1.0 Installation and Handover
1.1 Information
When your SolarfloTMdomestic water heating system was
installed the installer should have fully commissioned the
system and left it in working order. Following this they should
have explained the system, its function and control including:
Heating by solar
Explained how the cylinder is heated when there is sufficient
solar energy.
Heating by auxiliary heating source
Explained how the cylinder is heated if additional heat input is
required due to insufficient solar energy being available (little
or no sun) or additional quantities of hot water are required.
Operation of the Solar Controller
Explained the icons and their meanings displayed at the
System Malfunction
Explained what to do in the event of a system fault including
how to isolate the electrical supply or water supply.
System Maintenance
Explained the necessity for the system to receive regular
maintenance to ensure its continued safe and efficient
The Commissioning Record (see page 21 of the Solarflo
Commissioning, Maintenance and Servicing Guide Instructions)
should be completed and left with the user.
These instructions explain a number of the above points and
should be retained as a reminder of how to operate the
water heating system.
If you are in any doubt, please ask your installer for
clarification or contact the Baxi Technical Enquiry Line,
Telephone 0844 871 1568.
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© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2011