The high end myth
1.400 mm expo–spherical horn length
8.500 cm2 horn mouth area per module
1.100 cm2 driver area per module
active ADRIC feedback control (patent pend.)
2 x 12 inch neodymium bass drivers
2 x 250 watt subwoofer amplifier with 120.000 µF
The Basshorn is much more than just the ultimate bass extension
to high end stereo systems. It provides the rock-solid foundation to
any kind of music. It extends dramatically the dynamic spectrum
and emotional impact of the Trio system. It does not only bring the
lowest frequencies spectacularly, powerful and ultra-dynamic to
life, but even transforms the sound quality of voices and
instruments into a new class of precision and and authenticity.
The Basshorn extends the energy content and transients of the Trio
to the lowest octaves. A full range horn solution which brings
music to a new level of excitement – a seductive fascination like
you have never heard before!

The high end myth
Why is the Basshorn a high end myth? Why is its nature of
response so explosive, precise, natural and pure? Why is any other
bass technology – even the most elaborate designs – so
dramatically outperformed? Just look at it and you know why!
This mythical quality is first of all emphasised by their sheer size
- which is determind by physics - and last but not least by their
potential of providing for ultimate punch and clarity in the bass
But accomodating a hornloaded bass so far demanded a huge
commitment: either by compulsory use of corners, by necessary
construction work in your listening room, or by lack of deep bass
(due to “reasonable” horn dimensions). Avantgarde Acoustic™
succeeded in designing and engineering a highly flexible modular
horn subwoofer which accomodates to various environmental and
acoustical conditions.
You can decide for yourself how to configurate and where to place
your Basshorn: in corners or free standing in front of a wall, as
double, fourfold or sixfold Basshorn. Every module is reasonable
dimensioned, thus no extensive logistics are required for transport
and setup.
The Avantgarde Acoustic™ Basshorn isn’t just another powered
subwoofer, its ADRIC (Adaptive Radiation Impedance Control)
amplifier technology (Patent pend.) allows for powerful and deep
bass despite its relatively small horn mouth area. This ensures a
convincing performance of even only 2 or 4 Basshorn modules,
because every single module performs down to 18 Hz; an
unparalleled performance at the given horn dimensions.
The built in crossover and ADRIC amplifier allow for a sensitive
adjustment to the available satellites and to the acoustical

The high end myth
The Basshorn is a fully active bass system with a response of 18 to
250 Hz. Each Basshorn is driven by two powerful 12 inch long excursion drivers with 600 watts RMS. With their 185 inches squared
of membrane area, the drivers are capable of displacing 31 inches
of cubic air which is thrust into throat of the horn.
The sound waves are then guided through the 55 inch long expo–
spherical horn and propagated into the room. The modular concept
allows the user to tailor the system to different acoustical
environments and allows for further upgrades by just adding
another set of Basshorns, up to a maximum of 6 modules. The horn
mouth area of each Basshorn module is 9 ft squared. In a 6 x
Basshorn configuration this translates to 54 ft squared!
But besides its overwhelming dimensions and impressive technical
specifications, the Avantgarde Acoustic™ designers have included
something really unique: the patented ADRIC-technology.
This “Active Dynamic Radiation Impedance Compensation” is a
special circuit which dynamically compensates for small horn
mouth dimensions and linearises the bass response below the
cut-off frequency of the horn. It enables the Basshorn - even when
operated only with 1 module - to achieve a bass response down to
18 hz with a horn mouth of just 9 ft squared. With its patented
ADRIC circuitry the horn specialists from Avantgarde Acoustic™
have managed to design the smallest full range horn subwoofer in
the world.