Baxi 2nd Fix Solar User Manual

© Baxi Heating UK 2012
Please read these instructions before installing or commissioning.
This Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System should only be
installed by a competent person.
2nd Fix Solar Manual
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
© Baxi Heating UK Ltd 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
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2 Index 3 Introduction to Solar 4 Hydraulic station specifications 5 Differential temperature controller specifications 6 Ancillary components
Expansion vessel Solar heat transfer fluid
7 Cylinder specifications
Unvented Cistern-fed vented
9 Safety information
11 Installation of hydraulic station
Parts list Identification of components Pipework installation - general Installing the hydraulic station - positioning Installing the wall brackets and hydraulic station Installing the safety group Connecting the solar expansion vessel Connecting pipework
17 Commissioning of system
Air test Flushing and filling the pipework
19 Installation of solar controller
Appliance installation Opening the controller Electrical connection overview 230/240V~ connections Solar gain measurement Connection of temperature sensors Control of auxiliary heat input
24 Commissioning of hydraulic station
Ensure the solar primary system is free from air Setting the system pressure
25 Commissioning of solar controller
Main menu Control button Menu “info” Menu “programming” Menu “Manual operation” Menu “Basic adjustment” Overview of display and operating elements Controller functions General controller functions Cylinder heating by solar primary system Systems with two storage cylinders Rotational speed regulation Thermostat (heating) Thermostat (cooling) Tube collector Sensor monitoring Flow monitoring System protection function Frost protection Energy productivity measurement Operating hours meter
37 Setting the system flow rate
Checking and adjusting the flow rate Installation of the thermal insulation Commissioning record
41 Maintenance
Check heat transfer fluid Maintenance of the collector Cylinder
42 Fault Finding
Failures with error message
45 Spares
Spare parts and accessories
46 Warranty
Standard warranty terms & conditions
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
1.0 Introduction to Solar
1.1 Description
1. Thank you for purchasing a high quality Solar Thermal Domestic Hot Water System.
2. The sun is the ultimate source of most of our renewable energy supplies. Energy from the sun is clean and abundant.
3. There is a widely held opinion that the UK does not have enough sun to make solar systems worthwhile. In fact par ts of the UK have annual solar radiation levels equal to 60% of those experienced at the equator.
4. However, this energy is not received uniformly throughout the year. Some 70% of UK annual radiation is received over the period April to September and 25% is received in the months of June and July.
5. Solar water heating technology captures energy from the sun and transfers this to a water heater to raise the water temperature therefore reducing the reliance on fossil fuel energies such as gas, oil and electricity. Up to 60% of a dwelling’s annual hot water requirement can be provided by a solar water heating system. The balance is provided by traditional means via a second heat exchanger connected to a fossil fuel boiler or electrical heating by electric boiler or immersion heater.
6. The water heating system provides all the principal components required for an efficient solar water heating system. The sun’s energy is captured by a series of solar collector panels through which a special heat transfer fluid is pumped. As the fluid passes through the collector panels its temperature is raised. The heated fluid is circulated through a heat exchanger coil in the base of the solar storage cylinder transferring the heat gained to the stored water, gradually raising its temperature. The cooled fluid then returns to the collector panel to be heated again. Heating by the solar coil is controlled by a solar differential temperature controller that ensures the system will only operate when there is useful solar heating gain at the collector panel. As the sun’s energy input to the collector panels is variable supplementary heating by a conventional boiler or electric immersion heater should be provided. The optional cylinders that can be supplied with the package provide a supplementary heat exchanger coil and immersion heater as standard.
