B&B Electronics ESP901E User Manual

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B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
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© B&B Electronics – January 2008
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B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
ii Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.co
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... I
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
FEATURES ......................................................................................................... 2
COMMUNICATION MODES ................................................................................ 3
Direct IP Mode ............................................................................................ 3
Virtual COM Mode ...................................................................................... 3
Paired Mode ................................................................................................ 4
Heart Beat .................................................................................................... 4
SERIAL SERVER QUICK START GUIDE .............................................................. 5
Hardware Setup ........................................................................................... 5
Software Installation .................................................................................... 6
Serial Server Configuration ......................................................................... 6
Install Virtual COM Ports on PC................................................................. 7
Check Communications ............................................................................... 7
PACKAGE CHECKLIST ....................................................................................... 9
Indicator Lights .......................................................................................... 10
Ethernet Connector .................................................................................... 10
Power Connector ....................................................................................... 10
Reset Button ............................................................................................... 10
DIP Switches .............................................................................................. 11
Serial Ports ................................................................................................ 12
SERIAL SERVER/PORT OPERATIONAL MODES ................................................ 12
Default Mode ............................................................................................. 13
Console Mode ............................................................................................ 13
Upgrade Mode ........................................................................................... 13
RS-232 Mode .............................................................................................. 13
RS-422 Mode .............................................................................................. 14
RS-485 Mode .............................................................................................. 14
SERIAL SERVER SERIAL PORT CONNECTOR PIN-OUTS .................................... 15
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .............................................................................. 17
Automatic Installation ................................................................................ 17
Manual Installation .................................................................................... 17
Updating an Existing Installation .............................................................. 19
Opening the ESP Manager ........................................................................ 20
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Table of Contents i
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
CHAPTER 4: USING ESP MANAGER ........................................................ 21
HARDWARE SETUP ......................................................................................... 21
SOFTWARE SETUP ........................................................................................... 22
SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ................................................................................... 23
Menus ......................................................................................................... 23
Server Icons Pane ...................................................................................... 25
Serial Server / Virtual COM Lists .............................................................. 25
Status Bar ................................................................................................... 26
SEARCH FOR SERVERS .................................................................................... 26
CONFIGURE SERVER PROPERTIES ................................................................... 27
DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVER PROPERTIES ..................................................... 32
Server Name ............................................................................................... 32
Serial Number ............................................................................................ 32
Password .................................................................................................... 32
DHCP ........................................................................................................ 32
IP Address .................................................................................................. 33
Netmask ...................................................................................................... 34
Gateway ..................................................................................................... 34
MAC Address ............................................................................................. 34
Version & Date .......................................................................................... 34
Link Status .................................................................................................. 34
Server Serial Port ...................................................................................... 34
Baud Rate ................................................................................................... 34
Data/Parity/Stop ........................................................................................ 34
Flow Control .............................................................................................. 35
