B&B Electronics RT3G-300, RT3G-310, RT3G-320, RT3G-330, RT3G-340-W Configuration Manual

B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
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Doc: 710-10001-02 Rev 1.0 – October 2012
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B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Declared quality system ISO 9001
Used symbols
Danger – Information regarding user safety or potential damage to the router.
Attention – Problems that can arise in specific situations.
Useful tips or information of special interest.
GPL license
Source codes under GPL license are available free of charge by sending an email to support@bb-elec.com.
Router version
The properties and settings associated with the cellular network connection are not available in non-cellular SPECTRE RT routers.
PPPoE configuration is only available on SPECTRE RT routers. It is used to set the PPPoE connection over Ethernet.
B&B Electronics
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
1. Router Configuration using a web browser 9
1.1. Secured access to web configuration 10
1.2. Network status 11
1.3. DHCP status 12
1.4. Cellular WAN status 13
1.5. IPsec status 15
1.6. DynDNS status 15
1.7. System log 16
1.8. LAN configuration 17
1.9. VRRP configuration 22
1.10. Cellular WAN configuration 24
1.10.1. Cellular Carrier Selection 24
1.10.2. GSM/UMTS connection 24
1.10.3. DNS address configuration 26
1.10.4. Check PPP connection configuration 26
1.10.5. Data limit configuration 26
1.10.6. Switch between SIM cards configuration 27
1.10.7. Dial-in Access 28
1.10.8. PPPoE bridge mode configuration 28
1.11. PPPoE configuration 31
1.12. Firewall configuration 32
1.13. NAT configuration 34
1.14. OpenVPN tunnel configuration 37
1.15. IPSec tunnel configuration 41
1.16. GRE tunnels configuration 45
1.17. L2TP tunnel configuration 47
1.18. PPTP tunnel configuration 49
1.19. DynDNS client configuration 51
1.20. NTP client configuration 52
1.21. SNMP configuration 53
1.22. SMTP configuration 56
1.23. SMS configuration 57
1.23.1. Send SMS 59
1.24. Expansion port configuration 65
1.25. USB port configuration 68
1.26. Startup script 71
1.27. Up/Down script 72
1.28. Automatic update configuration 73
1.29. User modules 74
1.30. Change profile 75
1.31. Change password 75
1.32. Set real time clock 76
1.33. Set SMS service center address 76
1.34. Unlock SIM card 76
1.35. Send SMS 77
1.36. Backup configuration 77
1.37. Restore configuration 77
1.38. Update firmware 78
1.39. Reboot 78
2. Router Configuration over Telnet 79
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Picture List
Fig. 1: Web configuration.................................................................................................... 9
Fig. 2: Network status ........................................................................................................12
Fig. 3: DHCP status ............................................................................................................12
Fig. 4: GPRS status ............................................................................................................14
Fig. 5: IPsec status .............................................................................................................15
Fig. 6: DynDNS status ........................................................................................................15
Fig. 7: System log ...............................................................................................................16
Fig. 8: Example syslogd startup script with the parameter -r .........................................16
Fig. 9: Example LAN Configuration Topology for Dynamic DHCP Server......................18
Fig. 10: Example LAN configuration 1 ..............................................................................19
Fig. 11: Network Topology for both Static and Dynamic DHCP Servers ........................20
Fig. 12: Example LAN configuration 2 ..............................................................................20
Fig. 13: Network Topology for LAN configuration example 3 .........................................21
Fig. 14: Example LAN configuration 3 ..............................................................................21
Fig. 15: Network Topology for VRRP configuration example ..........................................23
Fig. 16: Example VRRP configuration – main router .......................................................23
Fig. 17: Example VRRP configuration – backup router ...................................................23
Fig. 18: Cellular WAN configuration ..................................................................................29
Fig. 19: Example of GPRS configuration 1 .......................................................................30
Fig. 20: Example of GPRS configuration 2 .......................................................................30
Fig. 21: Example of GPRS configuration 3 .......................................................................30
Fig. 22: PPPoE configuration ............................................................................................31
Fig. 23: Network Topology of example firewall configuration .........................................33
Fig. 24: Example firewall configuration ............................................................................33
Fig. 25: Topology for NAT configuration example ...........................................................35
Fig. 26: Example NAT configuration 1 ..............................................................................35
Fig. 27: Topology of example NAT configuration.............................................................36
Fig. 28: Example of NAT configuration 2 ..........................................................................36
Fig. 29: OpenVPN tunnel configuration ............................................................................37
Fig. 30: OpenVPN tunnel configuration ............................................................................39
Fig. 31: Topology of example OpenVPN configuration ...................................................40
Fig. 32: IPsec tunnels configuration .................................................................................41
Fig. 33: IPsec tunnel configuration ...................................................................................43
Fig. 34: Topology of example IPsec configuration ...........................................................44
Fig. 35: GRE tunnels configuration ...................................................................................45
Fig. 36: GRE tunnel configuration .....................................................................................45
Fig. 37: Topology of GRE tunnel configuration ................................................................46
Fig. 38: L2TP tunnel configuration ....................................................................................47
Fig. 39: Topology of example L2TP tunnel configuration ................................................48
Fig. 40: PPTP tunnel configuration ...................................................................................49
Fig. 41: Topology of example PPTP tunnel configuration ...............................................50
Fig. 42: Example of DynDNS configuration ......................................................................51