Cold Supply for Domestic Hot Water Domestic Hot Water Outlet Auxiliary Discharge Arrangement Solar Collector 1 Solar Collector 2 (For East / West Array Installation) Collector Sensor 1 (PT 1000) Collector Sensor 2 (PT 1000) Solar Pumping Station with Controller Solar Pumping Station Cascade Module Solar Expansion Vessel Auxiliary Heat Source (Central Heating Boiler) Flow Meter on a ‘COMMON’ Return (Accessory code 84515064)
Solar Fluid Discharge Vessel (Accessory code 720294601) Thermostatic Blending Valve (Accessory code 720223301)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
2.0 Hydraulic station specifications
2.1 Technical data
Dimensions (Height/Width/Depth) System Module Pump Station 375/250/190mm Cascade Module Pump Station 375/190/190mm
Flow and return connections (compression fittings) 22mm
Maximum working temperature: 160°C Maximum working pressure: 6 bar Pressure Relief Valve setting: 6 bar Circulating Pump: Baxi Circulating Pump voltage: 230/240 V ~ Power consumption Setting 1: 45W / 45W
Setting 2: 68W / 65W
Setting 3: 90W / 85W Maximum Pump Head: 6 metres Maximum Pump Capacity: 4.5 m3/h / 3.5 m3/h Flow meter scale: 2 to 15 l/min
Fig. 3 System Module
Fig. 4 Cascade Module
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
3.0 Differential temperature controller
3.1 Technical data
Material 100% recyclable ABS
Dimensions L x W x D in mm 175 x 134 x 56 weight ca. 360 g
Ingress protection IP40 according to VDE 0470
Electrical values
Operating voltage 230/240V ~ 50 Hz
Interference grade N according to VDE 0875
Max. conductor cross-section 240V-connections 2.5 mm2 fine-strand/single-wire
Temperature sensor / temperature range PTF6 - 25°C to 200°C
PT1000, 1,000 kΩ at 0°C
Test voltage 4 kV 1 min according to
VDE 0631
Switching voltage 230V / 240V
Capability per one switch output 1A / ca. 230VA for cos j = 0,7-1,0
Total capability of all outputs 2A / ca. 460VA maximum
Fuse protection fine-wire fuse 5 x 20mm, 2A/T
(2 amperes, slow)
Self explanatory, menu driven operation
Adjustable control values
System monitoring
Energy yield, (solar gain) measurement
Suitable for flat plate and evacuated tube type collectors
Reheat thermostat function
Can be used in a number of system configurations
Fig. 5
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
4.0 Ancillary components
4.1 Expansion vessel
1. Membrane expansion tanks for solar primary heating circuit. Manufactured according to the Directive PED 97/23/CE (approved noZ-DDK-MUC-02-396876-04).
2. Butyl membrane suitable for solar primary heating fluid, DIN 4807-3 approval.
Maximum working temperature +110°C. Maximum percentage of glycol 50%. Connection: 3/4” BSP male parallel
3. Expansion vessel supplied with wall mounting bracket and self sealing vessel connection that will allow removal of the vessel for maintenance without losing solar heat transfer fluid.
4.2 Solar heat transfer fluid
1. The system uses a sealed system indirect solar primary circuit which must be filled with the solar heat transfer fluid provided. This is a Pre-mixed (40% glycol / 60% water) Solar thermal transfer fluid, based on1,2 - propylene glycol with corrosion inhibitors. It is Non-toxic, odourless, bio-degradable.
2. DO NOT mix the fluid with other types.
3. The use of chemical resistant gloves and suitable eye protection is required when handling.
4. A full safety data sheet is available on request.
5. The system should be filled when there is no direct radiation from the sun. If direct radiation occurs the collector panels should be shaded by covering them during filling and flushing.
6. Although the solar heat transfer fluid is non corrosive and bio­degradable appropriate precautions should be taken when handling.
7. Wash with soap and water if the fluid comes into contact with skin.
8. If fluid gets into eyes, immediately rinse with large quantities of clear running water.
9. The solar heat transfer fluid must be pumped into the system. The pump can be electric or manual but must be capable of producing a pressure of at least 2 bar. The system should be thoroughly flushed to remove any contaminants in the solar primary circuit prior to filling with the heat transfer fluid
10. The fluid is supplied in 20litre container. Weight of container full - 21kg.
11. Systems found to have low glycol concentrations will not be covered by the warranty.
Expansion vessel
Fig. 6
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
5.0 Cylinder specifications
5.1 Unvented
Nominal capacities 210, 250 and 300 litre. Rating Immersion heater(s) 1 x 3 kW (indirect models),
2 x 3kW (direct models) @ 240V~.
Outer casing White plastic coated corrosion proofed steel. Thermal insulation CFC/HCFC-free (ODP zero) flame-
retardant expanded polyurethane (60mm thick). GWP 3.1 (Global Warming Potential).
Cylinder Duplex stainless steel. Pressure testing To 15 bar. Heat unit Titanium
element/s, incorporated into an easily removable heater plate, should replacement be necessary. Rated 3.0kW @ 240V~. Primary coil (for Auxiliary boiler heating) 22mm diameter stainless steel. Coil in coil design for improved performance Solar coil 25mm diameter stainless steel. Coil in coil design and large surface area for improved performance.
Thermostat Direct models: Element thermostat adjustable from 10°C to
70°C. Indirect models: Factory-fitted cylinder thermostat adjustable to 70°C. Solar: Factor y fitted control pocket suitable for insertion of solar controller temperature probe.
