B&B Electronics ZZ24D-NA User Manual

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Manual Documentation Number: pn 7517_ZlinxIO-0712m
Zlinx Wireless I/O
Documentation Number: ZlinxIO-0712m
This product was designed and manufactured in Ottawa, Illinois USA
Using domestic and imported parts by
International Headquarters
B&B Electronics Mfg. Co. Inc.
707 Dayton Road
Ottawa, IL 61350 USA
Phone: (815) 433-5100 General Fax: (815) 433-5105
Website: www.bb-elec.com
European Headquarters
B&B Electronics Ltd.
Westlink Commercial Park
Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland
Phone: (+353) 91-792444 Fax: (+353) 91-792445
Website: www.bb-europe.com
2009 B&B Elect ronics Mfg Co Inc. No pa rt of this pub licati on may be reprod uc ed or transmit ted in an y form or by an y means, elect roni c or mecha nica l, including photogra phy, recordin g, or any informati on storage and ret rieval system wi thout written consent. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc.
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc. shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual. All brand names used in this manual are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. The use of trademarks or other designations in this publication is for reference purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by the trademark holder.
ii Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m


1. OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 NOTICES ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PREREQUISITES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 SAFETY INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 UL & CUL INSTALLATION INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 ZLINX WIRELESS I/O PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SUMMARY ........................................................................................................ 5
2. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 ZLINX WIRELESS I/O PRODUCT FAMILY ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 ZLINX WIRELESS I/O MODES OF OPERATION ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Peer-to-Peer Mode .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Modbus Mode .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.3 Repeater Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Configuring Modbus Radio Modem as a repeater ............................................................................................................................. 8
2.3 PACKAGE CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4 FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5 RADIO FREQUENCY BASICS ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5.1 What is dBm? ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.5.2 Lower Frequencies - Better Propagation ................................................................................................................... 11
2.5.3 Range Performance ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5.4 RF Noise ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.5 Fade Marg in ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.6 Remember Yo ur Math .................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.5.7 RF Attenuation and Line of Sight ................................................................................................................................ 12 Path Loss Rules of Thumb ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Antennas .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Cable Loss ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3. HARDWARE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE BEFORE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 15
3.2 ZLINX WIRELESS I/O MODULES ............................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Base Modules ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
3.2.2 Expansi on Mod ul es ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.3 Configuration Box .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3 I/O OPTIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 I/O Options ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 I/O Types and Characteristics ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Digital Inputs ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Digital Outputs ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Analog Inputs ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Analog Outputs ................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.3 I/O Wiring ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20 DI Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 DO Wiring ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 AI Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 AO Wiring ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 RTD Wiring ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.4 Modbus I/O Addressing ................................................................................................................................................ 25 Function Field and Modbus I/O Addressing .................................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.5 Modbus Counters .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.4 ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.1 LED Indicators ............................................................................................................................................................... 28 Power LED ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 RSSI LED ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 RF Data LED ................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Bus LED .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
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3.4.2 Antennas ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.3 Connectors ..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Antenna Connector .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Power Supply Connector ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Serial Port Connector ....................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Local Bus Connectors ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29 I/O Connectors ................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.4.4 Mounting Hardware ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
4. SETUP ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
4.1 ZLINX WIRELESS I/O INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................ 32
4.1.1 Power Supply Requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 32
4.1.2 RF Site Considerations ................................................................................................................................................. 32
4.1.3 Zlinx Wireless I/O Mounting ......................................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 33
4.3 INSTALLING ZLINX WIRELESS I/O SOFTWARE .......................................................................................................................... 33
4.4 INSTALLING ZZ-PROG1-USB DRIVERS ................................................................................................................................... 33
4.5 CONNECTING ZLINX WIRELESS I/O TO A PC ............................................................................................................................ 34
4.6 STARTING ZLINX I/O CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................... 34
4.7 ZLINX I/O CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 37
4.7.1 Information Tab .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.7.2 Configuration Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 37
4.7.3 Input/Output Tab ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
5. CONFIGURATION & OPERATION ......................................................................................................................................... 38
5.1 CONFIGURING ZLINX WIRELESS I/O ......................................................................................................................................... 38
5.1.1 Wireless Settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 38
5.1.2 Modbus Mode Set tin gs ................................................................................................................................................. 43
5.1.3 Peer-to-Peer Mode Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 45 Peer-to-Peer Master ......................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Peer-to-Peer Slave ............................................................................................................................................................................ 46
5.1.4 Input/Output Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 47
5.1.5 Exception Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 Sample Modbus Excepti on Packet ................................................................................................................................................... 51 Digital Exception Format ................................................................................................................................................................. 51 Analog Exception Format ................................................................................................................................................................ 51
5.1.6 Calibration ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
5.1.7 Failsafe............................................................................................................................................................................ 54
5.1.8 Communication Failure Alarm ..................................................................................................................................... 54
5.1.9 Invert Output .................................................................................................................................................................. 55
5.1.10 Zlinx I/O Monitor ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
5.1.11 Saving the Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 56
5.2 UPDATING ZLINX I/O FIRMWARE ............................................................................................................................................. 56
5.3 DIAGNOSTICS AND TESTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.3.1 Testing Mo dbus Mod e Ope r ation ................................................................................................................................ 58
5.3.2 Testing Peer -to-Peer Mode Operation ....................................................................................................................... 58
6. EXPECTED LATENCY ............................................................................................................................................................... 59
6.1 MODBUS MODE ........................................................................................................................................................................ 59
6.2 PEER-TO-PEER MODE ............................................................................................................................................................... 60
7. RECEIVE SENSITIVITY ............................................................................................................................................................. 61
8. SOFTWARE SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................................... 62
8.1 SUPPORT CD INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 62
8.2 MENU ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
8.3 ONLINE DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
8.4 GETTING DOCUMENTS IN HARDCOPY ....................................................................................................................................... 62
8.5 B&B ELECTRONICS INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................... 63
iv Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m
9. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................................ 64
9.1 TESTING DIGITAL AN D ANALOG I/O ......................................................................................................................................... 65
9.1.1 Testing DI ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
9.1.2 Testing DO wit h Sourc ing D riv er ................................................................................................................................. 66
9.1.3 Testing DO with Sinking Driver ................................................................................................................................... 66
9.1.4 Testing AI in “Vo ltag e ” Mode ....................................................................................................................................... 67
9.1.5 Testing AO in “Volt age ” Mo de ..................................................................................................................................... 67
9.1.6 Testing AI in “Cur rent ” Mod e ....................................................................................................................................... 68
9.1.7 Testing RTD module ..................................................................................................................................................... 68
APPENDIX A: DEFAULT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS .......................................................................................................... 70
APPENDIX B: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 71
APPENDIX C: DIMENSIONAL DIAGRAMS .................................................................................................................................. 74
APPENDIX D: MODBUS I/O ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 75
APPENDIX E: ZLINX WIRELESS I/O MODELS AND FEATURES ........................................................................................... 82
APPENDIX F: RTD MODULE ........................................................................................................................................................... 85
APPENDIX G: ZZ-4AO-2 MODULE ................................................................................................................................................. 87
APPENDIX I: CONVERT VOLTAGE TO DAC .............................................................................................................................. 90
PRODUCT UPDATES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 91
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
INDEX .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
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11.. OOvveerrvviieew