Fig. 43: Example of NTP configuration .............................................................................52
Fig. 44: Example of SNMP configuration ..........................................................................55
Fig. 45: Example of the MIB browser ................................................................................55
Fig. 46: SMTP client configuration ....................................................................................56
Fig. 47: SMTP configuration ..............................................................................................56
Fig. 48: Example of SMS configuration 1 ..........................................................................61
Fig. 49: Example of SMS configuration 2 ..........................................................................62
Fig. 50: Example of SMS configuration 3 ..........................................................................63
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Fig. 51: Example of SMS configuration 4 ..........................................................................64
Fig. 52: Expansion port configuration ..............................................................................66
Fig. 53: Example of expansion port configuration 1 ........................................................67
Fig. 54: Example of expansion port configuration 2 ........................................................67
Fig. 55: USB configuration .................................................................................................69
Fig. 56: Example of USB port configuration 1 ..................................................................70
Fig. 57: Example of USB port configuration 2 ..................................................................70
Fig. 58: Startup script .........................................................................................................71
Fig. 59: Example of Startup script .....................................................................................71
Fig. 60: Up/Down script ......................................................................................................72
Fig. 61: Example of Up/Down script ..................................................................................72
Fig. 62: Example of automatic update 1 ............................................................................74
Fig. 63: Example of automatic update 2 ............................................................................74
Fig. 64: User modules ........................................................................................................74
Fig. 65: Change profile .......................................................................................................75
Fig. 66: Change password .................................................................................................75
Fig. 67: Set real time clock.................................................................................................76
Fig. 68: Set SMS service center address ................................................................ ..........76
Fig. 69: Unlock SIM card ....................................................................................................76
Fig. 70: Send SMS ..............................................................................................................77
Fig. 71: Restore configuration ...........................................................................................77
Fig. 72: Update firmware ....................................................................................................78
Fig. 73: Reboot ...................................................................................................................78
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Table List
Table 1: Interface connection status .................................................................................11
Table 2: Description of information in network status ....................................................11
Table 3: DHCP status description .....................................................................................12
Table 4: Description of cellular network information .......................................................13
Table 5: Description of Time Periods ................................................................................13
Table 6: Description of Cellular statistics .........................................................................13
Table 7: Description of Cellular traffic statistics ..............................................................14
Table 8: DynDNS report .....................................................................................................15
Table 9: Configuration of network interface .....................................................................17
Table 10: Configuration of a dynamic DHCP server ........................................................17
Table 11: Configuration of static DHCP server ................................................................18
Table 12: VRRP configuration ...........................................................................................22
Table 13: Check PPP connection ................................................................ ......................22
Table 14: GPRS connection configuration .......................................................................25
Table 15: Check PPP connection configuration ...............................................................26
Table 16: Data limit configuration .....................................................................................26
Table 17: Default and backup SIM configuration .............................................................27
Table 18: Switch between SIM card configurations .........................................................27
Table 19: Switch between SIM card configurations .........................................................28
Table 20: Dial-In access configuration ..............................................................................28
Table 21: PPPoE configuration .........................................................................................31
Table 22: Firewall configuration ................................................................ ........................32
Table 23: NAT configuration ..............................................................................................34
Table 24: Configuration of send all incoming packets ....................................................34
Table 25: Remote access configuration ...........................................................................34
Table 26: Overview of OpenVPN tunnels ..........................................................................37
Table 27: OpenVPN configuration .....................................................................................38
Table 28: Example OpenVPN configuration .....................................................................40
Table 29: Overview IPsec tunnels ................................ .....................................................41
Table 30: IPsec tunnel configuration ................................................................................42
Table 31: Example IPsec configuration ............................................................................44