Factory fitted safety features: Direct models: Manually re-settable cut-out on heating
element operates at 85°C. Indirect models: High limit thermal cut-out operates at 85°C. Wired in series with two-port motorised valve (supplied) to provide primary over temperature protection when using auxiliary (boiler) coil. All models: Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve, factory set to operate at 10 bar and 90°C. High limit thermal cut-out operating at 85°C at solar coil position. Wired in series with the solar differential temperature controller to provide over temperature protection if overheating occurs from solar collector panels. N.B. This must be used in an unvented installation to comply with the requirements of Building Regulation G3. Anode Not required.
For full technical and performance specification see cylinder installation instructions.
The cylinders are unvented so installation must comply with Building Regulation G3 and / or other local regulatory requirements.
Unvented system - schematic diagram
Fig. 7
Note: Indirect twin coil unit shown.
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
Vented system - schematic diagram
Fig. 8
Note: Direct unit shown. Auxiliary heating by immersion heater.
5.0 Cylinder specifications
5.2 Cistern-fed vented
Nominal capacities 210, 250 and 300 litre. Rating Immersion heater(s) 1 x 3 kW (indirect models),
2 x 3kW (direct models) @ 240V~.
Outer casing White plastic coated corrosion proofed steel. Thermal insulation CFC/HCFC-free (ODP zero) flame-
retardant expanded polyurethane (60mm thick). GWP 3.1 (Global Warming Potential). Water container Duplex 2304 stainless steel. 40 metres (4 bar) maximum working head. Heat unit Titanium element/s, incorporated into an easily removable heater plate, should replacement be necessary. Rated 3.0kW @ 240V~. Primary coil (for auxiliary boiler heating) 22mm diameter stainless steel. Coil in coil design for improved performance. Solar coil 25mm diameter stainless steel. Coil in coil design and large surface area for improved performance.
Thermostat Direct models: Element thermostat adjustable from 10°C to
70°C. Indirect models: Factory-fitted cylinder thermostat from 10°C to 70°C. Solar: Factor y fitted control pocket suitable for insertion of solar controller temperature probe. Safety features Thermostats with manually resettable thermal cut-out. High limit thermal cut-out operating at 85°C at solar coil position. Wired in series with the solar differential temperature controller to provide over temperature protection if overheating occurs from solar collector panels. Anode Not required.
For full technical and performance specification see cylinder installation instructions.
Detailed installation and commissioning instructions are supplied with the cylinders.
NOTE:The system is also compatible with cylinders configured for solar DHW systems. For installation and specification details refer to the manufacturers instructions supplied with the solar cylinder.
Any system installed using an unvented cylinder must comply with Building Regulations G3 and/or other Local Regulations.
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
6.0 Safety Information
6.1 Safety
1. In order to reduce the number of deaths and major accidents attributable to work at height, the Health and Safety Executive has introduced comprehensive regulations and guidance that should be followed by all businesses working at height.
2. We consider in the following paragraphs some of the main features of the regulations and guidance. This is, however, only a limited summary and it is recommended that all businesses planning on undertaking solar water heating installations obtain a copy of the regulations and guidance issued by the Health and Safety Executive and carefully consider the contents.
3. The regulations and guidance state that you are required to carry out a risk assessment for all work conducted at height and to put in place arrangements for :
• Eliminating or minimising risks from work at height.
• Safe systems of work for organising and performing work at height.
• Safe systems for selecting suitable work equipment.
• Safe systems for protecting people from the consequences of work at height.
4. The regulations and guidance highlight a hierarchy for safe
work at height:
Avoid the risk by not working at height if practicable.
Prevent falls, where it is not reasonably practicable to avoid work at height; you are required to take suitable and sufficient steps to prevent the risk of a fall including selecting the most suitable work equipment (in accordance with the regulations).
Mitigate the consequences of a fall; where the risk of a person or object falling still remains, take suitable and sufficient measures to minimise the distance and consequences of any fall.
5. Collective protection measures, such as guard rails on scaffold, should be given priority over personal protection measures, such as safety harnesses.
6. Within the regulations’ framework, you are required to: a) Assess the risk to help you decide how to work safely. b) Follow the hierarchy for safe work at height (i.e. avoid, prevent and mitigate). c) Plan and organise your work properly, taking account of weather conditions and the possibility of emergencies. d) Make sure those working at height are competent. e) Make use of appropriate work equipment. f) Manage the risks from working on or around fragile surfaces and from falling objects. g) Inspect and maintain the work equipment to be used and inspect the place where the work will be carried out (including access and egress).
