Barracuda Spam Firewall User Manual

Barracuda Spam Firewall
User’s Guide
Managing your Quarantine Inbox
This chapter describes how you can c heck your quarantine messages, classify messages as spam and not spam, and modify your user preferences using the Barracuda Spam Firewall interface. This chapter contains the following topics:
Using the Quarantine Interface on page 3.
Changing your User Preferences on page 4.
Accessing Barracuda Spam Firewall
The B arracudaSpam F irewall can be accessed by:
Go to the District website http://www.spsd. n e t , click on staff apple,
Click on the link B arracuda Anti-Spam
Login t o Your Quarantine Account
Your account has been set to the following username and password:
Us ername:
Pa ssword:
Access your Spam Quarantine directly using the following link:
<novell login name>
<novell password>
Managing your Quarantine Inbox 2
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