B&B Electronics I3A12X-20B05-SOHF User Manual

Basic Operation
Basic Operation

Table of Contents

i Memory Locations..................................................................................................5
Or Gate.....................................................................................................................12
And Gate..................................................................................................................12
Function Blocks.......................................................................................................13
Timers and Counters................................................................................................14
Timer Set up.........................................................................................................14
Counter Set up......................................................................................................18
Move Functions .......................................................................................................19
Set Points .................................................................................................................21
Download Options...................................................................................................22
Connecting to your i3...........................................................................................22
Configuring the correct model.............................................................................24
Downloading the Program...................................................................................25
Screen Editor Tool Bar. ...........................................................................................27
Static Text................................................................................................................28
Numeric Data...........................................................................................................29
Time Data.................................................................................................................30
Text Table data ........................................................................................................32
Menu Item................................................................................................................34
Indicator Lamp.........................................................................................................35
Selector Switch ........................................................................................................37
Screen Jump.............................................................................................................39
Bar Graph.................................................................................................................40
Static Bitmap............................................................................................................43
Animation ................................................................................................................44
X – Y Data Graph ....................................................................................................46
Configure the Alarm Log.....................................................................................48
Recipe Editor ...........................................................................................................49
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Basic Ladder Elements

All the Functions, contacts and coils for the ladder programming are contained in a drop down menu to select what range of functions you want to insert. It is also possible to scroll through the sub-sections using the up and down arrow keys. These sub sections can also be docked on to the main programming interface.
Vertical line tool
Once you have selected your sub section it is now possible to click on the icon to insert it into the ladder diagram.
Icon attaches to mouse
Enter the contact / coil / function into the diagram by clicking it into the Ladder diagram.
When inserting a Contact or a Coil you will need to assign the variable to a location and giving it a name is a good idea for documentation.
for insertion into ladder diagram
O Contact selected
Docked Boolean elements
Select from the drop down location
Drop down menu of
redefined variables
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Basic Operation
i Memory Locations
Type Description and example of what might use the type Format
%I Discrete Inputs from the field; proximity sensors, panel
buttons, etc
%Q Discrete Outputs to the field; relays, indicator lamps,
%AI Analogue Inputs from the field; Thermocouples, WORD
4-20mA inputs
%AQ Analogue Outputs to the field; 0-10VDC or 4-20mA
outputs %IG Global Discrete Inputs from the CAN smart I/O; BOOL %QG Global Discrete Outputs to the CAN smart I/O; BOOL %AIG Global Analogue Inputs from the CAN smart I/O; WORD %AQG Global Analogue Outputs to the CAN smart I/O; WORD %T Internal Temporary bits, use for contacts and coils BOOL %M Internal Memory bits, use for contacts and coils BOOL %R Internal Registers, use for timers, counters & other data WORD %K Keypad bits, reflect Function Key status BOOL %D Display bits, control screens or indicate screen on/off BOOL %S Internal System Bits (See System Registers) BOOL %SR Internal System Registers (See System Registers) WORD
Note: The allocation of I/O starts from 1 the first input is %*01 and not %*00 .
Contact name
By right clicking the mouse in the left margi we can have some more options. We have the options to add or remove rungs, insert documentation and start OEM sections.
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Contact address

Input / Output Types

The i3 has 2 types of inputs: Normally Open (N/O) and Normally Closed (N/C).
The rung has been “Made” when this symbol is present.
The i3 has 6 types of outputs: N/O, N/C, Positive Edge, Negative Edge, Set and Reset.
More than one output can be put on a single rung. This performs the same function as OR’ing the outputs. When the input condition is met all of the outputs on the rung will be activated.

