B&B Electronics ZXT9-IOA-KIT User Manual

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ZXT9-IO-222R2 ZXT24-IO-222R2
Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Zlinx Xtreme I/O
Documentation Number: Zlinx Xtreme IO
This product was designed and manufactured in Ottawa, Illinois USA
Using domestic and imported parts by
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ii Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
1. OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 PREREQUISITES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 SAFETY INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 INSTALLATION INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ . 2
1.6 ZLINX XTREME I/O PRODUCT SPECIFICATION SUMMARY........................................................................................................... 4
2. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION ................................................................ ................................................................ ....................... 5
2.1 ZLINX XTREME I/O PRODUCT MODELS ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 PACKAGE CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 ZLINX XTREME I/O MODES OF OPERATION ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 Peer-to-Peer I/O Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Modbus I/O Mode ................................ ................................................................................................ ............................ 7
2.3.3 Repeater Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4 I/O TYPES AND CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.4.1 Digital / Pulse Inputs ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.2 Digital Outputs ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.4.3 Analog Inputs ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4.4 Analog Outputs ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.5 USER INTERFACE COMPONENTS ................................................................ ................................ ................................................. 9
2.5.1 Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) LEDs ........................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 Mode LEDs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.3 Wireless LED ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5.4 Power LED ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.5 I/O Status LEDs ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5.6 Configuration Pushbutton ............................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5.7 Power & I/O Terminals.................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.5.8 USB Port ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3. HARDWARE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 RECOMMENDED PRACTICE BEFORE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 RF SITE CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
3.3 DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 MOUNTING OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.4.1 Without the mounting ears ........................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 With Mounting ears ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 CABLING OPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.5.1 Cable Glands ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.5.2 Conduit Installation ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.5.3 IP67 Membrane Cable Gland ...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.5.4 Supplied Antenna .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4 GHZ SUPPLIED ANTENNA: .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.5.5 Optional hardware ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 High Gain Omni Antenna ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 High Gain Yagi Antenna ................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Antenna Cables& Connectors .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Lightning Arrestors .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21 IP67 Power Supply .......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
4. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................ 22
4.1 POWER WIRING ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
4.2 I/O WIRING ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1 DI Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 DO (Relay) Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.3 AI Wiring ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m iii
4.2.4 AO Wiring ....................................................................................................................................................................... 24
5. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................................... 25
5.1 ZLINX MANAGER SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 25
5.2 COMPUTER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 25
5.3 INSTALLING ZLINX® MANAGER SOFTWARE............................................................................................................................. 25
5.4 INSTALLING USB DRIVERS ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
5.5 ESTABLISHING CONNECTION TO PC.......................................................................................................................................... 26
5.6 STARTING ZLINX I/O CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................... 27
5.7 UNIT DISCOVERY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 27
5.8 I/O CONFIGURATION OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ .................. 29
5.8.1 Information Tab .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
5.8.2 Configuration Tab ................................ ................................................................................................ .......................... 30
5.8.3 Input/Output Tab ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
6. CONFIGURATION & OPERATION ......................................................................................................................................... 31
6.1 CONFIGURING THE I/O .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
6.1.1 Wireless Settings ................................................................ ................................................................ ........................... 31 Transmit Power ................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Channel Number .............................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Network Identifier ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Repeater Mode ................................................................................................................................................................................. 33 RF Data Rate .................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 AES Encription ................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
6.1.2 Modbus Mode Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 36
6.1.3 Modbus I/O Addressing ................................................................................................................................................ 37 Modbus Function Codes .................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Modbus I/O Registers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Digital (Relay) Outputs .............................................................................................................................................................. 37 Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Analog Inputs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Analog Outputs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Modbus Frequency / Counters Inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Modbus I/O Addressing ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
6.1.4 Peer-to-Peer Mode Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 40 Peer-to-Peer Master ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Peer-to-Peer Slave ............................................................................................................................................................................ 41
