LSP 05X Potentiometric Level Transmitter
Safety instructions
This instrument is built and tested ac cord ing to the current EU-directives and packed in technically safe con di tion. In order to main tain this
condition and to ensure safe op er a tion, the user must follow the hints
and warnings given in this instruction.
During the installation the valid national rules have to be observed.
Ignoring the warnings may lead to severe per son al injury or substantial
damage to property.
The product must be op er at ed by trained staff. Correct and safe
operation of this equipment is de pend ent on proper transport, storage,
installation and op er a tion.
All electrical wiring must conform to local stand ards. In order to prevent
stray elec tri cal radiation, we rec om mend twisted and shielded input
cables, as also to keep power sup ply cables separated from the input
cables. The con nec tion must be made ac cord ing to the connecting
di a grams.
Before switching on the power supply take care that other equip ment
is not af fect ed. Ensure that the supply voltage and the conditions in the
environment comply with the spec i fi ca tion of the de vice.
Before switching off the supply voltage check the possible effects on
other equipment and the processing system.
The level measuring device LSP05X utilises the potentiometric meas-
urement principle and can be used in all medias that have a minimum
conductivity of 50 µS/cm.
From the low resistive measuring rod a high frequent current is fed
through the media to the tank wall. The voltage between the tip of the
rod and the tank wall is measured. This output voltage is proportional
to the tank fi lling level.
The measurement is unaffected by temperature and adhesive media.
The instrument is ideal for measurements in small wessels with tough,
pasty or strong adhesive media, such as ketchup, honey, and tooth-
paste. The integrated electronics provide a 4...20 mA output.
This product contains no replaceable parts.
In case of malfunction the product must be shipped to Baumer for
The LSP has automatic recognition of top/buttom mounting position.
Even angled installation is possible. In a non-conductive tank such as
a plastic tank a reference rod must be installed.
Please observe that a non-linear conductivity in the media will affect
the accuracy of the measurement.
A version with separate rod sensor and electronics is available for
applications where the ambient temperature at the measuring point
exceeds 60°C. Due to the high temperature limit the LSP050 is well
suitable for CIP and SIP processes.
The hygienic installation is guaranteed by using one of the hygienic
weld-in sleeves. (Please refer to the separate data sheet).
Page 1 Design and specifi cations subject to change without notice
Mechanical Installation
Welding part
Please refer to “Accessories” data sheet. The welding part has an
engraved mark or hole. When the product has been mounted and
correctly tightened the gland or M12 plug will align with this mark.
Make sure that the gland/plug is pointing downwards to prevent fl uids
from penetrating into the instrument.
Use only the authorised special designed accessories.
The product warranty is void when installed with other adapters.
The sensor can not be shortened.
Please be aware of the active measuring zone on the rod
(see drawing)
Do not use tefl on, paper or other gaskets.
The process connection must have electrical contact with the tank.
if not, a separate grounding cable must be installed.
If the tank is non-conductive an additional ground electrode must be
installed. This should have electrical connection to the LSP process
Make sure that the rod can not touch the tank wall even with the highest movement of the media.
When installed <100 mm from the tank wall the rod must be parallel
with the tank wall. For larger distances non-parallelity can be allowed.
After carefully insertion of the sensor into the welding part tighten the
union with a torque of 20...30 Nm.
After Installation and Confi guration
Check the leak tightness of the sleeve.
Check the tightness of glands or M12 plugs.
Check the tightness of the cover.
Check that the rod is not touching the tank wall.
Dimensional Drawings
M12 plug
LSP050/LSP051 - integrated electronics LSP055/LSP056 - separate electronics
Active zone
5 mm
ø55 housing
Interconnection cable.
Specify length.
ø89 housing
Page 2 Design and specifi cations subject to change without notice