B&B Electronics ES1AE User Manual

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B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002
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© B&B Electronics – November 2005
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B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002
2005 B&B Electronics. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without written consent. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of B&B Electronics.
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B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1
COMMUNICATION MODES ..........................................................................................2
Direct IP ............................................................................................................... 2
Virtual COM Port................................................................................................. 2
Paired Mode ......................................................................................................... 2
Other Communications Modes.............................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 2: HARDWARE OVERVIEW..............................................................5
PACKAGE CHECKLIST .................................................................................................5
INDICATORS, SWITCHES AND CONNECTORS................................................................6
Link Integrity LED (Yellow).................................................................................. 6
Network Activity LED........................................................................................... 6
Reset Switch.......................................................................................................... 6
Ethernet Port Connector....................................................................................... 6
Serial Port Connector........................................................................................... 7
Power Connector.................................................................................................. 7
CONNECTING THE HARDWARE ...................................................................................7
Configuration Connections................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 3: GETTING STARTED.......................................................................9
1. Check the contents of your ES1A package. It should contain…....................9
2. Set up the Hardware ..................................................................................... 9
3. Power it Up................................................................................................... 9
4. Get the IP Address........................................................................................ 9
5. Login............................................................................................................. 9
6. Configure the ES1A..................................................................................... 10
7. Set up VCOM (if using the RealPort profile).............................................. 10
8. Communicate .............................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 4: CONFIGURING THE IP ADDRESS.............................................11
USING THE DISCOVERY SOFTWARE ..........................................................................11
INTERFACE ..............................................................................................................13
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002 i
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
LOGGING IN..............................................................................................................13
LOGGING OUT ..........................................................................................................13
USING TUTORIAL AND HELP.....................................................................................14
CONFIGURING NETWORK SETTINGS .........................................................................14
IP Settings........................................................................................................... 15
Network Services Settings................................................................................... 15
Advanced Network Settings................................................................................. 15
CONFIGURING THE SERIAL PORT ..............................................................................16
Port Profile Settings............................................................................................ 16
Basic Serial Settings ........................................................................................... 21
Advanced Serial Settings..................................................................................... 21
CONFIGURING ALARMS AND NOTIFICATION.............................................................22
Alarm Notification Settings................................................................................. 22
Alarm Conditions................................................................................................ 22
Alarm Destinations............................................................................................. 23
CHAPTER 6: MANAGING THE ES1A.................................................................25
SYSTEM SETTINGS ....................................................................................................25
Device Identity Settings....................................................................................... 25
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Settings................................... 25
USING REMOTE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................25
MANAGING USERS AND PERMISSIONS ......................................................................25
Changing the Root Username and Password ..................................................... 25
Adding New Users............................................................................................... 26
Configuring User Access and Permissions......................................................... 26
MANAGING SERIAL PORTS AND CONNECTIONS ........................................................27
Serial Ports......................................................................................................... 27
Connections ........................................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER 7: USING ADMINISTRATIVE FEATURES....................................29
FILE MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................29
BACKUP/RESTORE ....................................................................................................29
UPDATE FIRMWARE..................................................................................................29
SYSTEM INFORMATION .............................................................................................30
General............................................................................................................... 30
GPIO ................................................................................................................... 30
Serial ................................................................................................................... 30
Network............................................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 8: USING REALPORT........................................................................33
Configuring the IP Address................................................................................. 33
Configuring the Serial Port for RealPort............................................................ 33
ii Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Adding a Virtual COM Port using RealPort....................................................... 34
Removing a Virtual COM Port using RealPort.................................................. 34
Updating RealPort.............................................................................................. 35
APPENDIX A: DEFAULT CONFIGURATION SETTINGS...............................37
APPENDIX B: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................39
APPENDIX C: DIMENSIONAL DIAGRAMS......................................................41
APPENDIX D: RS-232 CONNECTIONS...............................................................42
APPENDIX E: NETWORK CONNECTIONS ......................................................43
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002 iii
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Manual Documentation Number: ES1AE-2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
CChhaapptteerr 11:: IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
ES1A Mini Ethernet to RS-232 Converters provide simple and cost­effective solutions for connecting RS-232 devices to Ethernet networks. ES1A converters make it easy to connect serial printers, copiers, building automation, retail, point-of-sale, warehousing and banking equipment directly into Ethernet networks.
ES1A converters support virtual COM port, console management, TCP
and UDP socket, serial bridge, modem emulation and custom connections. Network addresses can be obtained dynamically or manually.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is supported. Configuration is accomplished through a web-based user interface.
