B&B Electronics OP10 User Manual

User Manual
1.1 Function ..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 General Specification..........................................................................................................1
1.3 Dimension...........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Installation...........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Components ........................................................................................................................2
1.5.1 LCD..........................................................................................................................2
1.5.2 Keys .........................................................................................................................2
1.5.3 Communication Ports...............................................................................................4
2 The Editing Software OP10-PCLINK............................................................................................6
2.1 General Introduction of OP10-PCLINK .............................................................................6
2.2 About the Project and Screen..............................................................................................6
2.3 Contents of the Screen ........................................................................................................6
2.4 Flowchart of Using..............................................................................................................6
2.5 Editing the User’s Screen....................................................................................................7
2.5.1 Create a New Project................................................................................................7
2.5.2 Making Basic Screen................................................................................................9
2.5.3 Configuration of OP10...........................................................................................10
2.5.4 Properties of OP10................................................................................................. 11
2.5.5 Text.........................................................................................................................12
2.5.6 Dynamic Text.........................................................................................................13
2.5.7 Function Keys ........................................................................................................15
2.5.8 Data Display...........................................................................................................18
2.5.9 Data Setting............................................................................................................21
2.5.10 LED......................................................................................................................24
2.5.11 Function Keys (for controlling the status switches).............................................25
2.5.12 Bar Graph.............................................................................................................26
2.5.13 Trend Line ............................................................................................................28
2.5.14 Alarm List ............................................................................................................29
2.5.15 Chief button..........................................................................................................31
2.5.16 Copy the value of registers form one device to other...........................................32
2.5.17 Preset dynamic text ..............................................................................................34
2.5.18 Preset register.......................................................................................................36
2.6 Save Project.......................................................................................................................38
2.7 Download Window ...........................................................................................................38
2.8 Importing .OPf Project......................................................................................................40
3 Manipulation................................................................................................................................44
3.1 Communication.................................................................................................................44
3.2 Changing the screens ........................................................................................................44
3.3 System Password...............................................................................................................44
4 Create new device ........................................................................................................................48
5 Communication............................................................................................................................57
5.1. Communication port ........................................................................................................57
5.2 Communication connect....................................................................................................58
5.2.1 OP10 downloading cable ( write configuration screens ) ......................................58
5.2.2 Connect with TP03 (include SR type) PG port through RS-422............................58
5.2.3 Connect with TP03 through 485 port.....................................................................59
5.2.4 Connect with SG2 through 232 port (suitable for all types of SG2)......................60
5.2.5 Connect with SG2-V type with 485 port................................................................60
5.2.6 Connect with EV300 through 485 port ..................................................................61
5.2.7 Connect with SV300 ..............................................................................................61

1 Summary

1.1 Function

OP10 is a Human-Machine Interface that is used with many kinds of PLC (or the other
intelligent controllers with communication ports). With OP10, both the values of the PLC inner
registers and the relays status of PLC can be monitored or changed through texts or LEDs. So the
operation of the machines or the devices is more easy and convenient.
OP10 programmable text monitor has many features:
The screens are made with the editor OP10-PCLINK on PC. Text including Chinese
characters can be input and the PLC address can be set. The screens are downloaded with serial
The PLC communication protocols are downloaded to the OP10 with the data of the
screens, so the engineer don’t need to program of communication.
Support modbus RTU protocol. Users can set 6 passwords, which have 3 levels. Alarm list function. The current alarm information is displayed one by one. It has 24 keys, which can be defined as function keys. There is a keyboard for numeric
input. The manipulation is simple. Some of the mechanic buttons on the controlling cabinet can be
substituted with them.
Various communication modes can be selected. Any of RS232, RS422 and RS485 is OK.
OP10 supports different screens in one project communicating with other devices through
different ports.

1.2 General Specification

Item Specification Remark
Dimension 179.5*101.5*33 mm
Height Not higher than an altitudes of
Pollute level Pollute level 2 IEC61131-3-3.45.2
Running Status
Transport &
Strike 3 vertical directions 15g,11ms
Temperature -40~70
Height Not higher than an altitudes of
Fall down
DC24V -15%~+10%
10%~95%,no dew
5f 9 Hz 1.75mm range
shaking 9f150Hz 0.5g shaking
With production packing 0.3m
With transport packing 1m

1.3 Dimension

1.4 Installation

Fix plate

1.5 Components

1.5.1 LCD

4.3” monochromic display, 192*64 pixels, olivine background.

