B&B Electronics PCMCIA 232PCC2 User Manual

Not Recommended for New Installations.
Please contact Technical Support for more information.
PCMCIA RS-232 2-Port Card
Model 232PCC2
Documentation Number 232PCC23799
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B&B Electronics -- Revised September 1999
Documentation Number 232PCC23799 Manual Cover Page
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION............................................................1
CHAPTER 2: DOS / WINDOWS 3.X INSTALLATION......................3
232PCC2 C C
LIENT DRIVER INSTALLATION.................................................................4
OMMAND LINE OPTIONS.........................................................................5
OMMON PROBLEMS ................................................................................9
LIENT DRIVER FOR DOS.........................................................4
Identifying the 232PCC2......................................................................9
Generic Client Drivers Generic Client Drivers...................................9
Available Resources.............................................................................9
Multiple Configuration Attempts..........................................................9
Older Versions of Card and Socket Services .......................................9
CHAPTER 3: 232PCC2 ENABLER FOR DOS...................................10
OMMAND LINE OPTIONS.......................................................................11
OMMON PROBLEMS ..............................................................................13
Identifying the 232PCC2....................................................................13
Memory Range Exclusion..................................................................13
Socket Numbers..................................................................................14
Card and Socket Services Software....................................................14
CHAPTER 4: WINDOWS 95/98 INSTALLATION............................15
NSTALLING A 232PCC2 UNDER WINDOWS 95/98. .................................15
232PCC2 R V
IEWING THE 232PCC2 RESOURCE SETTINGS........................................17
ESOURCE SETTINGS IN WINDOWS 95/98...............................16
CHAPTER 5: HARDWARE INFORMATION...................................21
CHAPTER 6: EXTERNAL CONNECTIONS .....................................22
Documentation Number 232PCC23799 Manual Table of Contents i
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
Chapter 1: Introduction
B&B Electronics 232PCC2 provides two independent RS-232 asynchronous serial communications interfaces for systems equipped with PCMCIA Type II and/or Type III expansion sockets. The 232PCC2 is a PCMCIA Type II (5 mm) card and is PCMCIA PC Card Standard Specification 2.1 compliant. The 232PCC2's serial ports are implemented using 16C550 Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UARTs) that are the recommended communications interface for multitasking environments and applications involving high data transfer rates.
The 232PCC2’s two serial ports are addressable in two modes:
1. Block Mode: The two serial ports are configured in one 16-byte continuous block of I/O address space. The block must begin on an even 16-byte division. Both serial ports share one IRQ level.
2. COM Mode: The two serial ports are configured at the standard COM port I/O address location. The ports may be configured as COM1 and COM3; also, the ports may be configured as COM2 and COM4. Both serial ports share one IRQ level.
A special interrupt status register is also available to simplify the software required to service multiple serial ports in an interrupt driven environment. See the Hardware Information section for details.
NOTE: When installed, a 232PCC2 appears as a DSP-100 by Quatech, Inc.
Bus Interface: PCMCIA PC Card Standard 2.1 compliant
Physical Dimensions: Type II PCMCIA card (5mm) Maximum Baud Rate: 120K Power Requirements: +5 V, 35.9 mA typical, 45.9 mA maximum Connector: Adapter to 2 standard male D-9
Documentation Number 232PCC23799 Manual 1
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
Chapter 2: DOS / Windows 3.x I nstallation
Two configuration software programs are provided with the 232PCC2: a Client Driver, DSP100CL.SYS, and a card Enabler, DSP100EN.EXE. Both of these programs are executed from DOS (before entering Windows) and allow operation of the 232PCC2 in both the DOS and Windows 3.x environments. For optimal operation, however, the Client Driver is the preferred method of installation and configuration. The table below highlights the differences between these programs.
Client Driver
File name: DSP100CL.SYS File name: DSP100EN.EXE File type: DOS device driver File type: DOS executable Interfaces to PCMCIA Card and Socket Services software (PCMCIA host adapter independent)
Allows automatic configuration of 232PCC2 adapters upon insertion (Hot Swapping)
Requires PCMCIA Card and Socket Services software
Table 1. Client Driver vs. Enabler for DOS/Windows 3.x.
Card and Socket Services software is commercially available from several vendors for most desktop and laptop PCs. If you are unsure whether Card and Socket Services software is currently installed on your system, install the 232PCC2 Client Driver as discussed in following section. When loaded, the Client Driver will display an error message if Card and Socket Services software is not detected.
(recommended) Enabler
Interfaces directly to Intel 82365SL and other PCIC compatible PCMCIA host adapters Does not support automatic configuration of 232PCC2 adapters upon insertion (Hot Swapping) Does not require PCMCIA Card and Socket Services software
Documentation Number 232PCC23799 Manual 3
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
232PCC2 Client Driver for DOS
In order to use the 232PCC2 Client Driver, the system must be configured with Card and Socket Services software.
Some versions of Card and Socket Services dated before 1993 do not support general purpose I/O cards. If after careful installation of the Client Driver the 232PCC2 does not configure or operate properly, an updated version of Card and Socket Services may be required.
Client Driver Installation
The following procedure is used to install the 232PCC2 Client Driver:
Copy the file DSP100CL.SYS from the 232PCC2
distribution diskette onto the system's hard drive.
Using an ASCII text editor, open the system's
CONFIG.SYS file located in the root directory of the boot drive.
Locate the line(s) in the CONFIG.SYS file where the
Card and Socket Services software is installed.
the line(s) installing the Card and Socket Services software, add the following line to the CONFIG.SYS file:
DEVICE = drive:\path\DSP100CL.SYS options where options are the 232PCC2 Client Driver command
line options discussed on the following pages.
