B&B Electronics MESR900 User Manual

Manual Documentation Number MESR9xx-4113m
VVlliinnxx MMEESSRR99xxxx
DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn NNuummbbeerr:: MMEESSRR99xxxx--44111133mm
TThhiiss pprroodduucctt wwaass ddeessiiggnneedd aanndd mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd iinn OOttttaawwaa,, IIlllliinnooiiss UUSSAA
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IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall HHeeaaddqquuaarrtteerrss
2010 B&B Electronics Mfg. Co. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without written consent. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of B&B Electronics Mfg. Co. Inc.
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October 2013
Manual Documentation Number MESR9xx-4113m
Table of Contents
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
About MESR9xx Modbus Gateways ...................................................................................................................................... 1
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Model Numbering ..................................................................................................................... 2
List of MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Models ........................................................................................................................... 3
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Features ................................................................................................................................... 4
Vlinx Manager Configuration Software .................................................................................................................................. 5
2. MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Hardware ............................................................................................................ 6
Package Checklist ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Enclosures and Mounting ......................................................................................................... 6
LED Indicators....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
E1/E2 Ethernet Link LED ......................................................................................... 7
Ready LED ................................................................................................................ 7
Serial Port LEDs ....................................................................................................... 7
Mode Switch ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Ethernet Connector ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Fiber Optic Connectors ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Serial Port Connectors .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Power Connector ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Mounting Hardware ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
3. Modbus Gateway Setup and Connections ................................................................................................... 11
Connecting the Power Supply ................................................................................................................................ ............. 11
Connecting MESR9xx Modbus Gateways to Modbus networks ........................................................................................... 11
Connecting the MESR9x1-x .................................................................................... 12
Connecting the MESR9x2T-x .................................................................................. 13
Connecting the MESR9x2D-x .................................................................................. 13
Connecting MESR9xx Modbus Gateways to a Network....................................................................................................... 14
Network Connection (10BaseT/100BaseTX) ........................................................... 14
Fiber optic Connection ........................................................................................... 14
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Configuration Connections ..................................................................................................... 14
Installing Modbus Configuration Manager Software .............................................. 14
Configuring the MESR9xx Modbus Gateway via the Network Connection ............. 19
Configuring the MESR9xx Modbus Gateway on Networks without a DHCP Server34 Configuring the MESR9xx Modbus Gateway via the Serial Port (Console Mode) . 37
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Operational Connections ........................................................................................................ 39
Using MESR9xx Modbus Gateways in Direct IP Mode .......................................... 39
Initiating a Hardware Reset on the Modbus Gateway .......................................................................................................... 40
Reloading Factory Defaults ................................................................................................................................................. 40
4. Upgrading the Modbus Gateway Firmware.......................................................................................................... 41
Downloading Firmware Files ............................................................................................................................................... 42
Uploading the Firmware to the Modbus Gateway ................................................................................................................ 42
5. Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................................... 43
Testing a Modbus Gateway Connection .............................................................................................................................. 43
Monitor Function ................................................................................................................................................................. 45
6. Application Examples ..................................................................................................................................... 46
Ethernet Master and Serial Slaves ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Serial & Ethernet Masters, Serial & Ethernet Slaves............................................................................................................ 52
Serial Masters, IP Slaves .................................................................................................................................................... 54
Identical Hard Coded Slaves ............................................................................................................................................... 60
Identical Production Lines ................................................................................................................................................... 61
7. Modbus Help ................................................................................................................................................... 62
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Table of Contents
Modbus ASCII/RTU Basics ................................................................................................................................................. 62
Hints and Tips ..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
8. Appendices ..................................................................................................................................................... 64
Appendix A: Default Gateway Settings ................................................................................................................................ 65
Appendix B: Product Specifications ..................................................................................................................................... 66
General Specifications ............................................................................................ 67
Controls, Indicators and Connector Specifications ................................................. 68
Serial Interface Specifications ................................................................................ 69
Network Specifications ............................................................................................ 70
Appendix C: Dimensional Diagrams .................................................................................................................................... 71
Appendix D: Connector Pinouts ........................................................................................................................................... 75
MESR901-x Serial Port Pinouts .............................................................................. 75
MESR902T-x Serial Port Pinouts............................................................................ 77
Standard Ethernet Cable RJ-45 Pin-out .................................................................. 78
9. Glossary .......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Page ii Manual Documentation Number MESR9xx-2113m
1. Introduction VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
Thank you for purchasing a MESR9xx Modbus Gateway product! This product has been manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance to ensure your complete satisfaction.