1.1 Notices

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at personal expense.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause har mful int erfer e nce .
This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operations.
This device must be operated as supplied by B&B Electronics. Any changes or modifications made to the device without the written consent of B&B Electronics may void the user’s authority to operate the device.

1.2 Prerequisites

This manual assumes that you have basic electronics knowledge and basic understanding of wireless communications.

1.3 Safety Information

Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment as a result of its actions in Docket 93-62 and OET Bulleting 65 Edition 97-01.
Operate unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors are properly terminated.
Operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.
All equipment must be properly grounded for safe operations. All equipment should be serviced only by a qualified technician.

1.4 UL & cUL Installati on Information

Electrical Ratings
INPUT: Base Modules:
ZZxxD-NA,NB-xx-xx, 10.0 - 40.0 VDC or 24 VAC, 2.7A maximum, Class 2. ZZxxD-NC,ND-xx-xx, 10.0 – 40.0 VDC or 24 VAC, 2.7A maximum, Class 2.
Expansion Modules (Class 2 power derived from base modules): ZZ-2AI2AO, ZZ-4AI, ZZ-4AO, ZZ-4DI4DO-DCT1, ZZ-4RTD1, ZZ-8DI-DC, ZZ-8DO-R, ZZ-8DO-T1, ZZ -PROG1-USB:
10.0 - 40.0 VDC @ 210mA and 5.0 VDC 85 mA ZZ-4AO-2: 10 – 40 Vdc or 24 Vac, 5 Vdc @ 50 mA, 1.1W ZZ-4DI4DO-DCT, ZZ-8DO-T:
10.0 - 40.0 VDC @ 340 mA Maximum, and 5.0 VDC@50 mA Maximum
ZZ-8DO-R: relay output - 250 VAC, 2AGeneral Purpose/point, 8A General Purpose total All other models – Low Voltage, Limited Energy communications protocol
Manual Documentation Number:pn7515_ ZlinxIO-0712m 1
Special Precautions for UL and cUL Class I DIV 2 (C1D2) The following modules are class 1 Div 2 listed:
- ZZ24D-Nx-SR (2.4GHz, Short range base I/O Modules)
- ZZ9D-Nx-LR (900 MHz, Long range base I/O Modules)
- ZZ-4AI
- ZZ-4AO
- ZZ-4AO-2
- ZZ-4RTD1
- ZZ-8DO-R
- ZZ-8DO-T
- ZZ-8DO-T1
- ZZ-PROG1-USB Class 1, Div 2 exceptions:
Note 1: ZZ-8DO-R is not UL508 listed. Note 2: ZZxxD-Nx-MR, ZZxxD-Nx-xR-AU and ZZ8D-Nx-xR models are not Class 1, Div 2 listed but are UL508 listed.
LOCATIONS Maximum Ambient Air Temperature 85°C (185°F) for all modules except ZZ-8DO-R. For ZZ-8DO-R, maximum Ambient Air Temperature 55°C (131°F)
WIRING TERMINALS: Copper wire only One conductor per terminal Wire range: 28 to 16 AWG Tightening Torque: 1.7 lb-in. Temperature rating of field wiring – 105 °C minimum (sized for 60°C ampacity).
WARNING - Two DIN rail end brackets, one on each end of of the assembled system, must be installed on the DIN rail to mechanically secure the individual products. Two end brackets are supplied with each Expansion module.
The information below is specific to ZZ-8DO-R ONLY:
Maximum Ambient Air Temperature 55°C (131°F)
Temperature Rating of Field Wiring – 105° C (221° F) minimum sized for 55° C (131°F) ampacity.
WARNING – Exposure to some chemicals may degrade the sealing properties of materials used in the Sealed Relays.
2 Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m
Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corp.
Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corp.
Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corp.
5010GN6-30 M8AM
Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corp.
Mitsubishi Engineering Plastics Corp.
5010GN6-30 M8AM Sealant
Relay Case
Wintech Polymer Ltd.
Relay Base
Wintech Poly mer Ltd.
Resinous Kasei Co. Ltd.
RECOMMENDATION – It is recommended to inspect the Sealed Relays periodically and to check for any degradation of the materials and to replace the product, not the Sealed Relays, if any degradation is found.
Relay Types JS-5N-K, JS-5-K, JS-6N-K o r JS-6-K manufactured by Takamisawa Electric Co Ltd., rated 10A, 250VAC, 10A,
30VDC,utilizes the following materials to maintain sealed device properties:
Relay Case
Relay Base
Relay Type APF-30305, manufactured by Panasonic Electric Works, rated 277VAC, 8A, 24VDC, 6A general use utilizes the following materials to maintain sealed device properties:

1.5 About this m a nua l

This manual has been created to assist you in installing, configuring, and using your Zlinx Wireless I /O modules. Please r ead it carefully and follow the instructions to achieve best results.
The manual is divided into 11 major sections as follows:
Table of Contents
The table of contents is hypertext linked in the electronic documentation. This allows rapid navigation to each chapter.
Overview section gives a general information on product standards compliance, prerequisites and safety information.
Product Introduction
This section covers package contents, and main features of the Zlinx Wireless I/O products. This section also contains information on radio frequency basics.
Hardware Information
In this section Zlinx Wireless I/0 modules are described in details. The section covers information on I/O options and characteristics and wiring instructions.
Getting Started
This section guides you through the installation process. Two main modes of operation: Peer-to-Peer mode and Modbus mode are introduced in this section.
Configuration and Operation
Information on configuring Zlinx Wireless I /O is provided in the section. Information on settings for Peer-to-Peer and Modbus mode can be found in this section.
Manual Documentation Number:pn7515_ ZlinxIO-0712m 3
Software Support
This section provides relevant information on obtaining product support.
Possible problems that may be encountered and the ways to solve them are described in this section.
Appendixes include all essential reference information for Zlinx Wireless I/O modules. Information found here includes a comprehensive references and useful tables of product properties.
Glossary covers main terms which are relevant to the understanding of the Zlinx Wireless I/O concept.
Index includes major terms and page numbers where referenced in the manual.
4 Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m

1.6 Zlinx Wireless I/O Product Specification Summary

Need to get a digital signal across a highway or river? Or just to the other end of your big warehouse? Zlinx Wireless I/O can do the job faster, easier, and less expensively than stringing cable. Easy plug-and-play set-up saves installation and maintenance time.
Despite their low price, these are not wimpy consumer or office products. Zlinx W ire less I/O is built to handle the heat, cold, and environments of industrial operations.
Choice of number and type of digital and analog I/O.
Ranges to 25 miles.
Heavy Duty DIN mount, industrial grade case and components.
Frequency ranges: ISM band, 902 to 928 MHz; 2.400 to 2.4385 GHz; 868 MHz.
Modulation: FSK – Frequency Shift Keyin g.
DSSS and FHSS Technology.
Signal strength indicator aid s tr ouble shooting.
3dBi for 868, 3 dBi for 900 MHz; 2.1 dBi for 2.4 MHz RPSMA male dipole.
Wide temperature range -40Cº to 80 Cº.
Versatile power: 10 to 40 VDC or 24 VAC.
Software for Windows 7 and XP (Home or Professional with SP1 and SP2); Windows 2000 SP4; Vista 32 bit.
Rugged circuitry, wide temperature – for indoor and outside applications.
Handles most industrial control power configurations and power supplies.
Immediate integration into UL/cUL or CSA approved panels.
Exception Reporting option.
Calibration option.
Failsafe option.
Communication Failure Alarm option.
Invert Output option
Zlinx I/O Monitor option.
AES Encryption – 128 Bit on SR, LR-AU, and LR-868 models; 256 Bit on LR models
Software Selectable Transmitter Power on SR, LR, LR-AU, and LR-868 models
Software Selectable Over-the-air Data Rate on LR and LR-AU models.
Manual Documentation Number:pn7515_ ZlinxIO-0712m 5

Product Introduction

Thank you for purchasing a Zlinx Wireless I/O product! This product has been manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance to ensure your complete satisfaction.

2.1 Zlinx Wireless I/O Product Family

Zlinx Wireless I/O modules provide easy-to-use, cost -effective Peer-to-Peer or Modbus wire-replacement solutions.
22.. PPrroodduucctt IInnttrroodduuccttiioon
Figure 1 A Zlinx ZZ24D-NA-SR Base Module
The Zlinx Wireless I/O family of products features a selection of operational modes, communications ranges and I/O combinations. The system is scalable making it easy to start with a few I/O points and build a system with the required I/O mix.