7. When preparing to install a solar water heating system, it is required that you perform a risk assessment in relation to work at height and plan how you will organise your work, taking into account the site, the weather conditionsand the experience and competence of colleagues or contractors who may be working at height with you.
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
6.0 Safety Information
6.1 Safety (cont)
Risk Assessments
8. The HSE has published a number of very useful free publications that advise how to undertake risk assessments.
9. Two of these that you should obtain are: Five Steps to Risk Assessment. A Guide to Risk Assessment Requirements.
10. The five steps outlined in the HSE leaflet are:
Step 1: Look for the hazards, this will mean looking at the site and identifying significant hazards. These could be features such as a steep roof, a fragile surface where the collectors may be mounted, uneven ground or obstructions where access to the roof might be required.
Step 2: Decide who may be harmed and how, this might mean considering the particular risks that young workers or trainees might face and thinking about the residents of the household or visitors who could be hurt by your activities.
Step 3: Evaluate the risks and decide which precautions should be made, you should consider how likely it is that each hazard will cause harm, decide which precautions you might take and then assess, after you have taken those precautions, whether the remaining risk will be high, medium or low. Where you identify remaining risks, you should consider which fur ther action you could take to control the risks so that harm is unlikely.
Step 4: Record your findings, if you have fewer than five employees you do not need to write anything down, though it is useful to keep a written record of what you have done. If you employ five or more people you must record the significant findings of your assessment. You must also tell your employees about your findings. You need to be able to show that a proper check was made, that you considered who might be affected, that you dealt with all the obvious significant hazards, that the precautions you propose are reasonable and that the remaining risk is low.
Step 5: Review your assessment if necessar y, each solar water heating installation may bring its own challenges and present its own particular hazards. You should therefore be careful not to rely on a “standard” risk assessment for installing a solar water heating system in a house, but review the particular hazards for each new situation. The issue of work equipment must be considered, but at the preparation stage you should consider where scaffold or other access equipment might be positioned and look out for any obvious obstacles to this, such as a conservator y or porch. In addition to the risks associated with work at height, you should also consider the risks associated with lifting and carrying solar collectors, using electric drills and using blow lamps or blow torches for soldering. This is not an exclusive list and so you should consider all aspects of the proposed installation to assess whether there are additional risks that need to be taken into account.
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
7.0 Installation of hydraulic station
7.1 Parts list
Before commencing the installation check all listed components are contained in the following cartons.
Hydraulic Station carton:
1. Hydraulic pump station with insulation incorporating wall mounting bracket.
2. Solar differential temperature controller.
3. Safety group, comprising­Pressure relief valve, pressure gauge and fill & drain valve.
4. 22mm compression fitting nut and olive(4 off).
5. Sensor extension cable (13m) (not shown).
Ancillary component carton:
6. Solar expansion vessel complete with mounting bracket and strap assembly.
7. Expansion vessel connecting hose.
8. Expansion vessel self sealing connection.
Fig. 9 (Diagrams not to scale)
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
7.0 Installation of hydraulic station
7.2 Identification of components
1. The main components of the hydraulic station are:
Two isolating valves (Fig. 10, Item 1 & 2) with integral
thermometers which display the solar primar y flow and return temperatures.
A safety group (Fig. 10, Item 3, supplied unconnected),
which protects the solar primary circuit. The pressure relief valve and pressure gauge are integrated in the safety group.
A non-return valve in both feed and return prevents
the possibility of gravity circulation in the solar primary circuit.
A solar circulation pump (Fig. 10, Item 4).
A flow meter with fill & drain valve and shut-off valve
(Fig. 10, Item 5).
– An air separator.
2. The heat transfer fluid is circulated by the solar circulation pump integrated in the hydraulic pump station (Fig. 10).
3. The hydraulic station has a solar differential temperature controller (Fig. 10 Item 6) integrated into the front insulation moulding. This is pre-wired to the solar pump.