Table 32: Overview GRE tunnels .......................................................................................45
Table 33: GRE tunnel configuration ..................................................................................45
Table 34: Example GRE tunnel configuration ..................................................................46
Table 35: L2TP tunnel configuration .................................................................................47
Table 36: Example L2TP tunnel configuration .................................................................48
Table 37: PPTP tunnel configuration ................................................................................49
Table 38: Example PPTP tunnel configuration .................................................................50
Table 39: DynDNS configuration .......................................................................................51
Table 40: NTP configuration ..............................................................................................52
Table 41: SNMP configuration ...........................................................................................53
Table 42: SNMP configuration ...........................................................................................53
Table 43: Object identifier for binary input and output ....................................................54
Table 44: Object identifier for CNT port ...........................................................................54
Table 45: Send SMS configuration ....................................................................................57
Table 46: Control via SMS configuration ..........................................................................57
Table 47: SMS Control Commands ...................................................................................58
Table 48: Send SMS on serial PORT1 configuration ........................................................58
Table 49: Send SMS on serial PORT2 configuration ........................................................58
Table 50: Send SMS on Ethernet Port configuration .......................................................58
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Table 51: AT commands to send and receive SMS messages ........................................59
Table 52: Expansion PORT configuration 1......................................................................65
Table 53: TCP Keep-Alive Configuration ..........................................................................65
Table 54: CD signal description ........................................................................................65
Table 55: DTR signal description ................................................................ ......................66
Table 56: USB port configuration 1 ...................................................................................68
Table 57: USB PORT configuration 2 ................................................................................68
Table 58: CD signal description ........................................................................................68
Table 59: DTR signal description ................................................................ ......................69
Table 60: Automatic update configuration .......................................................................73
Table 61: Telnet commands ...............................................................................................79
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Attention! The SPECTRE 3G router will not operate unless the cellular carrier has been
correctly configured and the account activated and provisioned for data communications. For UMTS carriers, a SIM card must be inserted into the router. Do not insert the SIM card when the router is powered up.
You can monitor the status, configuration and administration of the router via the Web interface. To access the router over the web interface, enter http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx into the URL for the browser where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the router IP address. The modem‟s default IP address is The default username is "root" and the default password is "root".
The left side of the web interface displays the menu. You will find links for the Status, Configuration and Administration of the router.
Name and Location displays the router‟s name, location and SNMP configuration (See SNMP configuration). These fields are user-defined for each router.
For enhanced security, you should change the default password. If the router's default password is set, the menu item "Change password" is highlighted in red.
Fig. 1: Web configuration
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
If the green LED is blinking, you may restore the router to its factory default settings by pressing RST on front panel. The configuration will be restored to the factory defaults and the router will reboot. (The green LED will be on during the reboot.)
1.1. Secured access to web configuration
The Web interface can be accessed through a standard web browser via a secure HTTPS connection.
Access the web interface by entering in the web browser. You may
receive a message that there is a problem with the website‟s security certificate. If you do,
click on “Continue to this website”. If you wish to prevent this message, you must install a
security certificate into the router. Since the domain name in the certificate is given the MAC address of the router (such
addresses use dashes instead of colons as separators), it is necessary to access the router under this domain name. For access to the router via a domain name, a DNS record must be added to the DNS table in the operating system.
There are three methods to add a domain name to the operating system:
Editing /etc/hosts (Linux/Unix) Editing C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows XP) Configuring your own DNS server
You must then add a security certificate to the web server on the router. When using a self-signed certificate, you must upload your files to the certs directory /etc/certs in the router.
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Primary Ethernet interface
PPP Interface (active connection to GPRS/EDGE/CDMA)
OpenVPN tunnel interface
IPSec tunnel interface
GRE tunnel interface
Hardware MAC (unique) address of primary network interface
IP address of primary network interface
IP address second ends connection
Broadcast address
Network Subnet Mask
Maximum transmittable packet size
Number of routers that the packet must pass through
packets – number of received packets errors - number of errors dropped - number of dropped packets overruns – incoming packets lost because of overload frame – number of frame errors
packets – number of transmitted packets errors - number of packet errors dropped - number of dropped packets overruns – number of outgoing packets lost because of overload carrier - outgoing packet errors resulting from the physical layer
Number of collisions on physical layer
Number of packets in the transmit queue
RX bytes
Total number of received bytes
TX bytes
Total number of transmitted bytes
1.2. Network status
To view the current system information for the router, select the Network menu item. The upper part of the window displays detailed information about the active interfaces.