Figure 1. ES1A Mini Ethernet to RS-232 Converter
Converts Ethernet to RS-232 serial
Small, economical and configurable
Supports TD, RD, TRS, CTS, DTR, DCD, DSR and GND RS-2 32 lines
LEDs indicate link integrity and data transfer activity
10/100 Mbps auto-detecting operation
Web Configuration and Management user interface
Email event notification
1 Manual Documentation Number: ES1A -2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Communication Modes
ES1A Ethernet to RS-232 converters allow you to connect serial devices
over a LAN or WAN. Serial devices no longer are limited to a physical connection to the PC COM port. They can be installed anywhere on the LAN using TCP/IP or UDP/IP communications. This allows traditional Windows PC software access to serial devices anywhere on the LAN/WAN network.
Direct IP
Direct IP Mode allows applications using TCP/IP or UDP/IP socket programs to communicate with the asynchronous serial ports on the serial server. In this mode the ES1A is configured as a TCP or UDP server. The socket program running on the PC establishes a communication connection. The data is sent directly to and from the serial port on the server.
TCP Server Mode allows network devices to initiate a TCP connection to the serial device connected to the serial port on the ES1A. This is also referred to as reverse telnet.
UDP Server Mode allows network devices to initiate a UDP connection to the serial device attached to the serial port of the ES1A. When using UDP protocol the ES1A can be configured to broadcast data to and receive data from multiple IP addresses.
Virtual COM Port
Virtual COM Port mode (also called RealPort, or com port redirection) allows you to map a COM port on your PC to the serial port on your ES1 A. Using the RealPort software (included with the ES1A) you create virtual COM ports on your PC. When your application sends data to this port, RealPort redirects the data across the network to serial device connected to the ES1A serial port. The network is transparent to the user application and the serial device connected to the ES1A.
Paired Mode
Paired Mode (also called Serial Tunneling or Serial Bridge mode) allows serial devices connected to two ES1A converters to communicate across a network. The two ES1A converters automatically connect to each other.
In Paired Mode the heartbeat feature ensures reliable communications by restoring the connection if communications are temporarily lost at either end due to loss of power or Ethernet connection.
2 Manual Documentation Number: ES1A -2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Other Communications Modes
ES1A Converters also feature the following communications profiles:
Modem Emulation Mode allows you to configure the serial port to operate as if it is a modem. For legacy applications where a serial device is set up to communicate through a modem, the serial device can now be connected to the ES1A and communication occurs over the network. The ES1A emulates modem responses to and from the serial device.
In Console Management Mode the ES1A can be configured for connectio n to the management port typically found on network devices such as routers, switches and servers. This allows remote management of the network device. Communication can be accomplished using telnet to a specific port in the converter.
Custom Mode allows you to custom configure the ES1A serial port and is used if your application does not fit into any other predefined modes.
3 Manual Documentation Number: ES1A -2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
4 Manual Documentation Number: ES1A -2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Hardware Overview
CChhaapptteerr 22:: HHaarrddwwaarree OOvveerrvviieeww
Package Checklist
ES1A Ethernet to RS-232 Converters are shipped with the following items
9 The ES1A module 9 A printed version of this user manual 9 A printed version of the ES1A Quick Start Guide 9 CD-ROM disc with
o B&B discovery software o RealPort drivers for Windo ws 98/ M E/ 2 0 01/XP/NT 4.0/Vista o this user manual in PDF format o a Quick Start guide in PDF format
Figure 2. Top View of the ES1A Converter
Manual Documentation Number ES1A -2907m pn7041-rev002 5
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
Hardware Overview
Indicators, Switches and Connectors
Link Integrity LED (Yellow)
When the yellow LED located on the Ethernet jack is illuminated it indicates that a connection (link integrity) has been established between the converter and a node on the network.
Network Activity LED
When the green LED located on the Ethernet jack is flashing it indicates that data is being sent across the network.
Figure 3. LED Indicators on the ES1A
Reset Switch
The Reset switch is a recessed switch located on the side of the ES1A. The Reset switch provides two functions:
Press and release within 10 seconds Resets the ES1A
Press and hold for more than 10 seconds
while powering up
Reloads factory default values
Ethernet Port Connector
The Ethernet Port connector is a standard RJ-45 receptacle that allows the serial server to be connected to an Ethernet network. On the ES1A two indicator LEDs are built into the RJ-45 connector.
6 Manual Documentation Number: ES1A -2907m pn7041-rev002
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104 – www.bb-elec.com
B&B Electronics Ltd – Westlink Commercial Park – Oranmore, Galway, Ireland – Ph +353 91-792444 – Fax +353 91-792445 – www.bb-europe.com
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