6.1.5 Input/Output Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 42 Digital Input Configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 42 Digital (Relay) Output Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Analog Input Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................. 43 Analog Output Configuration .......................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.1.6 Exception Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 45 Sample Modbus Exception Packet ................................................................................................................................................... 45 Digital Exception Format ................................................................................................................................................................. 45 Analog Exception Format ................................................................................................................................................................ 45
6.1.7 Calibration ...................................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.1.8 Zlinx I/O Monitor ............................................................................................................................................................ 47
6.1.9 Saving the Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 48
6.2 UPDATING ZLINX I/O FIRMWARE ............................................................................................................................................. 48
6.3 DIAGNOSTICS AND TESTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
6.3.1 Testing Modbus Mode Operation ................................................................................................................................ 50
6.3.2 Testing Peer-to-Peer Mode Operation ....................................................................................................................... 50
7. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................................ 51
7.1 TESTING DIGITAL AND ANALOG I/O ......................................................................................................................................... 51
7.1.1 Testing DI ....................................................................................................................................................................... 52
7.1.2 Testing DO (Relay O/P)................................................................................................................................................ 52
7.1.3 Testing AI in “Voltage” Mode ....................................................................................................................................... 52
7.1.4 Testing AO in “Voltage” Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX A: DEFAULT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS .......................................................................................................... 54
iv Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
APPENDIX B: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 55
APPENDIX C: EXPECTED LATENCY............................................................................................................................................ 57
APPENDIX D: MODBUS I/O ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 58
APPENDIX E: ZLINX XTREME I/O MODELS AND FEATURES .............................................................................................. 59
APPENDIX F: CONVERT VOLTAGE/CURRENT TO DAC ........................................................................................................ 60
APPENDIX G: RADIO FREQUENCY BASICS ............................................................................................................................... 62
What is dBm? ................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
Lower Frequencies - Better Propagation ................................................................................................................................... 62
Range Performance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 62
RF Noise ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Fade Margin ................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Remember Your Math .................................................................................................................................................................. 63
RF Attenuation and Line of Sight ................................................................................................................................................ 63
Path Loss Rules of Thumb ................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Antennas ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
Cable Loss ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX H: TRANSMIT POWER - DBM TO MW CONVERSION ........................................................................................ 66
GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
INDEX .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m v
Thank you for purchasing a Zlinx Xtreme I/O product! This product has been manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance to ensure your complete satisfaction.
1.1 Product Overview
Zlinx Xtreme I/O is an, outdoor rated industrial grade wireless product. Its IP67 rating along with wide temperature ratings make it suitable for monitoring and controlling remote analog and discrete devices without the need for a separate enclosure resulting in costs and space savings.
1.2 Prerequisites
This manual assumes that the user has basic electronics knowledge and basic understanding of wireless communications. Users are strongly encouraged to read and understand the manual to its entirety. Setting up the wireless device without proper knowledge and understanding could result in equipment damage and bodily injury.
1.3 Safety Information
Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment as a result of its actions in Docket 93-62 and OET Bulleting 65 Edition 97-01.
Operate unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors are properly terminated.
Operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.
All equipment must be properly grounded for safe operations. All equipment should be serviced only by a qualified technician.
1.4 Installation Information
Electrical Ratings
ZXTx-IO-222R2, 10.0 - 30.0 VDC Class 2 input only
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 74°C maximum surrounding air ambient WIRING TERMINALS:
Copper wire only One conductor per terminal Wire range: 10-28 AWG Tightening Torque: 0.5 to 0.6 Nm. Temperature rating of field wiring – 105 °C minimum (sized for 60°C ampacity).
Please see the Quick Start Guide for UL Class 1 Division 2 installation instructions.
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1.5 About this manual
This manual has been created to assist you in installing, configuring, and using your Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules. Please read it carefully and follow the instructions to achieve best results.
The manual is divided into the following major sections:
Table of Contents
The table of contents is hypertext linked in the electronic documentation. This allows rapid navigation to each chapter.
Overview section gives a general information on product standards compliance, prerequisites and safety information.
Product Introduction
This section covers the Zlinx Xtreme I/O models, package contents, modes of operation, IO types and characteristics and User Interface components main features of the Zlinx Xtreme I/O products.
Hardware Installation
This section provides necessary information for mechanical installation of the Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules. Panel/machine mount and conduit mount options are covered. Range estimates are shown for various terrains under different antenna options. Installation instructions are included for both standard antenna and high gain antenna and cable options.
Electrical Installation
This section guides you through the wiring and termination for power supply as well as analog and digital I/Os.
Software Installation
This section guides you through the software and USB driver installation process. The Software Configuration screens are explained in detail.