Figure 1. An MESR921 Modbus Gateway
About MESR9xx Modbus Gateways
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways connect Modbus networks (RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485) to Ethernet networks, allowing the Modbus network to become a node on the network. The serial ports can be accessed over a LAN/WAN using Direct IP Mode connections. MESR9xx Modbus Gateways feature 10BaseT or 100BaseTX copper network media and fiber optic media options, depending on the model. MESR9xx Modbus Gateways are built for use in industrial environments, featuring an IP30 approved slim line DIN rail mountable case. They operate from a range of DC power supply voltages and feature pluggable terminal block power connectors. An external power supply, sold separately, is required. The photograph above is an MESR921 gateway. The MESR92x units have an additional Ethernet port which functions much like an Ethernet Switch. MESR90x units have one Ethernet port.
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1. Introduction VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Model Numbering
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways are a growing family of products. Models are available with one or two serial connections. Network connection options include 10BaseT/100BaseTX copper or several different fiber optic options. The following diagram shows the model numbering scheme:
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1. Introduction VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
DB9 & TB 1 Copper
DB9 & TB 1 SM Fiber (40 km)
DB9 & TB 1 SM Fiber (80 km)
DB9 & TB 1 SM Fiber (40 km)
DB9 & TB 1 SM Fiber (80 km)
TB 1 Copper
TB 1 SM Fiber (40 km)
TB 1 SM Fiber (15 km)
TB 1 SM Fiber (40 km)
TB 1 SM Fiber (80 km)
DB9 & TB 2 (2) Copper
(2) RJ-45
DB9 & TB
MM Fiber & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
DB9 & TB
MM Fiber & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
DB9 & TB
SM Fiber (15 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
DB9 & TB
SM Fiber (40 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
DB9 & TB
SM Fiber (80 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
DB9 & TB
SM Fiber (15 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
DB9 & TB
SM Fiber (40 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
DB9 & TB
SM Fiber (80 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
TB 2 (2) Copper
(2) RJ-45
TB 2 MM Fiber & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
TB 2 MM Fiber & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
SM Fiber (15 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
SM Fiber (40 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
SM Fiber (80 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) SC
SM Fiber (15 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & 1 ST
List of MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Models
The following table lists the various MESR9xx Modbus Gateway models available.
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1. Introduction VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
SM Fiber (40 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
SM Fiber (80 km) & Copper
(1) RJ-45 & (1) ST
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Features
Four series models
MESR901-x (single serial port, single Ethernet Port) MESR902T-x (two serial ports with pluggable terminal blocks, single Ethernet
MESR921-x (single serial port, two Ethernet Ports) MESR922T-x (two serial ports with pluggable terminal blocks, two Ethernet
On models with two Ethernet Ports, the second port is an Ethernet pass-
through port. This port functions much like an unmanaged switch.
Fiber models available for each of the above series Multi-interface serial ports DB-9M and pluggable terminal block serial port connector options All ports are software selectable as RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 2- and 4-wire Configuration can be done via network or direct serial connection Slim line DIN rail mountable case Accepts DC power over a wide voltage range 10/100 Mbps Ethernet with Auto Selection, Auto MDI/MDIX LAN and WAN Communications TCP Client or Server operation - configurable Firmware Upload for future revisions/upgrades Software Support - Windows 2000, XP (32/64 bit), 2003 Server (32/64 bit), Vista
(32/64 bit), 2008 Server (32/64 bit), Windows 7 (32/64 bit)
Configuration of Ethernet and serial port settings using Vlinx Manager software
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1. Introduction VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Vlinx Manager Configuration Software
Vlinx Manager configuration software enables you to find connected Modbus gateways, configure them, upgrade Modbus gateway firmware, and save/load configuration files. It features a graphical user interface (GUI) that is convenient and easy to use.
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2. Hardware VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
22.. MMEESSRR99xxxx MMooddbbuuss GGaatteewwaayy HHaarrddwwaarree
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways are enclosed in DIN rail mountable enclosures and feature LED indicators, power, Ethernet and serial connectors and a recessed Mode switch.