1.5.2 Keys

On the front panel of OP10, there is a LCD display and 24 thin film switches. The keys have
a good touch feeling, and they are endurable and reliable. Besides being used for the basic
functions, all the 24 keys can be set for local functions or Chief functions.
The basic functions of the function keys:
KEY Basic Function
When pressed, the OP10 will return to system initial screen. The user can
designate the system initial screen during the screen making procedure (default
value is screen no. 1, screen no.0 is prohibited). Usually the Main Menu screen
or the most-frequently-used screen is set to be the initial screen.
When pressed, the OP10 will shift to the predefined alarm list information
screen. It can also be defined as a specific function key.(If there is no alarm list
in the project, system function is ineffective.)
Left shift the digit being edited when changing the register data. When pressed, the digit twinkling will be shifted to the left one. Right shifting the digit being edited when changing the register data. When pressed, the digit twinkling will be shifted to the right one.
Jump to the previous screen. The number of the previous screen is designated in
the Screen Attribute option (default value is the result of subtracting 1 from the current screen number).
In the data setting mode, pressing it can add 1 to the digit being edited. The
value will increase from 0 to 9, then return to 0…… (DEC); increase from 0 to
F, then return to 0……(HEX)
Jump to the next screen. The number of the next screen is designated in the
Screen Attribute option (default value is the result of adding 1 to the current
screen number)
In the data setting mode, pressing it will subtract 1 from the digit being edited.
The value will decrease from 9 to 0, then return to 9……(DEC); increase from
0 to F, then return to 0……(HEX)
Press it to enter the mode for editing the value of registers. The register being
operated is displayed in reverse color. The digit being edited is flickeringly
displayed. If the current screen contains no register setting components, no
operation will be executed. When [SET] is re-pressed before [ENT] is pressed,
the edition done to the current register will be canceled. The user can continue
to operate the next data register.
NOTE: The function of register setting for [SET] can NOT be disabled by
the user-defined function.
When password protection is enabled, pressing it will pop up a screen for
password setting.
In register setting mode, pressing it means the edition on the current register is
finished. The edited data will be saved. Then the edition will move to the next
register. After the edition on the last register on the current screen has been
finished, it will quit from the register setting mode.
When pressed in the process of data input, you can clear the current data.
When you input the numbers with symbol, pressing it can change the symbol.
Keys , which are user-defined for local-button function
All of the 24 keys can be defined for specific functions by users, for example, setting the
status of the coils, screen jumping, setting the registers, increasing by degrees, descending, etc.
Local button can be set in the current screen. It is effective only when the current screen is
Keys, which are user-defined for Chief-button function
All of the 24 keys can be defined for specific functions by users, for example, setting the
status of the coils, screen jumping, setting the registers, increasing by degrees, descending, etc.
Chief button can be set under the tool menu. It is effective whatever which screen is
The priority of the functions
When a key is user-defined for a specific function, it has many functions. But only when the
function which has the highest priority can be executed. Other functions are ignored.
Except for the [SET], [ALM] keys, the priority from high to low is: local buttonÆChief
buttonÆbasic function.
[SET], [ALM] keys, the priority from high to low is: basic functionÆlocal buttonÆChief
The basic function of register setting for [SET] has the highest priority. So if there is a
function of setting register in the current screen, please don’t define [SET] for other functions.
Pressing [SET], after entering the setting function, all of the user-defined keys’ functions are not
effective until setting function is ended.
[ALM] key has the highest priority when there is a alarm list. So if there is a function of
adding alarm list, please don’t define [ALM] for other functions. Pressing [ALM] key, after
entering the alarm list, the user-defined local buttons are ineffective. [], [], [ESC] keys return
to their basic functions. Others hold the Chief button functions which have been defined before.
OP10 display has LED background light itself. As long as there is a key manipulation, the
background light will be on. Consumers also can set the background light always on.
1. They can be used as button controller, setting status of the coils, screen
jumping or editing the values of the registers
2. When users in the mode of editing the value of registers, the keys can input
values directly.
Chief control keys. Their basic function is switching screens, changing the
status of the coils and IO, editing the values of the registers, etc. The high-level
function is controlling the destination machine to be powered on or off, etc.