2.2 Zlinx Wireless I/O Modes of Operation

Zlinx Wireless I/O systems can operate in Peer-to-Peer or Modbus modes. Some Base Modules can be configured as repeaters to extend the radio coverage distance.

2.2.1 Peer-to-Peer Mode

In Peer-to-Peer mode two Zlinx Wireless I/O systems provide wire replacement functionality. In this mode one Base is configured as the Peer-to-Peer Master and the other as the Peer-to-Peer Slave. It does not matter which end of the link is the Master and which is the Slave. Both Base Modules must be the same model. Analog and Digital Input signals connected to AI’s and DI’s on one module appear on the corresponding AO’s and DO’s on the other module and vice versa. Any Expansion Modules included in a Peer-to-Peer system must be chosen to be complimentary. For example, if Expansion Module 1 on one end of the link on System-1 is a ZZ-4 AI (4 Analog Inputs), Expansion Module 1 on the other end of the link on System-2 must be a ZZ-4AO (4 Analog Outputs). Note: Changing the the OTA data rate to 9600 on the LR model will slow the data
throughput. The approximate polling rate is one second.
6 Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m
Product Introduction
Rules for Module Compatibility
The following rules of modules compatibility to run in Peer-to-Peer mode should be observed:
Same number of Expansion Modules.
Identical Radio units (in Base Modules).
Complimentary Expansion Modules.
Channel Number, Network ID, and Peer-to-Peer address must be the same for both Peer-to-Peer Master and Peer-
to-Peer Slave to communicate with a Peer-to-Peer Slave.

2.2.2 Modbus Mode

In Modbus mode standard RTU Modbus messages can be sent and received between a Modbus radio modem with attached Modbus device (being Master) and a Zlinx Wireless I/O system (being Slave). Data written to output addresses in the Zlinx Wireless I/O Modbus map result in signals appearing on its outputs. Signals connected to Zlinx Wireless I/O inputs are converted and stored in Modbus input memory locations and then sent across the link as Modbus messages to the Modbus radio modem.
Figure 2 Peer-to-Peer Mode
Figure 3 Modbus Mode
Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m 7
Product Introduction

2.2.3 Repeater Mode

When a Z linx Wirel ess I/O Base Module is configured as a radio repeater it relays data from a Modbus modem or another Zlinx Wireless I/O Base Module and extends the range of communication.
If a repeater is needed in a Peer-to-Peer System a repeater unit can be placed between the Master and the Slave.
The repeater function is supported on the MR and ZZ9D-Nx-LR-xx models only.
The repeater function gives no true indication that the data is being "repeated", although you will see the RSSI LED on the device used as a repeater indicate GREEN, YELLOW or RED.
If the repeater is desired in a Peer-to-Peer platform, it's best to use a Zlinx Wireless I/O Base Module as the repeater.
Without using a repeater confirm the Peer-to-Peer Master and Slave systems are communicating. Refer to section 5.3.2 ”Testing Peer-to-Peer Mode".
Once it’s established that the Master and Slave are communicating, the repeater can be introduced into the system.
NOTE: Placing a repeater in a system will slow the system down:
10ms for ZZ9D-Nx-LR-xx
200ms for MR in Peer-to-Peer
4ms for ZZ9D-Nx-LR-xx 20ms for MR in Modbus
The Zlinx Wireless I/O module used as a repeater MUST be placed in Modbus mode. This is done to keep the repeater device from accidentally responding to Peer-to-Peer packets sent by the Master device.
The repeater device must have the same Wireless parameters: "Channel", and "Network Identifier" as the Peer-to-Peer Master and Slave device.
The "Repeater" feature must be selected and updated to the Zlinx Wireless I/O module being used as the repeater.
To select the “Repeater” feature:
1. Go to the Zlinx I/O Configuration.
2. On the Configuration Tab enable “Repeater Mode”.
3. Make sure to select Modbus mode.
The system is now configured as a repeater system and the data passed from the Master to the Slave will be passed through the repeater.
You can confirm repeater function by separating the Master and Slave until they stop communicating then place the repeater in the middle of the two.
Configuring Modbus Radio Modem as a repeater
If configuring a Modbus Radio Modem for repeater mode the following parameters need to be configured in addition to the Channel and Network ID.
Set DT = 0xFFFF
Set AM = to a unique value
Set RP = 0x7F
Set PK = 0xC9
Set RB = 0xC9
8 Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m
Product Introduction
Set RO = 0x051d
Set MD = 0x04
If OTA Data Rate = 9600, ATRR and ATBR =0.