Startup & Configuration
In this section, both easy setup (through push button) and advanced setup using software are explained. Information about setting the Zlinx Xtreme I/O module in Peer-to-Peer (Wire replacement) and Modbus mode are explained. Setting up I/Os, calibration, exception reporting and configuring alarms is detailed.
Use Cases
This section provides setup & configuration instructions for setting up the product in Peer-to-Peer mode, and in Modbus mode when configured with a Radio Modem.
Testing & Troubleshooting
Bench testing of the Zlinx Xtreme modules is explained in Peer-to-Peer and Modbus modes. The Built-in-Self-Diagnostics section explains self diagnosis report by the module using supplied software.
Appendixes include all essential reference information for Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules. Information found here includes a comprehensive references and useful tables of product properties.
Product Technical Specification
This section contains detailed technical specifications about the Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules.
2 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Default Configuration Settings
All parameter default settings are listed.
Dimensional Drawings
The hardware dimensional drawings are shown.
Modbus I/O Register Mapping
This section explains the Modbus register mappings when I/O modules are communicating to a Modbus master (PLC/SCADA/etc.) through a radio modem.
Convert Voltage / Current to DAC
Analog to Digital conversation for voltage and current I/Os are explained.
RF Basics
This section offers a good description of Proprietary Radio Frequency communication.
Zlinx Xtreme to Zlinx Gen II Compatibility
This section shows the compatibility of both indoor and outdoor versions of I/O modules and radio modems Glossary
Glossary covers main terms which are relevant to the understanding of the Zlinx Xtreme I/O concept.
Index includes major terms and page numbers where referenced in the manual.
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1.6 Zlinx Xtreme I/O Product Specification Summary
Need to get an analog or a digital signal across a highway or river? Or just to the other end of your big warehouse? Zlinx Xtreme I/O can do the job faster, easier, and less expensively than stringing cable. Easy plug-and-play set-up saves installation and maintenance time.
Zlinx Xtreme I/Os are built to handle Xtreme hot and cold outdoor weather conditions.
IP67, Outdoor rated
Ranges to 40 miles.
Frequency ranges: ISM band, 902 to 928 MHz; 2.4 to 2.5 GHz.
Modulation: FSK – Frequency Shift Keying.
DSSS (2.4 GHz) and FHSS (900 MHz) Technology.
Signal strength indicator aids troubleshooting.
3 dBi for 900 MHz; 2.1 dBi for 2.4 GHz RPSMA male dipole.
Wide temperature range -40Cº to 74 Cº.
Versatile power: 10 to 30 VDC.
Software for Windows XP (Home or Professional SP3); Windows 2000 SP4; Vista 32 bit; Windows 7.
I/O Status Monitoring.
CE, CSA approvals.
Compatibility with Zlinx Gen II indoor models
AES Encryption – 128 Bit on SR models, 256 Bit on LR models
Software Selectable Transmitter Power
Software Selectable Over-the-air Data Rate on LR models
Exception Reporting option.
Analog I/O Calibration option.
Failsafe option for analog and digital outputs.
Communication Failure Alarm option.
Analog Inputs - True 16-Bit with 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V independent selections
Digital Inputs – PNP or NPN independent selections
Relay Driven Digital Outputs.
4 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Product Introduction
PPrroodduucctt IInnttrroodduuccttiioon
2.1 Zlinx Xtreme I/O
Product Models
Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules provide easy-to-use, cost-effective Peer-to-Peer (wire replacement) or Modbus connectivity
solutions through license free wireless spectrum.
Figure 2-1 Zlinx Xtreme I/O Modules
Following I/O models are available:
1) ZXT24-IO-222R2 2.4 GHz, Short range, IP67 I/O module (2 Analog In, 2 Analog Out, 2 Digital In, 2 Relay Out)
2) ZXT9-IO-222R2 900 MHz, Long range, IP67 I/O module (2 Analog In, 2 Analog Out, 2 Digital In, 2 Relay Out)
2.2 Package Contents
Zlinx Xtreme IO Modules are shipped with the following items included:
Zlinx Xtreme I/O module.
Standard antenna.
Optional mounting ears
Mounting screws
o M4-0.7 25mm SS Phillips Pan Hd Machine Screws – qty. 4
o M4-0.7 x 25mm SS Hex Head Cap screws – qty. 4
o M4-0.7 DIN 985 A4 S/S Nylon Insert Lock Nuts – qty. 4
A printed version of the Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
A printed version of the Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide.
Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m 5
Product Introduction
Product CD (consisting of Zlinx Xtreme I/O documentation and Zlinx Manager configuration software)
o Zlinx I/O Manager Configuration Software. o Zlinx I/O Firmware Updater. o USB Driver for Xtreme Module o Zlinx Xtreme I/O manual in PDF format. o Zlinx Xtreme Radio Modem manual in PDF format. o The Modbus Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide in PDF format. o The Peer-to-Peer Mode Zlinx I/O Quick Start Guide in PDF format.
Note: A separate USB cable (not part of the contents) is necessary for programming the I/O module.
NOTE: the Cable Glands cannot be used for Class 1 Division 2 applications. Please see the Quick Start Guide for additional information about UL Class 1 Division 2 installation instructions.
2.3 Zlinx Xtreme I/O Modes
of Operation
Zlinx Xtreme I/O systems can operate in Peer-to-Peer or Modbus Slave RTU modes. 900 MHz I/O Modules can be configured as repeaters to extend the radio coverage distance.
2.3.1 Peer-to-Peer I/O Mode
Peer-to-Peer configuration of IO modules is used in wire replacement applications for analog/digital IOs where cabling is not possible or it is very expensive. Typical examples include remote monitoring and control applications in clean rooms, buildings across parking lots or highways, remote water or fuel tank level monitoring, remote pump station control, etc.
In Peer-to-Peer mode, two Zlinx I/O modules of same type can be configured to provide wire replacement functionality. Input count of one module must match the output count of the other module for both digital and analog types. For example, a pair of 2 analog input, 2 analog output, 2 digital input and 2 digital output I/O modules or a pair of 4 digital input and 4 digital output modules can be configured in peer-to-peer mode. A pair of the following I/O modules is suitable for Peer-to-Peer configuration:
- ZXT9-IO-222R2
- ZXT24-IO-222R2 In this mode one Module is configured as a Master and the other as a Slave. It does not matter which end of the link is the
Master and which is the Slave. Analog and Digital Input signals connected to one module are mapped to the corresponding analog and digital outputs on the other module and vice versa. Peer-to-Peer mode configuration can be established between outdoor rated Zlinx Xtreme IOs and indoor rated Zlinx Gem II IOs.
Note: However, -MR versions of indoor rated Zlinx Gen II I/O modules are not compatible with Zlinx Xtreme modules.
Figure 1-2 Peer-to-Peer Mode
6 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Product Introduction
NOTE: Placing a repeater in a system will introduce an additional delay of 4ms. Each
repeater introduced in a system will cut the data bandwidth to half.
2.3.2 Modbus I/O Mode
In Modbus mode, the Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules shall be configured as Modbus Slaves and can be controlled and monitored by a Modbus RTU Master (such as a PLC, SCADA, HMI, etc). A serial radio modem acts as a data pipe & has to be connected to the Modbus master through its serial port. Up to 247 wireless I/O modules can be remotely monitored and controlled by the Modbus master. The I/O signals appear in the Modbus register map resident in the I/O module memory that can be accessed by the master through the radio modem. Refer to Appendix – D for information about the Modbus register mapping.
Figure 2-2 Modbus I/O Mode
In Modbus I/O mode, up to 247 Zlinx I/O modules can be connected to a Modbus RTU master through a Radio Modem. Modules of both Zlinx Xtreme (outdoor) and Zlinx Gen II (indoor) types can be mixed and matched as long as their frequency rating is the same.
2.3.3 Repeater Mode
Figure 2-3 I/O Module as a Repeater
When a Zlinx Xtreme I/O Module is configured as a repeater, it relays data from a Modbus modem or an I/O Module and extends the range of communication. In a Peer-to-Peer System, a repeater unit can be placed between the Master and the Slave IO modules.
Only 900 MHz radios support the repeater functionality.
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Product Introduction
2.4 I/O Types and Characteristics
The analog inputs, analog outputs and digital inputs are not isolated. They share the same common within the module. Digital outputs are isolated through relay contacts.
2.4.1 Digital / Pulse Inputs
Digital Inputs can detect the status of discrete control devices, contact closures, transistor switches or on/off DC voltage signals (low or high logic levels). Voltages below 1 VDC are interpreted as a low state. Voltages above 1 VDC up to 48 VDC are interpreted as a high state.