Fig. 10
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
7.0 Installation of hydraulic station
See Fig. 11
1 Cold Supply for Domestic Hot Water 2 Domestic Hot Water Outlet 3 Auxiliary Discharge Arrangement 4 Solar Collector 1 5 Solar Collector 2 (For East / West Array Installation) 6 Collector Sensor 1 (PT 1000) 7 Collector Sensor 2 (PT 1000) 8 Solar Pumping Station with Controller 9 Solar Pumping Station Cascade Module 10 Solar Expansion Vessel 11 Auxiliary Heat Source (Central Heating Boiler) 12 Flow Meter on a ‘COMMON’ Return
(Accessory code 84515064)
13 Solar Fluid Discharge Vessel
(Accessory code 720294601)
14 Thermostatic Blending Valve
(Accessory code 720223301)
7.4 Pipework installation - general
1. In Solar Heating Systems, the collectors, the hydraulic station
and solar cylinder (Fig. 11, Item 1) must be connected with brazed or silver soldered copper pipes, compression fittings or the multifit accessory flexible steel tube and insulation. (See
brochure for details) N.B. Plastic pipes MUST NOT be used.
2. Connections supplied are suitable for pipe diameters of
22mm. However for short pipe runs (up to 10m flow and return) the use of 15mm diameter pipe is acceptable.
3. All connections and joints must be resistant to temperatures
of up to 150°C and resistant to glycol.
4. If any pipe sealants are used these should be resistant to
glycol and be able to withstand temperatures of up to 150°C.
5. The difference in height between the highest point in the
pipework (collector) and the level of the hydraulic pump station determines the static head for the system. The static head is 0.1 bar times this height in metres. This static head is used when setting the expansion vessel precharge pressure and the system pressure.
6. If the static head is greater than 1.5 bar (15m) then a larger
expansion vessel may be required for larger collector arrays.
7. If the pipe runs between the solar collector and pump
station are short (<6m) then a protection vessel (Accessar y No. 5131963) should be installed between the pump station and expansion vessel.
8. Earthing pipework
All solar primary pipework between the solar collectors, hydraulic station and solar cylinder should be earth bonded in accordance with current IEE wiring regulations.;
Fig. 11
Static Height (m)
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
7.0 Installation of hydraulic station
7.4 Pipework installation - general (cont)
9. Venting the pipework The hydraulic station the component includes an air collector/separator and bleed point so an automatic air vent is not necessary. Any section of solar pipework that falls and rises again should be fitted with an additional air vent valve to relieve any trapped air which may cause air locking in the system. The automatic air vent and isolating valve used must be compatible with solar primary systems, i.e. be resistant to glycol and temperatures up to 180ºC.
10. Insulating the pipework External pipework should be insulated with high temperature resistant materials and be protected against UV degradation. The insulation must be peck-proof and rodent-proof. Internal pipework, especially through unheated spaces such as a loft space, should also be insulated with high temperature resistant materials. Mark the outside of any insulation to identify the flow and return pipes. The collectors are supplied with 2x2m pre insulated flexible stainless steel tubes. Additional lengths (30m) of stainless steel flexible tubes and high temperature insulation can be supplied.
Fig. 12
See Section 7.3 for Key
© Baxi Heating UK 2012
7.0 Installation of hydraulic station
7.5 Installing the hydraulic station - positioning
1. It is usual to install the hydraulic station and solar differential
temperature controller near to the solar cylinder. However this does not have to be the case, the hydraulic station can be installed anywhere convenient on the solar primary pipework although adequate access will be necessary for commissioning and maintenance (See also comments regarding system static
head given in Section 7.4).
2. The solar differential controller should also be accessible for
system operational monitoring. If not in close proximity to the solar cylinder it will be necessary to extend the solar cylinder temperature sensor cable, refer to section 9.6 for details of how to do this.
3.It is recommended that the upper mounting bracket
of the hydraulic station is positioned approx. 1600 to 1700mm above the floor level for ease of access and operation of the controls, see Fig. 13.
4. When choosing the site for the hydraulic station provision of a
discharge pipe from the safety group and the location of the solar expansion vessel must be considered.
7.6 Installing the wall brackets and hydraulic station
1. Remove the front insulation moulding (Fig 14. Item 1) by
pulling forward whilst holding the solar differential controller moulding (Fig 14. Item 2) in place, carefully remove the solar differential controller mounting by pulling forward and disconnect the pump cable connector (Fig 14. Item 3).
2. Place the hydraulic assembly on the wall at the desired
location and mark the fixing positions through the holes in the mounting brackets.
3. Remove the hydraulic assembly from the mounting brackets
(Fig 14. Item 4) and remove rear insulation moulding (Fig 14. Item 5).
4. Drill and plug the mounting positions and screw the mounting
brackets into position.
5. Push the rear insulation moulding over the wall brackets and
refit the hydraulic assembly (Fig 14. Item 6) to the mounting clips on the wall brackets.
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
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