2.3 Package Contents

Base Modules are shipped with the following items included:
Zlinx Wireless I/O module.
A printed version of the Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
A printed version of the Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
Expansion Modules are shipped with the following items included:
Zlinx Wireless I/O module.
A printed version of the Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
A printed version of the Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
Configuration Modules
ZZ-PROG1 is shipped with the following items included:
Figure 4 Using a Base Module as a Repeater
ZZ-PROG1 Configuration Box.
6 foot DB9 male to DB9 female straight-through seri al cab le.
A printed version of the Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
A printed version of the Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
Configuration kits:
Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m 9
Product Introduction
ZZ-PROGKIT is shipped with the following items included:
ZZ-PROG1 Configuration Box.
6 foot DB9 male to DB9 female straight-through seri al cab le.
A printed version of the Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
A printed version of the Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
A CD-ROM disc with:
ZZ-PROG1-USB is shipped with the following items included:
ZZ-PROG1-USB Configuration Box with a USB interface instead of a serial interface.
A printed version of the Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
Zlinx I/O Manager Configuration Software.
Zlinx I/O Firmware Updater.
USB Driver for ZZ-PROG1-USB
This manual in PDF format.
The Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide in PDF.
The Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide in PDF.
A printed version of the Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
1 Meter Black USB cable.
A CD-ROM disc with:
Zlinx I/O Manager Configuration Software.
Zlinx I/O Firmware Updater.
USB Driver for ZZ-PROG1-USB
This manual in PDF format.
The Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide in PDF for mat.
The Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start

2.4 Features

Choice of number and type of digital and analog I/O.
Sourcing or sinking Digital Outputs available.
Flexible and scalable by adding Expansion Modules.
Wireless Modbus and Peer-to-Peer communications modes.
Small, economical and configurable.
Guide in PDF format.
Wide operating temperature range.
AC or DC power sources.
Four models with different radio options or different range capabilities.
Power, RSSI, RF Data and Bus LED’s.
10 Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m
Product Introduction
of signal.
10dBm of signal.
A 100-fold increase in power yields 20dBm of signal.
Removable screw terminal connectors for power supply and I/O points.
Zlinx Manager Configuration Software.
DIN rail mountable.

2.5 Radio Freque ncy Basics

2.5.1 What is dBm?

Radio Frequency (RF) power is measured in milli-Watts (mW ) or, more usually in a logarithmic scale of decibels (dB), or decibels referenced to 1 mW of power (dBm). Since RF power attenuates as a logarithmic function, the dBm scale is most useful. Here are some examples of how these scales relate:
1mW = 0dBm 2mW = 3dBm 4mW = 6dBm 10mW = 10dBm 100mW = 20dBm 1W = 30dBm
A 2-fold increase in power yields 3dBm A 10-fold increase in power yields
Figure 5 The dDm scale

2.5.2 Lower Frequencies - Better Propagation

Industrial applications typically operate in “license free” frequency bands, also referred to as ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). The frequencies and power of these bands varies from country to country. The most common frequencies encountered are:
2.4 GHz – nearly worldwide.
915 MHz band – North America, South America, and some other countries.
868 MHz band – Europe.
As frequency rises, available bandwidth typically rises, but distance and ability to overcome obstacles is re duced. For any given distance, a 2.4 GHz installation will have roughly 8.5 dB of additional path loss when compared to 900 MHz. However, lower frequencies require larger antennas to achieve the same gain.

2.5.3 Range Performance

The more sensitive the radio is, the lower the power signal it can successfully receive, stretching right down to the noise floor. There is so much variety in specifications for radio sensitivity, that it is difficult to make a meaningful comparison between products. The most meaningful specification is expressed at a particular bit error rate and will be given for an ideal environment shielded from external noise. Unless you are in a high RF noise environment, typically resulting from numerous similar-frequency radio transmitters located nearby, the odds are good that the noise floor will be well below the receive sensitivity, so the manufacturer’s rated receive sensitivity will be a key factor in your wireless system and range estimates.
You can often improve your receive sensitivity, and therefore your range, by reducing data rates over the air. Receive sensitivity is a function of the transmission baud rate so, as baud rate goes down, the receive sensitivity goes up. Many radios give the user the ability to reduce the baud rate to maximize range.
The receive sensitivity of a radio also improves at lower frequencies, providing another significant range advantage of 900 MHz (vs. 2.4 GHz) - as much as six to twelve dB!
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Product Introduction

2.5.4 RF Noise

RF background noise comes from many sources, ranging from solar activity to high frequency digital products to all forms of other radio communications. That background noise establishes a noise floor which is the point where the desired signals are lost in the background ruckus. The noise floor will vary by frequency.
Typically the noise floor will be lower than the receive sensitivity of your radio, so it will not be a factor in your system design. If, however, you’re in an environment where high degrees of RF noise may exist in your frequency band, then use the noise floor figures instead of radio receive sensitivity in your calculations. If you suspect this is the case, a simple site survey to determine the noise floor value can be a high payoff investment.
When in doubt, look around. Antennas are everywhere nowadays - on the sides of buildings, water towers, billboards, chimneys, even disguised as trees. Many sources of interference may not be obvious.

2.5.5 Fade Margin

Fade margin is a term critical to wireless success. Fade margin describes how many dB a received signal may be reduced by without causing system performance to fall below an acceptable value. Walking away from a newly commissioned wireless installation without understanding how much fade margin exists is the number one cause of wireless woes.
Establishing a fade margin of no less than 10dB in good weather conditions will provide a high degree of assurance that the system will continue to operate effectively in a variety of weather, solar, and RF interference conditions.
There are a number of creative ways to estimate fade margin of a system without investing in specialty gear. Pick one or more of the following and use it to ensure you’ve got a robust installation:
Some radios have programmable output power. Reduce the power until performance degrades, then dial the power
back up a minimum of 10dB. Remember again, doubling output power yields 3 dB, and an increase of 10dB requires a ten-fold increase in transmit power .
Invest in a small 10dB attenuator - pick the correct one for your radio frequency! If you lose communications when
you install the attenuator installed in-line with one of your antennas, you don’t have enough fade margin.
Antenna cable has greater attenuation at higher frequencies. Specifications vary by type and manufacturer so check
them yourself but, at 900 MHz, a coil of RG58 in the range of 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 m) will be 10dB. At 2.4GHz, a cable length of 20-40 feet (6 to 12 m) will yield 10dB. If your system still operates reliably with the test length of cable installed, you’ve got at least 10dB of fade margin.