Each digital Input is selectable between NPN (sinking) and PNP (sourcing) types. The digital Input terminals can accept voltages in the range 0-48VDC.
The digital inputs can also be used as a pulse/frequency input in Modbus mode only. The maximum pulse frequency is 20 KHz.
2.4.2 Digital Outputs
Digital Outputs send on/off signals (low or high logic levels) to drive external devices such as indicators, relay coils or the inputs of other equipment such as PLC’s, SCADA, etc. Digital Outputs in Zlinx Xtreme I/O modules have a Form C Relay (common, normally open and normally closed) rated at 4A and 250VAC.
2.4.3 Analog Inputs
Each analog input can be individually configured as voltage or current types. Following selections are available:
a) 0-10 Vdc b) 0-5 Vdc c) 0-20 mA d) 4-20 mA
The data is automatically scaled as a 16 bit register (0-65,535) for full scale in the Modbus register. To see how to calculate corresponding values in Modbus, refer to section Appendix F.
2.4.4 Analog Outputs
Each analog output can be individually configured as voltage or current types. Following selections are available:
a) 0-10 Vdc b) 0-5 Vdc c) 0-20 mA d) 4-20 mA
The data is automatically scaled as a 12 bit register (0-4,096) for full scale in the Modbus register. To see how to calculate corresponding values in Modbus, refer to section Appendix F.
8 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Product Introduction
Mode LEDs
I/O Status
Wireless &
Power LEDs
USB Port
Power & I/O
2.5 User Interface Components
Figure 2-4 External View of Zlinx Xtreme I/O module
Figure 2-6 Internal View of Zlinx Xtreme I/O module
Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m 9
The external and internal view of the I/O modules is shown as above.
Product Introduction
LEDs Number
turned ON
Signal Strength
No signal
2.5.1 Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) LEDs
The Signal Strength LEDs provide an indication of the signal strength of the received radio signal. 8 Green LEDs in a bar graph format show the signal strength from Weak to Strong. The table below explains the RSSI LEDs:
2.5.2 Mode LEDs
The I/O module operates in one of the following 3 modes and its status is shown by the corresponding green LEDs:
- Modbus
- Peer-to-Peer Master
- Peer-to-Peer Slave
2.5.3 Wireless LED
This LED will flash whenever wireless data is transmitted or received.
Figure 2-7 RSSI LED Status Table
2.5.4 Power LED
1) A green status LED indicates that an adequate dc power is available to the module.
2) This LED will flash on Comm. Fail.
2.5.5 I/O Status LEDs
Green status LEDs show the status of the digital inputs and relay outputs in the I/O module
2.5.6 Configuration Pushbutton
The Configuration Button allows the user to select one of the following I/O operation modes without the need for a PC:
- Modbus
- Peer-to-Peer Master
- Peer-to-Peer Slave.
Follow the steps below to change the I/O module configuration mode using the Configuration Push Button.
1) Press and HOLD the PB until all MODE LED's flash.
2) A single LED will begin to flash, which depends on the mode the device is currently in. An example would be the P2P
Master LED will flash, if the device was in P2P Master mode.
3) Pressing the Config PB will increment through the other modes; P2P Slave, Modbus, etc.
4) If the Push Button is not pressed for 4 sec, the device will exit and select the mode that was indicated by the flashing LED.
10 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Product Introduction
Peer-to-Peer master mode
Radio Network:
Radio ID Number:
Radio Output Power:
(4) 63mw
(4) 1w
Number of Retries:
AES Security:
P2P Address:
OTA Baud:
P2P Polling Rate:
0 sec
0 sec
Peer-to-Peer slave mode
Radio Network:
Radio ID Number:
Radio Output Power:
(4) 63mw
(4) 1w
Number of Retries:
AES Security:
P2P Address:
OTA Baud:
P2P Slave Timeout:
30 sec
30 sec
Modbus mode
Radio Network:
Radio ID Number:
Radio Output Power:
(4) 63mw
(4) 1w
Number of Retries:
AES Security:
Modbus Address:
1 1 OTA Baud:
Modbus Slave Timeout:
30 sec
30 sec
The following default settings established when the mode is changed:
* - “Fixed” for OTA Baud means that this parameter can’t be changed and is equal to 250 Kbps. Refer to section 6 for parameter descriptions.