Table 1: Interface connection status
The following detailed information will be shown for each active connection.
Table 2: Description of information in network status
If the PPP connection is active, the system information will appear on the ppp0 interface. For the SPECTRE RT industrial router, interface ppp0 indicates the PPPoE connection.
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Assigned IP address
Time that the IP address was assigned
Time that the IP address lease expires
hardware ethernet
Hardware MAC (unique) address uid
Unique ID
Computer name
Fig. 2: Network status
1.3. DHCP status
Information about the DHCP server can be accessed by selecting the DHCP status.
The DHCP server provides automatic configuration of the client devices connected to the router. The DHCP server assigns each device an IP address, subnet mask, default gateway (IP address of router) and DNS server (IP address of router).
For each client in the list, the DHCP status window displays the following information.
Table 3: DHCP status description
The DHCP status may occasionally display two records for one IP address. This may be caused by resetting the client network interface.
Fig. 3: DHCP status
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Code of cellular operator
The primary cell to which the router is connected
The channel on which the router is communicating
The signal quality of the primary cell
The signal quality of neighboring cells
Current PPP connection time
Definition of the period
Today from 0:00 to 23:59
Yesterday from 0:00 to 23:59
This week
This week from 0:00 on Monday to 23:59 on Sunday
Last week
Last week from 0:00 on Monday to 23:59 on Sunday
This period
This accounting period. The interval must be set in the Cellular WAN Configuration
Last period
Last accounting period. The interval must be set in the Cellular WAN Configuration
Level Min.
Minimum signal strength
Level Avg.
Average signal strength
Level Max.
Maximum signal strength
Number of times that the router switched between cells
Availability of the PPP connection in %
1.4. Cellular WAN status
The SPECTRE RT industrial router does not display the cellular WAN status.
The router displays information about the current cellular WAN connection.
Table 4: Description of cellular network information
If a neighboring cell is highlighted in red, there is a risk that the router may repeatedly switch between the neighboring cell and the primary cell. This can affect the performance of the router. To prevent this, re-orient the antenna or use a directional antenna.
The next section of this window displays historical information about the quality of the cellular WAN connection during each logging period. The router has standard intervals such as the previous 24 hours and last week and also includes information one user-defined interval.
Table 5: Description of Time Periods
Table 6: Description of Cellular statistics
The Availability displayed as a percentage and is calculated as the ratio of the time that the PPP connection was active to the router power on time during the interval.
Placing your cursor on the maximum or minimum signal strength will display the most recent signal strength reading.
The middle part of window displays information about the amount of data transferred and the number of times that a PPP connection was established for each SIM card during the period.
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
RX data
Total volume of received data
TX data
The total volume of data sent
Number of times that a PPP connection was established
Table 7: Description of Cellular traffic statistics
The bottom of the window displays the PPP Connection Log. Check here for information about the status of the PPP connection and any problems with the connection.
Fig. 4: GPRS status
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
DynDNS client is disabled.
Invalid username or password.
Specified hostname doesn‟t exist.
Invalid hostname format.
Hostname exists, but not under specified username.
No update performed yet.
DynDNS record is already up to date.
DynDNS record successfully updated.
DNS error encountered.
DynDNS server failure.
1.5. IPsec status
Selecting the IPsec option in the status menu of the web page will bring up the information for any IPsec Tunnels that have been established. Up to 4 IPsec tunnels can be created. If no IPsec tunnels are configured, the status will show that “IPsec is disabled”.
If an IPsec tunnel is established, the router will show IPsec SA established (highlighted in red) in the IPsec status information.
Fig. 5: IPsec status
1.6. DynDNS status
The router supports DynamicDNS using a DNS server on www.dyndns.org. If Dynamic DNS is configured, the status can be displayed by selecting menu option DynDNS. Refer to www.dyndns.org for more information on how to configure a Dynamic DNS client.
Fig. 6: DynDNS status
Table 8: DynDNS report
For Dynamic DNS to function properly, the router‟s SIM card must have a public IP address assigned.