1.5.3 Communication Ports

OP10 has two communication ports: COM1 and RS485. COM1 is used for downloading user
programs, and offers RS422/RS232 port. RS485 offers RS485 port.
Pin Definition Explanation
1 TX+ 422 send positive signal
2 RX 232 receive signal
3 TX 232 send signal
4 NC Interior used, can not be
connected with GND
5 GND 0 level
6 TX- 422 send negative signal
7 VCC 5V high level
8 RX- 422 receive negative signal
9 RX+ 422 receive positive signal

2 The Editing Software OP10-PCLINK

2.1 General Introduction of OP10-PCLINK

OP10-PCLINK is the specific configuration software for the programmable text monitor
OP10. It can run on the SCREENS 98/2000/XP/vista platforms. It is easy to study and convenient
to use. The user can input English/Chinese characters directly.

2.2 About the Project and Screen

The basic element of a project is the screen. All the screens for one certain project are saved
in a single project file. Every screen is made to execute some certain functions. By arranging the
screens, the user can jump from one screen to another. The application project file is composed of
all the screens.

2.3 Contents of the Screen

After opening a project, users can create (“new”) or open (“open”) a screen. The user can put
some elements such as characters (English or Chinese), LEDs, switches, data inputting boxes and
jump keys on every screen. Jumping between different screens is allowed. The operator can carry
on the operations such as data monitoring, parameter setting, switch controlling, alarm list
monitoring and data transferring between registers of PLCs.

2.4 Flowchart of Using

The basic flowchart of using is shown in the following figure:
Run the
Read OP10
the screens
Create or
Open a
Save the
Create or
Open a
Edit the

2.5 Editing the User’s Screen

2.5.1 Create a New Project

Run the software OP10-PCLINK and create a project, after which a screen editor will be
showed on the screen.
The screen-editing region is on the center of the editor. There is a grid of white dots in the
display region. The distance between every two rows and two columns is 16 points. The whole
region is a matrix of 192*64 points. The user can refer to the dots nearby to align the components
when laying or moving them. When necessary, change X and Y positions of the components to
locate them in arbitrary positions.
The table below is the description of all the buttons in the toolbar:
Button Function
Create a new project
Open project
Save project
Download the configuration project to OP10.
Upload the project inside OP10
Translate and edit the project, show the information of the project.
New screen, pressing the key “New” in the screen indicator will also
new a screen.
Edit the attribute of the screen
Change a screen with the copy of another one
Delete the current screen
Designate the initial screen. When the display is running, the system
will return to the initial screen directly if [ESC] is pressed. Usually
the main menu or the screen most-frequently used is set to be the
initial screen; set the system password; set the definition number of
the interactive controlling register.
Login the Alarm List information. Every piece of information
represents a status of the select variable.
Set Chief button
Change the data of the registers with the copy of another device.
Preset dynamic text
Preset register
Select the proper PLC type. Then click “Set” button down beside the port name to set
communication parameter.
or activate [File][New] command in the menu to pop up a dialog box for PLC
Select the proper baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity and communication port in the dialog
box. OP10 supports the function that two communication ports can connect with different PLCs
and transducers using different communication formats.
Selecting the proper PLC type which bases on the destination controller. When
OP10-PCLINK downloads (writes) the screens, it sends the appointed PLC communication
protocol and the data of the screens to OP10 all together. When the display is running, it
communicates with PLC through the protocol.

2.5.2 Making Basic Screen

In the example given below, the PLC type is TP03. The example will give you a general
description of screen making.
Firstly, enter the system initial screen (default value is screen no.1) editing mode. The
properties of the current screen (screen no.1) are shown at the right and bottom edge of the
interface. Every screen has its own properties, which include 4 items:
Screen Description:
Descript the use of the screen. It helps the designer to note the use of all the screens.
(can be omitted),for example:“ main menu”
When Up Arrow key ([▲]) pressed, jump to screen:
The number of the screen that it will jump to when Up Arrow key pressed.
When Down Arrow key ([▼]) pressed, jump to screen:
The number of the screen that it will jump to when Down Arrow key pressed.
Choose communication port:
OP10 supports every individual screen choosing its own communication ports.
The most convenient way for screen jumping is to press [ESC], [] and [] when the OP10
is running. The user can also jump from one screen to another by pressing the user-defined
function keys.
If the [▲] and [] key in the current screen are defined for other functions, the screen
jumping parameters of the screen properties are invalid.
If the screen designated by the [▲] key doesn’t exist, the system will search up until the
existing screen is found and jump to it. It will stop at screen 1 if no screen is found. The
situation of the [] key is similar, that means the system will search down for the
screen if the designated one doesn’t exist..
If there are some data setting components in the screen, [] and [] key will execute
the function of value increase and decrease in the data setting mode. After quitting the
data setting mode, the [] and [] key will execute the basic function for screen
Choose the communication port of the screen. Users can choose COM1/485 port as the
communication port of the current screen. Users also can set the COM1/485
communication port of OP10 to demand the data of different destination host at the
same time.
For example: Screen 1 can be set as communicating through 232; Screen 2 can be set as
communicating through 485.They are separate.