2.5.7 Power & I/O Terminals
Screw terminals are provided for Power & I/O interface connections as shown. Refer to Chapter 4 for wiring information.
2.5.8 USB Port
The USB port is used to configure the I/O module and for firmware updates. The I/O module must be connected and powered for the Zlinx Manager Software to detect the IO module. Refer to section 4 for software installation and section 5 for programming the unit.
Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m 11
Electrical Installation
HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioon
3.1 Recommended Practice
Before Installation
Before installing a new system, it is recommended to bench test the complete system and make sure the modules function satisfactorily. Refer to appropriate sections for your setup in Chapter 8 for reference.
In actual installations, poor communications can be caused by:
Incorrectly installed antennas.
Radio interference.
Obstructions in the radio path.
Bad weather
Signal out of range.
If the radio path is a problem, higher gain antennas would help improve the range.
3.2 RF Site Considerations
When installing any radio equipment it is important to give careful consideration to the installation location and the surrounding area. Radio transmission and reception is affected by absorption, reflection and refraction of the radio signals. These factors are determined by the distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas, the type, position and amount of obstructions, antenna heights, frequency band and RF power used, and other factors.
There are several ways to optimize the RF environment to ensure satisfactory performance. A partial list of these follows:
Select the Zlinx Xtreme I/O radio option that provides sufficient power for your application. Lower frequencies travel
farther and are less affected by absorption in materials. Higher power levels generally provide greater penetration through objects.
Select installation locations that come as close as possible to providing Line Of Sight access between the antennas.
Avoid installation locations where metal objects may block, reflect, refract or cause multipathing of radio frequencies.
In some cases reflections may enhance reception but in others it can cause problems.
Select installation locations to increase antenna heights.
Consider signal loss across antenna cables and connectors. User larger cables for low signal loss.
Select equipment enclosures made of materials that minimize RF attenuation.
Avoid locations with other radio equipment that may cause interference.
In some cases alternate types of antennas (more directional) or remote antenna mounting (outside of enclosures or
at a higher elevation) may be required.
As necessary, site survey should be carried out. Sometimes small changes in location can make a significant improvement to coverage. For RF information see Appendix G.
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3.3 Dimensional Information
The dimensional information with mounting holes is shown below.
Figure 3-1 Dimensional Information
3.4 Mounting Options
The Zlinx Xtreme I/O module can be panel or machine mounted. The module can be mounted with or without the optional mounting ears.
3.4.1 Without the mounting ears
The Zlinx Xtreme can be mounted on a back panel or a machine by removing the top lid. The top lid is removed by unscrewing the 4 corner screws. The module can be mounted using the supplied screws and nuts through the corner holes. Once secured, fasten the top cover.
3.4.2 With Mounting ears
4 optional mounting ears and screws are supplied as accessories. The ears can be attached to the Zlinx Xtreme by removing the top cover and securing through the corner holes. The module then can be mounted on the panel by marking the position of the holes on the back panel. Fig 3-2 shows the mounting scheme with ears.
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Electrical Installation
Figure 3-2 Mounting Ear dimensions
3.5 Cabling Options
The Zlinx Xtreme module has two holes of 0.875” diameter for cable installation. Cable gland or conduit mounting is possible. A cable gland and conduit hub are included as accessories. Unused hole must be plugged by the supplied membrane gland in order to maintain IP67 rating.
3.5.1 Cable Glands
NOTE: the Cable Glands cannot be used for Class 1 Division 2 applications. Please see the Quick Start
Guide for UL Class 1 Division 2 installation instructions.
A Cable Gland is used to maintain the water tight rating while allowing a cable to enter the enclosure. The assembly consists of black molded nylon body, hex nut, cable nut and a rubber gasket and cable seal.
Figure 3-3 IP67 Cable Gland
14 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Follow the steps below to install the cable gland:
1. Insert the Non-tapered end of the Body (D) through the conduit knock-out on the I/O module enclosure.
2. Place the Gasket around the body on the outside of the enclosure.
3. Thread the Hex Nut onto the Body from the inside of the enclosure.
4. Insert the cable through the Cable gland into the enclosure. Ensure you leave enough slack in the cable to reach the
terminal blocks.
5. Place the Cable Nut onto the cable being careful to position the threaded side so that it can be attached to the Cable Body.