Save the CONFIG.SYS file and exit the text editor.
Insert the 232PCC2 into one of the system's PCMCIA
slots. NOTE: Since the 232PCC2 Client Driver supports "Hot
Swapping", it is not necessary to have the 232PCC2 installed when booting the system. By inserting the card before booting, however, the Client Driver will report the adapter configuration during the boot process thereby verifying the changes made to the CONFIG.SYS.
4 Documentation Num ber 232P CC23799 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
Reboot the system and note the message displayed when the 232PCC2 Client Driver is loaded. If the Client Driver reports an "invalid command line option", correct the entry in the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot the system again. If the Client Driver reports "Card and Socket Services not found", a version of Card and Socket Services must be installed on the system or the 232PCC2 Enabler program must be used to configure the adapter. If the Client Driver reports the desired adapter configuration, the installation process is complete and the 232PCC2 may be removed and / or inserted from the system as desired. On each insertion into the PCMCIA socket, the 232PCC2 will be automatically re-configured according to the command line options.
Command Line Options
The 232PCC2 Client Driver accepts up to eight command line arguments from the user to determine the configuration of the 232PCC2. If any arguments are provided, the Client Driver will attempt to configure any 232PCC2s with the options specified in the order they are entered on the command line. Each argument must be enclosed in parenthesis and must be separated from other arguments by a space any or all of the following parameters may be specified using a comma
(no spaces) to separate each parameter:
Baddress specifies the base I/O address of the 232PCC2 in
hexadecimal and must reside on an even 16-byte (10H) boundary. This option must be omitted if using the Dmode option. If both the Dmode and Baddress option are omitted, Card and Socket Services will assign a block mode base address.
Dmode specifies a COM mode base I/O address configuration
for the 232PCC2. The D1 option configures the 232PCC2at COM1/COM3 (3F8/3E8), and the D2 option configures the 232PCC2 at COM2/COM4 (2F8/2E8). This option must be omitted if using the Baddress option. If both the Dmode and Baddress options are omitted, Card and Socket Services will assign a block mode base address.
on the command line. Within each argument,
Documentation Number 232PCC23799 Manual 5
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
Iirq specifies the interrupt level (IRQ) of the 232PCC2 in
decimal. irq must be one of the following values: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, or 0 if no IRQ is desired. If this option is omitted, Card and Socket Services will assign an interrupt level.
Ssocket specifies which PCMCIA socket the 232PCC2 must be
inserted into for this configuration argument to be used. socket must be in the range 0 - 15. If this option is omitted, the configuration argument will apply to the 232PCC2 inserted into any socket.
U instructs the Client Driver to disable the 232PCC2's
interrupt status register and enable the Scratchpad registers of the individual UARTs. This option is only required in very rare cases where an application program requires access to the UART's Scratchpad register. If this option is omitted, the 232PCC2's interrupt status register is enabled and the UARTs’ Scratchpad registers are disabled.
Example 1
DEVICE = C:\DSP-100\DSP100CL.SYS In example 1, no command line arguments are specified. The Client
Driver will configure a 232PCC2 inserted into any socket with a base address and IRQ assigned by Card and Socket Services. The 232PCC2's interrupt status register will be enabled.
Example 2
DEVICE = C:\DSP-100\DSP100CL.SYS (d1) In example 2, a single command line argument is provided. The
Client Driver will attempt to configure a 232PCC2 inserted into any socket in COM mode at COM1/COM3 and an IRQ assigned by Card and Socket Services. If address COM1 (3F8) or COM3 (3E8) are unavailable, the 232PCC2 will not be configured. If the Client Driver can successfully configure the 232PCC2, its interrupt status register will be enabled.
6 Documentation Num ber 232P CC23799 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
Example 3
DEVICE = C:\DSP-100\DSP100CL.SYS (s0,b300,i5) In example 3, a single command line argument is provided. The
Client Driver will attempt to configure a 232PCC2 inserted into socket 0 with a base address of 300H and IRQ 5. If address 300H or IRQ 5 is unavailable, the 232PCC2 will not be configured. In addition, if a 232PCC2 is inserted into any other socket, it will not be configured. If the Client Driver can successfully configure the 232PCC2, its interrupt status register will be enabled.
Example 4
DEVICE = C:\DSP-100\DSP100CL.SYS (i5,e,u,b300) In example 4, a single command line argument is provided.
Because the parameter order is not significant, the Client Driver will attempt to configure a 232PCC2 inserted into any socket with a base address of 300H and IRQ 5. If address 300H or IRQ 5 is unavailable, the 232PCC2 will not be configured. If the Client Driver can successfully configure the 232PCC2, its interrupt status register will be disabled (Scratchpad registers enabled).
Example 5
DEVICE = C:\ DSP-100\DSP100CL.SYS (b300,i5) (i10) ( ) In example 5, three command line arguments are provided. The
Client Driver first attempts to configure a 232PCC2 inserted into any socket with a base address of 300H and IRQ 5. If address 300H or IRQ 5 is unavailable, the Client Driver will proceed to the second command line argument and attempt to configure the card with a base address assigned by Card and Socket Services and IRQ 10. If IRQ 10 is also unavailable, the Client Driver will proceed to the third command line argument and attempt to configure the 232PCC2 with a base address and
an IRQ assigned by Card and Socket Services. If the 232PCC2 is successfully configured, its interrupt status register will be enabled.
Documentation Number 232PCC23799 Manual 7
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - P O Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Comm erci a l P ark – Oran more, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353-91-792444 – Fax +353-91-792445
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