TCP/UDP Protocol .................................................................................... 35
Serial Timeout ............................................................................................ 35
TCP Alive Timeout ..................................................................................... 36
Connection Mode ....................................................................................... 36
Delimiter HEX 1 and Delimiter HEX 2 ...................................................... 36
Force Transmit........................................................................................... 36
Port Status .................................................................................................. 37
TCP/UDP Port ........................................................................................... 37
Serial Port Mode ........................................................................................ 37
Connection At ............................................................................................ 38
Max Connection ......................................................................................... 38
Remote IP Address ..................................................................................... 38
Update/Save ............................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER 6: INSTALLING VIRTUAL COM PORTS ............................. 43
VIRTUAL COM PORT INSTALLATION ............................................................. 43
ii Table of Contents Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
CHAPTER 7: REMOVING VIRTUAL COM PORTS ................................ 49
DOWNLOADING THE FIRMWARE ..................................................................... 53
UPGRADING VIA ESP MANAGER .................................................................... 53
Preparing the Software .............................................................................. 53
Upgrading the Firmware ........................................................................... 54
CHAPTER 9: USING CONSOLE MODE .................................................... 55
CONSOLE MODE SETUP .................................................................................. 55
Navigating the Configuration Menus ......................................................... 56
Using a Password ...................................................................................... 57
CHAPTER 10: USING THE WEB SERVER ............................................... 59
SETTING SERVER PROPERTIES ........................................................................ 59
CHAPTER 11: USING TELNET ................................................................... 63
CONFIGURATION USING TELNET .................................................................... 63
Navigating the Configuration Menu .......................................................... 64
CHAPTER 12: ESP901 AND ESP902 TECHNICAL DATA ...................... 67
APPENDIX A: RS-232 CONNECTIONS ...................................................... 71
SERIAL SERVER DB-9 PIN-OUTS IN RS-232 MODE ......................................... 71
RS-232 Straight-through Cable Connections ............................................. 72
RS-232 Crossover (null modem) Cable Connections ................................. 72
RS-232 Straight-through DB-9 to DB-25 Conversion Connections ........... 73
RS-232 Crossover DB-9 to DB-25 Conversion Connections ..................... 73
RS-232 DTE Loopback Connections .......................................................... 74
APPENDIX B: RS-422 CONNECTIONS ...................................................... 75
SERIAL SERVER DB-9 PIN-OUTS IN RS-422 MODE ......................................... 75
APPENDIX C: RS-485 CONNECTIONS ...................................................... 79
SERIAL SERVER DB-9 PIN-OUT IN RS-485 MODE ........................................... 79
APPENDIX D: NETWORK CONNECTIONS ............................................. 81
STANDARD ETHERNET CABLE RJ-45 PIN-OUT ................................................ 81
CROSSOVER ETHERNET CABLE RJ-45 PIN-OUT .............................................. 82
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Table of Contents iii
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
iv Table of Contents Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
VLINX Models ESP901 and ESP902 Ethernet Serial Servers provide
Ethernet to Serial connections for RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 devices. The ESP901 features a single serial port and the ESP902 features two serial ports. The serial ports can be accessed over a LAN/WAN using
Direct IP Mode, Virtual COM Port, or Paired Mode connections. The
10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection auto-selects 10BaseT or 100BaseTX and indicates the type of connection with a bi-color link light.
Figure 1. VLINX ESP901 and ESP902 Ethernet Serial Servers
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 1 1
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Multi-interface serial ports
o ESP901 and ESP902 Port 1 software selectable for RS-
232, RS-422, RS-485 (DIP Switch selects Console Mode)
o ESP902 Port 2 is RS-232 only
10/100 Mbps Ethernet with Auto Selection
LAN and WAN Communications
TCP or UDP Client or Server operation - configurable
Software Support - Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/NT 4.0 and
Firmware Upload for future revisions/upgrades
Configuration of Ethernet and serial port settings can be
accomplished using any of four methods:
o VLINX ESP Manager Software for Windows allows
configuration via a network connection or directly from the Ethernet port of a computer (using an Ethernet crossover cable).
Web Server allows configuration via the network using
any web browser.
Telnet allows configuration via the network by accessing
the setup configuration menu.
Console Mode allows configuration through an RS-232
serial port in using a VT100 Terminal Emulation program and an RS-232 crossover cable.
Virtual COM Driver Software for Windows - installs virtual
COM ports, viewable in the Windows Device Manager under
Ports (COM & LPT). Virtual COM port provides access to any of
the ports on the ESP901 and ESP902, like any other serial port (legacy, PCI, USB or PCMCIA) on the computer. Any program running on the computer and using Windows-based COM ports can access the serial devices attached to the LAN becomes transparent to the serial device and the software running on the PC.
Heart Beat Connection - selectable protocol ensures reliable
communications in Virtual COM Port or Paired Connection modes. This feature restores the connections if communications are temporarily lost at either end due to loss of power or the Ethernet connection.