Example 1:

When %I0001 is enabled, %Q0001 switches state, as does %Q0002. Whereas %Q0003 switches on the positive edge of %I0001 and %Q0004 will switch on the negative edge of %I0001. %Q0006 will reset from its current state.
Q3 was on only on the
ositive edge
of the input
Q4 was on only on the negative edge of the input
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Basic Operation

Assigning Function Keys and Screens

The i3 has 11 function keys that can be programmed into the ladder diagrams. It also has four buttons that can be programmed through the screen editor which are discussed later in this document.
Assigning Function Keys in the ladder diagram is very simple. Select an input contact and address it to the Keys!
Select %K an then assign the address for the key, 1-12
Or, select it by its predefined name.
O Function Key contact
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C Function Key contact
To insert a screen into the ladder logic, select an output coil and click it into the ladder diagram.
Select %D and then enter the number for the screen to display, i.e. %D0001 is screen 1.
By clicking the scree
utton you can choose screen from the thumbnail menu.
The screens
hown were set up previously. If no screen has been set up then it will be shown as a blank grey box.
We can open the scree editor from this men which is covered later i this document.
There are now two options to choose from which control the way an individual screen is presented.
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Basic Operation

Force Screen:

Displays the screen whilst the conditions to make the contact are met. When the condition is not met anymore the screen will go back to the previously set screen.
Example 2: Warning Message when a valve is open.
When F1_KEY AND NOT F2_KEY are pressed the i will display screen 1. When F1
has been released the i3 will display the previously set screen.

Switch Screen:

Changes the display to the desired screen when the condition is met. When the logical condition is no longer true the selected screen remains on display.
Example 3: Changing screens on a menu selection.
When F1_KEY AND F2_KEY are pressed the i3 will display screen 1. When F1 has been released the i3 Screen 1 will remain on the display until the next Screen is called.
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Basic Ladder Logic

Using Ladder logic it is necessary to insert a contact in the first column. A good practice is to insert an ALWAYS ON (ALW_ON) contact at the beginning then add your logic after.
Rung is complete
Rung not complete. The program logic will fail to compile and Download.
A common error message will appear if no scree has been configured.
An initial screen must be configured before the
program can be successfully downloaded to the
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Basic Operation
Vertical lines can be draw using the tool.
The tool attaches to the mouse icon.
Each rung can have multiple outputs but they must be at the end of the line.
ested outputs can also be put horizontally.
An input in this position will cause an error
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Or Gate

When any one of two or more inputs will switch on the output: In this example either %I0001 or %I0002 will switch ON %Q01.

And Gate

When all input conditions on a single rung are met the output will switch ON. In this example both %I0001 AND %I0002 must be on for the output %Q0001 to be energised.
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Basic Operation

Function Blocks

All function blocks have an enable input and a Boolean output. Other I/O parameters are dependent on the individual function block and are required to be set up when inserting the block.
Nesting function blocks will create an error.
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Timers and Counters

Timers and counters require two consecutive registers to store their data in memory. The first register contains the current value and the second contains the status bits of the counter or timer.
Register 1 = Accumulated value
Register 2 .15 = Function Enabled Register 2 .16 = Function Completed i.e. timing elapsed, preset value met.

Timer Set up

There are two types of timer, on delay and off delay. The On delay timers can be retentive.
On Delay
Delays before the output goes high. On being enabled the timer starts. When elapsed time reaches the Preset the output will energise. The output will remain energised until the input to the timer has been removed.
Consecutive registers %R01 and R02
Either 10ms or 100ms
Set point can be a register or a constant
Timer options
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Basic Operation
Example 4:
This is an example of a 1s On delay timer.
F1 enables the timer
Timer enabled
Timer is not complete
Current value
Preset value
Timer output is energised.
Current value =
reset value and the
output is high
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Off Delay
The Off delay timer provides a delay before switching the output off when the input is enabled. When the input is removed the timing will begin, when the elapsed time equals the preset the output will reset.
The setup window is the same as the
revious example
ut the “Of Delay” button is checked.
otice that the Retentive button is no longer available
Example 5:
This is a 1 second Off-delay Timer. The output (%R0002.16) is energised when the input (%K0001) is made and will remain energised for 1 second after the input is removed.
The input to the timer has been enabled and the output is high.
When the input is remove the timing begins.
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