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
1.7. System log
Use the System Log menu item to view the router system log. The system log contains helpful information on the operation of the router. Only the most recent information is shown on the screen but older log entries can be viewed by saving the system log to a file and opening it with a text editor. The Save button allows you to save the system log to a file. The system log is cleared when the unit re-boots.
Fig. 7: System log
The Syslog default size is 1000 lines. When the system log reaches the maximum size, it is deleted and a new log file is started.
The program syslogd can be run on the router to configure the system log. The syslogd option "-s" followed by decimal number will set the maximum number of lines in the log file. The "-r" option followed by the hostname or IP address will enable logging to a syslog daemon on a remote computer.
On remote Linux machines, the syslog daemon is enabled by running syslogd with the parameter -r. On remote Windows machines, a syslog server such as Syslog Watcher must be installed.
To enable remote logging when the router powers up, modify the script "/etc/init.d/syslog" or add the commands "killall syslogd" and "syslogd <options>" into the startup script.
The following example shows how to send syslog information to a remote server at on startup.
Fig. 8: Example syslogd startup script with the parameter -r
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
DHCP Client
disabled – The router will not obtain an IP address automatically
from a DHCP server on the network.
enabled – The router will attempt to obtain an IP address
automatically from a DHCP server on the network.
IP address
Fixed IP address of the network interface.
Subnet Mask
IP address Subnet Mask for the interface.
Media type
Auto-negotiation – The router automatically selects the
communication speed of the network interface.
100 Mbps Full Duplex – The router communicates at 100Mbps,
in full-duplex mode.
100 Mbps Half Duplex - The router communicates at 100Mbps,
in half-duplex mode.
10 Mbps Full Duplex - The router communicates at 10Mbps, in full-
duplex mode.
10 Mbps Half Duplex - The router communicates at 10Mbps, in
half-duplex mode.
Default Gateway
IP address of Default gateway for the router. When entering IP address of default gateway, all packets for which the record was not found in the routing table are sent to this address.
DNS server
IP address of the primary DNS server for the router.
Enable dynamic DHCP leases
Select this option to enable a dynamic DHCP server.
IP Pool Start
Starting IP address of the range allocated to the DHCP clients.
IP Pool End
Ending IP address of the range allocated to the DHCP clients.
Lease time
Time in seconds that the IP address is reserved before it can be re-used.
1.8. LAN configuration
Select the LAN menu item to enter the network configuration for the Ethernet ports. The main Ethernet port, ETH, is setup in the Primary LAN section. If the router has additional Ethernet ports (PORT1 or PORT2), they are configured under the Secondary LAN section. For routers with 2 additional Ethernet ports, PORT1 and PORT2 are automatically bridged together.
Table 9: Configuration of network interface
The DHCP server assigns the IP address, default gateway IP address, and IP address of the DNS server to the connected DHCP clients.
The DHCP server supports both static and dynamic assignment of IP addresses. In Dynamic IP address assignment, the DHCP server will assign a client the next available IP address from the allowed IP address pool. Once the lease time on an IP address has expired, the DHCP server is free to re-assign that IP to another client.
Table 10: Configuration of a dynamic DHCP server
The DHCP server can also assign a Static IP address to a client. The MAC address of the client must be configured in the MAC address table along with the desired IP address. Up to 6 static IP addresses are supported. Do not overlap the static IP addresses with the addresses allocated by the dynamic DHCP address pool. Otherwise, incorrect network functioning may occur.
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Enable static DHCP leases
Select this option to enable a static DHCP server.
MAC Address
MAC address of a DHCP client.
IP Address
Assigned IP address.
Table 11: Configuration of static DHCP server
Example of the network interface configuration for a dynamic DHCP server:
The range of dynamically allocated addresses is from to The addresses are allocated for 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Fig. 9: Example LAN Configuration Topology for Dynamic DHCP Server
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Fig. 10: Example LAN configuration 1
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Example of the network interface configuration with both dynamic and static DHCP servers:
The allocated address range is from to The address is allocated for 10 minutes. The client with MAC address 01:23:45:67:89:ab has IP address The client with MAC address 01:54:68:18:ba:7e has IP address
Fig. 11: Network Topology for both Static and Dynamic DHCP Servers
Fig. 12: Example LAN configuration 2
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Example of the network interface configuration with default gateway and DNS server:
Default gateway IP address is DNS server IP address is
Fig. 13: Network Topology for LAN configuration example 3
Fig. 14: Example LAN configuration 3
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Virtual Server IP Address
This parameter sets the virtual server IP address. This address must be the same for both the primary and backup routers. Devices on the LAN will use this address as their default gateway IP address.
