B&B Electronics ABDG-ET-IN5010 Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
AirborneDirect Industrial Ethernet Adapter
Revision v1.0
March 2010
Document Number: 100-8105-100G
Kit Contents:
Upon receiving the kit please check that you received the following:
ABDG-ET-IN5010 Unit 2dBi, 2.4Ghz 50 ohm, omni-directional antenna Quick Start Guide 5 VDC power supply (optional, included only if ordered as an accessory)
If any of the above contents are missing or appear damaged please contact B&B Electronics Sales support.
What you will need:
To evaluate the unit you will need the following components and facilities:
ABDG-ET-IN5010 unit with included antenna attached. Laptop or desktop system with an Ethernet port. 5-36 VDC power for terminal block attachment, or an AC power outlet for optional ABDG-ET-IN5010 power supply.
802.11b/g network for testing the unit, either AdHoc or Infrastructure (Access Points) mode. The test network configuration must be
known. Required information will include:
o SSID (Wireless network name). o Security settings (WEP, WPA, WPA2, etc.). o Security credentials (passphrase, key or certificates). o Static IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway address if static IP addresses are used on the test network.
A web browser on the laptop top or desktop (MS Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Chrome v4.0 are supported). CAT5 Ethernet cable for connecting the unit to the laptop or desktop.
AirborneDirect™ Ethernet Adapter Quick Start Guide
Connect the Ethernet cable on ABDG to an Ethernet port on a laptop or desktop system.
a. If the Ethernet port uses DHCP to assign IP address no further configuration of the port is required. b. If a static IP address is required, assign the following settings to the Ethernet interface:
IP Address: Gateway: Subnet Mask:
Apply power to the ABDG-ET-DP5010.
The unit will boot and display one of the following LED patterns: POWER: Blue Blue
POST : Green Green LINK : Green Red (Periodic Blinking) COMM: Off (Blink Red) Off (Blink Red)
Open the Web browser on the laptop or desktop attached to the adapter. Enter the adapter Gateway IP address in the browser address bar.
A login window will appears use the following credentials: Username: dpac
Password: dpac
Opening web page shows adapter status. Links to the available configuration options are identified in the left hand menu. The top menu bar provides access to different operations that can be performed by the ABDG-ET-IN5010.
Changing SSID:
a. Select Configuration tab. b. Select WLAN Settings in the left hand menu. c. Enter desired SSID in SSID field. d. Press Commit button. e. Configuration changes committed successfully page displayed.
a. If security settings need to be changed press the Reload button. b. If all changes have been made press Reboot button.
Changing Security Settings:
a. Select WLAN Security Settings in left hand menu. b. Select security type to be used from the Wireless LAN Security Type drop down list. c. Depending upon the security type chosen there are other fields that MUST be completed for the configuration to
be successful. Table 1 shows the required fields to be set for each security type.
d. When all settings have been configured press the Commit button. e. Configuration changes committed successfully page displayed.
a. If other settings need to be changed press the Reload button. b. If all changes have been made press Reboot button.
When the Reboot button is pressed the unit will restart and install new settings. This may take 15-20 seconds. Please refresh the web interface after the boot cycle has completed.
When configured correctly the LED pattern should match the following: POWER: Blue
POST : Green LINK : Green COMM: Off (Blink red)
To use the adapter on the wireless network, address all traffic to the IP address of the wireless interface of the ABDG-ET­IN5010. This is the address listed in the home page of the web interface:
Getting Started:
100-8105-100G 2 3/17/2010
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