Package Checklist
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways are shipped with the following items included:
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Module Quick Start Guide CD with User Manual, Quick Start Guide and firmware, and configuration
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Enclosures and Mounting
All MESR9xx Modbus Gateway models are built into similar enclosures. Modules are DIN rail mountable. The MESR92x (shown below) enclosure is larger than the MESR90x.See the specification table for dimensions.
Figure 2. Front View of an MESR921 Modbus Gateway
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2. Hardware VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
LED Indicators
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways have three types of LED indicators: Ethernet Link LEDs, a Ready LED and Serial Port LEDs.
Figure 3. Ready Ethernet Port LEDs on 1 and 2 Ethernet Port Modbus Gateways
E1/E2 Ethernet Link LED
The Ethernet Link LED (E1 or E2) illuminates (green) if the Ethernet is connected. When the LED is blinking it indicates that there is data traffic on the Ethernet link.
E1 is used for all models to connect to the network. E2 is used on MESR92X models, and is a pass-through Ethernet connector.
Ready LED
The Ready LED (green) blinks if the system is operating correctly, once per second in normal operating conditions, or three times per second in reset, configuration mode, or when loading factory defaults. If the LED is off or steady, it indicates the system is not operating correctly.
Serial Port LEDs
MESR901-x Modbus Gateways feature one serial port. MESR902D, and MESR902T-x Modbus Gateways feature two serial ports. Each serial port has an associated LED. Serial Port LEDs blink (green) when data is being transmitted or received on the serial port. When the LED is On it indicates the serial port is open.
Figure 4. Serial Port LEDs on 1 and 2 Serial Port Modbus Gateways
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2. Hardware VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Mode Switch
A recessed momentary reset switch is located on the top of the enclosure. To activate the switch, insert a small plastic tool through the hole in the enclosure and press lightly.
Figure 5. Mode Switch
The Mode switch can be used to:
Initiate a Hardware Reset Enter Console Mode Reload factory defaults
Note: Refer to Section 3. Modbus Gateway Setup and Connections for more information on using the Mode switch.
Ethernet Connector
Modbus gateway models using 10BaseT/100BaseTX network connections use an RJ45 receptacle. The Modbus gateway is connected to a standard Ethernet network drop using a straight-through RJ45 (male) Ethernet cable.
Figure 6. Ethernet Connectors. E2 is pass-through connection on model shown
Note: Refer to Appendix D for connection pin-outs.
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2. Hardware VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Fiber Optic Connectors
Modbus gateway models using fiber optic network connections use either SC or ST connectors, depending on the specific model.
Figure 7. SC and ST Fiber Optic Cable Connectors
Serial Port Connectors
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways use four serial port connector configurations, depending on the model:
MESR901-x Modbus Gateways feature one serial port and use a DB-9M
connector for RS-232 and a five-position removeable terminal block for RS-422 and RS-485 connections.
MESR902T-x Modbus Gateways feature two serial ports, both using five-position
removable terminal blocks for RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 connections.
MESR921-x Modbus Gateways feature one serial port and use a DB-9M
connector for RS-232 and a five-position removeable terminal block for RS-422 and RS-485 connections.
MESR922T-x Modbus Gateways feature two serial ports, both using five-position
removable terminal blocks for RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 connections.
Figure 8. DB-9 Female Serial Port Connector
Figure 9. Five-Position Pluggable Terminal Block
Note: Refer to Appendix D for connection pin-outs.
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2. Hardware VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Power Connector
The power connector is a 2-position pluggable terminal block.
Figure 10. Power Connection
Mounting Hardware
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway modules can be DIN rail mounted. The DIN mounting clip and spring is included on each module.
Figure 11. DIN Clips on Modbus Gateway Modules. Large DIN clips are used on MESR92x, small DIN clips on MESR90x.
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
33.. MMooddbbuuss GGaatteewwaayy SSeettuupp aanndd CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
Note: In this section devices to be connected to the Modbus gateway’s serial connection are simply referred to as the “Modbus network”.
