BASO BG1100M User Manual

Installation Instructions Issue Date June 26, 2014
The BG1100M is a microprocessor based ignition control. The microprocessor provides reliable software control of all timings and operates a diagnostic red Light-Emitting Diode (LED). It is designed for direct burner supervision and can be used with all gases. It provides ignition sequence, flame monitoring, and safety shutoff for direct spark ignition boilers, furnaces and other heating appliances. For a complete listing of specifications, refer to the Technical Specifications section.
IMPORTANT: Only qualified personnel should
install or service BASO Gas Products®. These instructions are a guide for such personnel. Carefully follow all instructions for the appliance.
IMPORTANT: Make all gas installations in accordance with applicable local, national, and regional regulations.
Instructions for installing the burner/igniter-sensor are typically provided by the appliance manufacturer. It is important to follow those instructions. If such information is not included, refer to the Mounting section.
CAUTION: Risk of Electric Shock. Disconnect power supply before making electrical connections to avoid electric shock.
WARNING: Risk of Explosion or Fire. Shut off the gas supply at the main manual shutoff valve before installing or servicing the control. Failure to shut off the gas supply can result in the release of gas during installation or servicing, which can lead to an explosion or fire, and may result in severe personal injury or death.
WARNING: Risk of Explosion or Fire. Do not install the control in an area that is exposed to water (for example, dripping, spraying, rain). Do not use the control if it has been exposed to water. Exposure to water may cause malfunction and can lead to an explosion or fire and may result in severe personal injury or death.
IMPORTANT: This control is approved for use with only noise suppression (resistive) spark wires. If the application has copper wire, it must be replaced.
© 2014 BASO Gas Products. 1 Part No. BASO-INS-BG1100M, Rev. E
IMPORTANT: Do not mount the control where it can be exposed to direct infrared radiation from the main burner or to temperatures in excess of the maximum product temperature rating.
Location Considerations
Choose a location that provides the shortest, direct cable route to the spark electrode, pilot burner/igniter­sensor assembly. Easy access to the terminals is desired for wiring and servicing. The control may be mounted in any position. Mount the control on a grounded metal surface with #6 sheet metal or machine screws through the mounting holes provided in the enclosure.
The pilot burner/igniter sensor must be securely mounted to the main burner to ensure that the pilot burner flame remains properly positioned with respect to the main burner flame. The pilot burner must be located such that the flame receives an ample supply of air, free from the products of combustion, the flame must not be exposed to draft conditions, the full force must not be exposed to draft conditions, the full force of main burner ignition, or falling scale, which could otherwise impede ignition of main burner flame.
Securely mount the pilot burner/igniter-sensor to the main burner with metal screws at a distance approximately 3/8 in. (9.52 mm) above and 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) away from the center of the nearest main burner port. Ensure that the main burner flames do not impinge on any part of the pilot burner.
The spark electrode, flame sensor, and BG1100M must share a common ground with the burner to operate correctly. Thermoplastic insulated wire with a minimum rate of 221˚F (105˚C) is recommended for the ground wire. Ensure that the flame sensor wire and the high voltage spark transformer wire are separated from one another by a minimum distance of 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) and are not wrapped around any pipe, other wiring, or accessory.
WARNING: Risk of Explosion or Fire. Locate all safety, limit, and operating controls in series with the thermostat terminal (TH) on the ignition control. Improper installation may cause gas leaks, which can lead to an explosion or fire and may result in severe personal injury or death.
Refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2 for wiring diagrams. All wiring should be in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and all other local codes and regulations.
Check the voltage rating marked on the control and make sure it is suited to the application. Use a Class 2 transformer capable of providing 24 VAC under maximum load, including valves. A transformer having excessive primary impedance due to poor coupling affects the ignition potential.
The high-voltage spark transformer cable is noise suppression (resistive) type, rated for at least 15kVA and must not be in continuous contact with a metal surface. Use standoff insulators. Ensure that the flame sensor wire and high voltage spark transformer cable are separated from one another by a minimum of 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) and are not wrapped around any pipe, other wiring, or accessories.
WARNING: Risk of Electric Shock. Before applying power to the control, connect the high voltage cable to the spark transformer terminal and spark electrode (pilot burner assembly). Verify the ground wire is attached to the pilot burner and the control ground terminal strip. Failure to follow this procedure can cause electric shock and may result in severe personal injury or death.
2 BG1100M Direct Spark Ignition Control Installation Instructions
3456 8 10
Gas Valve
Power Supply. Provides disconnect means and overload protection as required. Maximum cable length 48 inches (1,220 mm). (Resistive wire recommended.)
Alternate location for limit controller.
Controls in 24V circuit must not be in ground leg to transformer.
Sensor rod must be 3/8” (9.53 mm) to 1/2” (12.7 mm) of the sensor tip should
24VAC Class 2 Transformer
Chassis or Frame
High Tem p Limit
1 L1 (Hot) L2 (Neu)
be in the flame for proper sensing signal.
Figure 1: Wiring for 1 Rod Flame Sense
Gas Valve
Power Supply. Provides disconnect means and overload protection as required. Maximum cable length 48 inches (1,220 mm). (Resistive wire recommended.)
Alternate location for limit controller.
Controls in 24V circuit must not be in ground le g to transform er.