2 Chapter 1 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Serial Server. The
Communication Modes
The ESP901 and ESP902 Serial Servers enable communication with serial devices over a LAN or WAN. Serial devices no longer are limited to a physical connection to the PC COM port. They can be installed anywhere on the LAN using TCP/IP or UDP/IP communications. This allows traditional Windows PC software access to serial devices anywhere on the LAN/WAN network.
Direct IP Mode
Direct IP connections allow applications using TCP/IP or UDP/IP
socket programs to communicate with the asynchronous serial ports on the
Serial Server. In this type of application the Serial Server is
configured as a TCP or UDP server. The socket program running on the PC establishes a communication connection with the The data is sent directly to and from the serial port on the server. When using UDP protocol the server can be configured to broadcast data to and receive data from multiple IP addresses.
Virtual COM Mode
Install Virtual COM Mode allows the user to add a driver, to provide a
virtual COM port on the computer. The new COM port shows up in the Device Manager. Windows programs using standard Windows API calls are able to interface to virtual COM ports. When a program on the PC opens the new COM port, it communicates with the remote serial device connected to one of the ports on the
Serial Server.
Serial Server.
After connection, the LAN is transparent to the program and serial device. Applications are able to work just as if the serial device is connected directly to a physical COM port on the computer. The virtual COM port software converts the application’s data into IP packets, sends it across the network to the
Serial Server, which converts the IP
packet back to serial data and sends the data out a serial port located on the
Serial Server.
To use this mode, the
Serial Server must be set to either TCP/server or
UDP/server with a designated communication port number. The virtual COM driver is the TCP or UDP client.
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Paired Mode
Paired Mode is also called serial tunneling. In this mode any two serial
devices that can communicate with a serial link will be able to communicate using two
Two TCP or UDP client and the other as a TCP/UDP server. When setting up the server the remote IP address section must contain the address of the client. This will allow the client’s IP address to pass the IP address­filtering feature of the server. Conversely, the Remote IP address of the client must contain the server’s IP address. Both communication port numbers must be the same.
Heart Beat
The Heart Beat protocol connection provides a reliable communications connection in
Connection Mode
communications are temporarily lost at either end due to loss of power or Ethernet connection.
Without this feature a device that loses a connection and stops communicating would not be able to reconnect without human intervention. A TCP data connection can be lost when there is a power failure or temporary loss of an Ethernet connection on either the client or server. If a loss occurs the Heart Beat feature will try to reconnect the TCP data connection every five seconds until communications is established again. The Heart Beat feature is available for use in
COM Port Mode and Paired Connection Mode. This is not available
when using a UDP application.
Serial Servers and the LAN.
Serial Servers are connected to a network, one configured as a
Virtual COM Port Mode or with Paired
. This feature restores the connection if
4 Chapter 1 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Serial Server Quick Start Guide
For descriptive purposes this Quick Start Guide considers a typical configuration consisting of a PC connected via an Ethernet LAN to an
ESP901 or ESP902 Serial Server connected to the RS-232 port of a serial device.
Hardware Setup
Figure 2. Typical Hardware Setup
Step 1: Connect the Serial Server to the network using a standard
network cable.
Step 2: Connect the
If the serial device is configured as a DCE use a straight-through serial cable. If the serial device is configured as a DTE use a crossover (null modem) cable.
Serial Server to the RS-232 port on the serial
Step 3: Set all the DIP switches to the OFF position.
Step 4: Apply power to the
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Serial Server.
Software Installation
Using the CD included with the Serial Server, install the VLINX ESP
software on the configuring computer.
Serial Server Configuration
Step 1: Open the ESP Manager software. It will automatically search
for any reachable (ESP90x) Serial Servers. A list of all Serial
Servers Server List window.
connected to the LAN will appear in the Serial
Step 2: Double click the desired
up the
Server Properties configuration screen.