2.5.3 Configuration of OP10

or activate [Tools][OP10 serial Set] command to pop up a dialog box for
configuring the system parameters of OP10:
Initial Screen
The first screen will be displayed after power on. Usually this screen is set to be the
main menu screen or the most-frequently-used screen. Press [ESC] when the OP10 is running,
the system will jump to this screen directly.
Screen Saver
Under default conditions, the backlight is set to be “never”. The time can be set by the
user. If it is set to be “never”, the backlight will keep on. Also, the screen can be set to jump
to a screensaver screen when no key is pressed in configurable time.
Note: If the screen has jumped to a screen saver screen, the pressing of any key will not carry
out any function. Any operation will awake the screen saver to return to the original screen.
OP10 serial Status Control
Usually the screen changing is executed by pressing the keys. Besides, the PLC can
change screen by changing the data in register. If this property is selected, the number ‘n’ will
be written into the D300 (for example) controlling register at the beginning of running, then
OP10 will jump to screen No.n. OP10 write the current screen no. into D301, so PLC can
know the status of the status of OP10. (Users can choose the function to clear the register in
the screen. After jumping to that screen, the data in controlling register will be cleared.)
Note: The user can define the address of the interactive controlling register.
Encrypt the project
Users can upload the project from OP10 to Pc and edit it. If the users hope the
configuration screens in the production can’t be uploaded illegally, they can choose this
option. After choosing the option, although someone has the highest level password in the
project, he can’t upload the data.
Communication time
Communication time is the interval between OP10 sends two communication commands.
Its value can be set between 10ms-100ms. If the corresponding controller answers fast, the
communication time can be reduced. On the contrary, increase the time. Under the default
condition, OP10 sends communication data every 20ms.
The time decides when OP10 demanding data overflows. Some controllers read data fast,
but take a long time to write data. At this condition, users can set the longest write time as
overtime to avoid data setting errors when increase data of register by degrees.

2.5.4 Properties of OP10

Component Function
Input text, including Chinese characters and English letters.
Dynamic text list. The content of the text can be changed under the
control of PLC register.
Register components. The user can dispose some data setting/monitoring
components with it. (the relate address are the PLC registers)
LED indicator. Indicate the on/off status of the inner delays in PLC.
Function key. All of 24 keys can be defined to be function keys. They
can execute the functions such as screen jumping and switch control.
Bar graph. Monitor the data change in PLC in the form of bar graphs.
Trend line. Monitor the data change in PLC in the form of trend lines.
Paste pictures. Paste a monochrome BMP picture (Max. 192×64 pixels)
onto the screen.
Alarm list. Users can set 8 groups of alarm lists corresponding to 8
different hosts at most. There are at most 32 pieces of alarm information
in each group.

2.5.5 Text

The example below shows how to design a main menu screen as the screen no.1.
Firstly, lay the text “Main Menu”. Press
and click the left button on the editing region to
affirm the operation (right click will cancel it). After left click, the default text “TEXT” will be
displayed in the editing region. The properties of the text are displayed below the editing region.
The text string will move as the user moves the cursor. To locate the text in an arbitrary position,
edit the X and Y coordinates. Changing the content of the text to “OP10_TP03”, the
corresponding text string will be displayed in the editing region.
X value represents the horizontal position of the text string.
Y value represents the vertical position of the text string.
The origin of the position is the up-left corner of the screen.
Double: The text will be displayed in double size, both horizontally and vertically.
Reverse: The text and the background will be displayed in reversed color.
Tex t
The content that will be actually displayed is input here. The user can input English
letters or Chinese characters with various kinds of Chinese input methods in this textbox. The
content in it can be copied or pasted.