6. Tighten the Cable Nut. This will cause the tapered end of the Cable Body to compress, ensuring a water-tight seal.
3.5.2 Conduit Installation
Unused conduit openings: Class 1 Division 2 installation requires a UL Recognized plug (UL Category Code QCRV2) be used when a conduit opening is not being used.
A conduit hub is supplied with the Zlinx Xtreme I/O module where conduit installation is preferred to route the cables. It is
suited to connect ½” or 3/8” conduit fittings and consists of a Body, Nut, and Gasket suitable for IP67 rating. It is used to
secure threaded half inch rigid service entrance conduit.
Figure 3-4 ½ inch Threaded Conduit Hub with dimensions
1. Insert the treaded end of the body into the conduit knock-out from the outside of the enclosure. The rubber gasket should be on the outside of the enclosure.
2. Thread the Nut onto the conduit body from inside the enclosure.
3. ½ Inch, rigid, threaded conduit can be attached to the threaded hub.
3.5.3 IP67 Membrane Cable Gland
NOTE: the Cable Glands cannot be used for Class 1 Division 2 applications. Please see the Quick Start Guide for UL Class 1 Division 2 installation instructions.
The membrane cable gland can be used to plug an unused hole in the enclosure or to route a cable.
Figure 3-5 IP67 Membrane Gland
Stuff the cable gland into the knock-out hole with the narrow end toward the inside of the I/ Module enclosure. The enclosure wall will fit into the indentation between the inside and outside portions of the gland.
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Electrical Installation
3.5.4 Supplied Antenna
900 MHz Supplied Antenna:
Your 900 MHz product comes supplied with a “rubber duck” style antenna which can be articulated up to 90 degrees. Then antenna is a ¼ wave dipole with an Omni directional pattern and vertical polarization. It is recommended that your I/O product be mounted with the antenna on the top, perpendicular with the horizon
Antenna Specifications:
Impedance: 50Ω Connector: RPSMA Female VSWR: 2.0 Max (in band) Gain : 3.0 dBi Polarization: Vertical Part Number: ZXT9-ANT1
Figure 3-6 ZXT9-IO-222R2 Supplied Antenna
2.4 GHz Supplied Antenna:
Your Zlinx Xtreme 2.4 GHz product comes supplied with a “rubber duck” antenna which can be articulated up to 90 degrees. Then antenna is a ¼ wave dipole with an Omni directional pattern and vertical polarization. It is recommended that your Zlinx Xtreme product be mounted with the antenna on the top, perpendicular with the horizon.
Figure 3-7 ZXT24-IO-222R2 Supplied Antenna
Antenna Specifications: Impedance: 50
Connector: RPSMA Female VSWR – 2.0 Max (in band) Gain – 2.1 dBi Polarization – Vertical Replacement Part Number – ZZ24D-ANT1
16 Manual Documentation Number: ZXTx-IO-x-4113m
Clear Line of Sight
Yagi Antenna
Yagi Antenna
Radio Modem
I/O Module
I/O Module
3.5.5 Optional hardware
Optional high gain antennas may be necessary to extend the range of the wireless radios. Omni antennas help propagate the radio frequency signals 360°. Yagi antennas are used for directional pointing. For point-to-point (aka peer-to-peer) applications, 2 Yagi antennas would offer the best performance. For point-to-multi point applications, an Omni antenna at the central location with Yagi antennas at the remote radios would offer the best performance. These high gain antennas must be mounted at elevated locations. Line of sight is necessary for better communication. The figures below show Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multi Point installations Using Omni and Yagi antennas.
Figure 3-8 Point-to-Point System Figure 3-9 Point-to-Multi Point ModbusSystem
Extension cables are available to connect the radios to the antennas. Lightning arrestors are highly recommended in outdoor installations where thunderstorms and lightning are commonplace. High Gain Omni Antenna
An Omni-directional antenna is an antenna system which radiates power uniformly in one plane with a directive pattern shape in a perpendicular plane. This pattern is often described as "donut shaped". Omni-directional antenna can be used to link multiple directional antennas in outdoor point-to-multipoint communication.
These Omni Directional antennas are a good choice if you need to mount your antenna on a mast to increase its elevation. Please note that mounting brackets must also be purchased. Also note that these antennas have an N style connector. Refer to section 3.9 to select the correct cable.
Figure 3-10 Representative Omni Antenna
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