Quick Start Guide
Wireless 802.11b Serial Server
Model: ES1AWB
Documentation Number ES1AWB-2907qs pn6910-rev002
CCoonnffiigguurree WWeebb AAcccceessss
Infrastructure Mode
Configure your network using an access point with the SSID Connect and all encryption disabled (such as WEP & WPA).
Wireless Card Ad-Hoc Mode
Configure the wireless card to operate in Ad-Hoc mode with
the SSID - Connect.
Connect your PC to the wireless network
Connect the antenna to the ES1AWB
Connect 5 VDC to the barrel jack of the ES1AWB
Connect the ES1AWB serial port to the serial port
of your serial device. (Use a null cable if the serial
device is a DTE.)
PPoowweerr UUpp
pply power to the ES1AWB
The Link LED (yellow) will blink while looking for the
wireless network. When a connection is established with
the network the Link LED will illuminate steadily. The
ES1AWB will connect to the SSID Connect. If it cannot
find an SSID it will connect to the first unsecured network
it finds.
The ES1AWB will automatically try to obtain an IP
address though DHCP, or generate one itself.
GGeett tthhee IIPP AAddddrreesss
Use the Discovery software on your CD (finder.exe)
to get the IP address for your ES1AWB
If necessary, change the IP address using the
Discovery software.
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Documentation Number ES1AWB-2907qs pn6910-rev002
In a web browser on your PC, type in the
IP address and access the Web
Configuration and Management Interface
Login using the username ‘root’ and
password ‘dbps’
CCoonnffiigguurree tthhee EESS11AAWWBB
In the Configuration, Network page configure
your Wireless LAN, Security and other settings
to work on the type of wireless network you
will be connecting to.
In the Configuration, Serial Ports page select
the Port Profile you require for use with your
application (e.g. RealPort for virtual COM port,
TCP Server, UDP server, Serial Bridge, etc.)
Configure the serial port settings for the
selected Port Profile (e.g. In TCP Sockets
select client or server, TCP port numbers, etc.)
Also configure baud rate, data bits, etc in
Basic Serial Settings.
Configure any required alarms and notification
If RealPort profile was selected (virtual COM
ort) do the next step (Set up VCOM
For Win 2K/XP/Vista, start the RealPort software wizard
(located on the included CD via setup.exe)
Select your ES1AWB from the list
Select an unused COM port number
Follow the wizard to set up a virtual COM port
For Win 98, ME, NT 4.0 follow the readme.txt
included with each O/S (no setup.exe available)
Configure and then start your application.
www.bb-europe.com orders@bb-europe.com support@bb-europe.com