2.5.6 Dynamic Text

and click the left button on the editing region to affirm the operation (right click
will cancel it). After left click, the default text “DYNAMIC TEXT” will be displayed on the
editing region. The properties of the dynamic text are displayed below the editing region. The text
string will move as the user moves the cursor. To locate the dynamic text in an arbitrary position,
edit the X and Y coordinates.
X value represents the horizontal position of the text.
Y value represents the vertical position of the text.
The origin of the position is at the up-left corner of the screen.
Double: The text will be displayed in double size, both horizontally and vertically.
Reverse: The text and the background will be displayed in reversed color.
The PLC data register for controlling the status change of the dynamic text.
Determine the data form of the data register. The form will affect the display form of the
numeric items in the dynamic text.
Users can choose “Bit element” or “word element”.
When users choose bit element, dynamic text relates with the status of the select
variable inside the PLC. The corresponding text can be set to 0 or 1, two kinds of status .
The picture below shows bit text:
When M0 is 0, the dynamic text shows “M0=0”. By contraries, it shows “M0=1”.
If the dynamic text corresponding to word element, it can keep the texts corresponding
to as many as 32 different statuses.
Display Text
Log the different text content corresponding to different values of the data register. It
can keep the texts corresponding to as many as 32 different statuses. The value of the text can
be inconsecutive. Consumers can input the value themselves.
Example: Display the dynamic text controlled by register D10. The dynamic text to be
displayed has three statuses: “In gear”, “Temp. Lower” and “Position arrived”. The three
texts correspond to the D10 register value 2a, 30e and d43f (HEX form) respectively. Input
“2a” in the “Value” space of the first row and “In gear” in the “Context” space on the right.
Input the other two statuses in the same way. If the value of register D10 is 2a, the dynamic
text be displayed is “In gear”. If it is 30e, “Temp Lower” will be displayed. Other conditions
can be inferred from the two examples above. The example is shown in the figure below:

2.5.7 Function Keys

Next, configure the function keys in the main menu screen to execute the function of screen
jumping (for example, press [] to jump to the parameter setting screen; press [] to jump to the
mode setting screen). The procedure of defining the function keys is:
to activate a dotted rectangular box. The box moves as the cursor moves. Click
the left button to determine the position of the function key. A hand shape and the function key to
be defined (default key is []) are displayed in the editing region. The properties of the function
key are displayed below the editing region. The meanings of position and style are the same as
those in the text property. They indicate the position,the size and the color of the graph.
The function key setting screen is shown in the figure below:
Select a proper key from the 24 keys. Do not conflict with system keys.
For the convenience of use, add a hand shape symbol before the key symbol. The hand
indicates that pressing the key will carry out an operation. The user can remove the hand
shape to save the space.
The user can make the symbols of some keys invisible in the screen. But the functions
of those keys are still valid.
Only when the system password is entered correctly, the function key can execute its
The function key is defined to set a switch.
The key is defined to execute the screen jumping function.
The key is defined to set the register parameters.
The value of the destination register will increase an appointed constant in the range of
The value of the destination register will decrease an appointed constant in the range of
The station number of PLC
When the key is defined to set a switch, the definition number of the PLC relay
corresponding to the switch is determined by the type here.
Group name & Element name
Set the address of the relay.
Set ON
Set the designated relay on.
Set the designated relay off.
Set the designated relay to be of negative logic.
Instantaneous on
The designated relay will be set on when the key is pressed down. When the key is
released, the relay will be set off.
Instantaneous off
The designated relay will be set off when the key is pressed down. When the key is
released, the relay will be set on.
Click the down arrow on the right of the list to show the names of the 24 keys. Select the
proper key to be defined.
To make the screen simple, the hand shape can be removed by not selecting the checkbox
“Hand”. So only the keys are shown on the screen. Select the option button “Jump to” to define
the key as a screen jumping function key. Designate the target screen number below the key. If the
number is 10, it means screen no.10 is the parameter setting screen.
To hide the parameter setting screen, select the checkbox “Password” to enable the password
property. Thus the system will jump to screen no.10 only when the password entered has the same
or higher priority and it is correct.
After setting the function key, put the text “set parameter” beside the key symbol to inform
the operator that it will jump to the screen for parameter setting when [] is pressed.
Note: To leave some margin for inserting new screens, the number of different kinds of screens
should be non-continuous.
Setting register parameter with a single function key:
To write a parameter (or constant) to a designated register, select a function key from the key
list and select the option button “Register”. The constant parameter will be written to the
designated register when that key is pressed during running. Setting as the following figure will
write the hexadecimal number 7FFF to the D register at address 0.
Increasing the constant of the register with a single function key:
To increase a parameter (or constant) to a designated register, select a function key from the
key list and select the option button “Increase”. The constant parameter will increase by degrees
until reach the upper limit value. The example below can let the register D0 add 100 every time
when the key pressed, the upper limit value is FFFF (Hex).
Degression is similar. Users should set the lower limit value. Under the default condition, the Min
limit value is 0.
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