The intent o f this document is to p rovide a list of sugg estions that can h elp to optimize the e nergy
perfo rmance and usage o f the appliance.
This ref rigerating app liance is not intende d to be used as a built- in appliance.
Doors an d lids of the refri geration applia nce should be remov ed before dispo sal in the landll, t o avoid
children o r animals getti ng trapped insid e.
Recommended setting:
• Refrigerator compartment: +4°C or MED
• Freezer compartment: -18°C or -20°C
Fast/Sup er Freeze funct ion is automatical ly disabled af ter maximum 72 hou rs, or can be manual ly
disable d by pressing Fast/ Super Freeze but ton.
Fast/Sup er Cool functio n is automaticall y disabled aft er maximum 24 hours , or can be manually d isabled
by pressin g Fast/Super Cool b utton again.
To optimise fr eezing speed an d get more storag e space, the freez er compartment c an be used withou t
the free zer drawers and th e food can be place d directly on the b ottom of the compa rtment.
The quant ity of fresh foo d that can be frozen in a s pecic time per iod is indicated o n the rating plate.
Load limi ts are determine d by baskets, aps , drawers, shelve s etc. Make sure that th ese components c an
still close easily after loading.
To avoid food was te, please refer t o the recommende d setting and sto rage times found i n the online
user manual.
Fill 2/3 of t he ice tray with water an d put it back in the fr eezer compart ment. Do not, und er any
circumst ances, use sharp o r pointed objec ts to remove the ice.
The mode l information ca n be retrieved usi ng the QR-Code i ndicated on the en ergy label.
The labe l also includes the m odel identie r that can be used to con sult the https://epre l.ec.europa .eu
database portal.
If the dec laration for the "ch iller/chill" drawer is on th e rating plate, the d eclaration app lies only to
standa rd EN 62552:2013, valid unt il February 28th, 2021.