2.5.6 Remember Your Math

Contrary to popular opinion, no black art is required to make a reasonable prediction of the range of a given radio signal. Several simple concepts must be understood first, and then we can apply some simple rules of thumb.
The equation for successful radio reception is:
TX power + TX antenna gain – Path loss – Cabling loss + RX antenna gain – 10dB fade margin > RX Radio sensitivity or (less commonly) RF noise floor
Note that most of the equation’s parameters are easily gleaned from the manufacturer’s data. That leaves only path loss and, in cases of heavy RF interference, RF noise floor as the two parameters that you must establish for your particular installation.
In a perfect world, you will measure your path loss and your RF noise conditions. For the majority of us that don’t, there are rules of thumb to follow to help ensure a reliable radio connection.

2.5.7 RF Attenuation and Line of Sight

In a clear path through the air, radio signals attenuate with the square of distance. Doubling range requires a four-fold increase in power, therefore:
Halving the distance decreases path loss by 6dB.
Doubling the distance increases path loss by 6dB.
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Product Introduction
When indoors, paths tend to be more complex, so use a more aggressive rule of thumb, as follows:
Halving the distance decreases path loss by 9dB.
Doubling the distance increases path loss by 9dB.
Radio manufacturers advertise “line of sight” range figures. Line of sight means that, from antenna A, you can see antenna B. Being able to see the building that antenna B is in does not count as line of sight. For every obstacle in the path, de-rate the “line of sight” figure specified for each obstacle in the path. The type of obstacle, the location of the obstacl e, and the num be r of obstacles will all play a role in path loss.
Visualize the connection between antennas, picturing lines radiating in an elliptical path between the antennas in the shape of a football. Directly in the center of the two antennas the RF path is wide with many pathways. A single obstacle here will have minimal impact on path loss. As you approach each antenna, the meaningful RF field is concentrated on the antenna itself. Obstructions located close to the antennas cau se dramatic path loss.
Be sure you know the distance between antennas. This is often underestimated. If it’s a short-range application, pace it off. If it’s a long-range application, establish the actual distance with a GPS or Google Maps.
The most effective way to reduce path loss is to elevate the antennas. At approximately 6 feet high (2 m), line of sight due to the Earth’s curvature is about 3 miles (5 km), so anything taller than a well-manicured lawn becomes an obstacle.
Weather conditions also play a large role. Increased moisture in the air increases path loss. The higher the frequency, the higher the path loss.
Beware of leafy greens. While a few saplings mid-path are tolerable, it’s very difficult for RF to penetrate significant woodlands. If you’re crossing a wooded area you must elevate your antennas over the treetops.
Industrial installations often include many reflective obstacles leading to numerous paths between the antennas. The received signal is the vector sum of each of these paths. Depending on the phase of each signal, they can be added or subtracted. In multiple path environments, simply moving the antenna slightly can significantly change the signal strength.
Some obstacles are mobile. More than one wireless application has been stymied by temporary obstacles such as a stack of containers, a parked truck or material handling equipment. Remember, metal is not your friend. An antenna will not transmit out from inside a metal box or through a storage tank. Path Loss Rules of Thumb
To ensure basic fade margin in a perfect line of sight application, never exceed 50% of the manufacturer’s rated line of sight distance. This in itself yields a theoretical 6dB fade margin – still short of the required 10dB.
De-rate more aggressively if you have obstacles between the two antennas, but not near the antennas.
De-rate to 10% of the manufacture’s line of sight ratings if you have multiple obstacles, obstacles located near the antennas, or the antennas are located indoors. Antennas
Antennas increase the effective power by focusing the radiated energy in the desired direction. Using the correct antenna not only focuses power into the desired area but it also reduces the amount of power broadcast into areas where it is not needed.
Wireless applications have exploded in popularity with everyone seeking out the highest convenient point to mount their antenna. It’s not uncommon to arrive at a job site to find other antennas sprouting from your installation point. Assuming these systems are spread spectrum and potentially in other ISM or licensed frequency bands, you still want to maximize the distance from the antennas as much as possible. Most antennas broadcast in a horizontal pattern, so vertical separation is more meaningful than horizontal separation. Try to separate antennas with like-polarization by a minimum of two wavelengths, which is about 26 inches (0.66 m) at 900 MHz, or 10 inches (0.25 m) at 2.4 GHz.
Manual Documentation Number: pn7515_ZlinxIO-0712m 13
Product Introduction Cable Loss
Those high frequencies you are piping to your antennas don’t propagate particularly well through cable and connectors. Use high quality RF cable between the antenna connector and your antenna and ensure that all connectors are high quality and carefully installed. Factor in a 0.2 dB loss per coaxial connector in addition to the cable attenuation itself. Typical attenuation figures per 10 feet (3 meters) for two popular cable types are listed below.
Cable Types
Frequency RG-58U* LMR-400*
900 MHz 1.6 dB 0.4 dB
2.4 GHz 2.8 dB 0.7 dB *Loss per 10 feet (3 meters) of cable length
Figure 6 Attenuation figures
While long cable runs to an antenna create signal loss, the benefit of elevating the antenna another 25 feet (7.6 m) can more than compensate for those lost dB.
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Hardware Information