Maximum cabl e le ngth 48 inches (1, 220 mm).
Sensor rod m ust be 3/8” (9.53 m m ) t o 1/ 2” (12.7 mm) o f the sensor tip should
be in the flam e for proper sensin g si gnal.
24VAC Class 2 Transformer
Chassis or Frame
L1 (Hot)
L2 (Neu)
Figure 2: Wiring for 2 Rod Flame Sense
BG1100M Direct Spark Ignition Control Installation Instructions 3
Setup and Adjustments
WARNING: Risk of Explosion or Fire. Verify that there are no gas leaks by testing with appropriate equipment. Never use a match or lighter to test for the presence of gas. Failure to test properly can lead to an explosion or fire and may result in severe personal injury or death.
Make sure all components function properly by performing the following test.
1. Before starting the appliance, perform a safety inspection of piping, burners and venting. Check for water leaks, etc. Check all wiring for proper connections. Be sure the system is properly grounded, including ground connection to the pilot burner.
2. With the gas and thermostat off, turn on power to the appliance.
3. Turn the thermostat to a high setting and verify that the control goes through the operating sequence to a shutoff condition.
Note: The burner does not light because the gas is off.
4. Turn off the thermostat.
5. Turn on the gas and purge gas lines of all air.
6. Check for gas leaks on all pipe joints upstream of the gas valve with a soap solution.
7. Turn the thermostat to the highest setting and verify successful ignition and a normal run condition for at least 5 minutes. If the appliance fails to run, see the Troubleshooting section.
8. Check for gas leaks on all pipe joints downstream of the gas valve with a soap solution.
9. Turn the thermostat down for at least 30 seconds and then back up again. Verify successful ignition at least five times.
10. Return the thermostat to a normal temperature setting before leaving the installation.
IMPORTANT: Only qualified personnel should install or service BASO Gas Products®. If any faults are detected, see Troubleshooting Table 2. If control module has been opened or any attempts to repair are done, the warranty is void.
Table 1: Red LED Indications, Normal Operation
Flash Code Flash Code Indication Steady On Flame detected, main burner on
0.1 Second On
0.1 Second Off
0.5 Second On
0.5 Second Off
1.0 Second On
4.0 Second Off
Sequence of Operation
The heating cycle starts when a call for heat from the thermostat supplies 24VAC to the 24V/TH terminal. After a 1 second maximum diagnostic period, the control enters pre-purge mode, after pre-purge time, the spark starts and the gas valve opens, starting with the trial for ignition period. If no pre-purge, trial for ignition mode begins immediately (see Table 1 for red LED normal operation).
During the trial for ignition period, the control sparks while rapidly flashing red LED. It then turns off the spark and red LED while checking pilot flame sense. This cycle will repeat until pilot flame is detected or trial time is over.
When pilot flame is detected, the spark stops, the gas valve remains open and the red LED stays on continuously. The control will remain in this state until the pilot flame is lost or the call for heat ends. Model with no inter-purge, if the pilot flame is lost, the gas valve remains open and a new trial for ignition will start. Model with inter-purge, if flame is lost within 5 seconds of an established flame, the gas valve remains open; the control initiates sparking, and begins a trial for ignition period immediately. If flame is lost after 5 seconds of an established flame, the gas valve will close, and the control initiates the inter-purge time delay before beginning another trial for ignition period. Model with no retry and one trial, if pilot flame is not detected during the trial for ignition period, the gas valve will close. Lockout will occur and a red LED will flash indicating an error (see Table 2 for proper diagnostics of the error). Remove power to end lockout. Model with retry and three trials, if flame is not sensed by the end of the trial for ignition time period, the gas valve will close and the control module will initiate an inter-purge time delay, followed by another trial for ignition period (this occurs up to three trials). After the third trial, the control will initiate a 5 minute retry period. If flame is not sensed, the ignition sequence will repeat, until flame is sensed. If flame still is not sensed, remove power to reset the ignition.
Trial time spark on trying to light pilot burner
Pre-Purge or Inter-Purge Time
Retry or Recycle Time
4 BG1100M Direct Spark Ignition Control Installation Instructions
If the system does not function properly, determine the cause using the procedures in this section.
Before proceeding with troubleshooting the system, check the following.
Preliminary Checks
Are you using resistive wire between the module
spark (10) and the pilot connection?
Are all mechanical and electrical connections tight? Is the system wired and ground correctly? Is gas inlet pressure per manufacturer’s
Is the system powered? Is the thermostat calling for heat?
WARNING: Risk of Personal Injury. Do not place face, hands, or other parts of the body in or near the burner area when the red LED is flashing (retry mode). When the red LED is flashing, the control may at any time (while in the retry mode) re-energize the burner control system and ignite the burner which may result in electric shock from contact with the electrode or severe burn injury from firing of the burner.
Red LED Error Indications
If the control module’s internal diagnostics detect a fault it will go into lockout. Spark and both valves will be turned off. The red LED will flash an error code .25 seconds on and .25 seconds off for each count of the error code with 1 second off between codes. The control will remain in this condition until power is removed by turning off the call for heat. A flashing red LED error code indicates either a problem with wiring, or a component not working, or the control module is faulty. Try to cycle the control again. If the error repeats then see Table 2 for troubleshooting.
BG1100M Direct Spark Ignition Control Installation Instructions 5
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