Figure 3. The Server Properties Window
Serial Server port on the list to bring
Step 3: Change the Server Properties as required.
DHCP to allow the Serial Server to generate its
own IP address
Obtain appropriate static
IP, Netmask and Gateway
addresses from your Network Administrator
Set the
Serial Port Mode property to RS-232 to match the
serial device connected to the Serial Server.
Baud Rate, Data/Parity/Stop, and Flow Control to
match the configuration of the serial device connected to the
Serial Server port
Step 4: When the parameters have been set, click
6 Chapter 1 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
the prompts in the dialogue boxes,
Restart the Serial Server
and Search all reachable servers again.
Update. Following
Step 5: Re-enter Server Properties to verify the changes have taken
effect, or to view/change the configuration of other ports. Each port must be configured separately.
Install Virtual COM Ports on PC
Step 1: From the Windows Start menu, run the Install Virtual COM
utility included with the VLINX software,
Step 2: Search for all servers on the network
Step 3: Select a port and map it to an unused COM port (e.g. Port 15).
Configure it for TCP protocol and the appropriate IP address (determined in the last section).
Figure 4. Configuring the Virtual COM Port
Check Communications
Step 1: From the Windows Start menu, run HyperTerminal
Step 2: Configure
configured in the last section (e.g. Port 15).
Step 3: Set
Baud Rate, Data/Parity/Stop, and Flow Control to match
the configuration of the serial device connected to the Serial
Server serial port.
Step 4: Communications with the serial device should now be
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 1 7
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
HyperTerminal to connect using the COM port
8 Chapter 1 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Making Hardware Connections
Package Checklist
ESP901 and ESP902 Serial Servers are shipped with the following
items included:
9 ESP901 or ESP902 Serial Server Module 9 Power supply 9 This Operation Manual 9 CD-ROM disc with manual, VLINX ESP Manager and Virtual
COM Driver software for Windows 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/NT
ESP901/ESP902 Connections, Indicators and Reset Switch
Connectors, Indicators and Switches:
Three indicator LEDs
One Ethernet connector (RJ-45 female)
A power connector
A recessed reset switch
Triple DIP switch
ESP901: One serial port connector (DB-9M)
ESP902: Two serial port connectors (DB-9M)
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 2 9
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Making Hardware Connections
Indicator Lights
Light Indication Power Link
Red - power is applied Yellow – 10BaseT Ethernet connection established
Green – 100BaseTX Ethernet connection established
Flashing Green – system is ready
Figure 5. Indicator Lights
Ethernet Connector
The Serial Server has a standard RJ-45 receptacle mounted in the top edge of the chassis. The Serial Server can be connected to an Ethernet hub, switch, or wall plate using a standard straight-through RJ-45 (male) Ethernet cable. To connect directly to an RJ45 Ethernet port on a PC or laptop a crossover Ethernet cable must be used.
Refer to Appendix D for details on Network Cables
Power Connector
Plug the ultra-miniature phone plug from the included power supply into the power jack and then plug the supply in. When power is applied the Red power light will illuminate. The tip of the power plug is positive; the sleeve is negative.
Reset Button
This switch resets the unit, similar to the effect of removing/applying power. The Reset switch is recessed to avoid accidental operation. To reset the unit, insert a small plastic tool, press lightly and hold for three seconds. The Link and Ready lights will go out and then come back on.
RJ-45 female
Figure 6. Top View of ESP901 and ESP902 (when mounted vertically)
Power jack
2.5 mm Tip (+)
10 Chapter 2 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Making Hardware Connections
DIP Switches
A triple DIP (dual inline package) switch allows the Serial Server to be placed into the ON position the configuration of the through the serial port on the ESP901 or Serial Port 1 on the ESP902) from a PC running a terminal program such as the
Serial Server enters Console Mode the Console Mode screen will
appear in the HyperTerminal program window. The serial port settings must be 8-N-1 at 9600 baud.