3.1 Recommended Pract ice Before Installation

Before installing a new system, it is preferable to bench test the complete system as configuration problems are easier to recognize when the system units are close together.
Following installation, poor commu nic ati ons can be caused by:
Incorrectly installed antennas.
Radio interference.
Obstructions in the radio path.
Radio path too long.
If the radio path is a problem, higher performance antennas may help.
Please set up a bench test and familiarize yourself with a pair or set of these modules before taking them out into the field for installation. For testing analog and digital I/O see section 9.1”Testing Digital and Analog I/O”.

3.2 Zlinx Wireless I/O Modules

33.. HHaarrddwwaarree IInnffoorrmmaattiioon
Zlinx Wireless I/O encompasses a growing family of products including Base Modules, Expansion Modules, Configuration
Boxes, configuration software and accessories. All modules are built into similar enclosures featuring male local bus plugs and female local bus receptacles on the sides, which allow modules to connect together (except Base Modules which do not have left-side connector and Configuration Boxes which do not have right-side connectors). Modules are DIN rail mountable and feature removable screw terminal blocks.
Zlinx Wireless I/O modules are configured using a Configuration Box, connected to a PC and running Zlinx Manager Software. Zlinx Wireless I/O systems can operate in Modbus or Peer-to-Peer modes. In Modbus mode a Zlinx W ireless I/ O system exchanges Modbus messages with a Modbus radio modem. In Peer-to-Peer mode two Zlinx Wireless I/O syst ems provide wire-replacement functionality. Some Base Modules can also be used as repeaters, to extend the communication distance of a system.
NOTE: Refer to section 2.2 “Zlinx Wireless I/O Modes of Operation” for more
Figure 7 Front View of Zlinx Wireless I/O Base, Configuration Box, and Expansion Modules,
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Hardware Information
Medium Range
Medium Range
Long Range

3.2.1 Base Modules

Each Zlinx Wireless I/O system is built around a Base Module. Base Modules provide digital and/or analog I/O, and radio communications with other Zlinx nodes.
Radio options include three frequency bands 2.4 GHz, 900 MHz, and 868 MHz (868 band is applied in Europe and due to the single-channel band, to prevent excessive interference between radios regulations require radios to not exceed a 10% transmission duty cycle. This means that the radio can only be transmitting 10% of the time), and three power output/range categories: Short Range, Medium Range, and Long Range.
Figure 8 A Typical Base Module (2AI-2AO-2DI-2DO)
2.4 GHz
2.4 GHz 900 MHz 900 MHz 868 MHz
Figure 9 Radio Type Options and Ranges (with included antennas)
Several different combinations of Digital Inputs (DI), Digital Outputs (DO), Analog Inputs (AI) and Analog Outputs (AO) are available. For example, the ZZ24D-NA-SR features a combination of two DI’s, two DO’s, two AI’s, an d two A O’s in a p ack age with a short range (SR) 2.4 GHz radio option. Similar models are available with Medium Range (MR) and Long Range (LR) radio options.

3.2.2 Expansion Modules

Up to six Expansion Modules can be plugged into the Base Module to add more I/O capabilities in any combination needed. For example, the ZZ-8DO-T Expansion Module provides eight additional Digital Outputs; the ZZ-2AI2AO provides two Analog Inputs and two Analog Outputs.
NOTE: Refer to “Appendix E: Zlinx Wireless I/O Models and Features” for a list of
Short Range
300 ft 1 mile
600 ft 3 miles 1500 ft 7 miles 1800 ft 25 miles
Long Range
Zlinx Wireless I/O models and features
1800 ft 25 miles
(Line of Sight)
Expansion Modules connect to Base Modules by plugging the modules together, engaging the local bus connectors located on the sides of the boxes. Male plugs on Expansion Modules plug into female connectors on the side of the Base Module or
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Hardware Information
other Expansion Modules, resulting in a horizontal “stack” with the Base Module on the left and Expansion Modules extending to the right.