Connecting the Power Supply
Connect a DC power supply to the power terminals on the top of the Modbus gateway. Polarity of the wires is indicated on the label on the side of the Modbus gateway. Acceptable voltages are between 10 VDC and 48 VDC. The power supply must be capable of supplying 4 Watts for MESR90x units or 6 Watts fro MESR92x units.
Figure 12. MESR Power Connection
Connecting MESR9xx Modbus Gateways to Modbus networks
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways can be configured to connect to Modbus networks using RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 2-wire and RS-485 4-wire.
RS-232 connections support eight signal lines plus Signal Ground. Signals are single ended and referenced to Ground. Default communications parameters are 9600, 8, N, 1 and no flow control implemented.
RS-422 connections support two signal pairs: RXA(-), RXB(+) and TXA(-), TXB(+), plus GND. The data lines are differential pairs (A & B) in which the B line is positive relative to the A line in the idle (mark) state. Ground provides a common mode reference.
RS-485 connections support 2-wire or 4-wire operation. When configured for 4-wire operation the connection supports two signal pairs: RXA(-),
RXB(+) and TXA(-), TXB(+), plus GND. This makes full-duplex operation possible. The data lines are differential pairs (A & B) in which the B line is positive relative to the A line in the idle (mark) state. Ground provides a common mode reference.
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
When configured for 2-wire operation the connection supports one signal pair: DataB(+) and DataA(-) signal channels using half-duplex operation. The data lines are differential with the Data B line positive relative to Data A in the idle (mark) state. Ground provides a common mode reference.
Connecting the MESR9x1-x
The MESR9x1-x has one serial connection that supports RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 (2- and 4-wire). The unit has two connectors: a DB-9M connector and a 5-position terminal block.
If you select RS-232 mode when you configure the Modbus gateway, you must connect the Modbus serial network to the Modbus gateway via a serial cable. The MESR901 is a DTE. If the Modbus network is a DTE, use a null modem (cross-over) cable. If the Modbus network is a DCE, use a straight-through cable. DTE and DCT ports are complementary, the Output signals on a DTE port are Inputs to a DCE port, and Output signals on a DCE port are Inputs to a DTE port. The signal names match each other and connect pin for pin. Signal flow is in the direction of the arrows. (see figure below)
If you select RS-422 mode, RS-485 2-wire mode, or RS-485 4-wire mode when you configure the Modbus gateway, you must connect the Modbus network appropriately, via the 5-position terminal block.
Note: Refer to Appendix D for connector pin out information.
Figure 13. MESR901 Connections
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Connecting the MESR9x2T-x
The MESR9x2T-x has two serial connections that support RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 (2- and 4-wire). The unit has two connectors, both of which are 5-position terminal blocks. Make the appropriate connections to the terminal blocks to match the serial connection mode you select when configuring the Modbus gateway.
Note: Refer to Appendix D for connector pinout information.
Figure 14. MESR902T-x Connections
Connecting the MESR9x2D-x
The MESR9x2D-x has two serial connections that support RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 (2- and 4-wire). The unit has two connectors, both of which are DB-9M connectors. You must connect the Modbus network to the Modbus gateway via a serial cable. The MESR902D is a DTE. If the Modbus network is a DTE, use a null modem (cross-over) cable. If the Modbus network is a DCE, use a straight-through cable.
Note: Refer to Appendix D for connector pin-out information.
Figure 15. MESR902D-x Connections
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Connecting MESR9xx Modbus Gateways to a Network
Network Connection (10BaseT/100BaseTX)
When connecting a Modbus gateway equipped with a 10BaseT/100BaseTX network connection (RJ45 connector) a standard network cable is connected from the Modbus
gateway to a network drop. PCs configuring and/or communicating with the Modbus gateway are also connected to the network.
Fiber optic Connection
When connecting a Modbus gateway equipped with a fiber optic interface to a fiber optic link the appropriate fiber optic cable must be connected between the Modbus
gateway and the network interface. Refer to Figure 2, List of MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Models at the beginning of this manual for a list of supported fiber types, distances and connectors.
MESR9xx Modbus Gateway Configuration Connections
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways can be configured over the network or via a serial port.