Virtual Server ID
This parameter distinguishes one virtual router on the network from another. The main and backup routers must use the same value for this parameter.
Host Priority
The active router with highest priority set by the parameter Host Priority, is the main router. According to RFC 2338, the main router should have the highest possible priority - 255. The backup router(s) have a priority in the range 1 – 254 (default value is 100). A priority value of 0 is not allowed.
Ping IP Address
Destination IP address for the Ping commands.
Ping Interval
Interval in seconds between the outgoing Pings.
Ping Timeout
Time in seconds to wait for a response to the Ping.
Ping Probes
Maximum number of failed ping requests
1.9. VRRP configuration
Select the VRRP menu item to enter the VRRP configuration. VRRP protocol (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) allows you to transfer packet routing from the main router to a backup router in case the main router fails. This can be used to provide a wireless cellular backup to a primary wired router in critical application. If the Enable VRRP is checked, you may set the following parameters.
Table 12: VRRP configuration
You may set the Check PPP connection flag in the second part of the window to enable automatic test messages for the cellular network. In some cases, the PPP connection could still be active but the router will not be able to send data over the cellular network. This feature is used to verify that data can be sent over the PPP connection and supplements the normal VRRP message handling. The currently active router (main/backup) will send test messages to the defined Ping IP Address at periodic time intervals (Ping Interval) and wait for a reply (Ping Timeout). If the router does not receive a response to the Ping command, it will retry up to the number of times specified by the Ping Probes parameter. After that time, it will switch itself to a backup router until the PPP connection is restored.
Table 13: Check PPP connection
You may use the DNS server of the mobile carrier as the destination IP address for the test messages (Pings).
The Enable traffic monitoring option can be used to reduce the number of messages that are sent to test the PPP connection. When this parameter is set, the router will monitor the interface for any packets different from a ping. If a response to the packet is received within the timeout specified by the Ping Timeout parameter, then the router knows that the connection is still active. If the router does not receive a response within the timeout period, it will attempt to test the PPP connection using standard Ping commands.
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Main router
Host priority 255
Backup router
Host priority 100
Example of the VRRP protocol:
Virtual server ID 5
Virtual server ID 5
Fig. 15: Network Topology for VRRP configuration example
Fig. 16: Example VRRP configuration – main router
Fig. 17: Example VRRP configuration – backup router
B&B Electronics, Inc. SPECTRE Configuration Manual
Network identifier (Access Point Name)
User name to log into the GSM network.
Password to log into the GSM network.
Authentication protocol in GSM network
PAP or CHAP – Router is chose either authentication method. PAP – Router will use PAP authentication. CHAP – Router will use CHAP authentication.
IP Address
IP address of SIM card. (Required if a static IP address was assigned by the cellular carrier.)
Phone Number
Telephone number to dial a GPRS or CSD connection. Router uses *99***1 # as the default telephone number.
PLNM code for the network operator
Network type
Automatic selection – The router will automatically select the
network type
Depending upon the type of router, it is also possible to select a
specific method of data transmission (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS …).
PIN code for the SIM card. (Only required if the SIM card has been locked
1.10. Mobile WAN configuration
The SPECTRE RT industrial router does not display the Mobile WAN Configuration option.
Select the Mobile WAN menu item to enter the cellular network configuration page.
1.10.1. Cellular Carrier Selection
The SPECTRE 3G Cellular Router can be configured to communicate on up to 2 UMTS or CDMA cellular networks. This allows the router to switch to a second carrier network if there is a problem with the primary network. The router can only communicate on one cellular network at a time and if redundancy is not required, then only one account needs to be activated. For UMTS networks, the account information will be on the SIM card provided by the carrier. For CDMA networks, the account is provisioned by the network provider and a SIM card is not required.
The cellular carrier is selected using the Cellular WAN configuration page. The router supports AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Rogers Cellular networks. Verizon and Sprint have CDMA networks and the others are GSM networks. The default carrier is set to a generic UMTS provider.
1.10.2. GSM/UMTS connection
If the Create PPP connection option is selected, the router will automatically try to establish a PPP connection after power up. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the router will re-boot and try again. For GSM/UMTS networks, the following network information can be configured. In most cases, the necessary information will be included on the SIM card provided by the carrier and these fields can be left empty or at their default values. Please contact your cellular network provider for more information.
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