3.2.3 Configuration Box

The ZZ-PROG1 or ZZ-PROG1-USB Configuration Boxes provide a convenient way to interface Base and Expansion Modules with a PC and the software used to configure them. The Configuration Box plugs into a Base or Expansion Module on the right hand side. The Configuration Box connects to a PC serial port (COM1 to 16) using a standard straight-through 9­pin serial cable unless you are using the ZZ-PROG1-USB model which uses a USB cable.
Figure 10 Base and Expansion Modules Connected Together
Figure 11 A PC, Configuration Box and Base Module

3.3 I/O Options and Characteristics

3.3.1 I/O Options

The Zlinx Wireless I/O family of products features a variety of input and output options. Base and Expansion Module options include:
2 Analog Inputs, 2 Analog Outputs, 2 Digital Inputs and 2 Digital Outputs (sourcing or sinking driver).
4 Digital Inputs and 4 Digital Outputs (sourcing or sinking driver).
8 Digital Inputs.
8 Digital Outputs (sourcing or sin kin g driver) and relay.
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Hardware Information
4 Analog Inputs.
RTD Temperature input module.
4 Analog Outputs.
2 Analog Inputs and 2 Analog Outputs.
Modules continue to be developed with additional features and options.
NOTE: Refer to “Appendix E: Zlinx Wireless I/O Models and Features” for a list of

3.3.2 I/O Types and Characteristics Digital Inputs
DI’s can detect the presence of contact closures, transistor switches or on/off DC voltage signals (low or high logic levels). Voltages below 0.8 VDC are interpreted as a low state. Voltages between 4.0 VDC and 48 VDC are interpreted as a high state. The state of voltages between 0.8V and 4.0V are undefined.
In Peer-to-Peer mode the outputs are active because the Digital Inputs on the corresponding complimentary system are pulled high. Connecting the Digital Inputs to a 10K pull down resistor would bring the DO’s low or inactive as a default.
NOTE: Inputs have an internal “weak” pull-up resistor so unconnected inputs will Digital Outputs
Digital Outputs send on/off signals (low or high logic levels) to drive external devices such as indicators, relay coils or the inputs of other equipment such as PLC’s, SCADA, etc. Modules with Digital Outputs are available with sourcing or sinking drivers and relay.
Sourcing (PNP transistor) drivers provide up to 40mA per output (or 320mA total for an 8 DO module) at output voltages up to 40 VDC to connected loads.
available models and options.
read as being in the high state.
Sinking (NPN transistor) drivers can sink up to 40 mA per output (or 320mA total for an 8 DO module) at voltages up to 48 VDC. Analog Inputs
Analog Inputs accept voltage, current signals, or RTD temperature signals. When configured as voltage inputs the full range is 0 to 10 VDC. When configured as current inputs the full range is 0 to 20mA and the input resistance is 250 . When configured as an RTD input, the range varies based on the RTD Probe. Supported Probe types include Pt100, Pt1000, Cu10.
NOTE: 0 to 20mA AI’s accommodate standard 4 to 20mA instrumentation current
loop signals. Analog Outputs
Analog Outputs produce voltage or current output signals. When configured as voltage outputs the full range is 0 to 10 VDC at
1mA maximum. When configured as current outputs the full range is 0 to 20mA with a maximum load resistance of 450 Ω at
For all models except the ZZ-4AO-2, the 0-20mA output circuit is comprised of an open collector sinking output. This means that an external supply will be required to properly setup the current loop. This type of circuit sinks the current to a common ground, which will require the use of either a differential input type or an isolator in-between the output and input circuits.
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Hardware Information
NOTE: 0 to 20mA AO’s accommodate standard 4 to 20mA instrumentation current
loop signals.
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Hardware Information

3.3.3 I/O Wiring DI Wiring
The following diagram shows typical conne ction wiring for various Digital Inputs:
Figure 12 Typical Digital Input Wiring for Various Input Devices
(ZZ-4DI4D0-DCT Expansion Module)
NOTE: No external power supply wiring is required for Expansion Modules. DO Wiring
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for modules featuring sourcing (PNP) drivers:
Figure 13 Typical Digital Output Wiring for Sourcing Outputs
(ZZ-4DI4D0-DCT Expansion Module)
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Hardware Information
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for modules featuring relay drivers:
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for modules featuring sinking (NPN) drivers: AI Wiring
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for Analog Input s (both current and voltage inputs):
Figure 14 Typical Digit a l O utput Wiring for Relay Outputs
Figure 15 Typical Digital Output Wiring for Sinking Outputs
(ZZ-4DI4D0-DCT1 Expansion Module)
Figure 16 Typical Analog Input Wiring (ZZ9D-NA-MR Base Module)
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Hardware Information
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for Analog Inputs configured as voltage signals: AO Wiring
The following diagram shows typical connection wiring for Analog Outputs. When used as current outputs (0-20mA setting), the analog outputs in the Zlinx base and expansion modules (except ZZ-4AO-2) are sinking type. When used as voltage outputs (0-10Vdc), analog outputs from all the modules are sourcing type.
Figure 17 Typical Analog Input Wiring (Voltage)
Current output Configuration (all Zlinx Gen II modules except ZZ-4AO-2):
An external voltage source is necessary and should be connected as shown below:
Figure 18 Typical Analog Output Wiring (ZZ9D-NA-MR Base Module)
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Current output Configuration (for ZZ-4AO-2):
Figure 19A Typical Analog Output Wiring (ZZ-4AO-2 Module)
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Hardware Information
When configured as a voltage output, the analog outputs are of sourcing type. The following diagram shows typical Analog Output Wiring for Sourcing drivers:
Analog output connection for Sourcing drivers:
Figure 20 Typical Analog Output Wiring for Sourcing Outputs
Voltage output Configuration (all Zlinx Gen II modules):
The following diagram shows typical Analog Output Wiring for Sourcing outputs configured as voltage signals:
Figure 21 Typical Analog Output Wiring for Sourcing Outputs (Voltage)
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