Console Mode. When all three switches are moved into
Serial Server enters Console Mode, allowing
Serial Server (using an RS-232 connection
HyperTerminal. When
Figure 7. The Console Mode (Server) Screen in the
HyperTerminal Window
When any of the DIP switches are switched back to the OFF position, the Serial Server will revert to the mode it was in before Console
The Serial Server can be put into Console mode using either of two methods:
1. Switching all the DIP switches to the ON position
2. With any DIP switch in the OFF position set the Server
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 2 11
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Properties Console Mode field to Console and Update/Save the configuration
Making Hardware Connections
Serial Ports
The ESP901 has one serial port. The port can be configured as a
Console Mode connection or as an RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485
interface to the OFF position) using the the
Web Server.
ESP902 has two serial ports. Port 1 operates the same as the
The ESP901 serial port.
The RS-232 interfaces are configured as DTEs. The connectors for all ports are DB-9M.
Serial Port DB-9 Male
Figure 8. The ESP901 Serial Port Connector
Serial Server (if any of the DIP switches are in the
ESP Manager software, via Telnet, or using
Port 2 on the ESP902 is an RS-232 only interface.
Serial Port 1 DB-9 Male
Serial Port 2 DB-9 Male
Figure 9. The ESP902 Serial Port Connectors
Serial Server/Port Operational Modes
Using the ESP Manager the Serial Server can be put into Console
Mode, Default Mode
configured for RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 operation. The server also can be put into ON position.
12 Chapter 2 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
or Upgrade Mode. The serial ports can be
Console Mode by placing all the DIP switches into the
Making Hardware Connections
Default Mode
Default Mode is selected and the server properties are Updated
Saved) all the configuration settings return to their default values.
Console Mode
In Console Mode the Configuration Menu can be accessed from a PC by connecting its RS-232 serial port to the ESP901 serial port or ESP902 Serial Port 1. Since the computer is a DTE device, and the serial ports are configured as DTEs (with DB-9M connectors), a null modem crossover cable must be used.
Console Mode the default serial port settings are: 9600 baud, 8 data
, No parity, and 1 stop bit. From Windows, HyperTerminal with
VT100 terminal emulation can be used for configuration.
Upgrade Mode
In Upgrade Mode firmware can be uploaded from a PC via its serial port to the ESP901 serial port or ESP902 Serial Port 1. Upgrading also can be accomplished via the network connection, using the ESP Manager software and a virtual COM port.
Refer to Chapter 5 for details on Serial Server Configuration settings. See Chapter 12 for Serial Server default parameters.
Refer to Chapter 9 for details on Console Mode
Console Mode
Refer to Chapter 8 for details on Upgrade Mode
RS-232 Mode
In RS-232 Mode the currently selected serial port is configured as an RS-232 interface supporting eight RS-232 signal lines plus Signal Ground and is configured as a DTE, like a computer. Signals are single ended and referenced to Ground. To use handshaking, Flow Control must be set to RTS/CTS during Configuration.
Refer to Appendix A for RS-232 connection pin-outs.
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B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Making Hardware Connections
RS-422 Mode
In RS-422 Mode the currently selected serial port is configured as an RS-422 interface supporting four RS-422 signal channels with full duplex operation for
CTS (Clear To Send). The data lines are differential pairs (A & B) in
which the B line is positive relative to the A line in the idle (mark) state. Ground provides a common mode reference. To use handshaking, Flow Control must be set to RTS/CTS during configuration.
Receive, Transmit, RTS (Request To Send) and
Refer to Appendix B RS-422 connection pin-outs.
RS-485 Mode
In RS-485 Mode the currently selected port is configured as an RS-485 interface supporting transmit (TX) and receive (RX) signal channels using 2-wire, half-duplex operation. The data lines are differential with the Data B line positive relative to Data A in the idle (mark) state. Ground provides a common mode reference.
Refer to Appendix C for RS-485 connection pin-outs.