Installing Modbus Configuration Manager Software
1. The Modbus Configuration Manager Software is contained on the CD which is
packaged with the product. Insert the CD into your CD ROM drive. The software should automatically begin the installation process. If AUTO RUN is disabled on your computer, open the CD drive and double click on the executable file. The file name is Modbus Gateway Manager Vx.x.x.
a. The following screen will be displayed on your computer.
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Figure 16. Modbus Gateway Manager Installation Welcome Screen
b. Click “Next.” The License Agreement Screen will be displayed on your computer.
Figure 17. Modbus License Acceptance Screen
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
c. Click “Next.” The User Information Screen will be displayed on your computer.
Enter your name and organization (optional) and select if the software will be accessible to your account or anyone who uses the computer.
Figure 18. User Information Screen
d. Click “Next.” The Destination Folder Screen will be displayed on your computer.
The default directory is: C:\Program Files\BB Electronics\Vlinx\Modbus Gateway Manager\ If desired, you can select another location by pressing the “Browse” button.
Figure 19. Destination Folder Screen
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
e. Click “Next.” The Ready to Install Application Screen will be displayed on your
computer. You can select the “Back” button to change destination folder.
Figure 20. Ready to Install Application Screen
f. Click “Next.” The software will begin installing.
Figure 21. Software Installing Screen
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
g. After the installation is complete, an information screen will be displayed
containing contact information and release notes. Click “Next.”
Figure 22. Information Screen
h. Click “Next.” The Installation Complete screen will be displayed on your
computer. Click “Finish” to finish the installation.
Figure 23. Installation Complete Screen
Page 18 Manual Documentation Number MESR9xx-2113m
3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
Configuring the MESR9xx Modbus Gateway via the Network Connection
When configuring via the network, either Modbus Configuration software or the web interface can be used.
Configuring with Modbus Configuration Manager
MESR9xx Modbus Gateways can be configured over the network Modbus Configuration manager software running on a PC.
To open Modbus Configuration Manager:
1. From the Desktop, click Start Programs B&B Electronics Vlinx Modbus
Gateway Manager. An alternate method is to double click the shortcut installed on the desktop.
Figure 24. Opening Vlinx Modbus Gateway Manager
Figure 25. Vlinx Modbus Gateway Manager Shortcut Icon
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
2. The Vlinx Modbus Configuration Manager Device Discovery window appears.
Figure 26. Vlinx Modbus Configuration Manager Discovery Window
3. If you do not know the IP address, check the “Network” and “I don’t know the IP
address of this device” selections and press the “Connect Button.” The software will
discover any MESR9xx Gateways on the network. The configuration manager screen will be displayed on your computer. All available devices will be listed on the top portion of this screen. If you know the IP address, you may select “The Device is located at this IP address” and input the address in the box provided.
Figure 27. Configuration Manager Screen
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
4. All Modbus Gateways on the network will be displayed in the top portion of the
screen. To select a gateway, simply click the appropriate device on the top portion of the screen.
a. The main portion of the screen displays the Model, Firmware version, Hardware
Version, MAC Address, and Link Status. The IP Address is also displayed on the top portion of the screen and title graphic area.
5. The default password is no password. Click the “Login” button. The “General”
Settings screen will be displayed on your computer.
6. Vlinx Modbus Manager Settings Screen Overview
Figure 28. Settings Screen Overview
a. This area shows Modbus Gateways available on the network. b. This area is used to skip directly to the specific configuration screen you need to
access. An alternate method of accessing the configuration screens is to use the “Next” button in area C.
c. This area contains dialog boxes specific the configuration screen.
1. Note: Any configuration changes you make need to be saved using
the “Save” button.
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3. Setup and Connections VlinxMESR9xx Modbus Gateway
d. This area contains helpful information about the configuration screen you are
currently on.
e. This area contains shortcuts to specific functions.
1. Open allows you to load a previously saved configuration file into
your Modbus Gateway.
2. Save allows you to save your configuration to a file. This should not
be confused with the “Save” button described in 6.c above.
3. Search allows you to search for Modbus Gateways on the network.
4. Upgrade allows you to upgrade your Modbus Gateway’s firmware.
5. Diagnostic allows you to test a configured Modbus Gateway. See
Section 5.
6. Monitor allows you to monitor a Modbus Gateway. See Section 5.
7. About contains information about your Modbus Gateway.
7. General Settings
Figure 29. General Settings Screen
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