Baumer ETTNM User Manual

Modbus Communication - Overview
The TEDM pressostat and the ETTNM thermostat have a serial RS485 port and use the Modbus RTU communication protocol.
The Modbus protocol is a dialog protocol based on a hierarchical structure consisting of a master and several slave devices. It supports reading the pressure level (TEDM) or the temperature (ETTNM), as well as the status of each coil (open or closed). Communication from master to 1 slave: the master sends a query and waits for a response. Communication from master to all slave devices: the master sends a message to all slaves currently on the network, they execute the command in the message without sending a reply. Two slave devices cannot talk to each other.
The devices on the bus are identified by addresses assigned by the user. The address of each subscriber is not related to its physical location.
Modbus communication - Principles
Slave device A Slave device B Slave device C
E.g.: slave device = TEDM / ETTNM ...
These addresses range from 1 to 247 and do not have to be assigned sequentially. There cannot be two slave devices with the same address.
Factory default address TEDM / ETTNM: 246.
Communication from master to a single slave
The master queries the slave over the network and waits for a response from that slave.
Slave device A Slave device B Slave device C
Frame for query/response
The query
It contains a function code telling the slave being queried what type of action is required. The data contains any additional information the slave may need to execute the func­tion. The checksum allows the slave to check the integrity of the query content.
The response
If an error occurs, the function code is changed to indicate that the reply is an excep­tion response (MSB*=0: no error; MSB=1: error). The data then includes a code (exception code) indicating the type of error. Exception code: 01 Illegal function (function code error) 02 Error in the register address or coil address 08 Transmission error (after checking the CRC or the synchronization)
*MSB : Most Significant Bit
Communication from master to all slaves
Communication from the master to all slave devices: the master sends a message to all slaves currently on the network, they execute the command in the message without sending a reply.
Slave device A Slave device B Slave device C
Device # of slave
1 byte 1 byte n bytes 2 bytes
Function code
+ error bit
Specific information about the command
Device # of slave
1 byte 1 byte n bytes 2 bytes
Function code
+ error bit
Transmitted data Checksum
Response in case of an error:
Device # of slave
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes
Function code
+ error bit
Exception code Checksum
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General format of a frame
Two types of encoding may be used to communicate over a Modbus network:
ASCII - each byte making up the frame consists of 2 ASCII characters
RTU (Remote terminal unit) - each byte making up the frame consists of 2 hexa-
decimal characters (2 x 4 bits).
ASCII mode allows having gaps of more than one second between the different char­acters without causing errors, while the RTU mode allows more data to be passed at the same transmission speed.
The TEDM and ETTNM use RTU coding to communicate over the Modbus net­work.
ASCII frame:
START Address Function Data LRC END
1 chara 2 charas 2 charas n charas 2 charas 2 charas
RTU frame:
START Address Function Data CRC 16 END
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte n bytes 2 bytes Silence
RTU Type
The maximum data size is 256 bytes. All the information contained in the message is written as hexadecimal.
The master instructs a slave. The function code tells the slave what type of action to carry out. For example: read the register, function code 03 hex.
The data field is coded for n words in hexadecimal from 00 to FF, or for n bytes.
Depending on the function code, the data field may hold different additional informa­tion allowing the slave to interpret the message.
If RTU coding is used, the checksum CRC (Cyclical Redundancy Check) allows the integrity of the received data to be checked. The CRC contains a value which is encoded as 16 bits..
The slave sends its response; it places its own address in the address field so that the master can identify it.
For a normal response, the slave uses the same function code as the one in the message sent by the master.
The checksum field contains a value which is encoded as 16 bits. This value is the result of a CRC calculation using the message.
Data carrier
Each byte making up a message is transmitted as follows in RTU mode:
No parity check START Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 STOP STOP
With parity check START Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Parity STOP
In the TEDM and ETTNM configuration menu it is possible to opt for parity checking or not.
Before and after each message (frame), there must be a silence lasting a minimum of 3.5 times the time needed to transmit a byte.
The whole message must be sent continuously. The maximum time between 2 bytes must be less than 1.5 times the time required to transmit a byte.
Otherwise there is a transmission error.
The MODBUS protocol only defines the message structures and their exchange mechanism.
If a parity check is used, you need to confirm the reference status: ‘even’ or ‘odd’.
Message from the
Minimum delay of 3.5 times the
time needed to transmit a byte
You can use any transmission interface, RS 232, RS 422 or RS 485, but the RS485 connector is the most widely used because it supports multipoints.
TEDM-ETTNM: Data transmission speed: 9600 baud. Interface: RS485.
Message from the
Minimum delay of 3.5 times the
time needed to transmit a byte
TEDM/ETTNM - Function codes
The TEDM and ETTNM use 4 function codes.
These function codes allow collection of:
- the value of the pressure reading (TEDM) or the temperature (ETTNM)
- the status of each coil (open or closed),
and writing of
- the status and setting of the coils
- the access code
- the address for the slave
Code Function Action
01 Read Coils Status Read the status of coils 1 and 2: open or closed
03 Read Holding Register Read the measured value. Pressure (TEDM) or
05 Write Single Coil
06 Write Single Register
Read the coil setting: Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC) Read the position of the decimal point (display)
Temperature (ETTNM) Read the access code Read the value of the high and low switching points for each coil Read the value of the timer for each coil
Write the coil’s configuration: NO or NC
Write the access code Write the value of the high and low switching points for each coil Write the value of the timer for each coil Write the slave’s address (TEDM or ETTNM)
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