Read this instruction manual before using and keep it available
at all times!
The signal word DANGER warns against hazards that lead to severe
injuries or death if the hazards are not avoided.
Diese Bedienungsanleitung beschreibt di e Installation, Bedienung und Wartung d es Geräts und gilt als wichtige Inform ationsquelle und Nachschlagewer k. Die Kenntnis aller enthaltenen Sicherheits hinweise und Handlungsanweisungen schafft die Voraussetzung für das sich ere und sachgerechte Arbeiten mit d em Gerät. Darüber hinaus müssen die für den Einsatzbereich des Geräts gelt enden örtlichen Unfallverhütungsvorsc hriften und allgemeinen Sicherheitsb estimmungen eingehalten werden. Dies e Bedienungsanleitung ist Bestandteil d es Produkts und muss in unmittelbarer N ähe des Geräts für das In¬stall ations-, Bedienungs-, Wartungs- und R einigungspersonal jederzeit zugängli ch auf¬bewahrt werden. Wenn das Gerät an eine dritte Person
weitergegeben wird, muss die Bedienungsa nleitung mit ausgehändigt werden.
This instruction manual contains information about installation, operation and
maintenance of the appliance and constitutes an important source of information
and reference guide. The knowledge of all operational and safety instructions
included in this manual is a prerequisite for safe and proper handling of the
appliance. Additionally, accident prevention, occupational health and safety, and
legal regulations in force in the area the appliance is used apply.
Before you start using the appliance, especially before turning it on, read this
instruction manual in order to avoid personal injuries and property damages.
Improper use may cause damage.
This instruction manual forms and integral part of the product and must be stored in
an immediate vicinity of the appliance and be available at all times. The instruction
manual should be transferred together with the appliance.
1 Safety
This appliance has been manufactured in accordance with technical standards
currently in force. However, the appliance may be a source of hazards if used
improperly or contrary to its intended purpose. All persons using the appliance must
consider information included in this instruction manual and observe safety
1.1 Explanation of signal words
Important safety instructions and warning information are indicated in this
instruction manual with appropriate signal words. You must strictly follow the
instructions, to prevent accidents, personal injuries and property damages.
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The signal word WARNING warns against hazards that may lead to
moderate or severe injuries or death if the hazards are not avoided.
The signal word CAUTION warns against hazards that may lead to
light or moderate injuries if the hazards are not avoided.
The signal word IMPORTANT indicates possible property damages,
which may occur if safety instructions are not observed.
The symbol NOTE indicates subsequent information and guidelines
for the user on usage of the appliance.
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1.2Safety instructions
Electrical current
• Too high a mains voltage or incorrect installation may cause electric shock.
• The appliance may be connected only if data on the rating plate correspond with
the mains voltage.
• To avoid short-circuit, the appliance should be kept dry.
• If there are malfunctions during operation, disconnect the appliance from the
power supply.
• Do not touch the appliance’s plug with wet hands.
• Never take hold of the appliance if it has fallen into water. Immediately
disconnect the appliance from the power supply.
• Any repairs or housing opening may be carried out by professionals and
relevant workshops only.
• Do not transport the appliance, holding it by the power cord.
• Do not allow the power cord to come into contact with heat sources or sharp
• Do not bend, pinch nor knot the power cord.
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• Always completely unwind the power cord.
• Never place the appliance or other objects on the power cord.
• Always take hold of the plug to disconnect the appliance from the power supply.
Operating Personnel
• The appliance may only be operated by a qualified personnel and trained
specialist personnel.
Improper Use
• Unintended or prohibited use may cause damage to the appliance.
• The appliance may only be used when its technical condition is flawless and
allows for safe operation.
• The appliance may only be used when all connections are executed according
to rules of law in force.
• The appliance may only be used when it is clean.
• Use only original spare parts. Never attempt to repair the appliance on your
• Do not introduce any changes in the appliance nor modify it.
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1.3Intended use
As described below, every use of the appliance for a purpose differing and/or
diverging from its intended standard use, is prohibited and considered to be an
unintended use.
The following is an intended use:
– Washing dishes, glasses, pots, pans, etc.
The appliance is intended for professional use only.
1.4Unintended Use
An unintended use may lead to personal injuries or property damages caused by
hazardous voltage, fire or high temperature. The appliance may only be used to
perform tasks described in this instruction manual.
The following is an unintended use:
– Washing other unsuitable objects.
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General information
2 General information
2.1Liability and warranty
All information and instructions in this instruction manual account for legal
regulations in force, current level of technical engineering knowledge as well as our
expertise and experience, developed over the years. If special models or additional
options are ordered, or state-of-the-art technical solutions were implemented, the
actual scope of delivery of the appliance may, in some circumstances, differ from
descriptions and numerous drawings in this instruction manual.
The manufacturer is not liable for any damages nor faults stemming from:
– failure to observe instructions,
– unintended use,
– technical alterations introduced by the user,
– usage of unapproved spare parts.
We reserve the right to introduce technical modifications to the product, intended for
improvement of the appliance and its performance.
2.2 Copyright protection
This instruction manual, and texts, drawings and images included in it, as well as its
other components are copyright protected. It is prohibited to reproduce this
instruction manual (including its excerpts), in any form and by any means, and to
use and/or transfer its content to third parties without manufacturer’s written
permission. Violation of the above results in obligation to pay compensation. We
reserve the right to claim further damages.
2.3 Declaration of conformity
The appliance meets the currently applicable standards and guidelines of the
European Union. We confirm the above in the EC Declaration of Conformity. We
may provide relevant Declaration of Conformity upon request.
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