RS-485 Receiver Biasing
RS-485 Receiver Biasing
if the network does not supply it. Remove the two side-cover screws of the
Serial Server, slide the cover off and re-position the bias jumpers
(shown open in the figure below) to enable biasing (shorting).
can be implemented from the Serial Server
Figure 10. Internal Setting to Select RS-485 Bias
(For more information on RS-485 Receiver Biasing, see B&B Electronics RS-422/485 Application Note available at www.bb-
14 Chapter 2 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Making Hardware Connections
Serial Server Serial Port Connector Pin-outs
Pin-outs for RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 operation are shown below.
1 Carrier Detect DCD In RXDA () -­2 Receive Data RXD In RXDB (+) --
3 Transmit Data TXD Out TXDB (+) Data B (+)
4 Data Terminal Ready DTR Out TXDA () Data A (−)
5 Signal Ground GND --- GND GND
6 Data Set Ready DSR In CTSA () --
7 Request To Send RTS Out CTSB (+) --
8 Clear To Send CTS In RTSB (+) --
9 Ring Indicator RI In RTSA ()
Figure 11. Serial Connection Pin-outs for RS-232/RS-42 2/RS-485
Signal Name
For more information on RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 pin-outs, cable connections and loopback connections refer to Appendices A, B and C
DTE RS-422 RS-485
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 2 15
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Making Hardware Connections
16 Chapter 2 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Installing the VLINX ESP Software
The Windows-based ESP Manager and Virtual COM Port software makes configuration fast and easy. If using Windows, installing the ESP Manager software and setting up virtual COM ports to configure the
Serial Server is recommended.
Software Installation
The VLINX ESP software includes:
ESP Manager
Install Virtual COM Ports
Uninstall Virtual COM Ports
Automatic Installation
Step 1a: Inserting the VLINX CD in the CD-ROM should
automatically launch the Install Shield Wizard.
Manual Installation
Step 1b: To manually start the software installation, from the
Windows Desktop, click Start button. At the Run command
line type
the CD ROM.)
Figure 12. The Run Dialogue Box
The Install Shield Wizard window will be displayed.
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 3 17
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
D:start.exe then click OK. (D: is the drive letter for
Installing the VLINX ESP Software
Figure 13. The Install Shield Wizard Window
Step 2: When the VLINX ESP Setup window appears, click Next.
Figure 14. VLINX ESP Setup Window
Figure 15. The Choose Destination Win dow
Step 3: When Choose Destination Location appears, click Next.
The installation progress will be shown until complete.
18 Chapter 3 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Installing the VLINX ESP Software
Figure 16. The Install Shield Wizard Complete Window
Step 4: Click Finish when the Install Shield Wizard Complete
dialogue appears. When finished, dialogue box will close.
Updating an Existing Installation
If an older version of the ESP Manager software is already installed, the
Modify, repair or remove the program window will appear when
the installation process is initiated:
Figure 17. The InstallShield Wizard Modify, Repair or Remove Scre en
Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m Chapter 3 19
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Installing the VLINX ESP Software
The recommended procedure is to Remove all installed components first. Once the software has been removed, Install the new software.
Opening the ESP Manager
Step 5: If the Serial Server is not already connected to the network or
to the Ethernet port on the computer, connect it. Set all the DIP switches to the OFF position. Apply power.
Power indicator should light red, the Link light should
indicate which type of Ethernet connection has been made and the
Ready LED will flash indicating configuration can begin.
Step 6: Start the
Start Programs B&B Electronics VLINX ESP Servers VLINX ESP Manager
As soon as the
Server and after a few seconds the Serial Server List will
display all (ESP90x)
Figure 18. ESP Manager Displaying all ESP90x Serial Servers
ESP Manager software. In Windows Desktop, click:
ESP Manager opens it will initiate Searching
Serial Servers on the network.
20 Chapter 3 Manual Documentation Number: ESP901-902_0508m
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Pk – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
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