugs into the first, and so on, up to a maximum of six expansion modules.
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 7. Local Bus Connector Location
RS-422/485 and I/O connectors for base and expansion modules are removable (plug in)
screw terminal blocks located on the front and top of the unit. Terminal spacing is 3.5 mm. Depending on the specific model, the number of terminals may vary. The maximum is 16 terminals (two 8-terminal blocks) for I/O, with an additional 5 terminals for RS­422/485 on the base module.
The Serial Port Connector on the Zlinx 485 is an RJ45 female connector (configured as
a DCE) device supporting RS-232 serial communications including TD (Pin 3 on the DB9 end), RD (Pin 2) and GND (Pin 5) signal lines. If the Modbus device you are connecting to the Zlinx Base Module is configured as a DTE device you will use a straight-through serial cable. If the Modbus device is configured as a DCE device, use a null modem cable or adapter.
Refer to Appendix C for connection pin-outs.
RS-422/485 Connector
The RS-422/485 connector on the Zlinx Base module is a five position removable
terminal block with screw downs. The connector provides screw connections for:
• Terminal 1 – TDA(-)
• Terminal 2 – TDB(+)
• Terminal 3 – RDA(-)
• Terminal 4 – RDB(+)
• Terminal 5 – GND
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 8. Zlinx 485 Base Module RS-422/485 Connector
RS-422/485 Four-Wire Mode
When the Zlinx Base module is configured to operate in RS-422/485 four-wire mode the receive terminals are connected to the transmit terminals of the Modbus device it is communicating with. Its transmit terminals are connected to the receive terminals of the Modbus device it is communicating with.
Figure 9. RS-422/485 Four-Wire Connection
RS-422/485 Two-Wire Mode
When the Zlinx Base module is configured to operate in RS-485 two-wire mode (RS­422/485 switch in the right position) the two-wire RS-485 two-wire communications cable pair is connected to Terminals TDB and TDA. The communications cable ground/shield is connected to GND.
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 10. RS-485 Two-Wire Connection
No jumpers are required to bridge the transmit and receive lines in two-wire mode.
RS-232 Connection
Connect to RS-232 using the RJ45 jack on the front Base module, using the supplied RJ45 male to serial (DB9 female) cable. Note: RTS is reserved for use by the configuration software only. Asserting RTS during normal operation will result in a communication failure. Disable RTS if your hardware supports it.
Note: A standard RJ45 to serial (DB9) cable will not work, use only the one supplied
Power Supply Requirements
Zlinx 485 systems can be powered from 10 to 30 VDC power sources. No supply is included since the power rating of the supply will depend on the total power requirements of all modules used in the system.
Appendix A contains a listing of power requirements for all Zlinx 485 modules.
Mounting Hardware
Zlinx 485 modules can be DIN rail mounted. The DIN mounting clip and spring is included on each module.
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 11. DIN Clip with Spring on a Zlinx 485 Module
I/O Options and Characteristics
I/O Options
The Zlinx 485 family of products features a variety of input and output options. Base and expansion module options include:
2 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs, 2 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs (sourcing or
sinking driver)
4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs (sourcing or sinking driver)
8 digital inputs
8 digital outputs (sourcing or sinking driver)
o 8 relay output model available
4 analog inputs
o RTD Temperature input module available
4 analog outputs
2 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs
(Modules continue to be developed with additional features and options.)
Refer to Appendix E for a list of available models and options.
I/O Types and Characteristics
Digital Inputs
DI’s can detect the presence of contact closures, transistor switches or on/off DC voltage signals (low or high logic levels). Voltages below 0.8 VDC are interpreted as a low state. Voltages between 4.0 VDC and 48 VDC are interpreted as a high state.
DI’s are also programmable to be NPN or PNP
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Digital Outputs
Digital outputs send on/off signals (low or high logic levels) to drive external devices such as indicators, relay coils or the inputs of other equipment such as PLC’s, SCADA, etc. Modules with digital outputs are available with sourcing or sinking drivers.
Sourcing (PNP transistor) drivers provide up to 240 mA per output at output voltages up to 30 VDC to connected loads.
Sinking (NPN transistor) drivers can sink up to 40 mA per output at voltages up to 48 VDC.
Analog Inputs
Analog inputs accept voltage, current signals, or RTD temperature signals. When configured as voltage inputs the full range is 0 to 10 VDC. When configured as current inputs the full range is 0 to 20 mA and the input resistance is 240 ohms. When configured as RTD input the allowable sensor types are PT100, PT1000 for CU10.
Analog Outputs
Analog outputs produce voltage or current output signals. When configured as voltage outputs the full range is 0 to 10 VDC at 1 mA maximum. When configured as current outputs the full range is 0 to 20 mA with a maximum load resistance of 375 at 20 mA and 10 VDC supply voltage.
0 to 20 mA AI’s and AO’s accommodate standard 4 to 20 mA instrumentation current loop signals.
I/O Wiring
DI Wiring
DI is programmable to be either NPN or PNP. The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for various digital inputs:
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
Figure 12. Typical Digital Input Wiring for Various Input Devices
(ZZ-4DID0-DCT Expansion Module)
Note: No external power supply wiring is required for Expansion modules
DO Wiring
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for modules featuring sourcing (PNP) drivers:
Figure 13. Typical Digital Output Wiring for Sourcing Outputs
(ZZ-4DID0-DCT Expansion Module)
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for modules featuring sinking (NPN) drivers:
Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
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